In the last few hours i have received several threatening messages from Jim B. on the XXXporntalk.com board. 

He first started contacting me a couple weeks ago. He didn’t like Darrah who I hired to write for LIB. He advised me that the people she was pissing off were important people in the adult industry. Publishers, writers, mag editors, people that could ruin her career. Jim B didn’t want that to happen to Darrah, he said. He was influencial and could get the right message across to the right people. I told him that she would be fine and thanked him for his concern.

Now that more time has gone on, Jim B. has sent me more messages, telling me I shouldn’t talk about a Pastor who might have been a porn star. He  has started to threaten me and Darrah, and he claims that he and all his "peeps" will boycott my site. ( that is the least of my worries, lol)

BUT somehow, Jim B knows who I am, as in my  real first name, which means he is a mod, or privy to the insider information at XXXporntalk.com. I have always considered XPT to be the at the forefront of 1st amendment rights, but I have to wonder how someone can get my personal info just from me posting there. …

UPDATED- I’ve just been shown how you can easily get a ton of info about me from reading the code on my myspace page. It’s amazing how much you can learn about a person if you know how to look. You can track where I’ve been, what I’ve read etc… Which makes me pretty certain that the XXXPT board had nothing to do with giving out my info. Shouldn’t have ASS-umed. I’m learning…..

One thought on “JIM B TRYing to OUT me?- UPDATED

  1. Ummm, “NL,” the reason I have your real name is because YOU GAVE IT TO ME in a myspace message. I posted it on XPT with your name redacted. I can send you a JPEG of it if you like. I’m not a mod and the XPT servers are about 3,500 miles from where I’m sitting.

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