Try to make and sell a porn movie starring Asian male pornstar. You know and I know it won’t sell. And deep in your heart you know reason for this is not just "cultural". Your writing is pretty, nonetheless a surface scretcher: your approach is that of political correctness, not of reality.
I agree on Happy Camper’s point that a good porn director must be able to "live" the kind of sexuality he’s shooting in real life to capture good passion of it. I simply do not see a director personally experiencing the form of sex he will be shooting wouldn’t help him capture more passion out of it and in all honesty, I do not think Chico has good enough package to experience it to the level that Westerners do. Happy Camper cited example of deep throat, most Asian males’ inability to reach back of the throat. Indeed I find Chico’s deep throat scenes far inferior to those of Jake Malones’ and Brandon Irons’. I am not saying he being a bad director is solely because he is Asian, but I am saying he being Asian is a factor.
An Asian porn director maybe is a less turn-off than an Asian male pornstar, but I still think is a turn-off. My prediction is that Chico will face less and less popularity as the porn viewers’ curiosity on him subside (curiosity that he being the 1st Korean American porn director in America)