I was surfing through the net a few hours ago and I wanted to check out if Lexington Steele’s website (lexsteele.com) had been updated and when I arrived on the main site, I noticed that he had not updated the page in nearly 2 years with the same Lex Steele XXX #5 picture still up at the top right corner. I mean, man, this guy obviously doesn’t know how to market his company or care about his fanbase, which seems to dwindle by the day.
All of this is sad too because he actually produces and directs some good porn, but how are we too know that if we don’t receive any updates from him? Instead, several of us are first informed about new releases from Mercenary Pictures when we go to X-RentDVD and see the artwork. Geeze, Lex doesn’t even promote Tina Tyler, who to me, is highly underrated as a director.
We all know that Lex’s ego is as big as Australia, but he better watch out before his company ceases operations.