Ryder Skye has an adorable laugh. She’s also a beautiful girl and a talented actress in both mainstream shows and porn movies. She has appeared in Californication, Dexter, Sex in the City, Big Tits at Work 3, Breastside Story, CyberSluts, and many more. She is currently working on the mainstream movie “The College Years” where she has a leading role. She’s also a college student studying to be a sex therapist.
Excerpts of Story courtesy of Xcitement Magazine’s Adult Fun 4111
Interview By Cindi Loftus
Photos Courtesy Of Ryder Skye
R: It was a Star Trek spoof so there was a ton of dialog, and makeup took forever.
AF: I love those parodies though, and I love Star Trek.
R: Yeah, I know. I played a Klingon.
AF: That must have been a ton of makeup.
R: It wasn’t bad because they didn’t want to do all the bumps and stuff because it would be too ugly. So they just gave me the little head-dress and put some crystals on my forehead trying to make me a pretty version.
AF: Those two words don’t go together, pretty and Klingon.
AF: I love all the parody movies. You just did Gilligan’s Island right?
R: Yeah. I was Ginger. It was fun. I am really cheesy, and I know it’s porn, but because I do the (mainstream) acting on the side, I want to be as good as I can. I put a lot of pressure on myself that way. I actually studied up on the character and tried to do Marilyn Monroe impressions and stuff. And so when I was on I did the whole thing. I am probably going to be embarrassed when I see it. It’s fun being able to do stuff like that.
AF: Well the only reason you could be embarrassed is because your acting is so much better then everybody else and it sticks out.
R: (Laughs) I don’t know about that. It’s a really silly character, so I might get embarrassed because I look stupid.
AF: Plus you get to see yourself on Dexter, which is pretty cool too.
R: I know. I was excited.
AF: I was excited for you because I love that show anyway. You were on quite a bit, I didn’t have to try and find you like happens sometimes when people get on a show.
R: What was funny, or it kind of sucked actually. Remember how Jimmy Smits does that entire speech for Dexter at the Bachelor Party? They cut some of his lines out in editing. Because he had a line that was in direct reference to me and then there was a close up on me.
AF: Oh, so that cut that out, that sucks. What did he say about you?
R: He said “Okay everybody put your packages away. I know there is a lot of beautiful girls”, and then he turns to me. They also cut the scene between the Asian guy and the woman who is running the party. They had a whole conversation and it was cut out.
R: Oh yeah. Today they said we need you to be really loud. I’m like, yeah that’s going to look realistic. I’m thinking how loud can I possible be and make this sound good for them. Not to mention that you have fifteen crew guys standing around watching, and you have a camera and a microphone in your face. It’s uncomfortable. I’ve had sex in a sink, I did it in a refrigerator once. Tables hit you in the back. It’s not exactly like people think it is. And it’s very, very, rarely straight through. For the most part it’s cut and restart and gets technical.
AF: What is the funniest thing that ever happened when you were doing a sex scene?
R: I always think of that stuff when I am not being asked it. But I was doing a movie for Penthouse and it was a restaurant scene. They had the lighting set up on one table where I was supposed to do my scene on. A little tiny table. And it’s funny because throughout the scene the table had traveled from one side of the room to the other. And we were totally in the dark at that point, and they had to stop and pull everything over and start over again. (laughs)
AF: That is funny.
AF: So you obviously took a lot of acting and theater classes, how did you end up in porn?
R: I was a theater major in school. So I knew if I wanted to act I needed to be in LA. So I moved back here. I waited tables for a while and really, really hated it. I wanted a real job, so a friend of mine who was in Human Resources knew a company that was looking for a receptionist. I ended up getting a job there. Long story short, that pulled me out of acting completely. I worked my way up in that company and then found out I was going to get laid off. So I got a job at another company as an executive assistant, and I hated my job and my boss was a skank. So I also got a job at night in a bikini bar. I was dancing at night as my creative outlet. Another girl who worked there also did alternative modeling, so I thought I would try that. Modeling was kind of fun and found out I was comfortable naked. So then I went to an agency and said I wanted to do nude pictures. Well she said they didn’t really do that anymore, it was all video. So I didn’t know if I could do it, but I gave it a try. My first scene was a solo scene. They gave me three toys and they got bigger and bigger. I didn’t think that last one was going to fit. It was funny because they gave me a douche, and I had never seen one before in my life. I didn’t know people used douches in their personal life. I took it in the bathroom and looked at it, and finally I took it back out and asked someone how to do it and they pulled up the little nozzle on the top.
AF: Well that’s not as bad as the girl who drank the enema.
R: (laughs) Oh God I know.
AF: So you heard about that too.
R: I did. I heard after an hour she said, I’m sorry I just can’t get this all down. (laughs)
AF: That’s funny as hell.
R: I have heard other stories too that were similar to that where people do not know what to do with the enema. I totally felt like a jackass. God, drinking that must have been nasty.
AF: I heard that she came out of the bathroom and someone asked her if she did the enema and she said yeah, but I’m feeling sick now. I read that on one of the gossip sites and I laughed until there were tears coming out of my eyes. I could just picture her coming out with the bottle half empty and a straw sticking out of it.
R: It doesn’t even look like something you would drink. It’s not drinking friendly.
AF: How do you learn to eat pussy if you are a girl? Practice?
R: I think even with practice it’s still difficult because everyone is built differently, and since everyone is built differently you don’t know where to go, what they like and what they don’t like, and a lot of girls won’t tell you. With girls I am always really careful. I don’t like to be fingered because I don’t like to be cut up that way. So I always ask if there is anything they don’t want me to do. There are some girls that are really, really good at it, but I think it’s from doing it for a really long time. It’s not like oh you are a woman you should know. You still kind of don’t. One thing you do know that guys don’t usually is where the clitoris is.
AF: Guys will be rubbing, but they are not rubbing the right place.
R: Exactly. I had a girl do that. I was like what the hell are you rubbing? She was rubbing way above, like on my pelvic bone.
AF: She was rubbing your G-spot but from the outside.
R: Exactly, she was completely retarded. She was screaming at the guy harder, harder. That was all she could say. And I wanted to say shut the fuck up.
AF: What are some other annoying things that people do. You are trying to act, you are trying to have sex on camera and look good, while people are doing what?
R: Something that is really annoying is people that are really boring. I’m like can you give me something? There was one scene and the guy had no personality at all. Basically he was just a penis. Which most of them are, but a lot of penises have personality and they do stuff. But he was just laying there. No emotion what so ever. I was so freaking bored, that I was looking at the clock, one minute… I asked them, because I thought they had to have way too much footage by now, how much footage do you have, and they said fifteen minutes and we need thirty and I was like, fuck. I have to do this for fifteen more minutes. I’m going to fall asleep.
AF: Your message to your fans?
R: Thank you for watching my movies.