Brand new report was released by the CDC reflecting a higher incidence of AIDS/HIV then previously thought. The report is interesting to read and is written in layman’s terms. Read the whole thing here.
Some excerpts-
Data Confirm Most Severe Impact Is Among Gay and Bisexual Men of All Races and Black Men and Women.
According to the new surveillance system, approximately 56,300 new HIV infections occurred in the United States in 2006. This number is approximately 40% higher than CDC’s previous estimate of 40,000 new infections per year, which was based on less precise methods.
The new estimate does not reflect an increase in HIV incidence. In fact, CDC’s separate analysis of historical trends indicates that the annual number of new HIV infections has been roughly stable since the late 1990s.
CDC’s trend analysis provides a clearer picture of how the nation’s epidemic evolved to its current point. The analysis shows that new infections peaked in the mid-1980s at approximately 130,000 infections per year and reached a low of about 50,000 in the early 1990s. Incidence then appears to have increased in the late1990s but has stabilized since that time (estimates for the three most recent periods analyzed range from 55,000 to 58,500
hope you’re reading christian
He’s not reading, he’s too busy writing about his latest meal and figgering another way to brown nose Derek Hay. He’s also writing about saving money this month, he says he spends $2K on eating out each month, that’s a lot of bareback tranny scenes. Steal, $2K? How many bukkakes does it take you to make that.