Letters from Jim B, the guy who decides who is important in the adult industry….
NL, I like you, but when somebody tries to out the identity of a retired whore (or someone that person believes to be a retired whore) then that somebody should be prepared to have their own lives held out for inspection.
You’ve done pretty well reviving LiB from a moribund morass of meaninglessness into something pretty decent. But Darrrah no more enlivens your site than she does this one, save as an object of comedy, ridicule and scorn.
I’ve tried to help her. Several others have done the same. She’s attacked everyone who has tried to help her and now she’s at outing the whores. I’m sorry. Your loyalty to her is admirable but UTTERLY misplaced.
I can’t speak for others, but for my part, I will no longer read LiB while she is a contributor there. And I urge everyone else to do the same. Sorry.
From: Jim B.
The fact that the name is available elsewhere is irrelevant. This site has a strict poliucy: NO REAL NAMES… EVEN IF THEY’RE AVAILABLE ELSEWHERE.
We get stalkers rolling through here all the time. Probably dozens more wh don’t ever post still read it.The fact of the matter is that the person in question, some minister, might not even be the whore they think she is. And even if she were, she’s clearly put porn behind her and is entitled to her privacy.
I’m so offended by this conduct that i won’t even repeat it in a PM. HERE IS THE LINK TO WHAT SHE POSTED ON HER SITE
It’s despicable and I am calling for a boycott of LiB until it, and she, are gone.
How can you correct it?
Look, do whatever you want on your own site. I don’t agree with it, but it’s your coise.
Do Not Out The Whores On This Site.
That’s the last straw in a chain of events that Darrah has unleashed.
I like you. I really do. I don’t always agree with the things people I like do. I try not to hold it against them.
But, I told you a week ago that this woman was causing trouble You have only to look around this board and see gthe animosity she’s engendered. ANd that is poised to spill over to your site.
I tried repeatedly to help her and got burned. Now she’s outing whores on our site, fighting with everyone and putting up Fuck You avatars because she’s too immature to deal with things like a grown up.
Enough is enough,
I have no more authority than any other poster here but forpersuasion. And I am doing you the courtesy of letting you know, right now, that i intend to persuade XPT folks to boycott your site until the Scott piece, and Darrah, are gone.
It’s flat-out wrong of the jesus freaks to out her. It’s even more wrong for Porn Bloggers to help them.
From: Jim B.
I don’t deal in threats. I make you a promise. I will call for a Boycott of LiB unless and until you stop outing the whores and you get rid of that offensive "contributing writer" of yours.
By helping the Jesus freaks out this alleged former whore, you are as bad as they are. Worse, since your site is read by people interested in porn, the potential is great that you aid stalkers in tracking them down. It’s not just a moral issue, it’s a SAFETY issue.
If you continue to engage in these practices, I nintend to make it an economic issue for you as well.
Do what you’ve gotta do. The choice is yours.
Jim B, wow! It’s a bit strange to hear such aggressive demands for censorship coming from someone in or a fan of this industry! I would think that anyone in this group would be a lot more empathetic toward free speech ( I mean of other’s, not just your’s), considering what we do, what we enjoy, things we say and how hard we have to fight to have that right and all that!
That and the fact that that I would think that anyone that was a regular on the “coolest”, “shit-slinging” , lurk-and-read if you want but we’ll rip the fuck out of you if you dare to post unless you’re “in the group” site. I guess that means you’re in “that group” and that might explain why you’ve had no need to develop a thicker skin! Can’t take what the girl has to say so you’ll ruin her career and boycott LIB. Jesus! Butch up a bit Jim!!! It’s only words! You’re Big Boys over there, you can take it. You should know that. Just like your pastor friend you’re defending that you choose to refer to as WHORE about 15 times. Jesus Jim, you could at least have some class and refer to her as “EX-WHORE” ! She is now (if it is indeed her) a woman of the cloth! Have some fucking respect for Christ’s sake! Man you guys can sure dish it out but are you telling me you can’t take it?
And what is your thing with her anyway? Please tell me you’re not one of those “Born-Again Hypocrites ” that go to church every Sunday and tell everyone else what sinners they are but wack-off all over the computer screen every Friday Night while the wife is out Bowling! Or did you like, have a “thing” with her at one time? Or something? Or is it just a Macho we protect all Whores from evil=doers kind of thing?
For one thing, it’s out ALL OVER THE WEB! I think she was outed quite a while ago! For another, tough shit on her! If you are going to be a porn star and then switch careers to fleecing the poor and gullible out of their life savings in the name of God, you just might want to mention that you were a “WHORE” (I just figured you’d know who I was talking about if I used your name for her) BEFORE you get into that and “Honorable” business! And if you don’t, well, your bummer when people find out. And they always do don’t they. Just Ask Ted H!
lol xpt on a boycott. Could i laugh any harder? What a concept. The joint must be struggling for hits since Donny Long was exhiled for that card to be pulled.
I’d say ignore him, but hey publicity is a two way street, Milk it for all it’s worth, not luke.
“And what is your thing with her anyway? Please tell me you’re not one of those “Born-Again Hypocrites ” that go to church every Sunday and tell everyone else what sinners they are but wack-off all over the computer screen every Friday Night while the wife is out Bowling! Or did you like, have a “thing” with her at one time? Or something? Or is it just a Macho we protect all Whores from evil=doers kind of thing?
For one thing, it’s out ALL OVER THE WEB! I think she was outed quite a while ago! For another, tough shit on her! If you are going to be a porn star and then switch careers to fleecing the poor and gullible out of their life savings in the name of God, you just might want to mention that you were a “WHORE” (I just figured you’d know who I was talking about if I used your name for her) BEFORE you get into that and “Honorable” business!”
She has a reputation of hiring people to intimidate others not to talk about her past.
I give Jim B the benefit of doubt, I say that he might be concerned by the PW welfare once they try to become civilans.
But with Melissa you will never know.
Thanks, rics. It’s not just the stalker issue, but also because the former PWs need to be able to get jobs and start new lives without discrimination. The LAST people who should help outing them is the Porn bloggers.
BTW: My record on religion is an open book. Do a search on XPT.
I know Jim B, but the fact is that Melissa’s past is already out. That makes her legitimate news for anyone including porn bloggers.
When Luke outed Toni James people were angry at him, with a reason. She was completely out of the industry with no ties. Outing her was cruel and disruptive for her life. The XPTer were righfully angry at Luke. When Luke outed some PW that was allegely making posts in a non porn forums under a alt ID, I was disapoined with him too. But when Luke posted the troubles Mia Rose and Rissi Simms were having in car forums posting under their porn names it was legitimate news.
I agree with you that PW after porn indentities shall be protected. But if that is allready out why make a tempest in a teacup about that?
So is everybody in the web are talking about a PW current career the ones that cannot talk about that are the industry people?