The Colonel Writes Columns For LIB


By The Colonel

Consider this an introductory note, a foreword of some sort. Cindi and I exchanged some emails, she asked if I was interested in writing articles on LIB, and I said yes, let’s do something. The truth is this is a labor of love for me, I’ve always been a friend of Luke Ford, and even though I didn’t agree with everything he said and done, but I’ve always loved and respected him for what he is: a decent writer, and a daring journalist. I followed his work for the past decade, at times, I have contributed articles to his different websites without taking credit for it, because I believe as long as an interesting and/or important issue is discussed, it doesn’t matter who’s discussing it. This time, I think Cindi, another good friend of mine, prefers I take credit for my articles, and that’s all fine with me.

I’ll write as often as I can, whether one article per week, or more, or less, and I’ll write about a variety of issues including but not limited to the adult industry. I wouldn’t want to put all my eggs in one basket, you know, I don’t have to, either, because as adult people, I’m sure there are many things that amuse us, entertain us, scare us, and effect our lives, so why not talk about most of them, while we can? On the other hand, don’t worry, I know it’s an adult news/gossip site, so I’ll write enough about porn and whores and hookers and drugs and shattered lives to satisfy all our morbid obsessions, in the meantime, don’t jump your guns anytime you see me ranting about the decline of the western civilization, or how the government is fucking  us the ass, or why you need to go see a certain movie in theater, or, whatever, you know.

I appreciate your feedback, guys, and remember, The Colonel loves you.

37 thoughts on “The Colonel Writes Columns For LIB

  1. The Colonel says:

    Jeremy, next stop: Mount Weather.

  2. BigDickDaddy says:

    I just heard the news. Colonel, make sure you write an article about how porn whores use words they cant define.

    For example. Porn whores dont understand the word “retire”.

    If you stop sucking cock on film after doing 50 movies you have simply QUIT sucking cock.

    If you worked at Verizon for 30 years and will be getting a pension or 401k then you have retired.

    Everyweek some whore says she is “retiring”. The last time I checked no one in porn pays a pension or contributes to a 401k.

    Unless you are getting a pension then just say you are quitting. Understood?

  3. The Colonel says:

    BDD, thank you for stopping by. One reason I decided to write articles here, was because like you and other guys, I wasn’t happy about the current direction of this website, so I thought if I contribute articles, that can open some dialogue about things that are more interesting instead of reading press releases and entries on some man whore’s blog.

    Trust me BDD, I speak for many guys on this board when I tell you we love to have you here. So, I look forward to reading your posts and talking to you, my man.

  4. BigDickDaddy says:

    Good to hear. I’m glad she/they were smart enough to realize they were running the website into the ground at 100 miles an hour.

    My suggestion for a topic:

    How to save porn.

    My recommendations?

    1 – Fire all current male talent and start fresh. Likes like Sean Michaels, Van Damage, Tee Real, Evan Stone etc etc etc. This alone will cause sales to pick up.

    2 – Watermark your product. Rip-off sites like and others are here to stay. At least at your company or website promoted by having your product watermark so that even is someone uploads it, the people watching it for free will still know who shot it. Plus it will make sending DMCA violations to the website operater much easier.

    3 – Adult Talent Testing Service and other AIM-MED competitors should be supported. In a cut throat business like porn where there are 10,000 people doin the same thing, why is there only one AIM? They have shitty customer service and are always late with results.

    Just my 2 cents.

  5. The Colonel says:

    I agree with all the above. Also, we should get rid of more free lancers and small timers, people like Trevor who shoot one cheap, shitty scene and sell it to 10 shitty small timers like Flash Point Productions, Star Light Pictures and Facory 13 who then jam them into one DVD and distribute it for the wholesale price of $1. How can someone who produces original content compete with something like that? No wonder the industry is in such a deep shit.

  6. This is great news sir. But will you take credit this time for the articles?

  7. BigDickDaddy says:

    Trevor is like a cockroach. He simply wont go away. Luckily guy like Ty Endicott have already gone belly up. I have more of an issue with other bottom feeders like Batman, Porno Dan and Wankus. So many girls did free scenes for Wankus and what do they have to show for it? Now you have Batman and Porno Dan to take his place in ripping girls off. These two bozos always talk about “the promo” they give girls but give me a break. These losers couldnt give away ice water to people in hell. They are simply taking up space.

    Lastly, someone tell me why does that old lady named Cleopatra show up to events. Her and Jaylyn Rose need to be at home taking care of their kids. Cleopatra claims to have done a few girl girl scenes but when? Back in 1984? She has a really rough face. She is not helping the business by classifying herself as a porn star.

  8. good news.

    can we also have a bdd column?

  9. The Colonel says:

    Thank you for the feedback, you guys kick so much ass.

    And Rics, this time I’ll take credit for the articles I’ll be contributing.

    Also, it’ll be great to have a BDD column. BDD, give it a thought, I know you can do a hell of a job on your column.

  10. The Colonel says:

    Al, and you might want to suck my dick.

  11. The Colonel says:

    Thank you PSB, keep up the hard work.

  12. Right On Colonel…BDD, Fire most directors too…they’re all a buncha sissies who’ve served their time. Fresh new talent from all sides is necessary to save modern porn. Sin City Films is an example of this approach..they’ll lead the industry going forward.

  13. Save the day Colonel, if I see another article about Christian or Teagan or any of the myriad of boring, egotistical assWholes I’m going to vomit.

    And change the name of this stupid site. You know, make it your own.

  14. MissBiatch2U says:

    You guys suck donkey dick. I think this site is fine the way it is, just because the girl posted a blog from a male star you are having a shit fit. There are women who read LIB also and we like to see the other gender occasionally.

    The Colonel is going to “Save the Day”, yeah sure, he’s a super hero. We’ll see how long he lasts once the negative comments start coming his way.

    I don’t want to read a column by the nasty BDD, I don’t even want to read his vile comments. Good riddance.

  15. MissBitach2U: It is pure placation, nothing more. I think it is shrewd gesture but one that is somewhat negated by the fact his post reads like a Hooked On Phonics student wrote it. Any writer would feel embarassed to submit something for publication so blatantly gramatically incorrect. Either he didn’t re-read it, or he considers that to be a fluid piece of writing. I, don’t, think, so, but that is, just, me. It’s called syntax. Or, whatever, you, know.

  16. Al, why instead of playing a XPT “jondra” game here, go and cover the PWs in the NYC escorting scenes? You can come with some actual scoops. Locate Audrey Bitoni, Dillian Lauran and Stephanie Morgan for starters, or Joanna Angel and Heather Pink, two nice Jewish ‘hos to make things easier.

  17. The Colonel says:

    MissBiatch2U, you were right when you said you’re jaded. No wonder you can’t get laid, because your attitude and your personality stink more than horse shit, and that is after I’ve been as nice to you as I could. You seriously need to get laid, and I’m not talking about a romantic fuck, I’m talking about a hate fuck, that might make you feel better.

    And Al, as I said before, suck my dick. I know you feel like shit because I handed you your ass on a plate, but you gotta get over it and live with it, and face the fact that the majority of readers on this site believe you suck ass and are bothered by your half ass, lame, rubbish rantings and pathetic, retarded, embarrisingly unfunny jokes, the majority, maybe except for some jaded fuck like MissBiatch2U, but then again, nobody gives a shit about her, either.

    So I suggest you two jaded morons get together and fuck, something you both need more than making an ass of yourselves on a message borad.

  18. Fair enough rics, but don’t call legitimate criticism a game.

    Colonel tries to diss me on things he has no knowledge of or personal things which are not the topic, but you don’t say he’s playing games. He’s called me a thief, poor and dumb which is all bullshit. How many times has he brought up that my roommate pissed on me like I should be ashamed? Meanwhile, Colonel hides in anonymity to lubricate his abhorrent persona, which most people would characterize as punk ass bitch behavior. He tries to masquerade his venomous hyperbole as fact when to any sane and decent individual it’s bullshit. He derides other people’s legitimate opinions with shameless effrontery.

    Fact is he tried to say I’m not a writer because I’m not getting paid, which is something he fabricated. Then he goes on to describe writing a “column” for LIB as a “labor of love” i.e., he ain’t getting paid shit.

    Being completely objective, his ability to formulate grammatically correct written communication is completely suspect at best. This has nothing to do with my personal opinions of him. He can call me a clown all he wants, but he’s out of his element if the topic is writing. He can spin anything he wants, but there is no spin for his lack of formal writing knowledge.

    If you hold this site so dearly, you’ll let him know to show some respect to the written word and learn how to utilize it properly. If you do not care about the site, then why criticize everything about it? If he wants to write columns, he is knowingly putting himself under scrutiny. The post is weak, and to comment on your own posts is tacky. Do you see Cindi do that? Then in the comments he has the presumptive gall to offer BDD a column? Newsflash: you don’t have the authority to do that.

  19. Fact is Colonel if I wrote the shit you write, I wouldn’t want credit for it either. I guarantee you the real Luke didn’t.

  20. Play nice children. I think the more voices on the site the better. And i have no problem with the posts Cindi puts up. It’s not like you HAVE to read them if they don’t interest you. I just wish she would put up more.

    I will say the guy who said to change the name of the site is a clueless individual though.

    I guess since Cindi BOUGHT the name, it is worth something. And then there are the thousands of links out and back that bring traffic to LIB. But we should just dump all that and change the name to what… Cindi and The Idiot……

    OH, and being an avid masturbature’ I like some of AL’s essays.

  21. al, like trannyfucker you’re deluded. you believe because have a grasp of spelling and punctuation, you’re somehow a good writer. i could probably count the responses to all your ‘columns’ on one hand. you’re an uninteresting bore. and given traffic is the life of any website, loftus should fuck you right off, now.

    on the other hand, what the colonel writes has some interest. and if it’s interesting enough, it transcends the need for spelling, punctuation or good grammar.

  22. Jed, this site has a vocal minority. If you go by comments, maybe 20 people visit this site. The vast majority of visitors don’t leave comments. The comments section is nothing more than indicative of what the people who leave comments think, which is a tiny, tiny percent of the total traffic.

  23. Colonel I am so excited for you and Cindi. But I am putting my foot down on the decline of Western Civilization. You know that we will do battle on that one, but I enjoy doing battle with you. You are smart, well educated, and know your history and politics. Bring it on!

    I am also putting my foot down on the grammar and spelling. I’m the resident editor, it’s a blog, get over it.

  24. al, anyone leaving a comment is just leaving a comment, they’re not a vocal minority. clearly there’s more visitors than those who comment. however, no one sees fit to bother with your ramblings and if you were to expand on that, i doubt the stats would change much. i’d stick my neck out and guess within a news poll 3% margin of error.

    this site really should be set up with articles that expand, you’d then see where the true heat is. i’ve seen loftus refer to the ‘controversial posters’ at another site. odds on she was meaning the ilk of bdd and the colonel because they generate interest. would she spruik this place with al? nope. you’re the fill in columnist, dragged out of the broom closet over summer. filling space when the regulars have gone on holidays.

  25. The Colonel says:

    Al, you can eat shit and bark at the moon all you want, but the truth is you’re nothing but a textbook smalltime pathetic nobody, the kinda guy who shares a ghetto with another scumbag and must fight over using the bathroom in the morning, the kinda guy who locks himself in a crumbling room and waits for his life to start while his time is slipping away, the kinda guy who doesn’t want to accept what miserable failure he is, and always will be. I don’t know you personally, I don’t have to either, the way you write and act on this website speaks in volumes.

    You’re upset because I beat your ass and showed you your true colors and embarrassed you, so you try to come back and throw whatever you can at me, hoping for something to stick, but since you’re nothing but a repulsive clown, every time you open your mouth, you make a bigger ass of yourself, which is fine with me and my friends on this message board. We like to have someone around to throw darts at, and if you’re stupid enough to volunteer, I’m not going to stop you, far from it, I encourage you to continue your monkey dance for us all.

    And as far as any error in my writings, I am educated and smart enough to get my message acroos, and my friends here are also educated and smart enough to understand and enjoy my message , but despite the possible errors, my writings and yours are here for everybody to read, compare and criticize, and time and again they have spoken clearly: they like my stuff, and you disgust them, the only reason you still come back and post comments, is because you’re a no class, no life, shameless insect. And I tell you this: if my writings don’t satisfy you, either don’t read them and don’t respond to them, or volunteer to clean them up and modify my usage of commas and run on sentences. You can also come to my house and wipe my ass every morning after I take a shit, and if you’re coming, bring your sister so I can fuck her every evening after my coffee and cigarette.

    Now shut up and keep dancing, my little retarded monkey with ugly eyebrows.

    Now shut and keep dancing, my little pathetic retarded monkey.

  26. The Colonel says:

    Kay, thank you my dear. I’ll look forward to battling you.

  27. In the land of the blind, the one eyed man is Colonel

    Nowhere in that jumbled rant did you hit a concise or valid point. You keep going in circles. You are a bitch, straight up and down. You are a cornball, the kind of guy that gets run for all his shit quick. You’d never spit that noise to my face. LOL, you aren’t trying to flex with your FEMA trailer that you conned from someone down south are you?

    “monkey dance” LOL pick a topic, any topic i’ll write better shit than you on it. You are an old hick, go call ma and pa and tell them to get your banjo ready.

    “Ugly eyebrows”

    How gay are you? You are dick riding bitch, please. All that shit was corny. Don’t get your overalls in a bunch that your 5th grade country education can’t let you produce sentences.

    My man those bitches you claimed to “shoot scenes” with are fuckin busted as hell. I don’t know if one had a chipmunk face, but she sure looked like an animal. That other blond bitch was disgusting. I would never fuck those bitches sober. That one bitch looked like she had rabies.

    You could have had a real woman but when money talks you speak sign language and your ass got publicly rejected. I have never even heard of anyone get rejected when they are trying to pay for it.

    Keep talkin that slick shit about my family but if I ever catch you I’ll fuckin crack your jaw you no talent ass clown. That’s if you ever “reveal” yourself.

  28. Jed, take Colonel’s dick out your mouth “sir”, I’ll understand you better.

    Your little crew and the way you talk to each other is gay as hell. Face it, you old fucks are done. It’s all about my generation in anything that is relevant in anything.

  29. The Colonel says:

    Al, I’m glad I’ve got your little ass all worked up to entertain me and my friends, keep it up, faggot. The best part is when you try to talk tough and fail, face it, you’re just a little child, a broke, delusional, pathetic my space clown, and a very bad one.

    You probably started ranting on this site to get some attention and a piece of the action, and now you’re pissed off because you fucked up. The whores who suck my dick wouldn’t even let you sniff their assholes, get real,man. You’re a fucking nobody, and you will always be a fucking nobody. I told you what I had to, I’m not gonna go back and forth with a piece of shit like you. If you could ever afford a grey hound ticket, get over here, I’ll show you around, and I’ll reveal anything you want to know about me, then we’ll see who’s gonna crack whose jaw, you worth less filthy maggot.

  30. How do you type so well while balancing on those big dicks? LOL

  31. congratulations al, i got something out of your writing. an image of you, pacing your apartment, furiously writing and rewriting in an attempt to look more gansta than thou.

  32. thou means “you”

    you think I have multiple personalities Jed?

  33. yes, al. i should have emphasized to infer the reader as ‘thou’. but hey, isn’t it great? we’re back where we began, mistakes..


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