Why Do Porn Chicks Dig Wackos?

Tim writes: http://www.bullshido.net/forums/showthread.php?t=50839 This is Harley Reagan. He was formally a spiritual adviser to Hypatia Lee, and has some sort of mentoring relationship with Porsche Lynn. http://www.phoenixnewtimes.com/2002-06-13/news/sacred-orgasm/2 Why do Porn chicks dig wackos? This should be good for a slow day.

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Copper Digital PR Stunt

Scott writes the following: Hey Luke did you see this Copper Digital Press Release that Gene posted? (editor’s note: Link) The entire release is all about how great the director of InTeractive (Q. Roberts) is, and how everyone should use Copper Digital. What it doesn’t point out is the person who shot InTeractive (Q. Roberts)…

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Teagan Forced to Quit?

I had heard from multiple sources that the supposed amicable split between Digital Playground and Teagan Presley was mostly PR spin. Teagan was overheard saying at the AEE show in Las Vegas that Digital Playground were attempting to prevent her from working for other companies through some form of non-compete clause. I also heard she…

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Dani Woodward Update

Dani Woodward posts the following on her Myspace: I know I really haven’t been keeping up with myspace lately, I’ve just been so busy, and so much has changed… As most of you know, I am head over heals in love with my girlfriend of two years…we moved in together 6 months ago and decided…

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