Justin Syder

Kris Roc writes on XPT:

I know Justin, he’s a pretty cool guy about 6′ 210 lbs., and I’m sure he could take Tony Malice. I think he even has a record, not sure though. But seriously, what’s this industry coming to? After reading Kurt’s blog , this industry seems comparable to drug dealers. Too many shady things are going on out in the open and it’s starting to get bolder. Companies not paying girls on time? That’s not right. I mean I know these girls can drive everyone crazy with their persona’s and demeanors but these girls need the money, we all know this.

Pretty soon someone’s going to get shot/stabbed over this. Some time back in 2006 I heard a rumor from a girl named LL that a guy named WP did a scene for RLD and when he asked for his money they told him to come back in two weeks because they were payroll. He totally flipped out and came back with a gun and pretty much held the company hostage and told everyone that no one was leaving until he got paid that instant. So one of the guys LS wrote him a personal check and told everyone not to hire him ever again. When I heard this I first thought WP went overboard, but now I can understand why he did this. It’s only a matter of time before some director gets a bullet in the head…only a matter of time…and then what???

13 thoughts on “Justin Syder

  1. justinsyder says:

    Thanks Chris and Christian for the back up on that site…funny to me that boryo spent so much time in photoshop cuz I made him cry..proves what a bitch he really is…My record consists of 2 felonys for cultivation and sales of frickin weed..woopti doo…no domestic violence and no assault…funny how people think they know shit they don’t huh?..

  2. jeremysteele says:

    We need to create a UPFC- Ultimate Porn Fighting Champtionship. Problem is who’s gonna insure it? Have the fighters sign wavers to absolve liability, wear protective gear if necessary.

  3. Justin, you’ve worked less than 10 times in 3 years, is your backup career (i) washing dishes at Sizzler, or (ii) pumping gas at the last full-service BP station in the Valley?

    If you had a set of balls you’d log into XPT and answer the accusations directly. But you’re just another stupid near-broke stuntdick who opened his mouth too wide.

  4. justinsyder says:

    If Tony Malice AKA Jeff Mike would approve the account I set up I would…but seeing as he carries threads with several different profiles to instigate interaction…and that you, he, Boryo and a few others spend your pathetic lives hiding behind your computer screens dissing people Im not really too worried about it…nobody who matters cares too much anyway what you have to say…Oh and Ive actually done 10 shoots in the past 3 weeks so what the fuck do you know anyway smart ass ? …I even emailed you my home address to deliver that thing you wanted to send but dont know how you could part with your favorite toy…so why dont you grow the balls to bring it by? Oh I know why…your a chicken shit fag…that’s why…now everyone knows it..wait they already did…the industry is laughing at you clowns way more than they ever will at me…and being the lame parasite you are your bullshit is just amusing…

  5. Hey Justin? Nice hat.

  6. “your”?
    “Tony Malice AKA Jeff Mike”?

    You’re a total retard. But I’ve asked TonyMaliceJeffMikeStewardRasputin to let you in. I have that kind of pull.

    Name the scenes you did in the last week. Are you planning a huge roid party when Barroid Bonds breaks Hank Aaron’s home run record?

  7. justinsyder says:

    whoever, whatever…im over it…but come on over so we can discuss it further puss boy…in the last week i believe I shot for Bud Lee and Lynn Lemay 3 times…good enough for you? …so you suck, you know it, and so does everyone else…really give up or come by if you think you still got somethin to prove k? Mr. Pull? don’t you mean Mr. Pull your tiny diseased pud to tranny porn?

  8. BigDickDaddy says:

    Lynn Lemay huh? Yeah LaMaying Enterprizes is going to be extremely successful. We all know you got paid handsomely for those three scenes. So many people were waiting many years for Lynn to start producing her own stuff. She has such talent and is doing things no one else is doing.

    Like shooting with you.

    Justin, you are a porn hanger on like Kris Roc, Jeremy Steele, Joe Cool. You hang on by a thread. Your porn career is like your hair line . . its fading away slowy day by day.

    Bud Lee working with Lamayzing Enterprizes? Didnt he USED to work with Vivid? Man, that was long long fall. Thats sad. I bet Kelli Holland laughs about him every day.

  9. justinsyder says:

    little dick daddy…you are a porn insider wannabe…knowing very little if anything the projects I make my money on, how much, or who for…name dropping like your some bitchin guy who’s had an illustrious career of his own in porn which you haven’t or ever could…It must suck being as lonely as you are..the only interaction you get is from dissing porn people…no woman wants you, your too much of a pussy to post your own name or picture..and late on a saturday night you sit at your cheap apartment or most likely at your mommys house, behind your computer, dreaming up insults cuz you have no life….truly sad…

  10. justinsyder says:

    “We were unable to find the account to verify. If this account was registered over 24 hours ago then you will need to re-register as it has been deleted. Otherwise, please check your confirmation email and make sure you followed the link correctly”

    Yes Willywannabe you certainly seem to have a lot of “pull” over at XPT ….hey…while your pulling Tony’s little pud…see if you can get the account approved too…highly unlikely…then take the “baseball bat” you mentioned in my email out of your ass and come see what a washed up fighter I really am loser…Im waiting…

  11. “the industry is laughing at you clowns way more than they ever will at me‚Ķand being the lame parasite you are your bullshit is just amusing‚Ķ”

    Funny, our “bullshit” makes it into every porn blog and publication. Seems our “bullshit” often turns out to be true. Oh, and BTW, your XPT account has been active for quite some time now, I took the liberty of a screen shot welcoming you as our newest user. Haha, now you’re more than just a drug “user.”

    Now get back to your caverject, you limp-dicked broke reject.

  12. justinsyder says:

    OK Willy wannabe…stay hidden at your house and toss out those insults all ya want…you know your pathetic and so do I..Fuck XPT. Your so tough sittin in your house on your keyboard…you have my address, It’s Sat., not like you have a real job anyway, so what are you waiting for? come by with that baseball bat and back up what you think you know……

  13. justinsyder says:

    you’ll see at adult fyi and XPT now probably my comments on anarchy…sorry I meant to say that it was ‘Guy’ not Oren that Leah dates…in a hurry get done with the post I said Oren…woops sorry…but whatever…the rest of the facts are true…getting all this shit for backing up my friends has been a a learning experience I guess that Ill keep from doing anything helpful for anyone but myself from here on out…and to the Willie D’s, who post 5000 comments in a years time on gossip sites downing people in the porn industry dont deserve any interaction from anyone in the biz anyway so Im done with it…challenging me safely hidden away in his trailer in Arizona..haha…fuckin funny…anyway…Im out…pick yourselves apart and enjoy your pathetic lives…

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