Save Me From Sportswami

Derek emails: Here is an E-mail sent to me today by one of the LADirect girls [Demi Delia]. "Hey Derek, Can you do me a favor and email this guy and tell him to leave me alone. I think his name is Chris from that sports radio show. I dont have his number. Like a year ago I went on his show and I was going to do an interview the other day for him over the phone again but he has driven me so completely crazy with instant messages all week that I didnt want to do it. Plus he is the guy that gave my number out to the Gent Magazine and in the past has given my number out to 3 or 4 companies. I have told him more than once that I am with LA Direct and if a company is interested in shooting me they are to call LA Direct not me! Yesterday he was blowing up my phone with text messages and I told him I did not have time to chat and was there something he needed cause I was busy and he stopped. Then today again all day. Even after I told him I was shooting he tells me "Oh well I just wanted to tell you Grant Micheals cant wait to shoot with you". He says "I’ll email u his contact info." I dont even know who Grant Micheals is. I just want this guy to leave me alone. I already told him today that when I wasnt busy I would contact him (which is never gonna happen) lol."

Bill emails me: "The guy absolutely melted down about 3 years ago on xpt, find some of his old material — he is insane."

Grant Michaels emails Derek: "Derek, I hope you are doing well. I want to extend an apology to you over the "Sportswami" issue. I had no idea he was harassing your talent as I read on the Internet today. I really don’t know him other than he has a radio show. He called me this week to set up an interview which I accepted. In the course of the conversation he asked me I thought some of the sexier girls in the business were. I think I mentioned Demi Delia as one (although I have never met her in person). He has then tried to use my name as a calling card I guess? I obviously need to be careful of this guy. Please extend my apologies to Demi Delia."

3 thoughts on “Save Me From Sportswami

  1. See the Swami in action…

  2. mikesouth says:

    This isn’t the first time this loser has been accussed of this every pornchick I know and thats lots…say he is a stalker

  3. frankiefiveangels says:

    whats a sports swami and did he kill poor lori michaels? and let us share a moment of silence for Paulie’s mother Nucci Gualtieri who has died of a stroke.

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