by Reader E-mail- BB fan (just call me Texas) reports
If you are watching Big Brother 10 you might want to know what is going on behind the scenes. I get the 24/7 live feed so I would know, what most people don’t. April and Ollie had an intimate discussion tonight about what they dislike sexually. Ollie said hairy bush! April took a look in her pants and said "there is hardly anything there." And she asked if Ollie has seen a really hairy bush before and he said well you don’t know before hand, so all of a sudden… and he holds up his hand and says and the smell is worse!
Ollie and April have been snugglin’ their interracial asses together for days now. They said they waited four days for their first kiss. But now that it’s getting close to three weeks in their relationship have they broke out the dental dams and rubbers that Big Brother supplies?
I don’t know yet. If the dark skinned, brown haired, brown eyed preacher’s son and the platinum blonde haired, blue eyed, fair skinned, big boobed, ( what did she do again for a living? sorry I totally forgot), get busy, I’ll let you know.