Holly Randall says Penis Envy !

Penis Envy
From my Xbiz column:

            So let’s talk about a very serious subject. A subject that probably occupies far too much time in the heads of most men, and a subject that my job admittedly probably makes into an ever bigger deal than it really should be. I’m talking, my friends, about penis size.

            If there is one physical trait that men measure each other up with more than any other, it’s definitely penis size. It’s the one wild variable that can either break or make a man’s self-esteem, regardless of his other physical traits. If a guy is fat and unattractive, a large penis will undoubtedly lessen the impact of these evils. And if a man is handsome, tall, and athletic, a small penis will override these fantastic qualities to a point where he may as well wear a paper bag over his head and spend the rest of his life on the couch, eating Twinkies and watching bad reality TV. Right?

            Wrong. Or so I believe. And when it comes to the very delicate matter of penis size, I am very thankful I’m not man. Because this is one issue that can’t be helped. As a woman, if I’m born with small, floppy tits, I can go out and buy myself an expensive boob job and wear low-cut t-shirts will all the confidence in the world. But a man with a small penis? I don’t care how many "supplements" you take, or how often you use a penis pump, but your 4-incher isn’t going to grow to porn star size. A friend of mine likes to joke that men who want to "take it slow" in a relationship don’t actually respect you, nor do they want to "get to know you" before you two jump in the sack. He’s just waiting until you’re emotionally invested until he shows you his small penis. He needs to know that you’ve entrusted him with your deepest, darkest secrets before he introduces you to tiny Tim, which several weeks of chick flick nights and foot massages ago, might have sent you running for the hills.

            And I know that the adult industry doesn’t really help men with this conflict. I know that when men watch a porn and see these gorgeous women begging for the guy’s "big, fat cock", that they can’t help but compare themselves to this stud that seems to be giving these girls so much pleasure. It can seem that the only way to truly please a woman is to walk around with Mandingo-sized proportions. But you can breathe a sigh of relief guys, because I’m here to tell you that this is simply not true.

            As ironic as it may seem, I think that growing up with parents who are in the porn industry, and now being in it myself, I’ve secured a pretty healthy distinction between the fantasy of porn sex, and the reality of real sex. Because I see the way most performers act in between rolling: the girl is bored and examining her nails, while the guy is left to his own devices. He is feverishly masturbating, trying to get hard so we can finish the scene and go home. When the cameras aren’t on, she usually isn’t paying the guy any attention whatsoever. But once I yell "action" again, suddenly she can’t get enough of his throbbing cock. That is not real sex, and as a viewer, it’s important to your sex life to make that distinction.

I often find that men I date are concerned that I desire well-endowed men, because I am around them so much at work. But I would like to make this clear: I do not wish for, nor do I fantasize about, porn-sized cocks. In fact, large penises actually hurt me, so I prefer them to be of average size. There’s nothing sexy about having your cervix continually poked. In fact, I find that men with large penises often aren’t very good in bed. It’s almost as if they believe the size of their penis alone constitutes a good time, and they don’t really have to put any effort into it themselves. They have large penis, so the sex has to be amazing, right? It’s as if they can just lie back and procl.. "Jump on and enjoy my unusually large manhood! Who needs to lift a finger with this gift to womankind? Not I!"

But when I look back at some of the best sex I’ve had, rarely has it been with a large penis. It has been with passionate men who desire to please me, or intelligent partners who know how to engage in sex of the mentally adventurous. Or simply, it has been with men that I was truly in love with.

There are women who are size queens out there, but so what? Why do you think they are size queens? Probably because their vagina is so large and stretched out you could throw a football through it. Save yourself for the tight girls who will appreciate you for not ripping apart their vaginal walls. And who might actually appreciate you for more than just your penis size.

58 thoughts on “Holly Randall says Penis Envy !

  1. I love big cock!! There are no small penises only small men. I love any size cock as long as it’s hard, it’s the wood that matters.

  2. lol, i like when I can kick field goals into women… other times I like to recreate the birth experience… those girls are the winners

  3. jeremiahsteele says:

    Well written and thought out, Holly.

  4. sophia mounds says:

    “Wow”, did you read that! Let’s talk about alienating half of your readers. INSULTING!!! I was always taught that assumptions are the mother of all fuck-ups and never, ever, talk about the size of a mans penis… Man, first off most intelligent men do not measure each other up by the size of there penises…

    Please Holly Randall, stop and think out side of porn for a moment. Most intelligent men measure themselves up to what kind of career, house, job and wife or girlfriend the other guy has! If one guys fat and he sees a skinny guy he wants to be that guy. He wants what that guy has. The only reason a man would want a bigger penis, is because its just one more thing that the other guy hes jealous of has. The most intelligent men that I have ever met are like this.

    For men its not what you have, but who has it. I have known guys with small penises who have been producers of hit T.V. Shows, directors and writers, what they don’t make up for in size, they make up for with wealth or are very artistically gifted! They do-not need to put a bag over there face’s.

    Holly Randall just went and pissed off a lot of intelligent, rich and cool people with her screwed up assumptions and cuts, to men and women who already feel bad about there bodies. It doesn’t look like having porn parents have helped Holly Randall to have empathy for men and women who already feel bad about what god didn’t give them! I say, “Shut-up, Holly Randall”!

    I have known guys with less then average size junk, who are married or dating women with giant vagina’s. They were in love and happy. Do you know why, because real relationships are based on emotions, love and caring for one another. Real love isn’t based on how big the guys penis is, or what it looks like. Real love is something more then just sex. Hell I didn’t like the sex that much with Ryan Knox but, I loved him for him and not his penis. If a women is all about the size of some ones penis, well that’s a tragedy and shes going to miss out on what its like to really be in love.

    To really be in love, you have to love the person for all there quality’s and you have to willing to deal with what they have or don’t have physically or sexually, you need to be willing to except them for who they are. But the only real important thing in any relationship is honesty, if you don’t like something about a person you have to be brave and tell them. So that you don’t waist your time.

    Sophia Mounds

  5. The Colonel says:

    Sophia Mounds says:
    ‘Holly Randall just went and pissed off a lot of intelligent, rich and cool people.’

    You don’t have to be pissed off, then, because you don’t belong in any of those three categories.

  6. jeremiahsteele says:

    Sophia/Jade, who has been correcting your normally atrocious grammar errors? Nevertheless, you are proving you are illiterate, crazy and stupid.

    Holy is not insulting anyone. If Holy said size does matter then some men might be insulted, but she said size doesn’t matter in her personal life, so who the fuck is she insulting or alienating?

    As usual, your comprehension skills are completely whacked, just as you are.

  7. eisforeric says:

    Funniest thing I’ve read all week, Colonel. (I really gotta start reading things other than porn blogs and forums)

  8. “Hell I didn’t like the sex that much with Ryan Knox but, I loved him for him and not his penis.”

    So on top of all poor Ryan is also a bad fuck?

  9. jeremiahsteele says:

    Yes, good one Colonel…

    Again, let me point out to Sophia/Jade that it was me, I, myself who has pointed out to her again and again and again that she always ASSUMES things that are not true (and then gets violent or threatens violence). I’ve made this point to her many, many times, and as usual she takes what someone says to her, about her and turns it around on someone else because she’s unable to ascertain and accept reality.

    Her saying “I was always taught that assumptions are the mother of all fuck-ups” is that reminder of mine about her echoing in the back of her hollow and damaged head.

    And then she turned on Holly, who actually wrote an excellent and unoffensive article.

  10. hollyrandall says:

    Sophia– you completely misread my blog. You couldn’t have gotten it more wrong, the entire point of my blog is that penis size DOESN’T really matter (at least, to me). Note the last sentence: “Save yourself for the tight girls who will appreciate you for not ripping apart their vaginal walls. And who might actually appreciate you for more than just your penis size.”

  11. jeremiahsteele says:

    Holly, Sophia Mounds has severe mental and emotional problems. She needs to check herself into a mental hospital before she attacks someone else. I am not joking.

  12. It seems like she has a cognitive problem. Is she paranoid schizo? That might explain why she bunked up with ……………..

  13. MissBiatch2U says:

    “Again, let me point out to Sophia/Jade that it was me, I, myself who has pointed out to her again and again and again that she always ASSUMES things that are not true…””

    Jeremiah, Weren’t you just yelling at someone else for always repeating themselves? WTF is this? Aren’t you admitting that you repeat yourself “again and again and again”? So In the space of what, an hour, you have torn someone up for doing something that you proceed to write a post about yourself doing. I would saying you are a fucking hypocrite. Comprende’?

  14. jeremiahsteele says:


    Calm down.

    These are two different matters: BDD’s repetitive insults and my pointing out the myriad of cracks in Sophia’s mental framework. I’m not trying to tear Sophia up but making the point that she seriously needs to be turned into a mental hospital before she commits ANOTHER act of violence. Because she WILL attack someone else, guaranteed. She’s bonafide insane, as I think she’s effectively proven on LIB, alone!



  15. Germy, you are the only repetitive thing here. You constantly deny you are not an abuser when the evidence shows other wise. You constantly claim you know who I am, but everyone but you knows I’m not Roy Garcia and you constantly run your little cock sucker about how Will Ryder is shooting you.

    Get a fucking clue shit head. Get back under Will Ryders desk so that he can copy another idea from the 1970s.

  16. jeremiahsteele says:

    Abuser? You’re the one who’s abusive, Roy. Day after day, you devote your life to it because you are so disgruntled, you don’t make a dime off it, and you have to hide which is what losers/cowards do.

    What evidence do you pretend to have, Mr. unbiased Roy- Sophia’s testimony and other writings?? Have you heard of “false charges”? Do you know it’s been done before in history?

    Again, let me repeat myself BECAUSE you refuse to answer these questions: Why do you have so much fucking hate and need to constantly attack people and repeat yourself? What do you have to say about Roy, BDD? If you claim not to be Roy, despite all the coincidences between you two then who are you?

    Since you are, being the coward that you, trying to hide, isn’t it OBVIOUS that you will always deny who you are? Are you denials supposed to sway readers? Fuck You, you malicious coward!

    There’s no way you can possibly rationalize it. If you were a REAL man, you wouldn’t attack people anonymously… especially, with the fact that you are in the industry, not just some angry, retarded fan. If you were a real man, Roy, you’d make your identity known.

  17. BigDickDaddy says:

    Germy . . . I’ll come clean . . . I’m your daddy.

    I was in the Navy and had shore leave in San Francisco where I met a one-eyed hooker, with a hunch back, a slight stutter and a walked with a limp.

    Being a fresh recruit I was low on funds and could only afford to fuck OR a rubber but not both. After being on ship for 6 months I choose to fuck.

    I pounded her and I swear I tried to pull out but I guess a few drops ended up in her pussy. She wrote me and told me she was pregnant but I was young and I had to see the world.

    Germy, I know I havent been there for you but the day you dreamed that you graduated from Cal State Long Beach meant as much to me as it did for you.

    Too bad you cant do anything with your imaginary degree because being short is okay when you are educated.

    To make things up to you I will get you a set up platform shoes so you can finally look other guys in the eyes instead of having to look up to them like a big bother.

  18. Roy Garcia says:

    I have been in the adult industry for several years, I have worked as agent, producer, and performer. My motive has always been doing business, not to get involved in everyday dramas and fist fights and cyber attacks, I don’t read porn blogs and gossip sites, and I don’t write comments either, I don’t care about what’s happening between this and that industry insider and who likes who and who hates who, as long as I can continue making a living off my work in this industry, everything else is irrelevant to me. But it’s been brought to my attention that lately I’ve became involved in a cyber fight in your website between Jeremy Steele and some poster who goes by the user name BigDickDaddy. Apparently Mr. Steele assumes that I am BigDickDaddy, therefore he keeps attacking me and insulting me on a daily basis. At first, I didn’t want to get involved, then I logged in to your website with my real name and sent a message to Mr. Steele, he didn’t respond to me, and instead, continued with his attacks and accusations that are completely false and unfair. At that point, I decided to clarify this issue once and for all: I knew Jeremy Steele for a long time, I booked him several times, but as an agent, I have to comply with the producer’s demands, I can’t book the same person all the times, I have to hire different people for different projects, and apparently Mr. Steele is under the impression that I don’t book him, because I don’t like him. This is a childish way of thinking, I have no personal vendetta against Mr. Steele or anybody in the adult industry, I don’t write on this website, I am not BigDickDaddy, I don’t know who he is, either, and I ask Jeremy Steele to contact me if he needs to discuss anything further.


    Roy Garcia

  19. Larry Horse says:

    Steele, this good enough for you? You’ll go on thinking BDD is Roy, I used to think BDD was Bill Margold, should’ve known from the start it wasnt “Saint” Billshit. BDD breaks your balls and someone told you he was Roy. All I know is that I am me, BDD may be the Walrus and Sophia is one big psycho. So Steele get some Old Milwaukee and some Farmer John’s Dodger Dogs and enjoy tonight when the Cubs fail once again. Go ask Johnny Thrust for the money.

  20. jeremiahsteele says:

    Ok now, let me crack my knuckles and begin…

    (from the archives of lukeisback.com

    “Bella’s former agent Roy Garcia writes: http://www.belladonnaxxx.com has risen to the top of the Alexa Rankings in a 24 hour period. On Thursday her rank was 279,000… early sat morning it was @ 4,726. Folks, as far as porn goes, I think that that is a record. If you can’t see the writing on the wall here then you never will.

    I would, however like to make some serious corrections on 12 of the show’s GROSS inaccuracies:

    1. In my 37 years on this planet, I have never met a more sexually aggressive woman than Bella Donna.

    2. During Bella’s first scene, (real sex video magazine) she was so turned on, that SHE suggested to do anal!

    3. Since I was the agent who discovered her, and paid for the BLUE Top Ramen hair extensions to be removed from her head, paid for her $200 dye job, and booked her first 50 scenes… you must know – she was BLONDE in all of them.

    4. The real reason that Bella left Los Angeles & went back to Utah for almost a year: Vince Vouyer wanted her to stop doing porn because he was in love with her… and Bella was in love with doing porn.

    5. When Bella CALLED ME around Christmas time of 2000 – it was to get back into Porn because she loved sex, especially porn sex, didn’t feel guilty about it at all, and had an insatiable sexual appetite.

    6. Bella’s biggest fan is Bella… she gets every movie she ever did before it hits the streets, invites all of her friends to watch it, and critiques it herself. A true professional perfectionist… I bet that she’s reading all of these reviews.

    7. Bella’s 12 guy gang bang for Anabolic was about her 100th scene – not her second, and all her idea.

    8. The only thing that bothered her about the gang bang was that Jeremy Steele was in it.


    10. The real reason for her tears on national TV was that she was, still is, and always will be – TRAUMATIZED BY f—ING JEREMY STEELE!!!

    11. The real reason that I am writing this is to publicly apologize to Bella for booking her a scene with Jeremy Steele.

    12. ABC followed Bella for 2 years? That’s funny… I never met them. It was more like: One day last summer & 2 weeks later when she returned from filming “Bella iz Buttwoman” abroad. She was only crying because she missed her boyfriend Nacho Vidal & the Italian espresso roasted coffee.

    Roy Garcia, Owner/President, Sex Symbols Talent Management”

    Hey Roy, we have a contadiction here (see what you wrote, above and here below:)

    “As an agent, I have to comply with the producer’s demands, I can’t book the same person all the times, I have to hire different people for different projects, and apparently Mr. Steele is under the impression that I don’t book him, because I don’t like him. This is a childish way of thinking, I have no personal vendetta against Mr. Steele or anybody in the adult industry”

    I remember you used to say to me in person, Roy, after another job well done how you appreciated all my work as a male performer: I simply did my job, did it well, caused no problems or drama and that was it!

    Then one day I made the HUGE mistake of offering to type for you and you thought I was insulting you because you were typing with two index fingers. You just stopped booking me after that and then one day I read your Belladonna missive (see above) regarding the reasons she cried on the ABC interview.

    Isn’t it amazing, along with all the many other coincidences between you and BDD that you also love to repeat yourself, repeat yourself, repeat yourself?!

    You say you don’t have vendetta’s but several girls you used to represent say you’ve mailed box covers or use the threat of doing so to female performers parents. You had to deny it on a radio program once.

    I didn’t start this, Roy. You did. And you just can’t quit, can you?

    I think about the maxim I’ve mentioned before that all it takes is one asshole to create and spread a lot of shit in this biz; just one person to repeat themselves, repeat themselves, repeat themselves… then others hear it, and of course they too repeat it, and then all of a sudden lies and slander become ‘common knowledge’. People who have had good experiences or none start saying “I hear all this shit about that guy” and on and on, and on… It’s because of the likes of you, Roy, the late Wanker Wang, Fayner (who opened the doors for Wang, jealous because Taylor Rain, his soon to be wife, was talking to me). Of course, whether anything may or may ever be in any slightest way true as Al Pacino says in “Scarface”, “You need people like me so to point your fuckin’ finger. But what does that make you, good?”.

    I just lost a cool roommate and I’ve also lost friends in this business because others are talking shit, not based on her own experience. All it takes is one asshole and then there’s a whole bunch of shit, but this shit’s gotta fucking stop. Between Nick East’s confession that I have on tape that his evidence I broke his van window which was parked on the street was because I didn’t help him clean up the mess, or Sophia’s Mounds’ insanity as she’s provided here on LIB, or Luke Ford/”Deep Throat”‘s fictitious narrative that I was caught on tape stealing Jim Power’s camera. Yeah, if you examine each of these things you’ll find they’re bullshit. But if you just go by ‘hearing’ things, in general, then of course, I’m bad news.

    Like Ron Sullivan said let’s just shoot the truth not the shit!

    Was that good enough for you, Larry?

    Sorry for that rant.

  21. “8. The only thing that bothered her about the gang bang was that Jeremy Steele was in it.


    10. The real reason for her tears on national TV was that she was, still is, and always will be – TRAUMATIZED BY f—ING JEREMY STEELE!!!

    11. The real reason that I am writing this is to publicly apologize to Bella for booking her a scene with Jeremy Steele. ”

    OMG! So that are the roots of the rivaldry!

  22. Roy Garcia says:

    Jeremy, let me say this to you straight forward: you’re an idiot who lives in denial, and you’re also an asshole, that’s why you can’t earn and keep people’s friendship and respect and trust. I don’t hate you for being an idiot and an asshole, but I don’t like you, either. In regards to things you say:

    1. At the time of shooting the gang bang movie with Bella Donna, she was the highest demand performer of my agency, and obviously I had to treat her right and listen to her. I wasn’t there at the shooting of the gang bang movie, I don’t know what happened between you two, but she was extremely upset with you, and complained about working with you, and obviously I got upset to see someone is fucking with my top performer. On top of that, Chris Alexander was also pissed off about your behaviour, again, I don’t know why, don’t care to know why, either. But I tell you this: I’m not going to put my ass on the line for Jeremy Steele or anybody else and jeopardize my livelihood, people don’t want Jeremy Steele, I don’t book Jeremy Steele. The end of the story. If you have any problems with that, take it to them, contact Bella Donna or Chris Alexander and ask them what was their problem with you.

    2. I never contacted any girl’s family in regards to her porn career, and I never mailed any box covers to anybody, either. This is simply a rumor, and it has as much credibility as any other rumors about anybody else in the adult industry, for example the rumors about you stealing several cameras and beating women and being difficult to work with. Talk is cheap, but can you provide any actual evidence to support your rumors and accusations? Is there anybody who can come forward and say in her own words, backed with evidence that I have contacted her family and revealed her porn career? I don’t think so. People know who I am, if they want to talk to me, they know how and where to reach me.

    3. I’m an average guy and I do fine for myself, I might not be the fastest typist, but I get done what I need to get done, and it’s all that matters. Frankly, I don’t remember having a conversation with you about my typing, even if I had, it wasn’t important enough for me to memorize it and focus on it, because the truth be told, you and what you say and what you do is not important to me. I stopped booking you, because people were pissed off at you and they didn’t want you in their movies, because my girls including Bella Donna didn’t want to be around you, there’s no mystery to it, and believe me, if I wanted to kick your ass for any reason whatsoever, I didn’t have to wait a couple of years to attack you anonymously on a message board, I could easily come to your apartment and knock your teeth out, but I don’t have to, you just don’t matter. Go fuck yourself.

  23. jeremiahsteele says:

    That’s an absolute lie about Belladonna, Roy. No conflict whatsoever happened with me and her or with me and the crew or with me and anyone else there during that gangbang.

    You’re just making shit up, Roy. The gist I always got from your top 10 reasons list you wrote was simply some kind of stupid joke along the lines of what other internet comedians proffer. And when I called you to ask you to explain it, you said you had to call me back but never did.

    All you ever said to me Roy, again and again was that you were pleased with my performances and lack of drama. I always appreciated the Hustler mag gigs you got me and was always professional. You never communicated that someone had a problem with me (as it’s a lie) and considering all the good jobs I did time and again the least you could’ve done is communicate that, were your bullshit lie to be actually true.

  24. BigDickDaddy says:

    Germy, leave Roy alone. It sounds like you are trying to get in his good graces.

    He told you to fuck off.

    Other then that he was been a complete gentleman towards you which I think is crazy. You are a fucking abuser and should be treated as such. You should be beat down on sight with no questions asked.

    He summed it up perfectly. You are in complete denial.

    Everyone in the world is fucked except him. Yeah right. Its Germy and only him.

  25. coby_johns says:

    “… Because I see the way most performers act in between rolling: the girl is bored and examining her nails, while the guy is left to his own devices. He is feverishly masturbating, trying to get hard so we can finish the scene and go home. When the cameras aren’t on, she usually isn’t paying the guy any attention whatsoever. But once I yell “action” again, suddenly she can’t get enough of his throbbing cock. That is not real sex, and as a viewer, it’s important to your sex life to make that distinction.” Thanks Holly for proving that PW’s are only in it for the $$$$.

  26. jeremiahsteele says:

    I’m not trying to get on your good graces, Roy and stop calling me an abuser. I was pointed out the fact that you’re lying. Stop repeating yourself.

  27. Are you even working this week or next? Unless Will Ryder is shooting how will you have money to eat? I dont know of any producer that will allow you within 20ft of their set besides Jim Powers and only when he is shooting a bukkake.

    Like Max Hardcore your done in this business. You were bottomfeeder before and now you are less then that.

    Its time for you to move on and get a job maybe at your local Walmart.

    Producers dont need abusers on set.

  28. jeremiahsteele says:

    Hey Roy, you got serious problems, and keep your shit up thinking your immune because it’s gonna get worse. You think you can say it’s just a rumor when several different girls say you’ve mailed box covers to their parents or threatened to do so? That takes an evil coward to do that, the same kind that relentlessly and anonymously tries and attack people day after day and make up shit. You think you’re clever but I’ve already pointed out your lies. As Violet Blue said, you should grow up and stop repeating yourself, but since you can’t you come on over here and knock my teeth out. All your personalities like to point out who supposedly matters and who doesn’t. You’re the one attacking others without admitting your identity. Do you matter? If so, give us your resume.

  29. Violet Blue? She is about as irrelevant as another whore you used to abuse named Eden Rae.

    You traumatized her so much she had to fake stomach cancer to get away from you.

    It seems everywhere you go you leave women trembling and scared for their lives. Its disgusting.

    I can hear you now claiming Eden was crazy and that you never abused her. As always its everyone else. Its never you. It always THEIR fault.

    You are a little, little man. Do everyone a favor and go the fuck away unless you are willing to abuse Brian Pumper or someone that would stomp a hole in you then you should keep your little hands to yourself.

  30. jeremiahsteele says:

    Eden Rae’s real name is Jasmine (removed). In 1998 in Hollywood she was arrested and charged with threatening to shoot me with a gun, putting bullets in my porno movies in a jealous rage. You should look it up.

    10 years later, Sophia Mounds has incriminated herself and has proven that she is literally insane. There seems to be unanimous agreement here on LIB about that.

    Why do you have to keep making shit up, and keep trying to attack people anonymously Roy? Because you’re an evil coward.

    Like I said, Roy. Keep it up. I know you think you can keep getting away with this but you are GRAVELY mistaken.

  31. BigDickDaddy says:

    Oh, you must mean how I said that you would blame it on Eden?

    I was right.

    A small percentage of women who are abused fight back. She probably threatened to shoot you because she got sick of you hitting and abusing her.

  32. jeremiahsteele says:

    correction: it was December of 1997

  33. jeremiahsteele says:

    No, Roy. You can surmise all you want as you certainly will, how the hell does that make you right, moron? Jasmine was or claimed to be a daughter of one of the Hell’s Angels. Anyone who has had experience with Eden Rae, such as Tina Tyler, would tell you she’s nuts. She was also represented by Regan Senter, and although not many people may like him, he’ll tell you a few things, too.

    So, we have Eden Rae and Sophia Mounds. Yeah, Roy, you sure are reaching.

  34. You forgot to mention Bella Donna and werent you kicked off a set for touching Stephanie Swift or someone?

    I know, I know, I know . . . it was Stephanie’s fault.

    Like I said before, it always their fault. The entire world is against Germy.

    Just so you know. We really dont want to hear any more of your pathetic excuses or your delusional reasons why YOU got kick off a set because of what someone did to YOU. Its simply to pathetic and annoying. We get the point. Everyone picks on you and you are simply great which is the reason you live in a shithole, dont have a car and no one will hire you except Will Ryder.

  35. The Colonel says:

    Jeremy, it’s time for you to open your eyes and realize that you’re making a fool of yourself by beating a dead horse, BigDickDaddy is not Roy Garcia, so stop attacking Roy whenever BDD bashes you, this delusional and erraric behaviour only gets you in more poverty and trouble and alienates you even further. If you tend to defend yourself against BDD, answer him based on what he tells you, don’t involve Roy Garcia who has nothing to do with this. Roy answered you and cleared this issue, it’s done, finished, get over it.

  36. this all sounds pretty damning, steele. it’s one incident after another with you, why is that so? it can’t all be losers and weirdo’s on the other side, plenty of people get through life without constant fights, or even any fights.

    sounds like a trannyfucker scenario, most of his problems are his own doing but he blames everyone else for them. cleverly, he’s actually cultivated a few relationships that manage to keep him working on a consistent basis, history says he will fuck those eventually, but you seem on your last legs. it’s like die hard 2 where mcclane says “how can the same shit happen to the same guy twice?” it’s just you’re up to the 80th sequel.

    c’mon steele, you gotta answer, why always you? have a reasoned think about things and get back to us.

    and do something worthwhile for a change, loftus. follow up this steele v belladonna story and report back.

  37. oh yeah steele, you gotta stop using the “you keep repeating yourself line.” you’ve mentioned the ‘roy garcia boxcovers’ thing enough times that it cancels out any repetition from bdd.

  38. jeremiahsteele says:

    I’ve been in the business since 3/8/96. From time to time shit has happened to me. It’s hardly constant yet it’s constantly talked about. What can I say? I will gladly own up to anything I’ve ever done wrong but not to anything I haven’t, and I don’t appreciate slander and libel by malicious people who have to hide and constantly attack, attack, attack!

    I admitted once that I’m attracted to the strange and usual. I’m not saying it’s entirely sane or smart of me but does that automatically make me the bad guy when someone’s loose screw falls out and some stupid event happens? It certainly makes for good entertainment, especially if you’ve got some of it in a documentary.

    If any of my anonymous attackers believe they should be taken seriously then they should not have to hide! Word!

    I know agents who are in the epicenter of a lot more crazy shit than I because they have to deal with a lot more performers, directors, etc and on a regular basis. One successful agent told me more than once that the girls drive him crazy. However, that doesn’t make me assume that he’s the bad guy.

    Like a friend said to me, L.A. is the mental magnet of the country, the porn business is the mental magnet of L.A. and I’m just a mental magnet.

    Does that make me the bad guy or guilty of things based on no evidence? And again, I urge all haters to look at each thing, case per case, which scattered over 12 1/2 years is really rather occasional. Spare yourself of the urge to get retarded and lump everything into one bag or brush stroke one quick image and believe it’s real.

    Have you ever heard of women who keep attracting abuse? Do they deserve it? Well, I’ve attracted it a few times.

    Let’s not be malicious or retarded now. Let’s not be so simpleminded and simplify things to conform to a pre-arranged impression or intention.

  39. jeremiahsteele says:

    that should read: strange and unusual

  40. jeremiahsteele says:

    Why do you say you are so sure, Colonel?

    And regarding Belladonna, thanks to Roy’s malicious lies now unfortunately what will likely happen is a lot of people will inevitably ask her the same question which she and I both know the answer to. Once people confirm the fact that Roy is lying about her supposedly having a problem with me that should say a lot about the kind of person Roy Garcia is. I caught Roy on the lie that he never talked shit about me by showing that old LIB post and then he had to lie again!

    Come on Colonel, wake up, what are you BDD/Roy and Larry, too!

  41. The Colonel says:

    Jeremy, it takes two to tangle, you’re as crazy and fucked up as the crazy and fucked up people you attract, and that’s what makes you so damn interesting.

  42. jeremiahsteele says:

    uh jed… that was in 2000 that I worked with her in a gangbang.

  43. jeremiahsteele says:

    Colonel, it takes two to tango and tangle yes, but even if I were as nutty as a snickers bar that don’t mean I do things that I don’t do.

    All this myth-making is miff-making, meaning annoying, inciting argument and putting me in a foul mood.

  44. just askin’

    and if this is putting you in a foul mood, stay away from people. no more altercations, at least not today, eh steele?

  45. BigDickDaddy says:

    You’ve been in porn since 3/8/96 and 14 years later what exactly do you have to show for it? A shit hole apartment, no car, no girlfriend, no wife and no money, no 401k, no savings. Nothing. Just a one page website.

    I would call that a complete failure. There are plenty of people in LA that are answering the door at Walmart in their 60s and 70’s because they came here 50 years ago trying to be mainstream actors and failed. There are old hookers in LA in their 90’s still selling pussy because they thought they could make it into silent films.

    Germy you claim to have a degree. Why dont you give up your pathetic attempt at porn and try to make something out of your life?

    You’re simply too small, too short and much like a runt to have any commerical success. The porn business is getting harder and harder to make money in.

    Get out before you are homeless and staying at the mission.

  46. jeremiahsteele says:

    If I were actually broke, I guess I would’ve sold the 100’s of books, 1000’s of L.P.s I still have, and if I had a gf I don’t think I’d tell you about her/it… and if I am a failure as you say, Roy, I’m happy it gives you something to talk about; After all I know it takes you a longer time than average to type all your shit with two fingers, so it really must make it worth your while to always go on and on and on about it… WhatTheFuck would you talk about if there were no “failures” in the world? Would you be forced to look at yourself and declare “Holy Shit. I’M a failure!”? I’m just as tall as Ron Jeremy, just not as wide. Who cares? What’s your obession with size and money and all that hollow bullshit? You know there are really cool places unlike L.A. places where people don’t care what kind of car you drive or how much money you have and really hot girls will talk to you and suck your cock… well, not yours. You might as well keep paying to get any of that.

    I wonder if the Anaheim Angels of Los Angeles, I mean the Los Angeles Angels of California in Anaheim are gonna force a game 4.

  47. I was in downtown LA looking at lofts. There was a bum pushing a shopping cart full of LPs and books. The guy was 5’4 so he was obviously a foot taller then you but you obviously envy the guy since he has something to push his CRAP around in.

    Yeah, have fun being a completely fucking failure and we all know theres alot of hot chicks in LA that are waiting to suck off losers that have shitty apts and no car. Yeah we all believe that.

  48. jeremiahsteele says:

    Yeah, that’s right. I’m so short I have to raise my arm up to unlock the front door. I eat a women out standing up. Unfortunately, I can’t get on the adult rides at amusement parks. It’s all true, but I’m still curious when I invited you over to my hobbitat for tea and mushrooms for you to know that it’s such a shithole.

    It sounds like you don’t know of the magical places where people aren’t so materialistic and girl’s are digging into you not your wallet. I’m glad you don’t know of these places. Better for everyone else. Hopefully, it’ll stay that way.

    Angels score in the 11th!

  49. Germy, everyone knows you look for girlfriends at the battered womens shelter because you are pathetic.

  50. jeremiahsteele says:

    pathetic is always using the word ‘pathetic’
    pathetic is always talking about people you find pathetic
    pathetic is repeating yourself
    pathetic is repeating yourself

  51. Larry Horse says:

    Steele, I’m just little old me, well not so little, I, like most of the population, are taller than you. What was the last time you worked anyway? Non Bukkake work I mean. Next JM bukkake, you should go up to Johnny Thrust and set up another fake robbery, you could even film it with that camera.

  52. now that is low, stealing the $75 a bukkake mope was using to buy the canned beans which fed him for the next month.

  53. jeremiahsteele says:

    “If you tell a big enough Lie, and keep on repeating it, in the end people will come to believe it.”
    — Josef Goebbels, Hitler’s propaganda chief

  54. i wasn’t referring to you, steal. just speaking in general terms.

  55. Larry Horse says:

    Hasnt Goebbels suffered enough. He was short like you Steele, he was even cuckolded by his number two man…though he was banging some actress(Czech no less) at the same time. I keep hearing ads on Dodger games that the LA County Sheriff needs help, I’ll let BDD take it from there. Off the subject, where’s Demi Delia been, usually the Trannyfucker keeps in touch, privates on the road I guess, who’s watching the kids?

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