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Tribute to David Wasserman- Pioneer of Porn

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I can’t believe this! I remember meeting David Wasserman…. it was like a scene out of a Hollywood movie…. The scene setting was The Broward County Commission meeting regarding “The Adult Entertainment Ordinance” We (Xcitement) were there along with many others including Benjamin & Arronson, and radio talk show host Randi Rhodes fighting and pleading our case in front of a typically pompous, arrogant Commission. At the very last minute the doors BURST open, and in “Stop The Presses!” fashion David Wasserman demanded to be heard! He had flown in to lend his support and I remember him giving a great speech.

This is a Parody ad we ran not long after to honor ALL our 1st Amendment Freedom Fighters. David Wasserman was listed as #6 in the “Legal Heroes” section. I don’t know what lead his life astray, we lost touch over the years. The stories will tell me I’m sure, I haven’t even read them yet. What ever that sad tale may be, I will always remember him as “#6″, he will always be a Hero to me.

Bob Newman – Publisher Xcitement Magazine

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