Intense, insightful article can be read in full at
I just grabbed a few of the best quotes here…
"Religion. It makes foolish, delusional people do stupid, anti-productive things."
"One thing Prohibition didn’t do……… stop the drinking of Alcohol "
"So, you’re probably thinking what does all this have to do with a "War On Pornography"? Well, really, it’s all the same, isn’t it? "
"War on Alcohol, War on Cigarettes, War on drugs, War on prostitution…… WAR ON PORNOGRAPHY! "
"Doesn’t anybody get it? There are no wars of this kind to be won! There never will be."
"People will do what they want to do, no matter what the penalty. That was true for alcohol, and it’s true for drugs. AND IT’S TRUE FOR PORNOGRAPHY! CAN YOU HEAR ME?!!! It WON’T be stopped! EVER!"
…I heard that !
Religion is the root of all evil. It takes what were sane people from the start to hateful, self-righteous freaks who do more harm than any of the people they preach against.
Bad taste wont be stopped forever either, now I read that Taryn Thomas’ brother will be performing for her website. First Tiffnay Minx and her son and now this. Of course Christian shoots nearly every day, in fact he just shot with Tiffany Minx, maybe her son can go bi bi and shoot with Christian up his lower 48. Lets have a war on the people in pornography. Man Steal where are you, you keep climbing up the porn heap, not bad for whereever you are flopping today.
Well these wars cannot be won totally but the effect of society can be greatly diminished.
The problem is the american idiocy of going after the supply side of the vice business instead of going after the demand side.
You cannot legislate people to act morally but you can teach people to act morally.
What to hurt porn, threat it like a legal industry and demand it to meet the standards of a legal industry.
Lest see how many clown or sociopath pornographers will be left.
Religion isn’t the problem, it’s ORGANIZED RELIGION that is leading people to Hell, IMHO.
Look @ all of the crap that The Catholic Church got away with just because they have LOTS of money.
Also, look at those Mormom folks in TX. LDS might say that they don’t condone that stuff NOW, but it was Standard Operation Procedure back in the day.
Who’s right and who’s wrong?
That’s why I say “To Hell with ORGANIZED RELIGION!”
You don’t have to be in that category to believe in God or a “better place.”
Nice arguments, folks!
Larry Horse, Steal is working on a production, but I’m sure he misses talking to y’all.
I hear your points folks but in my opinion is always made excuses for. It’s not R-E-L-I-G-I-O-N it’s “Organized Religion” Well, Zartan, with all due respect, that MAY be true, but the problem it that most of religion and the people that “Believe” are of the organized variety. True, you don’t see “spiritualists” flying jets into buildings but until that extremely small minority become the standard the problem persists. And it is a BIG one.
rics, “teach them to act morally” Whose moral criteria though? So you’re back to the same problem! Are SWINGERS immoral? Says who? Ask them, they’re fine with it and most are perfectly fine people. Certainly the ones I’ve met. The pot smoker? Is he immoral? Says who? George Bush SAYS he is a Born-Again, God-Fearing Christian. Personally, I think he is the most immoral son of a bitch on the planet! A war criminal!
Tolerance is the answer. You do what you want, go to church, pray, prepare for the afterlife, whatever, and I’ll just sit quietly over here in the corner watching some foul porn, jerking off with a butt plug up my ass. It’s none of your business! Period! That SHOULD be the mindset of ALL, EVERYONE that lives in and is a citizen of a “Pluralistic Republic.” But they just can’t help themselves, they want me to live THEIR way and believe in THEIR god. The problem is, these people really don’t have a clue as to what The United States Of America is SUPPOSED TO be about!!!!!!!!!
Sir, acting morally means not to hurt another person and teach people to avoid hurting themselves and others.
You againg are discuisng religion. I’m discusing science. The evindence is there.
The one of the most harsher legislation against the sex industry comes from the agnostic, sexually liberated Sweden, and is was not religion motivated, it was science motivated, they looked at the data, and found it that sex work will severley hurt most women involved. And the hurt oftem is passed on to society thought their children. God have nothing to do with it. It was just reason.
rics, my well intended buddy, you say what’s happening in Sweden comes from science, wrong! There is a “strong and growing radical feminist movement with strong puritan strains” “it has affected all political parties as well as public debate very much” this info come from an online source—- rics, when it comes to sex being bad it ALWAYS leads back to religion!!!! Check it out, do some research and get back to me. You’ll see, when you have any wrong feelings about what you do regarding sex whether you’re a porn star, prostitute, or husband and wife it ALWAYS comes back to some bullshit, bible based shame IMPOSED on you by people of religion.
Radical feminists to my knowledge are all atheists or neopagans.
Including the Swedish ones. If fact they othen complain that Feminism growth in the US has hampered by religion. So they used science to back up their claims. And swedes being agnostics who put their faith in science are listening to them. That will eventually spread to other Europeans countries.
The fact is that from a evolutive point of view most humans are not designed to have sex with unlimited number of sexual partners. Sex is for reproduction and humans, like any other animal have evolved to reproduce in a certain way. Serial monogamy in our species. Break with that and you will pay concequences. No wonder why most whores are such huge trainwrecks. If fact the non scientific obervations of Nina Hartley in her forum, liked to LIB, and by Kurt Lockwood in his/her myspace, linked to LIB oddly coincide to what science knows. Only a third of whores have what it takes to do sex work without becoming mentally unestable. That is similar to the findings of worldwide studies regaring of race, religion or culture. The real questions is why do not the industry finds how to test talent to finds who can do it and who cannot. The military do test people for certain assigments. Why cant the sex industry do the same?