Anyone have any thoughts on this website? They’re trying to weed out the bad people from the sex industry. It reminds me of

3 thoughts on “

  1. It is what it says; industry black list, just read on pornstarperformance how Nancy Vee was fantastic, however, on industry black list, she is classified as “thief and druggie”. This indstry is only for a few priviliged, and the needs of many outweighs the needs of the few.

  2. That site is using my copyrighted photos in at least one report…unless they wish to suffer the fate of Kaytel they better get them the fuck off

  3. justinsyder says:

    I see they also post the numbers and addresses of these people…what are they trying to accomplish by allowing that? I think I see a major lawsuit against the owners and moderators of that site coming soon….everyone can have their opinions but fucking with a performers money or ability to get work in the business by starting a site like that is fucking lame, not to mention posting their personal info for psychos to contact…dumbshits…not that anyone really cares anyway…the real players in the biz knows whos who….

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