Shane’s World CEO Responds to Devon’s statements

Shane’s World has read the false and unfortunate defamatory posting of Devon as relates to the alleged actions of Jack Venice.  Shane’s World categorically denies the statements made by Devon, and intends to vigorously pursue all legal avenues to redress Devon’s improper and defamatory statements.
While it is not the custom or practice of Shane’s World to comment upon such matters, given the severity of the allegations Shane’s World is compelled to respond in this instance. 

First, at no time whatsoever did Devon ever report, state or even suggest that she was physically or sexually assaulted at any time by Mr. Venice.  This is the first suggestion of such inappropriate conduct. 

One would think that Devon would have reported the matter to law enforcement, but she glaringly fails to make any mention of doing so.  Shane’s World can only assume that Devon is attempting to malign Shane’s World’s reputation in retaliation for her own misgivings and decline in her career.

Shane’s World/Hush Hush Entertainment

18 thoughts on “Shane’s World CEO Responds to Devon’s statements

  1. Most rape victims never go to the police or tell anyone else for that matter. And this is porn. When a female performer says she’s been raped on set, off set, in a studio, or in someone’s office, most everyone comes out saying “whores lie” (though that would make Jack Venice a lying whore too, right). Then you have the clowns that say how can a porn star be raped when she has sex for a living.

    Many of the female porn stars are victims of child and teen rape and incest. Usually nothing was done to their rapists in those cases and their own families turned a blind eye. So you have women already conditioned to be quiet and not say what was done to them because they will be blamed and/or not believed.

    Porn is run by “men” and they support their own. Many of the male performers and male agents and male studio heads are (accusations removed) So another female porn star saying she was raped by one of their own won’t be taken seriously.

    You know what Jack Venice did but you don’t care because it could cost you in civil court. And shut the fuck up about planning on taking legal action against Devon. You won’t be suing anyone (accusations removed)

    You need these women but treat them worse than serial killers. What you have done to Devon and the other women in porn will come back and bite you in the ass one day. It’s called KARMA.

    (NL- I had to remove quite a few criminal accusations. Darrah I don’t think PR would be a good career move for you)

  2. Houstondon says:

    While Shane’s World allegedly has all sorts of problems regarding their business model and how they treat people, I think the above statement is the most reasonable thing I have read about this matter to date.

    I like a number of Devon’s performances but she never struck me as being particularly sober, never mind credible in matters of weight, be it her time at Vivid, her career at Digital Playground, or her limited time with Shane’s World/time she was going to start her own company…

  3. Maybe she never got a chance to start her company because being raped might have sidelined a lot of her goals and future plans.

  4. Let me get this straight. Your contract star, the girl who was to become the basis of your companies success; the girl that was responsible enough to make her the face of your company; the one whose reliability you were willing to bet hundreds of thousands of dollars on. She says that she was raped on your watch. Your response is to 1) threaten to sue her and 2) attribute the allegations to being part of a come back. This is in defense of a man that has been convicted of another rape. It is not manly.
    Andrew soon your company and others will be out of business. Technology has caught up with you and there is nowhere for you to turn. Another small reason you wil be out is that you, and many of the men that run production companies, dont get it. These girls offer you a precious thing. They allow themselves to be fucked on camera, for all the whole world to see , ad infinitum, all for your profit. They main thing the need from you is to make sure they are safe when on your set. Devon and other girls, could escort, not do porn, and make more far money. But they choose porn in part because a porn set supposed to be a controlled environment. You dont get it. Home girl that runs Digital Playground gets it. You think this would have happened on a DP set?
    If I were in your situation, I might be looking to put some money on the street to have homeboys legs broken in jail. The very least I would do is make sure my former contract star had my support. You think your response is professional. Its not. Its just weak, from a weak man.

  5. JohnnieMontecito says:

    How long does it take for a rumor to actually hold some weight. I would say that most of the talent in this industry has a few horror stories to their credit either before during or after their time in adult. Devon might be a women with some issue and with sobriety issues as well. But at what point do we as an industry start to think there is something there in this story? I personally think that there is something to be found out about this. Sadly in an industry where men feed it and men rule it Devon and many other women will never be a credible source or witness due to how they cope with what this industry has done to them or what was done before. Maybe a few other women will find the courage to come forward and back up Devon.

  6. jeremiahsteele says:

    Don’t censor Darrah, Cindi. Let her light her own ass on fire with her prejudicial anti-men attacks.

  7. The way you light your own ass on fire everytime you say something?

  8. jeremiahsteele says:

    Darrah, someone raped your brain. Where do you get off saying to Shane’s World that “You know what Jack Venice did but you don’t care because it could cost you in civil court.” How the fuck do you know what happened? I have no opinions as I have no facts. Were you on the set? Prejudice is not a joke and your hatred against men doesn’t serve women, either.

  9. Regardless, it is ironic that Shane’s World is aka “Hush Hush Entertainment”. I’m surprised Darrah hasn’t already picked up on this as further proof in her head of their culpability.

  10. This story has been around for two years and she soon left Shane’s World after what happened. Someone also left a comment saying she had left Digital Playground on her own and signed to Shane’s World which is a smaller company. She was a contract star and they invested plenty in her. Why would she then turn around and accuse Jack Venice of rape and the company knowing about it if it wasn’t true?

  11. Unless I’m wrong,in between Digital Playground and Shane World,she went to be a contract star for another very little known(if at all)company.

  12. No…here is what they have at wikipedia.

    Devon left Digital Playground in September 2005. By January 2006, she signed with a new company, Ecstasy Mobile.In March 2006, she signed with Black Kat Productions and then formed her own production company

  13. The Colonel says:

    (Insert porn whore’s name here) forms her own production company. At the kitchen of her fucked up apartment, that is.

    Some of them are whore and clown, got the best of both worlds, I give’m that. You see, in their deluded, drugged up, fucked up little heads they think they can come to this business, get their ass hammered on a daily basis, and once they get to know a few scumbags and exchange cell phone numbers with a few Jacks and Adams, invite them over to fuck them for free and film it with a $200 camera, and there you go: you got your own production company. And man I love it when after playing a few dirty tricks they fail, crash and burn and return to square one.

    The difference is now they’re burnout, worn out and well passed their expiration date. Solution? Doing DP scenes for $800, fisting, piss guzzling and everything in between. Tiffany Mynx, anybody? Man the circle of jerks goes on and on and on.

  14. Coronel, that was harsh. But true!

  15. The Colonel says:

    Rics my friend, the truth is often harsh and hurtful, but as Chris Carter and Co. say:


  16. Houstondon says:

    PSB: “This story has been around for two years and she soon left Shane’s World after what happened. Someone also left a comment saying she had left Digital Playground on her own and signed to Shane’s World which is a smaller company. She was a contract star and they invested plenty in her. Why would she then turn around and accuse Jack Venice of rape and the company knowing about it if it wasn’t true?”

    She was shown the door at DP. If they thought she had enough of a following to warrant keeping her, they would have done so. When you leave a “big” company for a smaller one that makes far fewer titles and pays less, you generally do it to grasp at the pennies tossed your way. She didn’t earn her keep at SW either, the problems employing her far too numerous to warrant more headaches.
    (and yes, anyone that watches SW titles will understand that in a great many of them, performers getting drunk, intoxicated, fucked up, or otherwise socially lubricated has long been a part of their market niche).

    In answer to your question though: the Colonel has covered it just fine in his comments at the two websites.

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