Kris Roc writes on XPT:
I know Justin, he’s a pretty cool guy about 6′ 210 lbs., and I’m sure he could take Tony Malice. I think he even has a record, not sure though. But seriously, what’s this industry coming to? After reading Kurt’s blog , this industry seems comparable to drug dealers. Too many shady things are going on out in the open and it’s starting to get bolder. Companies not paying girls on time? That’s not right. I mean I know these girls can drive everyone crazy with their persona’s and demeanors but these girls need the money, we all know this.
Pretty soon someone’s going to get shot/stabbed over this. Some time back in 2006 I heard a rumor from a girl named LL that a guy named WP did a scene for RLD and when he asked for his money they told him to come back in two weeks because they were payroll. He totally flipped out and came back with a gun and pretty much held the company hostage and told everyone that no one was leaving until he got paid that instant. So one of the guys LS wrote him a personal check and told everyone not to hire him ever again. When I heard this I first thought WP went overboard, but now I can understand why he did this. It’s only a matter of time before some director gets a bullet in the head…only a matter of time…and then what???