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Tera on the holidays

(Excepts from an interview I did with Tera, that will be in the January issue of Xcitement Mag. You can read more and see naked pics here

X: Do you do Hanukkah or Christmas?

T: I have Menorahs all over the house and I am actually learning the Dreidel song right now. I try really hard, Evan laughs and says Tera wants to be Jewish, she wants to feel the pain of our people. Evan’s Mother says she will baptize me. She will pour water on me, but it will be Seltzer! (Tera says seltzer with a NY accent and laughs) We have a tradition in Evan’s family called fake Hanukkah. His parents are from Brooklyn, and they retired and moved to South Florida. So we usually celebrate Hanukkah the day after Thanksgiving. So we call it fake Hanukkah. It’s fun. But we celebrate Christmas too. There are a lot of pretty things under the tree for me and Evan bought them all in Japan, so I am going to do a back flip when I see them because Japan has the best fashions and the best stuff. I think one of them is boots, that’s what the box looks like. Aren’t I horrible? I don’t rip off a little piece of the paper or anything. (Tera also tells me what she got Evan, but I’m not saying here in case he sees this before he gets his presents)

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