Should I just Give Jeremy his own page on LIB?

I’ve gotten more e-mails from Sophia. Jeremy has started his own blog, but doesn’t have the money to keep it up. Should I just give him his own page on LIB, where he can post and you guys can read it, and he won’t have to solicite donations or do an extra bukkake a week to pay for it?

40 thoughts on “Should I just Give Jeremy his own page on LIB?

  1. Yess! In that way I get my fix of porn gossip and bickering plus political conspiracy theories in one shop stop.

  2. 1. No. The jeremy/Sophia thing is funny just because Sophia is a moron. Jeremy on his own is not worth reading about. Go look at his new “site”. Wanna learn about numerollgy?
    2. Jeremy is a scammer. He is already looking for someone to bankroll him for his wordpress site. Dude, wordpress sites are free. I know my 16 year old has one.
    3. JED-You are the biggest Jeremy hater on the board, and you wanna go hang with him on his site and ditch this “Shithole” LIB? Don’t let the door hit ya in the ass MF.

  3. The Colonel says:

    Yes, Germy Steal has many things going on, he’s a come back stud on Will Ryder porno flicks, he can fuck anything that moves, he has a groundbreaking documentary in the making, he’s about to expose a century old reptilian conspiracy against the human race, he has an evil twin who performs in gay porno videos, and he has many arch enemies who will always fight him like The Joker always fights Batman. All in all, he has enough potential for having his own page, even several pages.

  4. itsmindseye says:

    Hey, don’t do this mistake, you will be in thick soup.

  5. What the problem, Germy claims to be a high definition editor with his own system that can handle 5 realtime uncompressed streams but he doesnt know how to install wordpress on his own website?

    Yeah okay. Give the loser a page and give him tea cup with some change while you are at it.

  6. Germy can contribute articles to LIB. He has made some long post that deserve to be posted as blog entries.

  7. catch up yoho, you fuckhead. it’s been a long time since i’ve given germy a spray on anything. i don’t hate the guy.

    and this site is a shithole. the owner does little to inspire confidence with incredibly lackluster entries, a person too scared to criticize the neighbor’s dog who takes a shit on her lawn each morning.
    the only assets it has are posters. take away bigdickdaddy, the colonel and the hilarious misadventures of germy steal and the tumbleweeds start rolling through.

  8. Cindi, you’ve got nothing to lose. Seriously, this site probably set you back a few grand and now you’re stuck. Just curious, why did you buy it?
    Anyway, you might at well give the guy a platform, why the hell not.
    But please, don’t feed us some bullshit about him not being able to afford to keep up a blog. Virtually every blog site is free.

  9. I like you Jeremy but no, you shouldn’t get your own LIB page. Contribute fine but not your own page. I use to help out more at the WordPress forum because I didn’t like seeing the underage kids there being harassed by the adults when they asked for help. But little kids running their own fan sites only asked their parents for money to pay for their own domain, domain mapping, and CSS upgrade. But that’s because these kids didn’t have their own credit cards yet.

    Put up a PayPal button on your page. Read the WordPress.COM Faq for the rules of what ads you can have and not have. Free blogs have a lot of rules. But you shouldn’t be asking on your first day of blogging to send money. It might cost you less than $50 for a domain name, domain mapping, and CSS upgrade. But you don’t need any of those things. Those are just added bonuses.

    Throughout the years, I’ve known bloggers that have paid for college, bought their own homes, and sent their kids to college from the money that they made from their blogs. But it took time. They blogged everyday, built their fan base, and started adding ads when they had enough traffic.

  10. fuck off darrah, you don’t want germy stealing your lamelight. i’m all for germy being able to eat more than dog and cat food to survive, what’s your fucking problem?

    get some banners up, steele. go all porn/conspiracy (much as i hate the conspiracy shit) in fact you really should be given this site, you’ve got enough enemies to make it interesting, slag them off on a regular basis. turn up to porn sets to report, while keeping a valid AIM test and there’s the added bonus that if some drugged up meat puppet pulls a no show, you can step in.

  11. Um, we would have different audiences. I’m the outsider while he is the insider. I provide news and information and rant about who I hate that day. He has access to the porn stars and parties and has first hand information and pictures. Most have come to know me since July while Jeremy has been around for years. Different audiences.

  12. so, darrah. what you provide can be sourced from any porn forum throughout the interwebs. tell me why we need you again?
    and ffs, audiences? a guy with 100 posts at xpt would have a bigger audience than you.

  13. After Cindi bought LIB, did she ask us to flip the bill for it? Cindi bought LIB while Jeremy has a free blog.

  14. “so, darrah. what you provide can be sourced from any porn forum throughout the interwebs. tell me why we need you again?”

    Actually for ranting and harassment Darrah can be usefull since XPT has become boring lately. I can see how and outsider can afford to do some things in porn like openly calling people rapists or whores with any kind of reprisals. Not even Luke Ford could do that.
    Germy could cover porn shoots and events and provide the NEW CAMERA OF DEATH (donated by an antropologist no less!) that is sorely missing fron this site. So Cindy, nominate Germy as the new photographer here.
    Remember Germy, photos should be either amateurish or antropological, not glamorous. That is the idea behind the Camera of Death.
    So please give Germy a page for photo reports please. That Bukkake Germy did can pay off for us.

  15. The Colonel says:

    Evil doing women are bitches, not whores. There’s an old saying: a whore is someone who fucks everybody AND you, a bitch is someone who fucks everybody BUT you.

  16. YoHo is the man by the way, someone I know for a fact appreciates good writing…

    I think Kevin Smith said it best:

    “Porn stars are not fucking funny. The part of your brain that makes you funny dies the second you fuck nine women a day for 10 years straight.”

  17. What porn star fucks “nine women a day for 10 years straight”? Yeah, I’m sure he’d be too tired to tell a joke. I’m sure his ballsack must look funny, though.

  18. By the way, on this Presidential Election day I accept the nomination for a page at LIB and as the new “Camera of Death” photographer. However, there’s no way in hell am I gonna shoot the way Fluke Ford shoots with his repetition of the same exact dead pose of the same exact person 18 times. I was a photographer in High School and our yearbook one Best Yearbook in some N.Y. state or Island wide contest. I’m usually a bit creative. I took photos of the Halloween bash you can see on It’s funny how several cameras at one venue capture such a different look.

  19. The Colonel says:

    Camera of death was one of the most interesting segments on LIB, I’m glad it’s coming back. Jeremy, the more horrible whores look in pictures, the better. Don’t get too artistic with angles, lights, etc, capture them how they really look like, not how moronic masturbating fan boys imagine them. Take close ups, lots of close up of drunken, drugged up whores and their cavity ridden teeth, embarrising beer bellies and obnoxious donut eating asses.

  20. I hear you Colonel. But unlike Luke, I feel no need to take the same exact picture over and over.

  21. Colonel, you are now my go to guy for these questions…what is “Camera Of Death”? No disrespect Jeremy!!
    Just a reminder..did you vote today? You know I did!

  22. i always loved how people complained about the camera of death and it was all “luke’s bad photography that made girls look bad” and “it didn’t show them in their true light” FUCK THAT! every hideous whore was shown for exactly what they were with that camera, it should have been the ‘camera of truth’

    to anyone complaining about the camera of death, they only need be shown this picture of stefani morgan*
    and be asked, how come she looks like that when the same camera that makes you look like total shit?

    *note even the biggest haterz have their favorite

  23. “By the way, on this Presidential Election day I accept the nomination for a page at LIB and as the new “Camera of Death” photographer.”


    Go Germy!

    “to anyone complaining about the camera of death, they only need be shown this picture of stefani morgan*
    and be asked, how come she looks like that when the same camera that makes you look like total shit?”

    Each time I see that photo I hate Bill Asher even more.. Thank to him the most naturaly beautifull whore in porn is gone.

  24. hey kay, huh? no disrepect for what?

    The Camera of Death Lives!

    I guess I’ll be making a trip over to Porn Star Karaoke tonight.

    Porn Stars make sure to get nice and drunk please and I’ll shoot it. Just make sure you have a designated driver.

  25. Remeber Germy, to channel the spirit of the Camera of Death you should not need be artistic, you should be antropologic, is fitting that the Camera was a a gift from one of them. Remember to be more National Geographic that American Photographer.

    Please go to Porn Star Karaoke. Change we need.

  26. The Colonel says:

    Kay, when Luke Ford decided to expand his journalistic efforts, he started taking pictures at porn events, parties and shooting locations, and because most of the times girls in those pictures looked grotesquely horrible, Luke’s camera was named camera of death. Hopefully Jeremy will do this right, and then you’ll witness the curse and power of camera of death.

    As for the voting, I didn’t vote. Because if the new guy, whoever he might be, ends up screwing the country deeper and further, I don’t want to have any part in his fuck ups. However, if I was going to vote, it would have been for Obama. Between the two candidates, Obama is the less evil one, while McCain looks like Emperor Palpatine on acid.

  27. The Colonel says:

    Jeremy, it would be awesome if you can do some video interviews with whores and while they’re all fucked up on booze and drugs, get them to look at the camera and say this infamous classic line:

    ‘I’m glad to be in porn, I have lots of friends.’

  28. Jeremy I was referring to asking the Colonel the question, instead of you. I alwys go to my ELDERS for questions!!

    Colonel thank you for your explanation on the camera of death. Just an FYI, this is the very reason I never drank or have done drugs. It will ALWAYS come back to bite you! Now with people like Jeremy they can now see themselves up loaded on line w/o all the “prettiness”. Who doesn’t love a good drunk video or picture. Just non of them throwing up please. I held enough heads in college to last me a lifetime!

    I figured you wouldn’t vote, but you really did miss out. With your “I Voted Today” sticker, you could have gotten a free cup of coffee at Starbucks, a free crispy cream donut at Krispy Kreme (by the way good porn title, or at Ben & Jerrie’s you got a free ice cream scoop in the shape of a star. I believe that this does fall into your category as the decline of XXXOOO

  29. I plan to have a kinder, gentler Camera of Death. You don’t want to scare everyone from showing up.
    Maybe mix it up a bit.

  30. The Colonel says:

    Kay, Starbucks and Ben & Jerry’s are fine, they don’t exactly fall into the decline category. Krispy Kreme, I don’t know, think about what those cream donuts can do to someone’s ass.

  31. The Colonel says:

    Jeremy, come on, don’t fix something that’s not broken. Go for the kill. Whores will show up, anyway. They just want to be on TV.

  32. Also now that Germy is at it. Please somebody get him a Videocamera too. So he can go shooting the interviews.
    But instead of asking,”What do you love or what do you hate to being in porn? What kind of people did you hang with during highschool? Have you lost some friends when you entered porn?” The classic Lukes them, Germy should go Khan Tusion on them.

  33. I am the Camera of Death-Elect. We still have much work to do. But change is coming. But I need your support. I can’t do it alone. I need you with me.
    Even a dollar or 5 dollars. Don’t think it’s too little. Change starts small. Now fucking send money you cheap mo fos!

    Btw. PSK was fantastic tonight. Stay tuned.

    Grab the photos Cindi…

  34. Not yet in the post and already raising taxes!
    But Germy, e-fundraising is the wave of the future!
    Just ask the president elect.

  35. The Colonel says:

    I just saw Porn Star Karaoke pictures at Jeremy’s blog, and man this is camera of death at it’s best: drunken, wasted whores, dressed in cheap jeans, showing off their yellow teeth, big bellies and fat asses. Fantastic. Guys, Jeremy is on to something, and we must support him.

  36. Thx guys. That sure was alotta time and work to get those final pics up but thanks to your encouragement and praise I am inspired to persevere. We must stand united. Together we can create a brighter tomorrow. 1000 points of coochie lights. There is nothing to fear but fear itself and there is no competition to compete with but ourselves. Send money!

  37. Jeremy, how about posting the names of the people either next to the individual pictures or on the file name. I even read on XPT recently they love looking at Gia’s pictures at AVN over the other photographers because she gives them all a file name because many might not know who is who.

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