Mom Will Hire HOOKER, for her Down Syndrome Son, Otto, if she has to…

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A MOTHER of a 21-year-old man with Down syndrome has gone public in her search for volunteers to help him lose his virginity.

Lucy Baxter says her son Otto wants to have sex for the first time and not only is she helping him find a woman, she says she is willing to pay for it.

"I’d like all my boys to find love and enjoy sex," Miss Baxter, who lives in Oxfordshire, UK and has four adopted sons with Downs syndrome, told the Daily Mail.

"I would have no problem paying for Otto to go to Amsterdam to visit a brothel if that’s what he wanted but I dare say he could afford to pay for it himself."
Miss Baxter said she just wanted her son to have the same opportunities available to people without Down syndrome.
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"I strongly believe that society has a learning disability when it comes to Down syndrome," she told the Daily Mail.
"Why should these people be kept separate and pigeon-holed when they have the same emotions, desires and feelings as so called ‘normal’ people.

"He has the same expectations as everybody else. If he doesn’t get a girlfriend, I will feel really bad, because I have sold him this thing that he is like everybody else."

5 thoughts on “Mom Will Hire HOOKER, for her Down Syndrome Son, Otto, if she has to…

  1. The Colonel says:

    Pathetic retarded ugly nerd, looks like something out of a fucking Harry Potter book. His mother should be proud of this fuck up of a son.

  2. He has Down Syndrome. He was born with a disability. Why the hate for a child that was born like this? You obviously don’t have children. I don’t know what to say. When I think you can’t sink any lower, you proof me wrong.

  3. The Colonel says:

    He has down syndrome, right? In other words, he ‘s a retard, like you are, probably that’s why you sympathize with her. Look sister, the truth is you’re a joke, a foul, pathetic sick joke, a waste of time and written words. So doesn’t matter how many times you try to ride my coat tail, my response to you, if you’re lucky enough to get any, is the same: take your meds, clean after your cats and go fuck yourself.

  4. Riding your coattails? Oh please, do tell. I don’t know you or that much about you except for this past year commenting at LIB.

  5. The Colonel says:

    Yeah that’s right, Mrs. Ford, you don’t know that much about anything and yet you keep on commenting on everything; no wonder you’ve became a laughing stock on every adult message board on the cyber space from LIB to XPT. The thing is that you’re not even a bad person and in reality you don’t deserve none of this shit you keep bringing on yourself. You’re not an asshole or a parasite or a scumbag. For all I know you must be a decent, good hearted, ordinary person with an extraordinary obsession with the adult industry, and trust me, that’s not a bad thing; only if you could do your home work, get your facts straight, stop taking every words at face value and think before hitting the keyboard buttons, the world could have been a much better place for you. Try to do that if you don’t believe me.

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