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Porn Star Karaoke Pictures 2/7/06

Hailey Young Hailey Hailey pic Sasha Sasha, Amber Rayne Hailey, friend Hailey, friend Amber Rayne, Sasha Hillary Scott, Brandon Iron Hillary, Brandon Hillary Hillary Hillary Scott David's date Leola Leola Leola Leola Master, Leola Marli Jane, April Storm, Amber Rayne, Sasha girls girls April, Hailey, Amber, Sasha Knox Hailey, Amber, Sasha girls Hailey, Amber, Sasha Hailey, Amber Rayne, Sasha pic Sasha, Amber Sasha, Amber, Hailey Sasha, Amber, Hailey Sasha Melissa Sweet Melissa Sweet Melissa Melissa Melissa Sunny Lane Sunny Lane Flower Tucci, Sunny Lane Flower, Sunny Flower, Sunny Sunny, Connie Lori Lust Lori Lust Marli Jane Marli Jane Marli Jane Devon Davis, friend Devon Davis, friend Devon Davis, friend Devon, friend Devon, friend Devon Davis Devon Davis (L-R) Hailey Young, Tee Reel, Sierra Sinn, Miss Meadow, John Strong Sierra Sinn, Miss Meadow gang Devon Davis Devon Davis Devon Davis Devon Davis Devon Davis Bad Ass Frank Prather Michelle, Lori Lust Michelle, Lori Michelle, Lori Michelle, Lori Sierra Sinn Sierra Sinn Holly Randall (by Gram Ponante) XPT Girls More Pics

I spot Terri Redor from The Floating World.

"Hey," I say. "Did your girlfriend give you your balls back?"

Gram Ponante: "What's with the language?"

Sasha Knox, 21, has been in porn for six months and done over 50 scenes. "I figured I might as well get paid for it. I did over 300 men before I came into the business."

Luke: "How do you think that's affected you?"

Sasha: "It's made me an amazing lover."

Luke: "How has being in the industry affected you?"

Sasha: "It's given me lots of money. It hasn't changed me at all.

"I tell anyone I date that I'm in the business and if they can't handle it, they can go to hell."

Luke: "Are there any men who can handle it for long?"

Sasha: "No. Everybody in my life can handle it. I have lots of boys who I love very much..."

Luke: "What do you want to get out of your time in the industry?"

Sasha: "I just want to buy a house. I'm very interested in getting married and having babies when I'm done. I want to bring some money to the table...and then have some marital bliss. I don't want to stay in it any longer than I should. My focus is making one man very happy."

Luke: "What kind of crowd did you hang out with in highschool?"

Sasha: "The goths. It doesn't look like it now but that's what I'm about -- music and life and poetry and Scotch."

Luke: "When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up?"

Sasha: "Since the day I was born to now, I've wanted to be a professional muse. I come in, I shake things up, then I move on."

Luke: "How have family and friends reacted?"

Sasha: "They love it. Nobody was surprised. This is what I should be doing."

Sasha says she's thought about doing porn since age 15. "I'm a licensed phlebotomist. I did nursing as well, but it was too much work for not enough money."

Sasha lost her virginity at 13.

She's repped by Monroe Modeling.

Holly Randall emails me: "Any idea who this girl is? She's really pretty. Was *hoping* she might be talent."

She's Devon Davis. She did a few girl-girl scenes in 1999. She's married to Jonathan Davis, lead singer of Korn. She hasn't done porn or nude modeling for many years.

It was Bad Ass Frank night. He was celebrating his agency's birthday.

What's going on in this Sasha pic? Willie D writes: "The blowjob lips are a natural porn whore response. Chico Wang posted something like this on one of his ADT diatribes. It went along the lines of, You can push a porn whore down to her knees, she'll reflexively open her mouth to accept a dick. Like Pavlov's dogs. Apparently Wanker was right. Beer bottles seem like a close substitute."

Holly writes: "This is why Luke is so damn dangerous with the camera-- he has a knack for capturing people in awkward moments. That's why I'm so grateful he allows me to personally edit his shots of me; if I had allowed him to post some of the shots he's taken, you guys would have a field day with it."

Bad Ass Frank Prather reports.

Holly writes: "Porn is like a black hole. Unless you're faster than the speed of light, you will never escape. (evil chuckle)"

Wanker Wang writes on ADT:

Here's what a whore is and its relation to the adult business. A whore is any girl who f---s for money. I would say 90% of the girls in the industry hate what they do and f--- only for money. I would also say that 99% of the girls in the industry hate getting assf---ed but do it only for the money. I would also say that 99% of the girls in the industry have serious issues such as but not limited to previous bouts with rape, incest, molestation, drug abuse, pimp boyfriends, etc. Most have an IQ of room temperature. Most do not have automobiles. Most do not have bank accounts. Most do not and cannot acquire a credit card. Most squander all their porn earnings almost immediately. Most will end up penniless and return to the business because their job skills relegate them to a lifelong search for a drug dealing sugardaddy or public assistance. Most have complete lack of self-esteem. These are societal problems and cannot be blamed on an adult industry which neither cares or should care. The fact that I could call a new porn girl a 'f---ing whore' and, when I explain myself, they shower me with hugs as I tell them that they should suck as much dick as possible to get ahead tells you alot.

Yes, I coach these girls too on how to be the best whore they can be. It's more of a longetivity and monetary issue as opposed to a derogatory one. Here's an interesting story. I usually have whores running rampant around my abode. When a friend asks me how he can get blown by these whores, I tell them to go up next to them and pull out their peckers. It's the easiest way. Why? These girls are conditioned to suck dick. When there's a dick in front of them, they look like a deer caught in the headlights and don't know what to do. It's instinct for them to suck it until it coats the back of their throats with nut butter.

Now tell me this. Do you think the girls in the industry love what they do? Nearly every scene ends in a facial. Can you really fathom how truly degrading this act really is? Can you really fathom how truly degrading it is to suck off 5 complete strangers and gulp down their ball snot and have to pretend they loved every minute of it? Can you really fathom how truly degrading it is to suck on a dick that's been pulled out of your own asshole which smells like complete shit? They do it for the money and that's what makes them whores. Let me repeat: THAT'S WHAT MAKES THEM WHORES. I think alot of you forget after watching so many DVDs exactly what the reality is. You fall into a trap of fantasy land thinking these girls love what they do. If there was no paycheck involved, the