Penis Painter at Exotic Erotic Art Festival (pics)

Tim Patch, otherwise known as Pricasso,( who painted McCain, Obama and Sarah Palin portraits with his private parts will be at the Exotic Erotic Ball’s Erotic Art Festival. He is one of 50 uniquely gifted erotic artists participating in the largest festival of its type ever to take place in Northern California. Happening October 24 and 25, in San Francisco. Details here

NL- I had read Headlines about this guy "Pricasso" painting with his penis, but I guess I didn’t pay that close attention until I saw how good his paintings were. I also didn’t get how he held the paint brush with his dick. Yeah, I know, sometimes I am denser than others. He doesn’t use a brush. He dunks his penis in the paint and actually wipes the paint on the canvas with his dick. So there is no brush involved. I wonder if Pricasso gets stiffer strokes with a hard-on…


5 thoughts on “Penis Painter at Exotic Erotic Art Festival (pics)

  1. jeremiahsteele says:

    this is typical of modern times… instead of a new picasso coming along, we have ‘pricasso’

    america is pornified, it can’t be denied, nor should we try to hide…

  2. jeremiahsteele says:

    a guy painting with his prick? whatever, that’s not obscene, what’s obscene is this paiting of obama with his arms around mccain.. if mccain becomes pres they’ll be a lot more dead people… too bad hitler wasn’t available for a photo op with barack… to me this picture says they are both two puppets of the same evil puppeteer, two arms of the same beast…………goodnite

  3. denisethepainter says:

    This IS art (and mighty FINE art at that). It is a testement to freedom of speech and what is dePRICKted is “IRONY”. It is provocative, humorous and astoundingly well executed; ESPECIALLY considering Prickasso’s impliment with which he painted this masterpiece. Kudos to him for having the courage to create~without intimidation, fear or boundaries. The only thing “obscene” is the notion of ones creativity being slighted by the notion of not offending.
    Regarding the Obama/McCain portrait, when I view this I see two things: I see the undonditional accepting of McCain as a fellow American and love of Humanity in the eyes of Obama and I see the sneaky, back-stabbing mask of commeraderie and fair play in the eyes of the duplicitous McCain.
    When art solicits a response, it is doing its job.In this case, a job well done.
    Denise LaFrance the painter, Toronto, Canada

  4. denisethepainter says:

    ps–on a side note, I do hope the artist is using a condom when painting…”safe painting” (LOL) because of the toxicity in all mediums-including acrylic because a lot of paints, no matter what medium, contain some degree of noxious components which may harm the skin and enter the bloodstream.

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