‘Jersey Is A Very Nice Girl’

The artist formerly known as Jersey Jaxin sends out this myspace bulletin: "hey all thank u for the emails and comments its helping me alot,it puts a smile on my face and a skip in my steps.One word inspirational!I know not where life may take me but already starting over its a golden road.Im trying to respond to all sorry if I dont ,but you all mean alot to me and I hope I can make a difference in myself and others.xoxo’s much love and best wishes."

Christian writes on XPT: "I have known jersey since she first started in this business when katie gold found her in texas. she is a very nice girl who unfortunately makes really bad choices when it comes to men, scenes, jobs, drugs, etc, etc, etc. i wish her the best in the future and hope she is okay."

Fireplug Fan writes:

Years ago, I had one of those telemarketer jobs where you call people up and persuade them to give money to some charitable cause. The company I worked for took 30% off the top. We collected mostly for police associations. We weren’t allowed to say anything that suggested that we were policemen, but eventually I realized that everyone thought we were policemen. In terms of moral depravity, it was worse than porn, but not as bad as getting school girls hooked on heroin and then pimping them. Some of the guys enjoyed it, but after a year I quit with stress-related health problems that stayed with me for several years. I stayed with it as long as I did for the same reason girls who don’t like porn stay in porn; I hadn’t done the hard work of figuring out how else to get a pay check.

Remember what Shelley Lubben would say: Every telemarketer is someone’s child. Abuse occurs every day in the telemarketing industry. So when a non-profit telemarketer calls you and tries to get you to donate money so his telemarketing firm can take their 30% of your money, offer him a Super Walmart card.

The telemarketing job turned out to be the kick in the butt that persuaded me to go to college. I’ve noticed that a lot of these girls’ stories are the same. They got into porn because it didn’t require any training or education and someone offered them money. A year or two in what turns out to be a really horrible job gives them the motivation to either get serious about education or go through the trouble of hunting for a job they can support themselves with. That’s the great thing about free will; it gives you the opportunity to make bad decisions, and the opportunity to learn from them.

I’m sure Tanya is a nice girl, and I wish her well. But just once, I’d like to see a girl leaving porn say "I fucked up. I thought I could handle porn, but I can’t. I’m getting out before my bad decision screws me up any more." I’m saving my Walmart cards for her.

6 thoughts on “‘Jersey Is A Very Nice Girl’

  1. Reality check.
    Telemarketing and another jobs, no matter how dishonest or stressfull are, do not leave a permanent record of you doing activities that most of society will judge as degrading, inmoral or obscene.
    Porn in that sense is far worse than even straight prostitution or stripping. And those jobs are stressfull enough as most recent scientific literature have proven.
    Most women in the sex industry are basically sacrificing their mental stability for attention and money. And many were not very mentally stable to begin with. This is the fact that the sex industry should address. Soon or latter the days of just hiring any women willing to get naked and have sex in front of a camera should end.

  2. lexsteele69 says:

    You know what is funny about this whole situation?
    First alot of girls when they come in the business think they are so hot, because they are getting alot of work.
    They will flake on shoots, act like prima donnas, and spend their money on nice apartments, cars, and clothes.
    Most of these girls make $100 to $250 grand the first year.
    Then the second year they are old news and there is a new hot girl that is getting all the work.
    So they start crying abuse and mistreatment. The reality is they are not getting the work anymore so they hate on the whole industry.
    Honey you made 100 to 250 grand…what happened to that money?
    Sure the industry is abusive….that is why these girls make more money than doctors and lawyers with no education.

  3. ForrestHump says:

    Oh, having orgasms for a living ain’t half bad. That is, for those who can and enjoy it. For those who can’t, complaints set in once the it girl gravy train has run its course.

    A girl has gotta like what’s she’s doing to survive in this biz. Doesn’t matter what you do for a living. If you don’t like it, then it becomes abusive.

    Especially 9-5 poverty slave wage labor. So you don’t do facial or anal? No ATM or creampies? Go stand on your feet for 8 hours taking orders at Micky Ds! LOL! Now that’s obscene.


  5. All Good points. Go swab toilets ! It’s AlL abusive, sooner or later. Big Lee

  6. Of course, the only job you can get in America is abusive and tiring, nobody enjoys their job in America or does anything positive in their profession. WHAT A BUNCH OF IDIOTS YOU ARE!!! GET A FUCKING LIFE!!! YOU ARE SO FUCKING DEPRESSING ALL OF YOU!!! BUNCH OF CLOSE-MINDED IDIOTS!!! YEAH ITS EITHER PORN OR MCDONALDS THAT’S IT HOW STUPID ARE ALL OF YOU!!!!!!!!!!

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