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Bisexual Britni TROs

Conky posts to XPT:

If you’d asked me a few years ago to come up with a list of whores you could cast in a movie where their main gig would be to chip dried fecal matter from AC Cream’s shorts, I’d have suggested Bisexual Britni.

During her time in porn I saw her perform a number of stomach churning activities that bordered on the sexual. And I’m pretty sure she fucked a dwarf at a shitty party at Internext a few years back. I don’t remember the details, but I do remember Ronnie was there too.

Despite crawling off a while ago, seems like the nasty looking little skank still enjoys drama, as Gene Ross documents:

"Bisexual Britni: a Tangle of TRO’s

Denver- And it used to be so simple back in the days when she was taking down cocktails made of cum, spittle and barf.

But now Bisexual Britni’s been duking it out with her ex husband/boyfriend, Dennis- the guy who was the mastermind of the Bisexual Britni persona, she’ll tell you. And Britni’s been recapping some of those encounters on

Thursday was the latest round. She calls to say that she got a phone call from the Denver police.

"I was going to get a restraining order against Dennis," she says. "But I think he was starting to suspect this." According to Britni, Dennis has turned her brother Evan and his wife Jennifer against her since their falling out.

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