Scott McGowan posts:
Jenna Jameson has become synonymous with porn. She is, in all senses of the word, a star and readers of my column will know that I don’t throw that word around all that much. It’s always been my opinion that the term star is used far too often to describe women (and men, especially one in particular who thinks he’s both a porn star and a rock star) in this business that simply wouldn’t be recognized by the average person on the street. No, I’m afraid only fans of porn know who most of these people are. Like it or not, Jenna has transcended from porn star to true blue celebrity.
Let’s face it, when you see someone used in one of those ‘Who is this sexy blonde ads on MySpace, you’re a goddamned celebrity.
While Jenna may be a bona fide star, I’m not so sure that that we really understand why. With that, I mean that the public perception of Jenna being a determined and hard-nosed business woman taking the porn industry by storm on her own terms is, in my opinion, categorically false. Jenna is (was) indeed an extraordinarily beautiful woman with a talent for enchanting an audience, especially through the camera’s eye. Furthermore, she is a phenomenal sex performer. She fucks like a woman and fucks like she means it. Jenna, for all intents and purposes, is genetically perfect for porn. Okay so she got breast implants and some other cosmetic surgery. Who hasn’t these days?