How long does it take for you to cum from jacking yourself off? From my experience, I need only about 10 minutes, but I am a woman and I am wired differently. Most adult video scenes are cut down to 25 minutes. But after I am done, I usually lose interest in the rest of the video and fast-forward to the pop. (I like the schplat.) A couple guys I know do the same, but we are all performers, so I wanted to get the average guy perspective.
Now, I understand that you guys have a "working up period", so we can add another 5 minutes for that…?
I am working on a POV (male point of view line) and want to be realistic with the amount of footage people really want to jack off to. My goal is to give you what you want.
I would hate to waste time and money on this new project…My initial guess is 15-minute scenes. Am I totally off-base here?
No, I think you’re right on base Mika. In your case, I’m certain it would take less than 15 minutes. Thanks for asking..I think you are So Fine~
Minute and a half to 2 min.
3 hrs
if I’m running late for work it can be over from start to finish in 30 seconds