MovieFone does a 15 question interview with mainstream actress Diane Lane. You can read the whole thing at the above link.
MovieFone asks-
4. Are you officially taking some time off … ?
And Diane Lane answers….
I can’t do anything official. My agents won’t let me [laughter]. As soon as you say that you’re taking some time off, you sort of attract work. I don’t know what that’s about, so I better not say anything. Between you and me, I don’t have anything else coming out, and I’m just gonna be taking my kids to driving school and mak[ing] sure they don’t cause any trainwrecks with their texting.
NL-Is this supposed to be a joke? I mean it’s one thing to make a sick joke to some friends. But after 25 people died in Chatsworth, I think it’s disgusting that she would say something like that in an interview she knows will be posted on line and read by the general public.
i’m wondering the same myself
1. why the fuck are you posting this here? oh yeah, you’re determined to run this site into the ground- being all things to all people. how about trying to be at least relevant on one area, instead of completely irrelevant on everything.
2. you’re a brain dead moron, you don’t want to judge brian surewood for involvement in a car crash that killed a child, yet you’re happy to express outrage over an off the cuff remark that hurts no one.
fuck you you’re so fucking predictably dopey that you’re a percentage in a focus group and you don’t even know it.
I don’t think Diane Lane had any bad intentions when making that comment. That was just a tongue in cheek kind of thing. Besides, I believe like George Carlin said, you can joke about anything, you just don’t have to take everything at face value.
One thing that nobody can escape from is death, life sucks, and we all die, one way or another, in that aspect, the ultimate joke’s on all of us.
I got two WTFs with you.
1. You sent me a myspace email accusing me of being JED?!?!? and telling me to stop.
2. Regarding this post, nowhere in this interview does Diane Lane JOKE about the trainwreck. At no point does she imply that it’s funny that people got hurt and died. She’s simply acknowledging the tragedy and dangers of text messaging. It is worth acknowleding because like car phones and other shit it’s distracting and dangerous.
The last time I ever was booked for a guy named Stan Brunt I was text (not called) a message a 1/2 hour before call time while on the way to work with the message “one of the two girls was cancelled”. I could’ve got in an accident trying if I were driving and trying to read and respond to this shit.
I hate text messaging. I can type 50WPM with a keyboard (yeah I make mistakes alot though) but that shit’s annoying, and obvious dangerous especially when people are driving and get fucking text messages. They should outlaw that shit.
no doubt this will sit in moderation, but FFS if you did actually accuse steele of being me, well that’s ample evidence of your cretinism. for 3 weeks i abused steele in every imaginable way, now you’re mindless enough to accuse that poor sap of staging arguments with himself…
that simply beggars belief.
Here’s your message to my myspace, Cindi:
—————– Original Message —————–
From: LukeIsBack. com
Date: Sep 23, 2008 3:33 PM
Yes I think you are JED. He is in love with you, he wants to be you, he hates you, HE IS YOU!
Cindi, you’re unfuckingbelievable… Your speculation turned belief about a guy who has viciously insulted me over and over is me?… He wants to be me? He’s repeatedly called me midget, thief, etc, says I no one should hire me. Why don’t you accuse bigdickdaddy/roy of being me as well? WTF is wrong with you?
Your inability to decipher that Diane Lane is not joking about people dying along, having no problems with Amber Lynn’s behavior, considering her a friend after she embezzled money from a man dying of cancer shows there’s seriously something wrong with you…
It’s bad enough that I’ve been attacked by a malicious man with down syndrome. Now I’m being accused of being him. This is a new low.
Nice job!
lol steele, that message is brilliant. i nearly choked laughing.
i finally get good value out of this site, thumbs up!
jed, i think you’re really cindi, you hate yourself, you love yourself, you want to be you and it’s true and don’t try to deny it! don’t argue me with facts because my mind is made up.
…and I think Diane Lane should’ve joke about the trainwreck which is lukeisback
… also let me note (having just read jed’s first comment here) that, whether right or wrong i’ve reserved passing judgement on brian surewood until there’s a trial… whereas jed, like other anonymous posters want to hang brian out to dry, no trial necessary (just a waste of tax payers’ money supposedly)
i guess you believe i’m a real multiple personality cindi… that’s nice…. if you keep this shit up you might lose your sole advertiser
yeah along the lines of what jed sed, you think nothing at all is wrong with amber lynn’s evil and psycho cunt from hell behavior but somehow think diane lane is laughing about the chatsworth tragedy
…. again, no, by all appearances (and there is no reasonable justification to infer otherwise) that text messaging while driving is extremely dangerous and irresponsible… we should all fucking keep that in mind and maybe just call people and talk to them, especially if it’s something of importance and someone’s on their way to work… figure that someone might be driving somewhere… anytime someone gets a text message it’s possible that they’re driving a vehicle and there’s ALWAYS the inevitable urge to check it, which if you’re driving endangers you and everyone around you… if you end up killing someone you may be accused of being a careless scumbag as brian surewood is accused of being
i should ask for an apology cindi but thanks for yet more free publicity… i’m always getting accused and blamed for shit…. it’s quite unbelievable, but it’s entertaining so thanks for thinking of me… it does, i have to agree with jed, make this site more entertaining… but if you think i’m still jed you’re dead in the head
… accused and abused, that is.
good times!
Cindy’s not Geramy, she’s DARRAH!
ain’t that the fucking truth, only that dumb fuckwit darrah could post so much innate shit.
Here’s your latest message to my myspace, Cindi LukeIsBack .com Date: Sep 23, 2008 5:02 PM Subject: RE: No Subject
If Jed bothers you so much why do you always answer him? If you would just ignore him you wouldn’t add fuel to the fire….
Amber Lynn was a person with a story to tell, I told all sides of that story that were interested in talking to me.
I post a lot of stories from people, doesn’t mean I agree with their point of view or like them, just means I think the readers and commenters will be interested in or pissed off about or in agreement with what is said. As the song says ” Let’s give them something to talk about”…..
What is wrong with me? Probably lots of things…..
PS- If I didn’t like you, you wouldn’t be in my top friends
Deer Cindi,
Why do I always answer jed? Do I always answer him?
If I never answered him yet he’d probably be still attacking me…
Anyway, I have this peculiar point of view and believe that when someone attacks you, whether it be in person, or by internet, it’s essentially the same. You may fire a bullet from afar and never see who you hit but it doesn’t soften the damage or absolve you from blame, even if you never see the face of the person you attack. The internet is similar to high tech weapons where you can launch attacks at people from afar and never see the impact or feel empathy or responsible since you’re not man enough to look them in the face when you do it.
Anyhoo, my point is that when someone attacks me, I respond, just the same as if it were to happen in person, if I ain’t too busy or whatever. Who knows, maybe if one day all goes well I’ll never have enough time to respond to all the hate mail. More hate mail means more people are talking about me. Hate, love, stupidity, it’s all addicting, monkeys see and monkeys do. People become designated targets and scapegoats, their persona molded and defined and it feels fine for those killing time. For those who have to constantly repeat themselves about a particular person or persons, that means they’re constantly thinking about them. It’s quite a compliment, even if it’s all negative. It’s quite inspiring even when annoying. There must be something in me certain people like if they can’t ever get me out of their heads.
I actually finally got jed to apologize and stop attacking me. He called me nice things finally. I turned it around, so it shows there’s hope and a results with the methods of my madness.
Thanks for keeping me on your top friends list. That’s very sweet. You should get “JED”‘s myspace and put us next to each other.
i’ve also surmised that cindi is darrah
i kinda wanna throat fuck cindi while darrah licks my balls. not maliciously like hardcore or black, but with love. afterwards we’ll get sushi and go dance to MGMT at an indie club in echo park. we’ll then retire back to my place to smoke some kush and fall asleep watching “a princess bride”. will ryder can film the whole thing and call it a “porno”.
Hello Jeremy, long time no see. Please come to San Diego and hang out with me this weekend. I’ll send you some train tickets.
Your friend,
Roy Garcia
Attention, cunt: I don’t come on here to read recycled bullshit from TMZ. Just as porn movies are total shit when they try to look ‘legit’ and porn whores are a disaster when they try to act, so are smut journalists who try to cover mainstream entertainment news. I never thought much of the faux-jew as a person, but he knew whereof he spoke when he put his shit up here. You will NEVER cut it as a real ‘journalist’. Be happy with what you got or go work at Walmart.You are driving this site into the fucking ground. Knock it off.