BigDickDaddy = Roy Garcia?

On a previous thread on this site, there has been some speculation that our own BigDickDaddy is none other than former agent/director Roy Garcia a.k.a. Peter Romero.

Some excerpts:

Roy Garcia = Peter Romero, look him up, he shoots or did shoot for Playboy’s sites, he drops Playboy’s name a lot and has a rep for refusing to pay talent that perform for him. He used to be talent…


Interesting: I noticed that neither Roy Garcia or “BigDickDaddy” has posted since my post about Roy Garcia being "BigDickDaddy". And, you’d think BDD would trash Roy like he does EVERYONE ELSE (plus the chosen few he loves to repeat himself about like a skipping C.D.)! I’ve also read "BigDickDaddy" reveal in these recent LIB posts that he lives down south (Roy lives towards San Diego) and is latino. HMMMMMM…

BDD responds (to Jeremy Steele)

I’m not Roy Garcia but I have never said anything about him because he is gone. He is out of the business. Unlike you and Regan Senter both of whom just dont know when to quit! Both of you scammed your way into some pussy. Okay, great. Those days are gone. Its time you did like Roy and moved onto other things like selling moon boots to other nerds.

What do you think?

30 thoughts on “BigDickDaddy = Roy Garcia?

  1. Definitely. I notice his vitriol getting weaker as this is revealed.

    Roy Garcia = Peter Romero …look him up…he shoots or did shoot for Playboy’s sites …he drops Playboy’s name a lot and has a rep for refusing to pay talent that perform for him. He used to be talent years ago as Peter Romero. He owns …he used to be a playgirl model but now he’s fat. He ran an agency (sort of) called Sex Symbols Talent Management ( – which now links to San Diego real estate) and is a great recruiter of female talent; He brought Bree Olson & Cody Lane into the business among many other top talent….but he’s a hot head who has burned more bridges than he’s built and failed at more than a few ventures and he has fallen so far out of the community (he lives in San Diego?) that it’s believable that the angry, cynical voice of BigDickDaddy is in fact the dishonorable Roy Garcia aka Peter Romero.

  2. It would certainly explain his relentless Wankus hate. I’ve mocked his used car salesman/best buy producer approach for years. And, he is always talking about his dick…in fact, in a bizarre communication by email when I first met the man, he sent me pics of his dick and raved about how he gets newbies to “audition”. You go Roy! Got a lot to say but can’t use your own name to say it. Very sad.

  3. The Colonel says:

    Luke, I’m your father.

  4. “and is a great recruiter of female talent; He brought Bree Olson & Cody Lane into the business”

    Well bringing Bree Olson into the business do bring you some bragging rights. Even if she might have been swindled.

  5. I’m not Roy Garcia but I have a question for Wankus.

    What exactly have you done for the adult business?

    Being on a “station” that no one listened while talking adult performers into free scenes for your amusement does not count. Everyone knows KSEX was and is a complete joke and simply a way for losers to interact with porn stars.

    So again, tell me what exactly you have done for the adult business?

    And no, talking people into doing free scenes for the “KSEX Games” dvd doesnt count. That was a real chart buster wasnt it?

    Take your time with your answer. I’m sure you are working on that pathetic new website that you couldnt even get the link right to.

    Wankus you’re a genius.

  6. Just another reject in the industry, a classic case of sour grapes =)

  7. Poor BDD. He’s probably hopping mad right now, but he’s afraid to post much because he could let something slip and further blow his cover.

  8. Damn……Damn…… Shakes head….

  9. jeremysteele says:

    Dear Roy, aka “LittleDickDummy”; I can understand why you sadly harbor such never-ending hatred; incessant; perpetual, at all times; ongoing, forever and ever, although you stupidly think it’s cool; The very fact that you picked the name “BigDickDaddy” along with the fact that you have a tiny dick makes you angry before you even start typing with your two fingers (or have you taken a typing course by now?). This supports my theory that a person who has to anonymously brag about his dick size probably doesn’t have one.

    Since you pretend to know so much about so many in this porn business I’m surprised you don’t know that Roy Garcia, although an outcast, is still shooting. In fact, kast year, I was recommended by another male talent to call you regarding work. I called and left a voice mail, but not to my surprise I didn’t hear back. Still pissed off about that misunderstanding after all these years, huh Roy? Well, you sure behave that way, but seemingly feel that your duty is to try to attack, hurt and humiliate everyone you can, because if it can be done to you, then I guess we all deserve it, right? Wake up, moron!

    Since I’ve heard bad things about Roy from former talent, I’m sure you must’ve heard it as well, since you are so well informed. Why don’t you tell us all then what a scumbag Roy Garcia is (or at least was, since you believe him to no longer be in the business) and cite some specific examples as so to postpone the moment when a bunch of angry industry members will smash you head like a pinata!

  10. Germy, I still hate you.

  11. way to fuck up your only decent commenter

  12. Mr. Schmeckel says:

    I hate when regan doesnt make the girls do the compliance tapes.

  13. BigDickDaddy says:

    Skankbreath and Jeremy Analwart are clueless as usual.

  14. chip love says:

    big dick daddy is still king shit of fuck mountain. message boards are cesspools of shit talk and vitriol. big dick daddy has fucked everyone who tries to step to him. i don’t know shit about the insider porn industry. i’m a simple consumer. but i do know a thing or two about message board shit talk. and big dick daddy straight throat fucks everyone here when it comes to ownage, hilarity, insightfulness, intelligence, and coolness. so, whoever…whatever. rock on, dick dadddy.

  15. The Colonel says:

    I have a question: is BDD being Roy Garcia only a speculation, or is there any actual evidence suggesting that; i.e has anyone tracked BDD’s IP address, has anyone seen Roy Garcia sitting behind keyboard, logging in to as BigDickDaddy and typing comments? Did Roy Garca ever told anyone that he writes in as BigDickDddy, ec.I’m only asking a question, I’m not taking any sides, and I appreciate if those who brought up this issue come forward with any actual evidence they may have, if any.

  16. elglorioso says:

    wankus: when you gone from a overdose??

  17. Larry Horse says:

    I second imodium’s comment. The Colonel’s pretty good though. Wankus, thought you would have sold your computer to eat already.

  18. jeremysteele says:

    wankuslive wrote:

    “It would certainly explain his relentless Wankus hate. I’ve mocked his used car salesman/best buy producer approach for years. And, he is always talking about his dick…in fact, in a bizarre communication by email when I first met the man, he sent me pics of his dick and raved about how he gets newbies to “audition”. You go Roy! Got a lot to say but can’t use your own name to say it. Very sad.”

    Hey “BigDickDaddy”, certainly you must put Roy Garcia on your venomous hate list, since you trash other agents for shooting audition tapes or offering girls a place to stay. Let’s here your trash talk, Daddy. After all, Roy is still shooting to this day.

    Btw, you show you fucking stupid you are, amongst other things by revealing clues to your identity after someone already speculated on the net that you are Roy Garcia.

    As I’ve said before, people who spew endless hate really hate themselves whether they are bright enough to realize it or not.

  19. jeremysteele says:

    oops, I meant “how” fucking stupid not “you”. Stupid me.

  20. jeremysteele says:

    oops, I meant “hear”, not here”. Gotta start proof reading my shit.

  21. Would he be so obvious in revealing those clues? Maybe he wants us to think he is Roy. BDD is now the news on this site!

  22. rics wrote:

    “and is a great recruiter of female talent; He brought Bree Olson & Cody Lane into the business”

    Well bringing Bree Olson into the business do bring you some bragging rights. Even if she might have been swindled.

    Posted on 26-Feb-08 at 5:13 pm

    How was she swindled?


    elglorioso wrote:

    wankus: when you gone from a overdose??

    wankus responds:

    Not sure. What’s your schedule look like? I want to make sure it’s on a day you’re around to dispose of the body.

    Moron. LOL

  24. jeremysteele says:

    skankfuk wrote:

    Roy Garcia aka Peter Romero personal bio:

    That bio should read
    “I’m just an angry, small dicked sociopath with alot of ATTITUDE!”

  25. Larry Horse says:

    Steele, you irritate me far less than Wankus. BDD come back and defend yourself.

  26. jeremysteele says:

    Rest In Pieces…. Biggus Diccus.

  27. I have known & done business with Roy Garcia for over 9 years. In that time he has never asked me to do a POV movie with him or anyone. Roy is a great agent, Not only did he find me but several other girls that have taken the inderestry by storm to name a few Cassidy Raye, Bunny Luv, Venus, Bree Olson, Avy Scott, Belladonna & Monique Alexander. He has provided several new girls with 80+ mens magazine jobs. I just worked for him this week and was payed the same day. Not only did I never shoot POV for him it never affected the amount or quality of work Roy Garcia got for me or anyone elce he represented.

  28. Africanus says:

    out of curiousity what the fuck is it with you guys. i just checked this site out and it is nothing but a few guys fucking with each other day in day out. are you guys all friends or what? do you all know each other. btw, whats up with this chick sabrina starr. she is fucking smokin.

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