McKenzie Lee Wishes you a Merry Christmas

I want to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and I would say, "ho..ho…ho" but in this business I am sure it will be taken out of context…he he

I am pleased to say I have just signed with Gold Star Modeling and the staff is so nice.  I am really excited to work with them 🙂

I also have been working on a few things for a while…but top secret… I will let you know as soon as I can.

7 thoughts on “McKenzie Lee Wishes you a Merry Christmas


    –Poontalk wishes MOST a Merry Christmas!

  2. Real Luke Ford Fan says:

    Happy X-mas to you too, Mckenzie Lee! And Happy Chanukah and New Year to the Jews like the real Luke Ford!

  3. BigLeeBail says:

    Merry Christmas McKenzie…My My…I’d like to find you under my tree…wink~

  4. I love her looks despite the mediocre boob job.

  5. jeremiahsteele says:

    “Jews like the real Luke Ford”? Whatjew talkin about? I’m more jewish than he is and I don’t even celebrate Chanukah. Someone in a mobile jewmobile in NY gave one of those candle holders though. They’re really good for book reading.. two little birthday candles does the job.

  6. Real Luke Ford Fan says:

    Happy Chanukah to you too, Jeremiah Steele!

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