Palin, Just Part of the Plan… by The Colonel

Part Of The Plan


By The Colonel


Sarah Palin, the Republican Alaska governor who captivated the nation with a combative brand of folksy politics, announced she will resign as governor on July 3rd, 2009. The announcement that she will step down by the end of July stunned the political establishment, fueling speculation about why she is leaving office with 18 months left in her first term and whether her future will include a run for the presidency. In my opinion, she resigned because her work is done and her mission is accomplished. In fact, I have a theory on all things McCain/Palin. Allow me to explain:

 For the past 200+ years, the true powers who control America have been a selected group of wealthy, influential individuals and corporations. You can call them the elite, you can call them the Freemasons, you can call them the Bilderbergs. As writer/journalist Jim Marrs has pointed out several times, it doesn’t matter what you call them, what matters is that they own everything in this country as well as around the globe, from old fields to manufacturing factories, science labs, news papers, TV stations and of course the U.S government.

The president of the United States is only a symbolic figure, a puppet, if you may. Without their approval and financial support he can never be elected, and once elected, if he doesn’t sit, lay down and roll over as they order him to, he will be eliminated like John F. Kennedy. In other words, the free world and the government of the people for the people is only an illusion, a deception, a scam.

In 2008, things couldn’t be any worse for the elite: the economy was on the verge of destruction, two ongoing, seemingly endless wars with overwhelming casualties have become the bottomless pits for the tax payers’ hard earned money, the United States was alienated and denounced by its allies, and people on the streets were getting angrier, more frustrated and hence more dangerous. So the best thing to do for the powers that be was to give people a shiny, likeable representative; somebody they can relate to and even be proud of. It’s important to consider that the demographic characteristics of race have significantly changed in the United States in the past 30 years: blacks, Latinos and other groups that once were considered minority are constantly expanding and becoming more powerful. As a result, the classic picture of the American president, a middle age, grey hair white male is no longer effective. So enters Barack Obama: bi-racial middle class hero, raised on the food stamps by a single mother and elevated to the heights of the stratosphere through education, hard work and dedication. A decent hero for our indecent times. The Obama story is so good as if it was written by some skilled Hollywood writers; and indeed it was. However, our skilled writers so conveniently ignore key elements in Obama’s life story and choose to elaborate on them as little as possible, for example the fact that young Obama used to be an employee of Henry Kissinger, one of the master minds of the elite who interestingly enough made a return to frontline politics after Obama’s election. In his new interviews and speeches, Kissinger constantly emphasizes that Obama can and must create a ‘new world order’, and I’m sure for those who are familiar with the history of secret societies and their agendas, that quote speaks in volumes.

So the $64,000 question is that how McCain/Palin team-up fits in this theory? The answer is as simple as it is disturbing: they had to play the Wicker Man.

The Wicker Man was a large wicker statue of a human used by the ancient Druids (priests of Celtic paganism) for human sacrifice by burning it in effigy. Burning the Wicker Man was as one of many ways the Druids of Gaul performed sacrifices for their gods. They used to build the effigies out of sticks and placed living men inside, then set them on fire. Though the Druids generally used thieves and criminals, as they pleased the gods more, they sometimes used innocent men when no delinquents could be found.  

Something similar to burning the Wicker Man took place during the U.S presidential election in 2008: the powers that be who operate above and beyond the boundaries of countries and nations and political parties, placed a bi-racial, charming, educated young man against an old, grumpy, erratic white man and his Ms. Wonder Woman sidekick who was infamous for banning books from libraries, shooting animals from a helicopter and wasting state resources on a bridge to nowhere. The former beauty pageant, serially pregnant hockey mom who once was quoted: I can see Russia from my house; and believed dinosaurs existed 4,000 years ago. It was obvious, beyond the shadow of a doubt that people will be so panicked,  so scared and so terrified  that they will rush to vote for the bi-racial, charming, educated young man to make sure the McCain/Palin nightmare won’t become a reality. Furthermore, when people’s faith was rewarded by selecting Obama as the president, they will stay calm and quiet, they will stay hopeful, and they keep on dreaming the American dream while their lives are slipping away and their country is going down the trash can of history. So are there any surprises that Sarah Palin decides to resign as Alaska governor and vanishes from the public eye? No, her work is done and her mission is accomplished. The old saying goes: ‘It’s all part of the plan.’ 


27 thoughts on “Palin, Just Part of the Plan… by The Colonel

  1. I certainly believe the GOP put McCain out there as a sacrificial lamb. They knew they couldn’t win the election so why waste a good candidate?

    Obama certainly has the White House for the next 8 years, incumbents almost always win anyway.

    American politics are a complete joke. Remember when Biden’s wife went on some stupid talk show and said her husband was offered either the VP or SecState job? Her husband schussed her but by then it was too late. She had just revealed how American ‘good ole boy’ politics work. They’re all a bunch of fuckin’ idiots leading u.s. cattle to slaughter.

  2. The Colonel says:

    It’s as amazing as it is sad to see how the American people are being deceived by the sames lies, the same games and the same tactics over and over again.

    Names change, faces and skin colors change, but the policies of corruption, hypocrisy and greed remain the same; and they all are decided and executed by a group of wealthy, influential inviduals and corporations who operate above and beyond the boundaries of any country, nation, political party, legal jurisdiction and ethical code. The president of the Unites States is nothing but their humble servant and scavenger.

    Let me explain this group further by quoting George Carlin:

    ‘It’s a big club, and you’re not in it. You and I are not members of that club.’

  3. Colonel I always find your conspiracy theories fascinating.
    Don’t get me wrong I believe that the Republican party has to put someone out there and McCain was it, but Palin? I was embarrassed to be a women when she opened her mouth. She was way out there.

    I do find it interesting that the American people were all of a sudden ready for a women VP, once a Black man was running for President.

    But come on the Freemasons? I’m not saying that there are not groups out there that run certain aspects of politics, the NRA for example, but they are not as wide spread as you may thing any more.

    The good old boy next work is breaking down because of its greed, and the face of America is changing, it’s not just white any more.

  4. The Colonel says:

    Kay Ryan says:

    ‘I was embarrassed to be a woman when Palin opened her mouth.’

    That was the reason she was brought out of the dark obscurity into the national spotlight: to intimidate and embarrass people and encourage them to rush and vote for the opposite candidate. What’s red vs. blue to you, is two sides of the same coin to the powers that be. After George W. Bush and all the mess he created, they needed a popular face in the white house to win back people’s faith and trust; and they also had to make the process of appointing him as dramatic as possible. So enters Sarah Palin.

    The American politics can be compared to wrestling matches: on the stage, each wrestler brags about how he hates his opponent and how he’s going to kick his ass. Then they perform a few chessy, repetitive stunts, crowd cheers in excitement, one wins, one loses, and after the show is over both wrestlers hang out back stage, drink their beer and laugh at their ignorant fans who buy their bullshit and get excited over their fixed fights time after time, after time.

  5. Kay is part of the liberal media, they are still drinking Obama´s cool aid with the honorable exception of Helen Thomas (her recent exchange with Gibbs was memorable. Obama is their boy and they will protect him to the point ABC was willing to do a socialist health care informetial from the White House.

    I agree with the Coronel, as a non American my outake on the recent elections is the following.
    1. Wall Street was broke.
    2. Bush was running deficits to try to hide the fact that the emperor has no clothes. And the Feds keep interest rates artificially low, encoriaging Americas to spent and not save to help to hide point one. The result masive debts and investment bubbles. I call this the Bernake Helicopter but is more probably Greenspan´s helicoter as well, they kept the economy in hover over the abyss.
    3. But the Reeps were running out of ideas and demoralized, tired and falling into corruption as often happens when people gets demoralized.
    4. So what the Fed did was excellent, Bernake, stopped the helicopter for a while, just when McCain and Obama were neck to neck in September. Ther resulting crash send people into panic. Then you got a Old White Male with a cranky female sidekick that was imposed on him by the powers that be, when he wanted Lieberman as his running mate, and a political rock star, a True Believer, a man who never has seen a bailout he did not like, and black to boot, to erase any suspicions.
    5 Now everybody is in panic, the Dems see this as their justification of BIG GOVERNMENT and their Dependency Agenda. Government has to do something, no crisis can allowed to be unused at all. The Reeps are torn into pieces, the country club reeps what Gov to save them, the libertarians say no.
    Mc Cain tries to save face and negotiate something during the bailouts, no compromise on the Reeps who are now going down in flames. Macca is doomed.
    6. Premier Obambi instead is a TRUE BELIEVER, he says, yes, the bail outs are good, lets do it, and Warren Buffet and George Soros (who are believes to be either Bilderberg or Ilumminati) clap their hands and say, this is our boy. So millions of dollars are created into thin air to bail out broken deals. Deals in which people like Buffet and Soros has millios on stake. And Premier Obambi once in power, put the same people that broke the banks to supervise the bailouts.

    I know something was rotten when a complete runway in Washington DC airport was closed to park corporate jets during the inagurations.

  6. The wrestling comparison is spot on. One thing I love about America is that there are so many stupid people it’s easy to rise to the top. Just stay away from the retards, hang out with the top 5% and laugh yourself to riches!

  7. So rics, because I am part of the liberal media, I can’t think for myself?

    Please I am not some dumb barbie blond that cannot think for herself. I do like Obama and I do like what he says, but that doesn’t mean I agree with everything about him.

    I hated Bush saw what he was doing to us 6 years before everyone else. That said there are somethings I did like that he did.

    Politics gets sticky when people immerse all their emotions into them. That is when it gets unhealthy.

  8. Third Axis says:

    Re. #5: Rics, don’t forget that it was the Bush admin, in it’s last fading days, that dreamed up and signed off on the first bailout plan – with absolutely NO receiver accountability whatsoever! Why do people insist on blaming Obama for the bailouts, when it was the Republicans who first pulled the trigger? It was an imbecilic idea, and one which, in it’s continuation under the present admin, will drag the U.S. economy to hell.

  9. McCain was an embarrassment…I was amazed he got as far as he did in the campaign. Palin was successful in keeping the candidate alive, and did her best to keep him from going down the tubes early on…it was sad to watch. The invisible hand of business is in control..not politicians. The economy is in the toilet..NO end in sight.

  10. “I do like Obama and I do like what he says,”
    Oh, everyone like what he says, he is a good talker, he got as far as he did by talking and not being white (I’m not white BTW)but people should start paying attention to what he does instead.

    “Re. #5: Rics, don’t forget that it was the Bush admin, in it’s last fading days, that dreamed up and signed off on the first bailout plan – with absolutely NO receiver accountability whatsoever! Why do people insist on blaming Obama for the bailouts, when it was the Republicans”

    THAT IS EXACTLY THE CORONEL POINT. The Republicans betrayed their own discourse about limited Govt with the bailouts. Many Reeps voters stayed at home because of that, they cannot see the difference between them and the Dems. The Reeps emperor lost their clothes. But getting Obama in the White House was a blessing for the people pushing behind the scenes for the bailouts, the Buffets, the Soros, the Wall Street people. There is a man that since is not white, not old, progressive, pro choice, pacifist, can carry even bigger bailouts with none questioning them. Its their boy, and they know it. Once the bailouts are done, we are going to see how fast the carpet is pulled from beneath Obambi´s feets.

  11. Well Well…Things don’t sounds nice for the “Black Messiah” there I can’t remember another president who was more desire than Obama was in all the world including Spain, Every people says in Europe that if In USA the things are fucked in Europe will be worse….Has Mr Obama the magic wand for fixing this economic disaster?

    This is an S.O.S. from the Old Europe.

  12. Obama is the US Zapatero.
    The is worrisome when the French and the Germans or all people now say that the US is spendig too much. I though Ill never going to see that day!

    He is the Black Messiah, the man that would erase all white guilt while Mau Mauing the bailouts.

  13. sirecumalot says:

    Obama did to the right school..Yale.
    anyone know if he was member of the skull organization?
    that aside, i doubt Palin was a strawman.
    if only things were that orderly and organized the whole place would be in much better shape.
    i do believe there are groups of influential people who sometime by extending their common efforts can get a person put close to the right spot at the right time..

  14. The Colonel says:

    Darker days are ahead. No bailout and no amount of borrowed money can save the U.S economy, specially when we don’t even have too much to bargain for. Arabs and Chinese maybe many things, but they’re not stupid; they cannot and will not continue to invest in the U.S economy and lend us money when America is clearly losing it’s grip as the super power. Soon they will stop, and the only way out for America and the elite will be to start another massive war, maybe this time on a world scale.

    We’ve been at this turning point before: December 7, 1941. They knew the Japs were coming, but didn’t do anything to prevent them, because they needed an excuse to get engaged in the world war II. 60 Years later, on September 11, 2001 it happened again, but this time it wasn’t even an ignored foreign attack, it was an inside job to provide the Bush Administration with a blank check and allows him to go after the oil fields of Iraq and the strategic mountains of Afghanistan. History repeats itself.

  15. the general says:

    While the economic realities of the day are certainly gloomy, this is certainly not ‘the end’ that some believe. Some think that the U.S. has nothing left to offer the world, except our military might. The Arabs have the oil today(the future will be south america, which has oil reserve equal if not greater than the middle east, but has yet been tapped), the Chineses have a huge labor force, which comes with the cheap wages etc.

    But the United States still holds one major trump card if the world economic crisis reaches the level of the depression of the 30’s or worse, and that is we have the AGRICULTURE infrastructure that alot of the world depends on. This is a very seldom discussed part of the equation.

    Submitted for discussion. Hope everyone had a safe, fun Fourth of Julio. (oops, living in Los Angeles I got confused with Cinco de May)

  16. The Colonel says:

    General my friend, the United States still has a powerful agriculture infestracture, but considering it’s rapid population and immegration growth, I don’t see that as a significant trump card on a global level. We must feed 307 million and counting hungry mouths first before we can use our agriculture infestracture as a winning tool in an ever changing world; and that’s not an easy task.

    All in all, the most powerful infestracture we have today is our military force, and I’m afraid if worse comes to worse the powers that be will take full advantage of this force and start a war on global scale as their last resort. Many writers and economists, for example Paul Krugman, have already felt this looming danger and are warning about it.

  17. the general says:

    I respectfully disagree with your assesment of the agricultural power of the United States. Compared to our military superiority, our agricultural superiority is far greater. The United States produces so much more food than it could ever consume, even if our population were to double or triple in a very time. In additon to that, there are millions upon millions of unused acreage that are left bare every year(govt subsidies be dammed). Production of food is no problem, the problem lies in the distribution.

    There are alternatives to oil and coal, there is no alternative for food. Even during the height of the cold war with Russia(the evil Soviet Empire) we still provided them with more whole grains,(wheat,corn,soy) than all other nations combined. And without the united states, they would have starved. We could have ended the cold war in the 50’s just by shutting off the food supply, the same way we could today with countries like Jordan, Syria, Iraq, China, etc.(remember the ‘food for oil’ deals with sadam)

    Our population growth, even if that rate were to double overnight, would not be more than our agricultural infrastructure could handle.

    Just my $0.02 worth.

  18. The Colonel says:

    The General says:

    ‘Production of food is no problem, the problem lies in the distribution.’

    If you look at the issue from that perspective, there are reasonable solutions to some of the crisis we face today: expansion of planned parenthood in order to control the erratic growth of population, replacing fossil fuels with other, more affordable alternatives, fair distribution of food as you mentioned, etc.

    Unfortunately none of those solutions interest the powers that be; they cannot and most likely will not risk their profit for the good of the people. They won’t dig a way out, they’ll just keep going in deeper and further to fulfill their centuries old agenda and create a new world order. They don’t care how many lives must be sacrificed, they didn’t care in 1941, they didn’t care in 2001 and they don’t care now.

  19. Very nice boys I am enjoying this thread..keep it up!

  20. The Colonel says:

    Thank you Kay.

    Since we’re discussing conspiracy and war on this thread, Robert McNamara, architect of the Vietnam war died yesterday at the age of 93. He was responsible for the deaths of more than 58,000 American troops along with countless Vietnamese casualties. He was once asked why did he insist on engaging the United States in the Vietnam’s civil conflict. He replied: ‘You have to see the big picture here.’ The big picture.

  21. Larry Horse says:

    McNamara’s actions debunks all the crap about how Kennedy didnt want to get deeper in Vietnam. Johnson or Kennedy it all would’ve been the same. I dont hold him completely responsible for the 58,000. Nixon,Johnson, Kissinger(war criminal ne plus ultra), Westmoreland, Earle Wheeler and Clark Clifford all had a hand too. At least McNamara had his hell while he was living.

  22. The President says:

    Great take on things, Colonel. That you threw in a George Carlin quote is just icing on the cake. We have not seen the last of Palin by any means though. Her net worth is estimated at just over a million, and her potential as a public speaker for whatever reason, is estimated to be several million.

  23. Third Axis says:

    The recent issue of Vanity Fair has a very good article on Palin, and in it the writer speaks to some of McCain’s top aides about her. It’s unanimously agreed that she was woefully unqualified for the position of VP, both in practical knowledge and temperament, and was chosen with only the barest degree of vetting by McCain’s people. She looked good on paper, but that was about it. She has a major book deal in the works, worth millions, and I think that she’s basically more interested in being a political celebrity and religious pundit that she is any kind of serious, dedicated public servant. But don’t worry, all of you Republican moralists out there. You still have Rush Limbaugh to lead the way!

  24. Well, thank God that she is out of serious politics, making space for better politicians.

    Vanity Fair is like the Eastern seaboard DNC mouthpiece this days. Their articles on economics for example are more like propaganda than real reporting. Even the very left wing Manchester Guardian is more objetive now. Incredible.

    Is fun how the American left has jumped into the propaganda badwagon and drop the pretense of objetive reporting. Time, Newsweek, Vanity Fair, ABC, Rolling Stone, the list goes on and on. I get my news oddly from European networks this days. That is something I never expected.

  25. sirecumalot says:

    actually there is a mongering food production/distribution crisis looming in the shadows of yesterdays news, USA could play a big role profiting from this situation.
    with a global population growth at its highest ever, statistically 25-35% of humans living in poor 3rd world countries will be living well below the daily recommended calorie intake..or in other words; starving.
    on top of this grain will be subsidized as a fuel and humans will have to compete with energy consumers.
    the global outlook is very dark.

  26. sammyglick says:

    Finally! After so many efforts by readers of LIB to figure out the identity of the ‘infamous’ Colonel, it’s now clear it is none-other than (soon to be former) Gov. Palin’s chief speechwriter.

    Good work and I loved those zingers you wrote for her about Obama “pallin’ around with terrorists”.

    Can we all go back to more important things such as lavishing praise on silly stupid porn girls, bashing those who lavish praise on silly stupid porn girls, giving the Trannyfucker and his posse of misfits and creeps more attention than the death of MJ, anything having to do with Evan Stone, and adjusting our homemade tin-foil hats for when America’s shadow government starts implementing a mind-control program to curb global warming/obesity/Sunday drivers & Monday Monday Quarterbacking….

  27. The Colonel says:

    Thank you Mr. President. George Carlin is indeed one of the greatest writers and performers of our time. May his soul rest in peace.

    And Sammy, that was a close call, but no I’m not Sarah Palin’s chief speechwriter. I’m Todd’s associate.

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