NO Racial Slurs, NO Last Names or else you get beaten!

There are only two little rules here about what you can’t post, and they are-

NO Racist comments

NO Real last names for people in the adult industry.

I don’t ask much guys, come on. I let you get away with murder in the comment section, and I love having your wild and rude selves here. But just please follow these two little rules. Otherwise I have to go search everything for the naughty words and delete them, and if I’m tired, like I am tonight, I don’t feel like going into the edit mode and correcting the post, it’s so much easier to just hit delete and erase all your wonderful thoughts because you couldn’t be nice to me and behave.

Do I sound like your Mother yet? I can put you over my lap and spank your ass… But I would have to charge extra for that.

19 thoughts on “NO Racial Slurs, NO Last Names or else you get beaten!

  1. Donkey Wrong says:

    Blatant homophobia/gay bashing. Making slanderous allegations of woman-beating, drug use, and other criminal activity. And you’re drawing the line here? Hypocrite…

  2. don’t link to christian’s blog again, his last name shows up in the html of each post.

  3. Questin; calling someone Trannyfucker is not a racial slur?

  4. Larry Horse says:

    Its okay to mention their real names if they use them…like the trannyfucker. If court documents use their real names and are on public record would that be okay? Of course I am being hypocritical for using my nom de plume. Steele, that’s a French term, call Trannyfucker, he can translate since he eats French food I assume, French Cum? Maybe he’ll cross the channel on this trip.

  5. The Colonel says:

    Guys, I honestly don’t think Cindi is asking for much, this is her website, and she has the right to figure out what she wants and what she doesn’t want on it, and since we come here to comment and exchange thoughts and tear each other apart and do whatever we do, I believe it’s fair to respect our host and what she asks us, it’s only common sense, and it applies to everyday situations. I have a Japanese friend, nice guy, if you go visit him, he asks you to take your shoes off before going inside his house, do you have to take it personal and get offended? I don’t think so, because it’s his house after all, and that’s the same here, Cindi doesn’t want racial slurs and last names on her website, I understand and respect that. It’s a fair and simple request.

  6. jeremiahsteele says:

    Another brilliant article.

    I’ve got two words : Ron Sullivan

    Don’t beat yourself too hard, Cindi.

    Je Connais, Monsieur Cheval

  7. “Questin; calling someone Trannyfucker is not a racial slur?”

    LMAO. I’ve gotta know. Which part is a race? The Tranny part? Or the Fucker part?

    jeezus you guys make me laugh!

  8. eisforeric says:

    Sort of have to agree with Donkey on this one. I know it’s your site and all, and I am not opposed to the no racial slurs rule at all, but you may want to establish a more respectable criteria for comments…

  9. MissBiatch2U says:

    Steele- Je ne connais pas M. Cheval. Qui est-il ?

  10. jeremiahsteele says:

    MissBiatch, I was talking to Larry. Little does he know I was a famous french author in a past life.

  11. Larry Horse says:

    Steele, which French author? Proust? Zola? Camus? Malraux? or the guy who wrote the Michelin guides?

  12. jeremiahsteele says:

    George Sand, according to a medium/friend.

  13. George Sand was a woman, that means that Germy is like the Trannyfucker? A woman trapped in a mans body?´
    Please say isnt so Germy! You have been accused of many things but not of faggotry.

  14. jeremiahsteele says:


    In a past or future life you may be your mother’s or your father’s lover or even your cat’s. It’s likely if reincarnation occurs that you’ll have lives both male and female. Currently I’m entertaining the simultaneous lives theory which is a bit of a mind fuck. Reincarnation could have something to do with why people may feel an inclination to the same or both sexes or feel trapped inside the wrong body. If I was born a woman I think I’d be a dyke. But, regardless, I take consolation in this uptight nation knowing that Madame Sand was unconventional, liked to wear men’s clothes and was accused of being a lesbian.

  15. The Colonel says:

    Reincarnation is bullshit, it’s a simple excuse for losers you fail to achieve their goals, hence they convince themselves that in the next life, they will. Humans are not important enough to live multiple times. The energy, the force, the essence of the universe and existence remains the same, it never decreases or increases, so when our body dies, our spirit, our existential force lives on in a different form, in a different circumstance. But believing that when a man dies, he comes back as a woman, is as relevant as believing that the earth is flat.

    Hundreds of years ago, people didn’t know about the infinite and boundless universe, hence they used to believe that everything happens on this little planet, and if you fuck up once, you’ll get the chance to fix it or pay for it in your next life. Today that idea is as irrelevant and redicouls as the idea of an almighty god who sends his only son on a suicide mission.

  16. The Colonel says:

    Jeremy, I don’t know what I think I know, but you know what you think you know, right? Because you know everything. You really are amazing.

  17. jeremiahsteele says:

    thanks colonel i am amazing but i don’t know very much, the more you know the more you realize you don’t know, but what i do know i know, because certain things which interest me i search and research, i specialize in certain things, other than that i’m just a fucking idiot.. i got too much free time on my hands, that’s my problem… i also have a very unamerican philosophy of examining many points of view thoroughly before coming up with an opinion, even if it’s anti-norm… my major in college was speech and debate and my duty was to study the opponents side thoroughly so to best refute it

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