Pornography and the End of Masculinity By Robert Jensen

According to Pornography is big business, a thriving multi-billion dollar industry so powerful it drives the direction of much media technology. It also makes for complicated politics. Anti-pornography arguments are frequently dismissed as patently ‚Äúanti-sex‚Äù–and ultimately “anti-feminist”–silencing at the gate a critical discussion of pornography’s relationship to violence against women and even what it…

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Shooting Star

Shooting Star is located in San Juan Capistrano. The owner Mickey Blank knew Mitch Weston (Spinelli) when they were young and his parents while they lived in NY, he even went to the ball park in NY with them. Lynton Appleson bought scenes from Phil Provenzano, however Provenzano didn’t have the stills (chromes) to the…

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