Rosh Hashanah begins tonight, ushering in ten days of introspection and repentance, climaxing with Yom Kippur (Sept. 21), the awesome day of Judgment when God decides who will leave and who will die.
To those I’ve needlessly hurt, I beg your forgiveness. To those who’ve needlessly hurt me, I forgive you.
I’ll be back online Saturday night.
With the approach of Rosh Hashanah as we close the past year and welcome the new, what better time for auditing our experiences in the past year so that we can better them in the year to come. Each one of us does so in our own personal way. Yet, there is something we can all learn from Moshe the innkeeper who employed a unique method of accounting.
The Baal Shem Tov’s students once asked how to prepare for the High Holidays. He sent them to observe the simple innkeeper, Moshe. The students took a room in his inn, and waited to discover the answer to their question. At midnight before Rosh Hashanah they heard Moshe rustling about in the front room. They peeked out and saw Moshe taking down two large notebooks from the shelf. He sat down on a small stool, lit a candle, and began reading from one notebook.
The notebook was a diary of all the misdeeds and transgressions the innkeeper had committed in the course of the year-the date, time and circumstance of each scrupulously noted. His "sins" were quite benign — a word of gossip one day, oversleeping the time for prayer on another, neglecting to give his daily coin to charity on a third — but by the time Moshe had read through the first few pages, his face was bathed in tears. For more than an hour Moshe read and wept, until the last page had been turned.
He then opened up the second notebook. This, too, was a diary — of all the troubles and misfortunes that had befallen him in the course of the year. On this day Moshe was beaten by a gang of peasants, on that day his child fell ill; once, in the dead of winter, the family had frozen for several nights for lack of firewood; another time their cow had died, and there was no milk until enough pennies had been saved to buy another.
When he had finished reading the second notebook, the tavernkeeper lifted his eyes heavenward and said: "So you see, dear Father in Heaven, I have sinned against You. Last year I repented and promised to fulfill Your commandments, but I repeatedly succumbed to my evil inclination. But last year I also prayed and begged You for a year of health and prosperity, and I trusted in You that it would indeed be this way.
"Dear Father, today is the eve of Rosh Hashanah, when everyone forgives and is forgiven. Let us put the past behind us. I didn’t always do what was asked of me and You didn’t always do what was asked of You. I forgive you and you forgive me, and we’ll call it even."
Horus = Jesus
Giglamesh = Moses :O
OOPS, I’m such a dumbass. I Meant
Giglamesh = Noah. Same stories, different religions. Great Doc!
The Government = Real Terrorists
Thanks, Ninja. Corrections: I meant Gilgamesh, not Giglamesh. Also, the movie has its own corrections list at bottom of page at including: “J.D. Rockefeller made 200 million dollars off of it [WWI]. That’s about 1.9 Billion by today’s standards”
[It was stated as “1.9 Trillion”, which was misspoken and intended to have been read “Billion”, not “Trillion”.]
Ninja shut the fuck up you dumb stupid shitface. You don’t know shit about 9/11 so stop running your mouth. Bush is my nigga so is Petreus we run shit not you lazy cornball faggott ass niggas who don’t know a goddam thing about USA. Terrorists are wackos from the mideast, however the real morons of our country are the stupid egotistical performers movie music entertainers who want to rip people off with crap we don’t need and then totally isolate themselves from the public unless they’re sigining autographs. Where in the Declaration of Independece does it talk about fans?? Nowhere, because everybody is equal yet these stupid performers want to act like they aloof and better than the rest of the country. Stupid pigs. Get the fuck up outta here. Its the dumb entertainer pigs who ruin our country by deceiving young people with the wrong message which ends up sending people to rehab and breaking up families. Fuck You Pigs.
Take for example one of these pigs who goes on Letterman or Leno with their legs crossed like a homo they make no eye contact with their audience then want to run their stupid fucking mouth about nothing important and then walk out of the studio showing no respect to the people who quietly sat in their chairs to hear their garbage. Then they plug their fucking album like some 50 cent or Kanye West Pussy like those broke ass niggas need more money to pay their lousy rent what a bunch of bums. Those fags know nothing about 9/11 where real niggas lost their lives and families were devasted so next time you clowns want to talk smack about 9/11 shut your trap you worthless bastards.
I nominate joerilly for the lukeisback “Most retarded blogger of the year” award. Your arguments in support of the official conspiracy theories we’ve been sold are amazing. Obviously you spend alot of time watching David Letterman but I don’t know what 50 cents or two dollars has to do with the questions of who the real terrorists are. Why don’t you spend more just a bit of time researching things instead of instantaneous angry knee jerk reactions? So, are you telling me all those FDNY who said bombs were going off in and around the WTC were lying? Apparently you never even took the time to examine the above link and why Ninja said what he did. It’s amazing we call ourselves icluding this industry “Adult”. We should contemplate what an adult really is or is supposed to be and try to act like one. Joerilly is only proving the well supported point that the dumbing down and ignorance levels of Americans are reaching levels beyond comprehension.
Jeremy get a fucking life. Who flew the planes? Who is Bin Laden? Answer those questions. Real Homies like Cheney and Rice are bustin their ass everyday with more pressure on them than you could imagine, dealing with leaders from other countries working hard every single day NOT living Rock Star lives, NOT going on tour partying, NOT asking the public to buy their album. You think Bush sits in VIP with world class models popping nuts everyday?? No. So stop criticizing people who are doing the right thing. Then somebody like you who calls themselves an “adult” wants to fuck some hot girls that’s cool mad props to you you banged alot of hot girls that’s great, however you want to do it in front of another guy and not call yourself a fag and then best of all you want to charge people whom you don’t know and never meet to buy your stuff so you can pay rent. Jeremy porn is cool, fucking hot chicks are fun. However if people like you were truly artists you would produce it for the love of the art, however that’s not why you do it, you do it so you can pay your air condition bill.
C’mon Jeremy where did you go. Who flew the planes???? How come you haven’t answered that question yet. You think O’Reilly was in the cockpit on all 4 planes?? Is that what happened. How about Atta? I know he was a white guy in a business suit who graduated from Cornell and called up Bush that day and said “Don’t worry about it we got this I’ll take care of it”. And then what about Bin Laden since he already took responsibility for the attacks the day after they happened its just a big Hollywood joke isn’t it? Bin Laden is a movie star from California who had nothing to do with 9/11 and he films pornos with Bush in his spare time. Jeremy, take you and your immature little boy california friends and get the fuck outta here!
Hey Joerilly you go off on amazing tangents. I don’t know why I’m even responding to you now that you’ve displayed your mental and emotional intelligence levels, but here goes: Doing research about the events of my birthday, of course the worst day in American history as well as the most defining moment of our times (globally speaking) is more of a fucking life than anything else I can think of doing, actually, even more than blah blah blahing every fucking day on porn gossip sites.
I know this sounds absolutely CRAZY (and I by no means suddenly jumped to these conclusions) but the planes were actually flown by remote control (a capacity which has existed since the Kennedy Administration) via WTC 7 which acted as an ATC center, which is why is had to be brought down suddenly in classic demolition fashion. Uh oh. I shouldn’t have answered that. Now this proves I’m off the deep end, right? You asked about Bin Laden who is a CIA operative aka Tim Osman. Bush and the Bin Ladens are still big money buddies to this day. Transportation Secretary Mineta testfied to the Bush handpicked highly non-inependent 911 Omission Commission that Cheney gave “stand down” orders at the Pentagon regarding an approaching plane. Bush and Cheney are evil war criminals and war profiteers who stole the ’00 and ’04 elections and have been running this country exactely like someone who stole it.
But PLEASE don’t believe anything a crazy cock monkey like me says. Find out for yourself. Be an ADULT! And what the hell does the hypothesis that performing in front of other males is analogous to homosexuality have anyting to do with the fucking subject? Urrr!!!! Duy? EEeeeeee.
Of course, Jeremy Bigfoot and the Lochness monster did it. How is a regular US Citizen like you so informed on all that Bin Laden/Bush info anyway? You are not, you just think it up in your head to fufill your hollywood movie fantasy. That’s what California is about lezbos and but switchers. You fags couldn’t even take a real terrorist hit like the real niggas did and then you got hypothesis and scenarios through the roof that had Kareem Abdul-Jabbar sitting in the cockpit with Ben Stiller holding it down with his new remote control toy and boom the buildings explode and Bush and Cheney and Al Sadr can get the money and spend it at the stripclub so they can all squirt on Pam Anderson’s face. Basically if you want to talk shit about the real Men in our country do it overseas, not here because our people don’t deserve that garbage. Anyway thanks for responding to me Jeremy you are my new pal!!
The Steele Scenario……..Bush “Yo Binny what’s the deal”. Bin “Not over the phone, remember its Tim Osman”. Bush “That’s right Os, So are we gonna make this move?. Bin “No doubt my peoples are on it, Achmadinajad just picked up batteries at Sev so the remote will work its all good”. Bush “Alright meet me at Taco Bell so we can spend this cash”
I noticed Joe that while I was writing the above blahg that you impatiently and for some retarded reason trimphently decried why haven’t I answered who flew the planes. How about giving me a few minutes to respond from the initial point you made the post, as if this is the all important question anyway. Anyway, major global new stories show several of the alleged hijackers have been shown to be alive. Right before 9/11 Atta was wired $100,000 by the head of the Pakistani intelligence, Lt. General Mahmoud Ahmad through an aid named Saeed Sheikh. And Osama allegedly claimed responsibility for 9/11. So the fuck what? Was this the phony Bin Laden with the darker skin and the short nose they’ve masqueraded? Even if this were true it doesn’t prove he did it, anymore than the retard who claimed he killed Jon Benet Ramsey proved he did it just because he said he did. Regardless, Osama could NOT have caused NORAD to stand down on 9/11. Learn about Norad sometime. Use that retarded brain of yours and THINK! How the fuck could the Pentagon have even been hit (regardless of what hit it, whether it be a plane or missle) with it being the most guarded piece of real estate on the planet, with a 90 minute warning since the first plane hit thw WTC, with ground launch missles surrounding it, with Andrews AFB 10 miles away. This is why Mineta testified to Cheney’s angry stand down orders. There’s no way anything could ever hit the Pentagon unless they intended it to. This is why surveillance cameras from nearby hotels and gas stations were confiscated and never released. Now go to Kansas and look up Dorothy and see if you can get yourself a fucking brain!
Yeah right you’re the master of it all. The guy who sits in his house and watches TV yet somehow definetly knows all the information about Mineta, Ahmad and Norad. Because you’ve talked to Bush haven’t you? Because you know Cheney personally don’t you? Of course you do, ordinary US Citizens are big time experts on the real events that took place on 9/11. The first plane hits, now everybody knows immediately where every plane is in the sky just like in the hollywood script. The script reads “But how could the government not know that plane was going to hit the pentagon? Because it is so easy to shoot down a remote control plane full of robots”. Jeremy why don’t you be the biggest Un-American of all and charge random nobodies for your stupid wishy washy dilly dally bullshit. Honestly To all of Hollywood if you can’t take a real terrorist hit SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!!!!!!!!!!
I’m just one of those porn “stars” (then again, many sadly overly judgemental porn people who take themselves WAY WAY WAY too seriously in this jizz biz would say “You’re not a star. What awards have YOU won?”) who actually seeks to do valuable things with my free time. Unlike the average American slave, I have more free time to pursue this masocistic endeavor of truth seeking and sharing in the face of angry retards like yourself. But I give up, I can not have a battle of wits with an anarmed person. Consider yourself victorious because I know you would never consider otherwise.
Hey Steele, the tabloid magazine in the front row of the supermarket had a picture of Bush and Cheney with Binny and the rest of Al Queda with the 1992 US DreamTeam after an exhibition game in Niciragua. The US won despite great games from Tommy Lee who had 13 rebounds and Kid Rock who had 7 steals and 2 blocks. Oh sure that happened, I read it somewhere on lukeisback so I could fulfill my stupid fantasies of the US government to be the worst people in the world so I could hate the country I live in. Why don’t you believe that one Jeremy?
Jeremy how do you know anything about me? You don’t, so next time you want to sign the dotted line think about who really holds the upperhand.
All kidding aside though I think your a cool dude Jeremy thanks for having a fun talk with me.
Those “Aliens abducted Elvis” tabloids are for ass-whiping. Supermarkets are great at supplying not only junk food for body but junk food for thought. I consider that no coincidence, either. But regardless, if you can actually check out
and THEN if you have any intelligent and specific criticisms then I’m open to hearing, but saying that it’s all Loch Ness Monster or the ever popular “tin-foil hat” theories doesn’t in the slightest support your position nor damage mine. Graciass.
Thanks, I’ll make the check out to the most brilliant people in the world. How much do I owe 9.95?
Dude you r so ign’nt.
If you had clicked on the link you’d see the movie is right there to watch for FREE!
Jesus Henry Christ.
C’mon Jeremy lighten up, laugh have some fun will ya! The Zeitgeist movie is dumb, its stupid I already watched the history channel documentary on the conspiracy bullshit, its all worthless. I watched the whole thing 2 hours of losers. Stop believing hollywood nonsense and stop hanging out with nostradamus. Did Hollywood take a terrorist hit? No, so stop making terrorist comments about your own people who care about you and work hard. You are cool Jeremy I don’t want you to stay in the gutter with the rest of your california friends, look what happened to Kurt.
Lighten up? Ok, where’s my bong?
Ha ha. So now I’m laughing. Just kidding. Now where were we? Again, all you got to offer are “nah nah, nah-nah-nah” names and nothing else. Worthless? Shit, mang, Tell that to the firefighters, rescuers, academics and physicists who appear in this flick. Losers? Who’s a loser? Who are you? Tell the widows for 911 Truth that. I knew names just from voices in this flick. The first guy who talks in it is Jordan Maxwell. Do you even know who these people are? I ain’t talkin Nostradumbass, although I can write some quatrains about your amazing brain which jumps like a monkey from subject to another and back and throws his own shit around and cries “Gotchu”. You are either stupid or insincere to say there’s nothing you didn’t know or that doesn’t show add up with the official gov’t approved version of events.
This is video evidence, official testimony, etc. You really think Bush is a good guy or do you have stock in Halliburton? I’m glad you think this is all a joke. You wouldn’t think so if you had a loved one on the 99th floor of tower or if your relative went into the towers to save people but instead had the tower explode and collapse upon him. Got any good 9/11 jokes while you’re at it? I’m glad it’s all funny to you. Let me sound like a crazy “liberal” but now you can be arrested without warrant, held in secrecy indefinitely without trial or hearing, tortured thanks to the “Patriot Act”. You better stop thinking this shit is funny because if or when it happens to you you won’t be laughing.
Here’s my amended 1984 slogan:
THANK GOD I just watched my boys Rudy and GW instead of some wacko conspiracy 9/11 nutheads. Jeremy your a California guy, you star in movies with your california friends hollywood stuff make believe land that’s where your coming from, you may have been born somewhere else that I don’t know. Sure, the zeigiest movie can have people some who were there in ny on 9/11 say this and that its all phony made for TV junk because they want to gain attention and they dislike the real niggas who are in charge. I just don’t understand where someone like you feels so strongly about this Zeigiest crap. NOBODY Credible has anything worthwhile to say about some phony zeigiest consipracy garbage. Again, you DON’T know if I was personally involved in 9/11 or personally knew people that were involved. STOP hating the USA and STOP hating people who are leaders who try as hard as they can to do the best things for the country. In a country where you can stick your cock in some girls pussy and get paid for it that’s supposed to be the same country that organized a terror hit to kill its own people. That’s retarded. Do you ever see the lunatics in the middle east saying how much they hate the USA burning flags saying that extremist junk over and over again? Do you think they’re filming that in Washington DC? Then who are those middle east fanatics? If you are such a conspiracy theorist explain the millions of lunatic suicide bombers in Afganistan and Pakistan. Yeah they’re all white guys in suits who graduated from Harvard. You sound like an idiot with this conspiracy crap, Jeremy. I’m trying to compliment you and keep you in a positive direction STOP hanging out with your silly hollywood friends and get back to where you belong.
Jeremy I was kind of trying to point out the absurdity of taking sourcing a truther website. Joerilly, drink decaf. I can’t beleive we got like 25 posts out of this.
Ninja I’m trying to figure out what “taking sourcing a truther website” means. Thanks, I like really big ice coffees. I can’t believe we got this many posts either hopefully Jeremy is really a cool guy who likes to post and have fun and not some conspiracy nutbag trying to argue with someone he may or may not know, the realest nigga on the block -Jdogrilly
post #26, and couting… Say what ninja?? no comprendo. As usual joeriled this is just another doc out there of many. The sources are verifiable, reliable and no bull. If you can point out just ONE thing which is koo-koo-2-U specifically I’d really like to know. I’ve been on this subject since the shit hit on my birthday, I’m from NY, etc,. I’m the first porno star to share this info with the virtually thankless industry. I’m not getting these ‘ideas’ from any wacky Hollywood friends. I AM the wacky Hollywood friend who shares this with them, although with no regularity because I’m tired of preaching and don’t want to be a marytr for sheep (my quote). Proudly, since my claim was made that it was an inside job, Hustler has done articles featuring BYU Physicist Steven Jones and Professor/author David Ray Griffen, who were also in that doc. I don’t know how you’d consider these authorities koo koo, other than the fact that you are unwilling to entertain the possibility that they may be correct and that the science simply backs it up. Of course always the assumption from the likes of yourself that these dissidents are trying to make a buck, right? Well, since you’re obviously a conservative you should appreciate that for that’s EXACTELY the kind of thing which is the primary motivation of our so-called leaders (money/power). Somehow you just believe everything Bush and Company say, despite ample evidence from every time and space to contrary. You should listen to me, based on my research on rigged elections, specifically ’00, I correctly predicted Bush would win a 2nd term in ’04 in spite of the fact that the overwhelming majority of voters in pre-polls wanted anyone but Bush back in office. I had made the prez prediction on If you had talked to me then you could’ve bet and beat your friends and roommates as I did. 🙂
I’m not a conservative, I’m a hustler homie. If there were explosions at the towers when they fell they were from the air pressure falling down and forcing its way through windows and floors, or it was other terrorists who planted bombs to make sure the towers fell. What about 1993 at the towers was that Bush also? What about the nutcases recently at Fort Dix, all the other explosions and terrorist acts around the globe. You think Bush did all of them too? Conspiracy theorists make no sense. Have you ever seen a 757 crash into the tallest building in the world before? NO, so understand there are going to be things that are unexplained. You’re from NY Jeremy, so talk like NY. The primary reason for Bush, just like Rudy, is not money/power its to serve his country and to perform under pressure when he can be assasinated for being a leader and is under extreme criticism at all times. Who the fuck wants that job? The people who want money/power are movie and record producers who want to infiltrate the US community with garbage images of idiots doing drugs and acting like morons. Bush isn’t poking his rod into pussy and getting paid, sitting in VIP driking crystal with hookers and ho’s doing lap dances I don’t understand where the criticism of him comes from. Bush is standing on stage with Dr. Phil singing Christmas songs he’s a good guy and Laura is a fantastic woman will you people leave them alone. If you want to criticize someone go after local cops who carry weapons, not guys in business suits who shake hands and give informative speeches. With all the freedom in this country will all the shit idiots like Hollywood people get away with making stupid movies with guns like Kevin Bacon, with all the porn, with all the pigs like Kanye and Furtado who make millions off of teenagers and people who don’t know any better why do you keep coming up with the garbage that the same people who have their backs against the wall defending the country are the same ones who terrorize and kill people. STOP WITH THE CONSPIRACY FAGGOT CRAP. And with the 2000 election Bush held the vote before AND after the recount so it was most likely the Dems who instigated that stuff although we don’t know but you also DON”T KNOW if Joerilly had anytying to do with 11/7/00 or 9/11/01 so don’t try and refute my statements. JOERILLY IS THE RILLEST
re: post 19, I meant ass-wiping
How does a tower fall at free fall speed with no resistence whatsooever despite intricate interlaying criss-crossing? steel beams? All sides would have to give out simulaneously for it to fall straight down, otherwise it would fall like a tree. Let’s forget the melting point of steel is 2,700 F and that the maximum temperature jet fuel can reach under high oxygenation is 1,800 F. Let’s assume the intense fire (actually black smoke is indicative of oxygen starved fire) made it buckle. How do you explain the explosions in the basement before the towers hit (as explained by last survivor 20 year janitor William Rodriguez)? What about the 47 vertical core columns 100 mm thick? They should’ve based on the bogus pancake theory remained standing up like spindles of a old L.P. record player. Use your fucking eyes, how does a collapsing building EXPLODE upward and outward into DUST? DUST!! Physics shows that, like a cannon shooting a cannonball this was projected outward with great force, not just from the force of a falling building. Also, what about the molton metal which existed over a month after the collapse? Only high power explosives could do that. What about the zeitgeist shot of the vertical cut of one of the core columns after a demolition expert demonstrates this is how you take a building down? Marvin P. Bush was head of Securacom, the security for the towers and there is testimony that weeks and days before 911 there were teams of engineers coming and going. At that time video cameras were disabled while they were “fixing” things. And btw, I never said Clinton was an angel, although he may appear more so. The fact is Bill is good friends with Bush Sr. WTC 93 was an inside job which failed to do the job because the guy planting the truck bomb for a “drill” as he was told, did not park it in the right area. He originally thought that no real bombs would be used but he found out they were real which may have been the reason it wasn’t parked in the best place to do the most damage. When you speak about the patriotism of Bush and Rudy I wanna puke!
911 Eyewitness (death! – live from hoboken, n.j.)
So wipe your ass with your conspiracy theories
So build another 100 story building and fly another 757 into it and see what happens smart ass, like you know what is supposed to happen “on paper” with the biggest mass on mass explosion that ever took place. How about doing a porno with Rosie O’Donnell instead, she’s gorgeous “on paper”
Rosie’s gorgeous on paper?
Well, because my budget is a little more limited, I’m planning to find a stray cat, then stick a small firecracker in its ass, then light it. Now, based on my New Physics calculations which are based on the official 911 WTC collapse theory, I expect that the whole cat will blow up entirely without a trace except for dust. I will let you know of my findings. Here, kitty, kitty…
I just watched your stupid film. Its stupid garbage, some of it isn’t even in English, because its other coutnries who want to make America look bad. All Hollywood nonsense. Anybody can make a movie with special effects and make anything happen. Its not you Jeremy you are just one performer,its your industry and much more the movie and music industry which is ruining and has damaged America. When are you going to end the conspiracy bullcrap and get to the real issues. Kids hate their teachers, some grow up gangbanging and violent, many are against authority they are against marriages and relationships and want to be playas, they watch MTV and look up to those people only. The ones who do drugs, carry guns on film and act like they are better than the rest of the population. When their teacher is in front of them they curse and tell them to go fuck off or ignore them and do nothing they say that’s fine with me HOWEVER WHEN THEY ARE in front of Jay-Z at a concert they do everything he says put their hands up in their air scream and yell and even pay Jay-Z ticket prices and lose their money to play second fiddle to him just like many other entertainers. THE REAL PROBLEM IN AMERICA IS MOVIES AND MUSIC, PORN IS A DISTANT THIRD and not anywhere near as influential. The younger generation is all fucked up obsessed with the movie star rock star lifestyle the ones who make millions of dollars scamming people out of money and then like I said a million times before isolating themselves from the normal population. They don’t walk the streets and make real friends. They fly around in jets and limos going on tours and talk shows promoting their violent tasteless bullshit. And you want to spend your time instead on some flaky phony conspiracy crap that fucking means nothing. Stop wasting people’s time. FUCK HOLLYWOOD, FUCK THE MUSIC INDUSTRY YOUR ALL FAGGOTS YOU’RE NOT WOMEN OR MEN YOU ARE IMMATURE SPOILED PIECES OF SHIT. AND YOUR CONTENT AND ARTISTIC EXPRESSION STINKS ALSO.
Anyone who ever produced or was part of a horror film GO FUCK OFF. Anyone who wants to shoot guns and act violent on screen GO FUCK OFF. Anyone who wants to make silly songs to charge America’s youth GO FUCK OFF. Anyone who’s got conspiracy theories of 9/11 GO FUCK OFF. Anyone who wants to profile and pose infront of paparazzi and photographers but not talk to or meet real people who have real lives GO FUCK OFF.
Fuck America, fuck George W. Bush, Fuck the terrorists, fuck the war on terror, and most of all, fuck all of you lazy, no life idiots who share your stupid political discussions on a porn gossip site. Go get a fucking life, you morons.
To Colonel:Are you on the site too? So GO FUCK YOURSELF
To asshole joerilly: I’m on the site to read about dirty, druggie, STD infected porn whores, not to give two fucks about your stupid political bullshit. So, shut up and shove your comments up your ass. Damn, you’re even more stupid than George W. Bush.
re: post 34: That flick was shot and made in good ol’ Hoboken, New Jersey by a native. It’s also being translated by other nations. I simply picked the french translation because I’m brushing up on my French, so I can say more than “Oh, la la, manage a troix”. I hope someone out there got something out of that doc I posted. Yeah you tell him colonel, we’re here just for porn gossip… and judaism, right Luke? Hey Luke, Happy Rushshushanah.
so what
“I‚Äôm on the site to read about dirty, druggie, STD infected porn whores,”
Amen, Hallelluyaaah!
re: post 41: ahem, Hey rics, your mother must be proud…. I wonder what’s worse, being a “dirty, druggie, STD infected porn whore” or someone who follows them around all the time and monitors them for self-fulfilment.
Ain’t I deeper than Mandingo…
Yes she was! I’m rics and I’m a whore lover. Where is the 12 step program?
Forget the steps. It reads like you’re unable to walk, let alone think.