A person close to Lori tells me that she is indeed dead. She was sick for a decade. She had a genetic heart defect. She had relatives who died young. Over the past seven years, Lori went through 15 operations (according to my source).
I wish I wasn’t such a lazy journalist. I wish I could get off my fat butt and find out the facts on this story. I wish I was a man.
If the person known as Lori Michaels is Dead then it didn’t happen on the reported date, May 7th, and it wasn’t reported in Her hometown Newspaper of Amarillo nor her reported state of residence Oklahoma. Now if you and this person “close” to the aforementioned Ms Michaels( Mrs Michaels)want to facilitate her disappearance, then so be it. 15 heart Operations? I cannot see any doctor performing a 5th operation on a “genetic” heart condition.
how much of your life have you commited to this? Dear Lord, she aint the lindberg baby and no one wants your money(as far as I know)
well i am sorry too hear that she’s gone but she had no problems causeing me problems when i told her i just had a cardic cath opration. i guess i’ll never get the money back she owed me. i do not believe she had a heart problem at all
Actually Lori lived in Arkansas, she moved there from Branson MO. Before that she lived in Lawrence KA.
I had/have known Lori via her chatroom and emails since the mid 90’s and she gave me some great advice over the years and we had some great laughs. Hell one night I was so drunk in her chatroom I didnt realise she had logged off and got so worried something had happened to her, I phoned Sugars in Austin (Where she sometimes made an appearance) from the UK. Lori and I had a great laugh about that one I can tell you now.
A few of us long time LM fans have been searching for some kind of confirmation of this news for nearly a week now. We have come up blank, and a few were close enough to know some personal details nobody else knew.
The message went up on her Yahoo Site last week then the yahoo site disappeared abruptly.
I agree 15 heart operations is a bit hard to believe no matter what.
Im still waiting to see an actual obit to confirm this.
It seems very strange to me that the message went up on her Yahoo Site for only about a day then the site vanished with no mention of who posted the message. The actual message was badly posted and went exactly like this.
Lori passed away in her sleep just after midnight on 5/7/07. She had been sick for years and never told anyone. I was given access to her site and ask to write this after she was gone.
The picture was ammended to reflect it but read 5/8/07.
This whole thing just seems a bit odd to me especially seeing as nobody can track down an obit anywhere at all.
There is nothing anywhere to indicate that Lori is dead…sounds like BS to me.
Lori had a Private pilots Licence, which i find hard to believe that she would have gotten with a heart condition. All heart conditions are reffered straight to the FAA. They would not have allowed her to get one at all. She stated that she had one in her chatroom several times and there were even pictures showing a small plane in her barn on her website.
luke 15 heart operations humm thats kinda a lot after one cadric cath they’d do a quadruple bypass and after that they get you on a list for a new heart. i guess lori’s close friend did not think of that it’s bs from a master
I don’t think they’d even operate a 15th time on Cheney, Luke. It should be simple enough to find an obit if someone with access to a SSN can run it and locate a death report. And, having been the individual who wrote to Luke to see if he could find something out, I would like to add something. I’m not affiliated with the biz. But did come to know some of you out there back when Lori had a fun little site for some people to hang out and have some fun on. Believe it or not, whether or not Lori is dead or actually trying to remove the Vivid Lori Michaels, some of us out here actually gave a damn about her. Regardless of how personal we knew her. Who really knows anybody other than to the level the other person is willing to let them know about you, anyways.
A lot of things don’t match up for her to be dead, lack of the located obit aside. A couple of weeks before this mystery message I received from someone claiming to have been given the password by Lori to share the news that she had died, I did talk briefly online with her. Hadn’t chatted with her in ages so it was odd to me that she messaged out of the blue. Now a couple weeks later this. I’m not the brightest bulb in the light aisle, but if I were doing a disappearing act, I wouldn’t waste much time reappearing just in time to disappear. And, as I mentioned to Luke, most of us from her site have scattered over the years, so it isn’t like any of us would be on a quest for her out of the blue either.
Maybe it’s pointless to even want to know if the answer is that she died, or someone scammed their way into an online account associated with her to start some stuff, or whatever truth of the matter turns out to be. But Lori and I, and others from her site, had some great times and I still do give a damn if she is alright. Even if that’s all there is to it. Knowing the truth.
So, to those of you in the biz or whatever, who have a site and fans or friends who belong to it, keep something in mind. Some of those people will actually give a damn about you. Even if you could give a damn about them.
Peace…and thanks to any who are able to verify if she’s alive or dead. It honestly will mean something to some of us. Even if not everyone understands why.
I just came across this (May 23 2007).
Any news since the 15th? Lori was one of my all time favorites. It would be terrible if true. I was a member of her fan club (on and off) and last I heard she was retiring and moving to Alaska. I believe there was one more email about her quitting her site and that’s the last I’ve heard. Please let it not be true.
Lori was as nice as they come in this business. While I nver met her, she always seemed to be real on her site. If she is dead, it is a sad day. If this is her way of hiding and becoming something else, I wish her well. In fact I really hope that is what has happened.
The old yahoo site had become just a repository for spam and bogus messages. Lori had not posted a message on there for quite sometime. I had sent a couple of message to her via that site 6 months before it was pulled. The messages went unanswered. I have noticed even web sites and references to her ss impala have been disappearing as well.
I wish nothing but the best to Lori, where ever she may be.