Luke Shills For Shelley?

I’ve got a new advertiser on my website. Somebody is paying me to put up their banner and to link it to their website.

Big deal, right?

Well, the new advertiser is anti-porn crusader Shelley Lubben.

I don’t see a problem. I know Shelley. She conducts herself honorably to the best of my knowledge.

So she’s against porn? Well, so am I. I think porn is bad. I also think that I am bad, that TV is bad, that most Hollywood movies are bad, that cigarettes are bad, that alcohol and caffeine are bad, that Coke and Pepsi and soft drinks are bad, that meat is bad, that gambling and wanking and pre-marital and extra-marital sex is bad, that most pop music is bad, that most modern art is bad, that the ACLU is bad, that the Democratic party and much of the Republican party are bad, that universities (outside of the natural sciences) do more bad than good. I don’t mean bad artistically, I mean they are bad for you. I am not necessarily for banning them.

Do I think these things are so bad that I won’t tarnish my soul by taking money from them? Hell no.

I’m sometimes asked by women if they should do various types of sex work. I always say no. I hated it when Holly posed nude. It forever tarnished her for me. She’s no longer pure and pristine. She’s a dirty whore and I wouldn’t sleep with her even if she begged me to, even if she screamed, "Luke, My Moral Leader, take me right now and make me your bitch, pull my hair, choke me, pound me into a puddle."

I am sometimes asked by men if they should masturbate to pornographic images (either real images or ones created solely in their mind). I always say no.

Beautiful women are constantly throwing themselves at me to take me away from God’s plan for my life. I always say no (except for when I don’t).

How much is Shelley paying me? Here for my advertising rates.

AVN sells booth space to the XXXChurch and JCsGirls at their conventions. How is this such a big deal?

I think gossip is bad and yet I gossip for a living.

So I don’t live up to my highest ideals. Big deal. Who does?

Jim B. posts on XPT:

I’ve been trying to track down her financials for a while, but I’ve been a little busy lately.

As far as I can tell, she has no Church, Ministry or Non-Profit Organization registered with the California Attorney General’s Office, as required by law. So either she’s operating out of some God Forsaken place like Utah, she’s operating illegaly, or she’s operating under the aegis of some other entity, lixe XXXChurch or Focus on the Family.

I think a more important question, at least to us pervs is:


Come clean, Luke. I know it’s hard living in a hovel, and the temptation is great, but Shelley and her ilk are evil and you know it. They’re the Porno-Moonies, for chrissakes.

It’s still a few hours before Shabbos out there in California, and I KNOW you will read this. Come clean, Luke. Or you can forget about me helping you with your murder case.

That’s nonsense. Shelley  is not evil. What’s so bad with offering girls in porn a way out? She’s not forcing anybody to leave porn. She’s helping those in the industry who want to leave to leave.

Anyway, I am so poor I’d happily take money from evil. I’m like the red heifer in the Torah. I take things that are impure and make them pure, absorbing their sin onto my own person, like a bloke on a cross.

Monstar posts on XPT: "I’m not knocking Luke. Luke gotta eat. I’m sure given the right price he’d put up a ‘my daughter f–ked blackzilla’ banner right next to shelly’s right next to ‘buy air supply’s greatest hits volume 2’."

Vin posts: "Did she pay you in Top Ramen? I’ll send you some Cambell’s soup if you take that bitch whore’s banner down and a $10 Arch Card if you never mention that cunt again on your site."

Vin, What Would Jesus Do?

I think you need a closer walk with the Lord, my friend.

Steve York posts:

Why’s everyone getting into a tizzy over this?

For $400 a month what type of response do you think Shelly will get? Do you really think the average porn star looking for salvation will see that banner on Luke’s site and all of a sudden have a change of heart and find Jesus’s love after reading it on Luke’s site?

Does XXXChurch have more than three "success" stories from over the past year? I can point to many more fuck ups ("Project Trinity James" being my personal favorite given my personal involvement) than victories.

If anything I see this as an unnecessary expense and give it six months before she stops advertising realizing that the costs to benefits just don’t justify themselves (instead of hawking for Jesus she should be getting ex-stars to go college). Really, the more average people see whackos like Shelly, XXX Church (Craig Gross and his merry band of tards), Michael Leahy and the rest of the New Christian Armies of America, they’ll realize just how far out they really are especially with their Pentecostal and Evangelical beliefs. Exposure is the best step to defeating them. They will *all* pull a Ted Faggard at one point or another and alienate their own followers.

BTW Shelly, are you still calling and writing Mary Carey on a near daily basis trying to get her to become a Christian with all your end of the world mumbo jumbo gumbo? Or did you give up on that whore like you’ve done with the rest when you realize they won’t give you what you desire?

Conky posts:

This entire thread is giving me mild diarrhea. I just don’t get the frenzy here people.

1. Luke hates porn. Fact.
2. Luke gotta eat. Fact
3. Luke takes money from pornographers, furthering their businesses while he tries to slam them.
4. Lubben will never turn the entire industry into bible thumpers because, as the F.L.O.P. states: There’s always a new whore.

I couldn’t give a rat’s ass if Luke advertised Anal Fingering the Lockwood Way on his site. I spend zero time looking at adverts on Luke’s site. I’m more interested in the gossip.

Seriously people, if this is what gets you beating your chests, go get a hobby. We all know Luke’s a hypocrite. This is not news!

Elaborator posts: "If you think about it…Shelly is just adding an additional bit of entertainment to a whores career. When they get old and methed out they can become Cheerleaders for Christ and we can laugh at the ridiculus things that come out of their mouths (as opposed to things going into their mouths prior to their rebirthing). Even more entertainment value when they have strange cattywampus eyes."

18 thoughts on “Luke Shills For Shelley?

  1. artwilliams says: has advertising?

  2. Well, I for one support the goals of the Sex Worker Recovery movement, but I also have some questions to Shelley.
    1. If a girl want to leave porn or escorting, but she does not like to go the evangelical protestant way, lets say she wants to do the higher power thing as a Roman Catholic, Eastern Ortodox christian, as a liberal protestant, as a jew, muslim, hinduist, budist, panteist, deist or agnostic, whould you help her?
    2. In the case you said yes to the previous question, are your methods tailored to do that? For example contacting leaders of those demominations or searching for help in the case of the non religious girls.
    3. Do you realize that if porn becomes ilegal, like prostitution is in the US, contacting the troubled girls is going to be far more difficult that if porn remains legal and is either regulated or self-regulated to create a more human working enviroment?
    Prostitution which to me includes porn acting have been with us since the begining of time, and is not going away even if banned by law. Getting the women out if it is a good idea. Lets face it, no one, even most porn stars, what their daughter to become a whore. But banning it as some of your evangelical pals seems fond to do, will not solve the problem.

  3. Whoever wrote this is completely correct porn, TV, most Hollywood movies,cigarettes, alcohol most pop music is bad. Matter of fact its mostly all fucking garbage, and rap is garbage too so are tattoos. Weed is actually good for you if you only do a little of it, so don’t mistake weed with that other satanic crap I’m sick and tired of people in this world feeding into this bullshit this whole be famous take advantage of everyone out for me travel all around the world and waste resources bullshit. It’s garbage end of story. You want to charge people after you make a horror movie or some stupid album and think you are making a living fuck off get the fuck out of the USA you stupid fucking pigs we don’t need you here. And I’m not a church freak either, but I certainly don’t have any animosity or negativity toward those people because they aren’t trying to trick anyone or resort to violence. This whole jackass bam margera fergilicious marilyn manson I’m better than everyone else attitude in this country is a crock of shit. You people are assholes who do that shit. Honestly California go fuck yourselves go fall out into the ocean and get the fuck out of America all you poser ass faggots try to do is lure people in with some bullshit movie or album and try and take assets away from the rest of the country. I’ll take Tennessee, Texas, NY, NJ and Florida over California anyday you stupid Cali pigs go fuck off and die and when people ask you what country you are from say California, don’t say United States because you don’t belong with the rest of us.

  4. Perfect Example: That idiot the other night at the X-games who does a few spins on his skateboard and ends up 40 feet in there ready to fall and land in the hospital. Stupid Fucking Idiot. Just like the rest of the pigs who follow that shit, motorbike riding assholes. You stupid pigs can take flight after flight after flight buy one stupid materialistic item after another, and when I take a nice hit of haze go to a normal club and pop one on some model’s ass hotter than anyone Hay or the rest of those idiots can muster with their less than stellar Sears catalog looking hookers, I’ll be doing stuff that pigs like you who think Ozzie Ozzbourne is god have no clue about whatsoever. Go Fuck Off Cali stop trying to plug your stupid entertainment ploy you fucking bums get a fucking life. GO MOVE TO THE MIDDLE EAST GET THE FUCK AWAY FROM OUR PEOPLE USA RULES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! FUCK YOU JENNA JAMESON YOU CLOWN!!

  5. You know what I’ll do if I catch one of these pussies in action like Matt Damon or Jack Nicholson punch em right in the face. Fucking Clowns. Ludacris I’ll clock that nigga accros his face buck fifty to his silly grill. These people trick people for a living, take in huge salaries and squander it with more shoes in missy elliott’s closet than an entire neighborhood of kids.

  6. butterball says:

    I myself have always rather disliked Colorado. Just sayin’ is all…..

  7. streetphotoman says:

    rics questions are good ones. My view is that if women are going to do porn or “erotic art” they should be empowered to do it themselves like so many women seem to be doing on flickr and the likes of Nora Ness.

  8. Hi Rics,
    To answer your questions, YES I will help any girl who wants out of the biz even if she prefers a different religion. Although, I will share my story with her on how God helped me recover from porn and prostitution because that is what worked for me. But in no way do I force my beliefs on anyone. I am very gentle with the girls as they will tell you themselves.
    And YES, I will definitely contact other leaders of other religions if the girls request that. I have many ties to the Catholics and also to Mormons. I work with both groups very closely in my cause. You don’t have to be a Christian to hate porn. There are obviously MANY different religions that are against pornography and this is the common ground I share with them.
    When I reach out to the girls, I meet them where THEY are at. A religious person could never do what I do. In front of me some of the girls I help do drugs, chain smoke, talk vulgar, and every other word is F*ck.
    The religious person could never handle what I see and hear on a weekly basis helping these girls. So, I am not a religious person at all. I am a girl who believes in God and His love and I want to show LOVE to whoever wants my help. Love does not force its beliefs on someone, instead it cares for people.
    Good point about porn becoming legal. Personally, I would prefer it if it meant safer working conditions for actors and actresses. Catching a non-curable disease is no joke.

  9. Desert N8iv says:

    Luke, I was pretty much on the same wave length with you on this issue. But sadly, out of all people in the adult industry, you chose to single out the name of one person with whom you have had a private, personal relationship just to emphasize your viewpoint. That is a poor choice whether the purpose is for praise or for pay back. And it seriously detracts from any credibility and esteem you may possess in the eyes of your reading audience. With one a moment’s creative effort you could have just as easily and effectively expressed your thoughts without the need to specifically mention anyone by name.

  10. TheFormerBeccaB says:

    I am a former porn actress who Shelley has helped. She and xxxchurch are paying for me to go to school. I recently had a baby and Shelley sent me a huge box of baby clothes… anything I may need- even if it just someone to talk to, Shelley is there for me. I know for a fact that she is just as involved in helping many other girls (I know them and have spoken with them). Shelley does not force religion down anyone’s throat- she just wants to help and love the girls.

    Those of you who disagree with Shelley… fine, disagree with her beliefs. That is your right as an American. BUT, I can garauntee you that she is totally legit. There is nothing bad about her as a person.

  11. Thanks for answering my questions Ms Lubben, I also have two other questions and some suggestions for you:
    1. What about gay and lesbian performers who want to quit porn but do not will not change their sexual orientation? Would you support them?
    2. I have noticed that many of the girls who have left the industry and done the evangelical protestant way are really coming home. They are going back to the safety values of their childhood, of a happy time before their lives become out of control train wrecks. Nothing wrong with that. And there is my question, once a girl decided to become a born again christian, and joins the ex-sexworkers rehab community (Harmony Dust, Heather Veitch, Annie Lobert, Cindy Nelson and the others) will you become jealous if she chooses to join other of your colleagues groups to continue her rehab? Some people say that you are too bossy, and some girls have enough of that in porn and prefer to work with other like minded women but with different methods. Do you have any problem with that?

    Now my suggestions:

    1. While I can not make a generalization on all the women in the sex industry, I have noted that nearly all the women who are in the Sex Workers Rehab/Survivor of Sex Industry movement, both the more non sectarian/ecumenical ones and the more evangelical christian ones where sexualy abused as kids. In fact may of the supporters of the movement are civilian non-sex worker women that were abused as kids and reading your forums I got the idea that more of a antiporn crusade, is really about dealing with the adult scars of childhood abuse, porn is just a symtom. I think Ms Lubben, that you should stress that part of your work more.
    2. I sorry for Mr Baldwin VH1 proyect but doing rehab in front of a camera is a bad idea. As you say, God do not give people more that they could handle, neither should anyone else. The nature of sex work and the link in many cases to childhood/teenage molestation or rape is very intimate. Even in the anomity of internet forums there is a shame of speaking the truth about their pasts and doing porn. Much less in front of a camera.
    3. You should create private subforum for active sex workers, away from the public eye for those previous reasons.
    4. Some of your theology is too Fundie for a mainstream appeal. That will limit the reach of your appeal. For example regarding Catholics, end of the world, and other things. You should take notes from Billy Graham on how to carry your evangelical beliefs into the mainstream.

  12. I don’t understand why there is mention of “end of the world” stuff. I haven’t talked or written anything about the end of the world.
    I think people make quite a few assumptions about me. I try to appeal to the mainstream very much as most of my web site at and my myspace offer way more information about pornography and the sex industry than sounding preachy and being religious. I am probably one of the least non-preachy people and feel I am extremely transparent in how I speak and operate in ministry. I really think you guys haven’t even taken the time to really get to know me or what I offer. Have you visited my forums to see how me and my team reach out to those who are sexually broken?
    If you ever read my forums at my web site you will see about 400 members who come in and we offer them a very non-judgmental place to get encouragement and practical advice from God’s Word. We talk to gays, sex industry workers, porn addicts, suicidal teenagers, etc…
    At least take some time to get to know me before making these judgements. That’s all I ask.
    As for your questions, I’m not going to be jealous if a porn star prefers a different ministry. If anything, I am thankful for the other ministries as there is no way any of us can do this work alone. The girls have many needs and all of the sex industry ministries have something good to offer them. I’m just a girl who wants to reach out and help whoever comes to me. I am transparent, loving and try to operate with humility. Am I perfect, heck no. I just love people.

  13. Do not worry Shelley, I have taken the time to read your web for several weeks, and I know that you are doing some good work. I have seen some good interventions on line on pretty desperate women. I guess that the are many other ones that are done of line because the girls request it to be done in private and I do not know. And yes, getting girls like the former Becca Brat away from drugs, pimps, having sex for pay with strangers, hepling them going back to school is good a good deed on anyone’s book except to the most fanatical religion haters. So good luck with Sierra.
    My suggestion on a private subforum in your forum comes from the fact that now everybody know what you are doing and while some pornographers while be cool with it, because is the girl got in to porn of her on will, she should be allowed to go out in her own will too and even might refer girl to you, other pornographers and especially suitcase pimps are not too cool with you or others taking to girls into leaving porn.

  14. I think you make a good point. It is unwise to take threats lightly and there are several who probably don’t like what Shelley is doing. She does not stick her neck out there and publically announce who she is for selfish reasons. She is out there so that people who want to get out of the business can find her. A lighthouse doe not not work properly unless it is lit. Even so we cannot worry about threats from people who treat these young women like prized cattle. We need more people like Shelley who are willing to put their neck on the line to help people out. It is a sense of honor and sacrifice that is very lacking these days.

  15. You make a good point, rics. It definately isn’t a safe ministry or mission Shelley has undertaken. Even so she stands and publically announces who she is and what she does so that those who want to get out of the business can find her. A lighthouse does not serve it’s purpose if it is not lit. We can’t let a few threats from people who treat these young women as if they were prized cattle to stop us from helping someone in need. I think we need more people who put their neck on the line to show love for others like Shelley. That sense of honor and sacrifice is far too lacking thses days.

  16. Wow I appreciate all of your comments. My heart truly is to help as many people as I physically can. I think Smeagol hit it on the nail. I have to put myself out there publicly so girls can find me. And I can do that for several reasons. First, I unwaveringly trust in God. I wouldn’t even be alive today if God hadn’t protected me from many near death and frightening experiences while in the sex industry. I figure if He didn’t let me die then, surely He won’t let me die now doing His work. Although, if I do die, I die fighting for an important cause.

    Also, it’s not just me who puts my neck out but many others as well and when we do it together, we give each other courage and strength. I could NEVER do this without all the help from my friends. It’s all about teamwork.

    Thanks again for the encouragement. I really do appreciate it. Much love to you all!

  17. streetphotoman says:

    Don’t you think he’s going for the “God look”

    If he’s successful he will be God like.

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