A black female producer on Playboy Radio named Terri Hughes, through her attorney Michael Fattorosi, has filed a Race and Sex discrimination suit against Playboy, Farrell Hirsch and Christy Canyon. While a few of the allegations are already on the internet:
That Terri was called onto the set by Christy and told to wax her ass, even though Terri repeatedly said no.
That Farrell Hirsch said he didn’t want Negro shows on Playboy radio,
there are more interesting details that have not been covered. I read the lawsuit documents today and here are some new tidbits for you-This is my version of what Plaintiff, Terri Hughes alleges and the lawsuit states-
Ginger Lynn left as host of Night Calls because of a contract dispute with Playboy.
Vanessa Blue was transferred from a radio show titled "Private Calls" to Night Calls as a co-host. At that time, a Playboy employee, Alan Evans made a comment to Terri about adding "color" to the show.
Vanessa Blue indicated to Terri that Christy Canyon was creating a sexually and racially hostile environment. Christy published a picture on her website, ChristyCanyonAuctions.com, featuring six Caucasian hosts of Playboy radio shows and Vanessa Blue, the only African American host on Playboy radio. Vanessa’s picture posted on the website was altered to intentionally deface, humiliate and cause ridicule to Vanessa Blue. (NL- I don’t know what was done to the picture, if anyone does, please let us know)
Hirsch adamantly stated, " I don’t know how to say this, and it might offend you, but I"m just going to say it anyway- no Negro shows." Later In a memorandum, Hirsch admits that he used the term Negro. (NL- Brilliant move. Don’t just say something offensive, make sure you put it in writing, lol)
All the white show producers were given their own desks. Terri was forced to share her desk and phone line with a Hispanic producer.
When a white male producer asked to be taken off Night Calls, because his girlfriend didn’t want him around porn stars, he was moved and his pay stayed the same. When Terri asked to be taken off the Night Calls show, she was told she would receive a cut in pay and a lower job title.
Playboy initiated a "no penetration" policy, Terri believes this is because of Christy’s behavior on the show.
Christy exposed her pussy and breasts to guests and staff and asked them to touch her. She masturbated on the live shows with her hands and with sex toys.
Terri had a meeting with Vanessa and Christy to state that No means No, and since this was a radio show the hosts could act/improvise sex rather then having sexual contact.
Hirsch e-mailed Terri to tell her there wasn’t enough SEX on the show, that she was booking too many male guests and it was beginning to be a problem.
Terri found a bong/water pipe filled with marijuana in the studio.
NL- I have personally dealt with Terri while booking a guest on Playboy radio and thought she was professional, kind, and thoughtful. I talked to Terri via e-mail (and maybe phone, I don’t remember). Since I never met her in person I had no idea what color or nationality she was, and I don’t know why that should matter in her job. What should matter is if she does her job well. I’d love to hear Playboy’s side of this story and would welcome e-mail correspondence, and/or a copy of their legal filings
They got BET and a colored fella running for the white house. How much more shit do they want?
It’s Playboy, is anyone really surprised? They’ve always been the most exploitive entity out there. They hate porn but make all their money from it. I was on Night Calls and Helmet Cam Man, I’ve been to the parties, I also know when I’m swimming with sharks, let’s call a spade a spade(pun intended).
Playboy only cares about one color, green.
Playboy is just like Donkey Wong. Completely clueless, irrelevant and simply taking up space.
Who in the world reads playboy? 70 yr old white men. There is no worse demographic then this.
Every year playboy loses more and more money because more of their feebie customers die or goto retirement homes.
Hugh Hefner only lives in the house because of loans and the mercy of the Playboy board of directors. If he lives too much longer playboy will run out of money and he will move into a condo.
I say 10 years is about all playboy will last. Do they have ANY division making money? They are bleeding red like a stuck pig.
Lastly, does anyone listen to playboy radio? I mean seriously . . . anyone thats not a broke loser?
Who could make time to listen to that pointless trash? Anyone with a full time job, a life and friends, going to the gym etc, wouldnt have time. I know I dont.
Playboy was great in the ’70s. Now it’s beyond irrelevant. I do love reading the letters to the editor though. There are people who really believe that Hef’s relationships with The Girls Next Door are based on love.
I dont think guys really believe its a love relationship. Everyone know the girls get an allowance. Who besides sugardaddies give their girlfriends an allowance? Hugh Hefner is a trick and has always been a trick.
You know what ..I give my girl an allowance. Twice a week she is “allowed” to suck my cock and have me cum on her face.
Could you imagine what its like to be one of the whores dads? People coming up to you saying “hey, I saw your girl TV last night”.
I would want to shoot myself.
Oh, but I’m not talking guys. There are people who actually list their credentials–alleged married feminists earning over $500,000 a year, as if they’re representing all other women who earn such money.
And they don’t just get allowance, they get curfews. Apparently they have to be in bed with him by 9, probably because he’s over a thousand years old and needs a good night sleep. You know, sort of like a 10 year old.
Apparently, their parents are *very* proud of them. The main girl, Holly, has been promoted to a photo editor for Playmates, so her parents think she’s a working woman now.
Believe or not the father of some of Heff’s whores have appeared in their show with sugardaddy Heff.
Getting a paid an allowance to be someone “girfriend” does make a woman a whore? I bet that the answer is yes.
And being semen donnor that created the sugardaughter of a 80+ year old man makes their biological daddies proud. Hey we are on TV! What else an American dad can expect for her daughter and for himself?
I think I looked at the Cindy Margolis issue and might plunk down a few bucks if Brooke Burke decides to show her bush again. Every move Playboy has made in the last thirty years has been bad, from the AC Casino on. If Hef had a well preserved brain, he would have started a nice life with Barbi Benton a long time ago. Instead he’s George Burns as a guest on the old Dean Martin show, regaling Dean and the Golddiggers about Gracie and the girls feigning interest while Dean watches the damn clock. Playboy also has been dumb enough to let Lensman and Jay and Jenna con them out of millions of dollars. Playboy Radio? I’ve had friends on and still didnt use the small amount of energy to turn it on, but I bet they had a bigger audience with dead air then Wankus ever had on his KSEX show, where is Wankus, I keep checking my garbage cans to see if he’s been through them.