I heard from a source that Derek Hay has offered Direct Models for sale to Gold Star Modeling owner Joel Lawrence. Gold Star is Direct’s biggest competitor. Would this merger create a near monopoly for the agencies?
I heard from a source that Derek Hay has offered Direct Models for sale to Gold Star Modeling owner Joel Lawrence. Gold Star is Direct’s biggest competitor. Would this merger create a near monopoly for the agencies?
I guess it’s Lisa Ann that will buy the thing???
But selling now will get the Feds of his english arse?
I spoke with Regan Senter. He would like to buy it for $80.00 and turn it into Beautiful Direct Models International. All girls however must do an audition tape first.
Regan doesnt have $80.
This could get interesting. Who will buy Direct Models, where will Ben English end up? I assume making more gay porn.
I wonder…if you call L.A. Direct today to hire a talent…do you get answered???
I see both BenGay and Joel Lawrence are denying everything http://www.avn.com/index.cfm?objectid=450482B2-DF9B-7656-59F349042CD855CE
No from what I hear the feds are just starting. Oh by the way Lisa Ann does not have a state license either. If she does buy the company she will have to operate it under her real name or do like some others have done: renew the license under the old owner. Yes guys the FED’s and the State are hip to that too now. You shady folks have made too may people mad while you got rich. Whats that Dobbie Brothers Song “don’t start me talking, I will tell everything I know”