Vivid Twin Tease - Lacey & Lindsay Love

Friday, Jan 6, 2005. "We started out as an adult website," says Lindsay. "You could buy time with us on the internet. Not in person. Then we were offered a photoshoot for Genesis last August. We got the contract with Vivid last January. We've never done stripping."

The twins have the website twintease.com. In the movies, they always do the same guy but they won't do anything with each other.

"We've always wanted to be in Adult," says Lindsay. "It's really cool."

"What did you want to be when you grew up?"

"A vet. But then I thought about putting animals to sleep. I can't do that. Then I thought about model, but I was too short. So we ended up in this."

"We always wanted to do everything the same," says Lacey. "We're closer friends than ever."

"Were you competitive about guys in highschool?"

"When we were younger," says Lindsay. "She tried to steal my boyfriend."

"Yeah, in junior high, I tried to kiss her boyfriend," says Lacey. "I was jealous that she had a cuter boyfriend than me. So I started kissing him."

"How has this affected your love life?"

"Not yet. We live in Ohio," says Lindsay, "so nobody really knows about us yet."

"People in California know more," says Lacey. "They find out faster."