This is from by Jade
NL-I am a very sensitive person and I generally get upset if someone dislikes me, because overall I think I am a pretty nice person. But I have to admit when I read the statement below I burst out laughing. A 70 year old porn guy feels that saying that he hates me is more important than answering a question about HIV! Wow, and I thought Donny Long was an immature asshole. Let me just say that this made my day and I am still LMAO. (Bill-that means Laughing my ass off)
What Bill Marigold thinks about the HIV case
Do you think that AIM should tell the XXX industry the names of the talent that tests positive for HIV and the names of the people who have had sex with that HIV positive performer?
Bill- One, I hate Cindy at Luke is Back, and now that I got that out of the way, when your privates become public, you lose all of your privates and once you become public you lose all of your privacy. Confidentiality is a cloak behind which only cowards hide.
whos bill marfgold?
I think this guy was last relevant back in the mid 80’s – and I’m being kind.
I want to see a photo of Bill Margold wearing his
“Dr Bill Margold” medical coat when he speaks about this topic.
I understand that
Dr Mitchell and Dr Smith of TV’s “Lost In Space” got their degrees at the same place in the same PhD program.
PhD – Piled Hired and Deeper!
Why hasn’t anyone ever pointed out the true cost of the PCR-DNA test is around $40
Is that and increase of around 225% really a fair mark-up for a non-profit?
Who does the “Board of Director’s” currently consist of? There was one “Board” when they first opened, but who is left and where and why did they leave?
This will be the THIRD time that trannies have been connected to testing and the results.
I have always thought testing should be done at LEAST once every two weeks, and perhaps additional results should be provided as a safeguard from some of the free testing centers and private physicians as a safeguard against a monopoly. eg, Twice at AIM and once from a County/State approved facility to verify results and to be certain that control isn’t left to one facility.
Bill, I know you’re reading this, so let me speak clear: fuck you piece of shit. Keep bitching about the moral and privacy and I’ll bring out and expose some skeletons in your fucking closet that’ll make you crawl in a rat hole and live the rest of your days in shame and regret.
You were relevant as a parasite in the adult industry some 20 years ago, but today you’re not even that. Today you’re a disgusting, repulsive foul joke. You’re a bag of rancid trash on the curb, you’re a fucking relic. So go stick your tongue in someone else’s asshole, you bottom feeding fucking scum fuck.
Sophia Mounds interviews Bill Margold… fantastic!
And don’t worry about it Cindi. Lot’s of people hate Bill Margold. I was always civil to him for years but he couldn’t help but be contemptuous and arrogant at every given opportunity, at every breathe. I would tell the Colonel to cool down, but… nah!
.. and what the hell is he talking about “when your privates become public, you lose all of your privates”?… actually, who cares?
Jeremy, he means that when you publicly display your genitals you lose your privacy.
he said you lose your privates and your privacy, don’t know what he’s talking about, i still have my privates, bah humbug
Is that Bill the same Billy that post in PBS? And as Harold in Mike’s South site until Mike got fed up?
BTW Bill, what ever happened to PAW?
Why are people like Shelley Lubben and Harmony Dust doing your supposed job?
Bill, taking shots at Cindi, fuck you and your cheap vinyl pants and dirty ass Hawaiian shirt. Cindi is just reporting the facts, like that PAW does NOTHING!!! Well except raise money. Also you with Dr Mitch tried to bury 1998, “keep it in the family”. Only movie I remember you in was some phone sex movie with Hyapatia Lee, all you did was jack off…and you were pretty bloated then. Ah I could go on, but I have a real job, not living off the meagre proceeds of a useless organization.
Bill, Cindi does a pretty damn good job running this site, keeping us updated and informed on the adult industry.
My question to you is this – What are YOU doing that’s as productive as this?
No he meant lose your privates like John Bobbit. One time I stuck my dick out of the window and said, hey everyone, look at my dick. The next thing I know my dick was laying in the sewer.
Bill is Old as Dirt..I’m surprised he’d say something meanspirited about Cindi…we’re doing just fine Bill…Fuck you!
AIM currentyl payes the lab that performs the test $50 for the hiv/pcr and $25 for the gonn/chlam test.
The performers pay $120 for these three tests. I defy anyone to show me(aside from a free or taxpayer subsidized clinic) that charges anywhere close to that.
Mr.king, by FREE testing facility you mean TAXPAYER funded testing facility. Why sould taxpayers pay for the std test for people making 300,400 500 600 or 1000 dollars a day. How many times per year should TAXPAYERS pick up the tab for perfromers? Do you know of any free(taxpayer) clinic that will give “FREE” pcr test every month to performers.
Talent Testing Service doesnt count. They have NO doctor at all, and do NO partner notification of any kind shoudl they get a positive result. Also if you test positive for gonn/chlam they will NOT give you a prescription for treatment., you have to go to your own doctor.
Considering AIMs regular overhead(employees, rent phone bills Workers COMP insurance, and the regular costs of running a clinic) their “mark-up” on the tests seems quite reasonable.
Bill is just angry because the Detroit Lions suck it every year!
What a LA HOMO !!!!!!! see what happens when U used to do straight porn?? These guys all go gay!!!! out him COLONEL tell us about Bill and the others in the closet.
I’ll glady out fat fuck Billy and his dirty little secrets that are as disgusting and hilarious as his collection of cheap Hawaiian shirts; but I want him to make a move and gives me a reason, even though I doubt he does that. Bill Margold is not much of a man, Bill Margold is not much of anything.
The first thing Bill Margold ever said to me was that “The best thing Savannah ever did was kill herself”. The last thing he ever said to me was that when that documentary comes out about me I’ll kill myself. He’s the guy we’re supposed to call if we’re down and need counseling so he can talk about himself and allegedly giant dick size. He’s the one who defended Amber Lynn’s obscene to the extreme actions, which included embezzlement of money and sabotage of the charity that was to go to Ron Sullivan while he was dying. I guess he likes Amber so much because they share an utter lack of common sense and regard for other human beings, while going around trying to pretend they care for their own selfish reasons.
“The best thing Savannah ever did was kill herself”. The last thing he ever said to me was that when that documentary comes out about me I’ll kill myself.”
I remember that, I remember that. That give PAW the reason to exist as BM´s retirement fund.
Well, somebody please make the documentary about him to see if BM have the balls to actually kill himself. But I doubt it, he is a lesser man that Shannon Wilsey.
God I hope I don’t look this turdboy when I’m in my 70’s.
I think there needs to be an organization created to counsel people who have been counseled by Bill Margold. Maybe call it “Claw The Paw”.