I told my parents right away, before my first layout for Hustler came out. I was always told that there should be nothing that I did in life that I was too ashamed to tell my parents. I told them because I wanted them to know that I wasn’t doing it because some guy was beating me or shoving drugs up my nose or in my arms making me do it. I wanted them to know that I was making a conscious decision. Did it make it better? Maybe. I mean my mom is a Methodist minister and she definitely wasn’t planning for her straight A student daughter to graduate high school at 16 years old and while attending college to start doing porn. But knowing the truth and hearing it from me directly, and not from some outsider definitely made it easier to swallow. It also prepared my parents for all the people that would later say, "Do you know what your daughter is doing?" as if to shock them… instead, my parents could say, "Yes, We do. She’s fine. Thanks for asking."