Obama’s VP Choice & Janine’s Sex Partner

No they aren’t the same person, at least I don’t think they are. Those are two things I’d like to have the names of before anyone else.


Who is Obama going to ask to be his Vice Presidential choice? He’s going to be releasing that info within the next couple days, and seeing what a cool guy Barack is, he’s going to send it out via e-mail and text message to all of  his supporters. So that means I’ll have to keep checking my Face Book page, because he is on my friend list there after all.


Who did the ever more green ( in more ways then one) Janine have sex with in her secret shocking in the can scenes for Vivid? Let’s see; she’s already done girls, boys, mechanics, rock stars, black guys,  pirates, obscure TV show hosts (oops I already said mechanics), people with lots of tattoos, Jenna, Julia Anne….

My thoughts on who this mystery guest could be are- possibly a reunion scene with Julia Anne or some minor celebrity tattoo biker wrestler kinda guy. Hey wait, since Sasha Grey knows who it is and thinks it will be hot and can’t wait to see it, maybe it’s an alt person, or one of Sasha’s favorite stars. Has Janine ever done a scene with Belladonna?

10 thoughts on “Obama’s VP Choice & Janine’s Sex Partner

  1. jeremiahsteele says:

    If Obama is coerced for political reasons to pick Hillary he’s a dead man.

  2. Barack should pick Wesley Clark if he wants to win, or in a fantasy world Colin Powell who I think would switch sides to do it. Hillary would backfire. I can see Jay-Z in there too.

  3. jeremiahsteele says:

    to clarify that’s my opinion after Hillary’s comment of why she still was running even though she couldn’t win the nomination and her mentioning of RFK’s assassination during the DNC

  4. Both Obama and Janine have Christian on their no list.

  5. Real Luke Ford Fan says:

    Whom cares about the Vice-President’s office? It’s a non-office. It should be done away with. This would save the taxpayers some money. And doesn’t Julia Ann spell her name without the letter e?

  6. artwilliams says:

    You’re just trying to get some of that Obama VP SE traffic!

  7. Seems the majority here care more for Obama than…anyway as for Janine partner,my first guess would be…T.T. Boy since he was her first choice when she started doing men and the only thing that did prevent it to happen has been the Darren James HIV scare.As for my others guesses(more shocking)second one would be Peter North(coming out from the mothballs)and the same for…Debi Diamond.The ultimate shocking partner would be Khan Tusion or Max Hardcore 🙂

  8. jeremiahsteele says:

    Hey Luke, I mean “real luke ford fan”, V.P.= 2nd in command, or in Reagen or W’s case, 1st in command… and the U.S. parallels the days of Roman Caesars w/ their personal/political assassinations more than most would likely believe.

  9. Real Luke Ford Fan says:

    Hey Germ of Steel, don’t insult me by calling me “Luke”! (LOL) By the way, you haven’t changed my mind.

  10. Donkey Wrong says:

    Her mystery guy is Marc Wallice…

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