Born To Blog

Here’s the profile in the Jewish Journal.

Here’s the YouTube video from deep inside the hovel.

James DiGiorgio emails: "I made it about half-way through your Jewish Journal UTube video before experiencing suicidal thoughts brought on by intense boredom.  But before closing the window, I couldn’t help but notice the roll of toilet paper on your bookshelf within easy reach of your computer. I guess blogging ain’t the only thing you do while sitting in front of your PC."

That’s a roll of paper towels. There’s a lot of dust coming into the hovel from the garden outside and it is a relentless battle to keep the dirt out of my life.

JMT posts: "You should insist that all future photography/video of you have that screwed-up aspect ratio. It makes you look thinner. It even made the guy at the beginning of the clip look less jewy."

Jim Jones emails:

Way to get credited in print for something you DIDN’T write. Does the below e-mail ring a bell?

You know what the right thing to do is, I suppose…you ponce.

[Here’s the email from Jim sent in my voice April 20:]

In this respect, he’s exactly like me, mates. > Whether > > blogging about Jews, porners, Australian fauna, my > > mental health, my dad Desmond, and myriad topics, > I’ve > > never been one to rigorously check my facts before > > posting. And I’ve misused the English language > quite > > regularly. The speed of the Internet doesn’t allow > for > > fact checking or being clear when I write. I’m a > > blogger, mates, and I play by own rules. > >

> > And, by the way, I know I misspelled "rebut." I > used > > two "Ts" because I’m gay and fixated on such > things.

Cavanaugh’s spot-on regarding your loopy justifications. E-mails written in a parody of your voice and sent to mock you aren’t the same as a blanket go-ahead to pretend that you wrote something that you didn’t, but, no big deal, mate. You and I both know that your skills are weak. This is just another example. A real mensch would come clean about it, though.

4 thoughts on “Born To Blog

  1. You should insist that all future photography/video of you have that screwed-up aspect ratio. It makes you look thinner. It even made the guy at the beginning of the clip look less jewy.

  2. streetphotoman says:

    You come across very well on that Luke. Hope all is well with your health.

  3. streetphotoman says:

    James DiGiorgio is jealous. Good on you Luke I hope fame and respect of importance finds you.

  4. You should buy a small condo Luke. Nice neighborhood to put roots in.
    Big Lee

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