The Blogging Business Isn’t What It Used To Be

I know I’m a whore and a sellout. But affiliate programs just aren’t converting like they used to, and advertisers aren’t exactly coming out of the woodwork. So I had to sell the Luke Is Back skin for the month of January. At least I can continue to live on my garage floor and eat plenty of peanut butter.

24 thoughts on “The Blogging Business Isn’t What It Used To Be

  1. BigDickDaddy says:

    Hey genius, your backdrop makes the text difficult to read plus it doesnt make me want to click on Molecash and their old ass websites any faster.

    In the next week or so you will lose the remaing 10 people that visit your website.

    Shitty design and no updates are a surefire way to become a distant memory.

  2. Actually 4300 visitors yesterday, just for the record. Thank you for your feedback.

  3. Luke…I’m Not up to speed ..are you back in the saddle, pardner??

  4. why the apology,you hae never apologized when you have done this in the past, I don’t remember what the last one was, but all the bloggers had it, some picture for an affiliate program or some shit

  5. unless you don’t know that happened?

  6. I was only apologizing because I have never gone so over-the-top with an ad campaign. I felt guilty.

  7. Bail Bond Kiddy Fiddler, you do realize it’s not actually the real Luke Ford who owns and blogs here anymore, right?

    Fake Luke, you do a poor job at imitation.

  8. it be worse, least is ain’t you taking one in the browneye in transexual babysitters 5

  9. Hey Little Dick Daddy, no matter how many readers Luke Is Back loses, no doubt you’ll still be here, playing Internet Warrior, throwing out schoolyard bully insults to bolster your obvious lack of … a life. Now put your hand on your little dick & start flaming away in your limp, predictable fashion!

  10. christ i just read what i wrote, i can’t even understand the start of it, a perfect lockwood put down ruined..

  11. lexsteele69 says:

    limp dick daddy,

    why dont you tell who you are in this industry…with all the shit you talked about brandon iron…i bet if you told me who you are…i can say alot of dirty shit you have done in the industry and how much you dont matter…if you dont make $10,000 + a month in this industry -you are a loser.

  12. BigDickDaddy says:

    Lets see . . you are not lex steele and you are taking up for Mr. Herpes. You probably wish you were getting pounded by both of them. I’m not a fan a fudgepacker porn which probably fills your filthy closet. Do everyone a favor and just most to West Hollywood so you can smoke all the bones you like. You and your “life partner” can both work at a local club doing drag shows in the evenings while waiting tables in the daytime. You both have a combined income of $10k per month but as you know, you still wont matter to anyone but each other!

    I’ll send you some lube as a gift.

  13. artwilliams says:

    This site reached its traffic peak in early 2006 and has been on the decline ever since then.

  14. ForrestHump says:

    There was this panel show on LACity channel. The topic was Should Porn Be Saved?

    Retired vets interviewed sugarcoated the truth when everyone knows that porn is dead.

    This is why Luke left. His talent is wasted here. All this place is is a forum to herald bad news and trade insults.

    Doesn’t it ever get old?

  15. lexsteele69 says:

    limp dick daddy,

    you better watch your back…once i find your ip address…i will hunt you down.

  16. Bad news can be cool. More on junkie hos new Luke.

  17. Larry Horse says:

    DAC, one question, you working with Kylie Rey again soon? or did she retire again. I just checked, I own more than a few of your movies so watch it smart guy.

  18. moonkelly says:

    lexsteele69 = jeremygaysteele

  19. jeremysteele says:

    i am neither lex nor gay you buffoon

  20. Larry Horse says:

    Man moon, if you gonna insult Steele, use some brains. Steele is dense but he can appreciate a good insult, though not as much as Lockwood can appreciate some good wood, she male wood that is.

  21. jeremysteele says:

    How’d I know Larry was gonna say something here too?

  22. Kylie retired again very quickly. Still strips in the valley all the time, though. Owning several of my movies shows questionable taste at best but I still lurve ya anyways, I suppose …

  23. P.S., Herr Horse, I adore Bill Hicks, Jim Norton, Lenny Bruce, Don Rickles probably more than the next guy. But BDD comes off 90 percent of the time more like one of their drunken hecklers.

  24. How are you not raking it in? Your Alexa ranking is 31,000. Google ads and those types of per click or per impression ads don’t make you the money unless you’re one of those Myspace glitter sites that have millions of daily unique visitors. Go for sponsors. You’ve been in this business long enough and have many contacts.

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