Friday, May 14
Email Luke
Aaron Clark's Journal
From the online
journal of Video Team contract director David Aaron Clark:
Sorry for neglecting thou, dear journal. I have been busy negotiating
the landscape of hell, which is overflowing with the willfully, brutally
ignorant, callous and greedy.
This past month spent in the L.A. porn industry has been more revealing
than the 72 or so that have come before it. I have seen faces that
I had grown comfortable with if sometimes only through their familiarity
become ugly masks of denial and self-interest. Every week, new HIV-positives
have been revealed among the talent pool, and as of now, this is the
worst outbreak of the virus ever here in the heart of the industry.
We thought for a moment it was over at two, but it wasn't. And despite
the best efforts to do the impossible task of tracing the genealogies
of potential infection through a jungle of furtive producers, part-time
talent and general indifference on the part of companies who are for
the most part showing less humane care for their "meat puppets";
than a respectable farmer does for his cattle before they are sent
to the slaughterhouse, there's no way to be in ANY way sure that the
number is going to stop at five. Not for MONTHS.
There's supposed to be a production moratorium. No shooting for 60
days. AIM, who we have charged with protecting our health, did their
job, and told us that was the only way to be safe.
As of today we are not even half-way through the moratorium. But a
large number of companies are quietly shooting, even as they grab
publicity by supporting the moratorium in both the porn and mainstream
press, evidently operating on the murderously specious logic that
I understand that some companies are desperate for product. I understand
that many performers are desperate to eat. But except for the fund
established by Jenna Jameson – which I hope TT Boy has donated
at least a Ferrari or two towards, since many of us believe that it
was indeed his production policies that seems to have set off this
string of infections – there has been precious little but hypocritical
lip-service from most of the so-called leaders of the industry, whom
at all other times are only too quick to assert their power and influence
and flaunt their financial success.
The power structure has shown no real interest in changing the way
we create our product to reflect a basic human respect towards the
people who truly drive it that might at least be the equal of how
the law demands a minimum-wage worker picking grapes or flipping burgers
is treated. They say it's okay because they're paying a premium to
teenage girls in order to persuade them to perform ridiculous and
unquestionably dangerous acts. $1200? What's that, a month's rent
in exchange for risking the rest of your life? This is not Hollywood
stunt-man pay, this is not professional athlete pay, and there are
none of the regulations or benefits that those punishing careers are
required by law and by union to provide.
Now the state has decided that we are not fit to regulate ourselves;
a bill is in the state legislature that despite a scary threat to
ban performers with herpes, HPV and the three sisters of Hepatitis
for life, would otherwise only establish some reasonable, basic working
conditions. How ironic – and how irresponsible this industry!
-- that I, a life-long contrarian and foe to authority, support everything
except the social disease clause.
As a journalist and author who has always stood up for free speech
– and not just sexual speech -- I have come just short of vomiting,
listening to the lamebrained, self-serving spew of those in the community
who are trying to paint themselves as American citizens standing up
for their right of free speech when all they're really interested
in is protecting their opportunity to make some extra bucks by bribing
performers to do dangerously stupid things.
And despite the protests of those who say it's not time to point fingers,
I say it is, and I'll point first at myself. When a distributor told
me last year that an all-Asian internal-pop series would FLY off his
shelves, I plunged into the BANANA CREAM PIE series. He was right.
It's done quite well. Allowing myself to degenerate from a human being
to another one of these lemmings, I approached it with the same resolve
I approach all my projects.
Some of my favorite performers who never do creampies did them for
me. Some girls who were not on birth control offered to do anal cream
pies instead. I went with it. Hey, they were okay with it. Some even
Could there be a more bullsh-t excuse? What was I thinking?
Obviously, I was thinking of myself. For my own gain, I embraced the
culture of denial that rules f-ckworld. But unlike the teenagers and
often-uneducated that we shoot, I know better. I've been taught better.
I have no excuse, only this explanation – I have been here in
f-ckworld for too long, this place of whim and ambition fulfilled
despite all consequence.
Besides that I am lucky enough to have found a home at a video company
that is not run like a misogynistic frathouse or WalMart's sweatshop,
the only thing that is keeping me at the moment from seeking a mid-life
career change are those few but precious people I have seen who have
had their consciences and minds shaken awake, and who are brave enough
to stand up and say, "There is no place for situational ethics
here. This is WRONG.";
See, in f-ckworld NOTHING's wrong, as long as the check clears. He
who makes others die for him while he collects the most toys wins,
to redefine a phrase.
But I have seen the beauty of comradeship and respect flower in the
ranks of performers who are finally realizing that they matter little
in the face of most of their employers' bottom lines. Despite the
naysayers who think it's clever to be endlessly cynical, despite those
who would crush their spirit to keep the unbalanced status quo, some
of the most prominent male performers in the business are slowly building
towards a performer's guild, enduring the belittling jokes about porn
studs' priorites and attention span.
It's in people like Mr. Marcus and Brian Surewood and Sledge Hammer
and Tony Tedeschi, who became a laughing stock for predicting the
sky would fall until indeed it did, that I have seen the most common
sense and honesty, the least willingness to hide behind rationalizations
in the sake of self-interest. Because it is in their self-interest
to see a truth beyond the daily mindless pursuit of an extra penny
that grips f-ckworld.
Notable that they are meeting to develop a better, saner way of conducting
business, when it seems that every time I turn around I see one or
another of the supposed captains of this industry are spending their
time basking in the notoriety of news-media attention.
It is more than notable that a large number of black male actors are
particularly galvanized to go the distance on this one – despite
dissembling and plain old self-absorption from professional industry
spokespeople, they saw immediately that one of their own – and
one of their best – was being subjected to a public lynching
on TV, on radio, and most tellingly on internet sites from foul, loathsome
little mealworms who just wait for the excuse to spew their vile.
Even those claiming sympathy were murmuring that Darren James must
have done something wrong when nobody was looking to get himself that
HIV, because of course we all know that black men have no self-control.
The irony being, of course, that Darren was doing what he was ordered
to do.
More clearly than the rest, the black male performers see that the
power structure that claimed it had everything under control in this
industry has been interested in little but protecting its own interest,
including keeping the corporal who ordered Pfc. James to the battlefield
on a suicide mission – not to Save The World, but to Save A Few
Bucks – safely hidden in the shadows, invulnerable not only to
any repercussions but even to the public shame he so richly deserves.
"For the good of the industry.";
And as I hear it from their own lips, the black actors see that they
as a group are being left holding the bag in the public eye –
not to mention in the behind-their-backs sniping from the closet racists
in this industry.
When Mr. Marcus got back from Chicago after the first day of publicity,
he had to deal with a hysterical significant other who had seen a
brief report on the TV news that a black actor with HIV had infected
a white woman – the stock footage the station used to illustrate
it featured an unidentified Marcus, because we all know one black
stud is the same as the next.
These are the guys who only a few years ago almost every company would
take an advantage of by either not casting them or paying them less
than white male performers because they were not as "marketable.";
When the market indeed went crazy for black male performers, and white
and latin producers and directors saw their profits soar by regularly
hiring that big chocolate dick, the actors managed to force the companies
to raise their rates.
Now, they face the far more formidable job of getting them to treat
them like human beings.
I support them whole-heartedly, as I support those few who have been
brave enough to indeed point out the sky is starting to fall. It seems
that I am losing friends and allies almost daily because I will not
be a part of the wicked set of hypocritical lies being spewed by those
who have somehow come to believe that the concept of "acceptable
losses"; can and should apply to the capitalist urge to peddle
pornography. Suddenly f-ckworld becomes Iraq – someday soon to
be Vietnam, if there is not a change in all our ways.
I urge my fellow directors and producers to honor the moratorium.
Shoot non-penetrative safe sex for a few weeks or no sex at all. EVEN
responsibility, some class and perhaps even some respect towards the
living meat you put through the grinder to get ahead. And springing
for a couple of tubs of chicken wings at an industry meeting doesn't
count – especially when that's probably the first time you ever
shelled out for any decent craft services since you figured out you
could get away with not doing it. Stop figuring out what you can get
away with, and start justifying your presence on this planet.
I also urge AVN – which I am told has no responsibility or authority
in this situation to investigate the producers and practices that
have brought this storm down on us, despite that the magazine has
avidly defended its position as the center of the industry, running
trade shows and the industry's biggest annual event, the AVN Awards
– to rethink its editorial policy. Stop rewarding videos made
by directors who are willing to strive for that editor's choice by
filling their shows with brutal and un-erotic acts that put performers'
lives at risks. And don't even try to argue back that you're justified
because it turns you on, and you have to be honest as a reviewer.
If kiddie porn were legal, would you all be writing such predictably
glib paeans to it?
If you are not interested in the truth and in the golden rule, I don't
need or want you as a friend. And if the price for being your ally
is to smile and pat you on the back and pretend that I don't notice
the blood on your hands, I'm sure I can live with the professional
burden of your censure and hostility.
Because more than anything, I have to live with myself. I'm bemused
that some of you can, right now, and that you can do it so damn easily.
I hope you fans don't mind me using our hangout here to speak to my
f-ckworld peers, but you should be hearing all this, too. Watch the
PSA with Loni, Kylie and Brian that we shot this last Sunday. They're
no different than a lot of people you know – they just perform
sex for money. Challenge yourself to be just a little more thoughtful
and a less selfish when choosing what you buy – there's more
than one way to stir a libido, and inspire a squirt. You do not live
in a vacuum. Your personal choices affect others.
If what you need is to see is the cathartic fantasy of a girl "getting
hers,"; I'm not going to judge you -- there's plenty of rough-sex
hardcore and SM stuff out there that's full of humilation and degradation
without the threat of extinction.
Get the f-ck over the anal creampie thing. You could always go out
back and set ants on fire with your magnifying glass, or trip blind
people at intersections. Not to be smart-ass with you, but by underwriting
the behavior currently rampant in the industry with what I understand
is your hard-earned entertainment dollar, you really are catering
to the same instinct.
Next time I'll tell you about AZN SUPERIDOLS VOLUME ONE, which features
some of the scenes I've been writing about this past month. And DIRTY
VEGAS – a porn verite that will only be available through this
Meanwhile, I'm doing some research and thinking to find some inspiration
to do kinker and nastier – but safer – movies, as opposed
to just mindlessly trundling along in the line of creatively bankrupt
producers and directors who in monkey-like fashion rely on imitating
a crass and boring formula of affectless degradation.
This is your chance. Any of you guys got some good ideas you'd like
to see come to life, I'll listen.
I read over
FYI how Nicole London just figured out that the PCR DNA
test is not FDA approved. It seems strange that she didn’t know this
before given that the front of the test has always read “THIS TEST
That doesn’t
mean that it is any less effective of a test. And those of you who
have been calling in to the lab today because of what you read, need
to relax and stop
HCG readers
are more than aware that there are 2 different kinds of PCR tests,
and are familiar by now with the 5 different types of tests being
used by AIM that allowed them to release individuals from the 2nd
generation Quarantine List and lift the suggested Moratorium an entire
month early. Those that are unfamiliar with any of the previous would
do well to check the archives.
Sharon Mitchell,
who claims that she explained a great deal of this to Nicole London
recently, stated in her Quarantine List Release Press Release the
reasons she felt confident in removing the individuals who were removed
and that they had been scrutinized by excessive testing. Apparently
either some people in porn either weren’t listening or don’t want
to believe it.
it is not surprising that the CDC didn’t recommend it, if they didn’t,
since I have not called them and confirmed this statement, because,
as I have stated before, doctors don’t generally recommend using tests
that are 99% accurate. They would rather that you wait a full six
months or more, then test by Elisa, which would then show you are
infected, but would render our entire system worthless. Given the
testing methods out there, I challenge anyone to present a better
working model than the one we have now, with a more effective system
and a better test.
I feel confident
that none can be presented to supplant the PCR DNA. In fact, this
current HIV crisis has only gone to further prove that, with people
testing positive by PCR DNA and PCR RNA and testing negative by Elisa,
P24, and Western Blot, because the infection was so new and detected
so early.
Here is a quote
from Ira Levine’s interview on HCG that substantiates this bold assertion
by detailing how both Darren and Lara Roxx were tested and confirmed
as having the HIV virus.
How did you determine the viral loads? Was it with PCR-RNA or P24
LEVINE: We tested them by PCR RNA. Darren’s RNA was on it’s way down
at 110,000 on the 11th of April. Lara Roxx had a viral
load of 605,000 and her Elisa was still negative. All of her antigen
and antibody tests, the P24, Western Blot, and the Elisa were all
not detected. We were using the PCR DNA and PCR RNA to detect her.
It is one of the earliest detections known in history right now.
Sometimes I
get so tired of explaining this stuff.
Despite whatever
lengthy algebraic equations have been allegedly asserted by members
of the CDC, the facts still remains that at eight weeks after infection
the PCR DNA is 99% accurate. It is 95% accurate in up to 28 days and
can even be effective in periods shorter than 28 days. It is and will
continue to be the talent’s best method of early detection and the
most effective tool available in determining the risk factor involved
in working with one another.
I don’t have
any personal issues with Nicole London. If she wants to have talent
meetings and stir people up with handfuls of literature and tidbits
of contrary information, she is more than welcome to. I do not think
that it is going to undermine the necessary mechanism already in place.
It may sway a few naïve people into making dangerous choices, but
then again, it may help bring the issue further into focus. I trust
that logic and reason as always will ultimately prevail and I am going
to assume that she is operating from the best of intentions only.
My other contention
is the Sharon bashing as of late, which is cause for some degree of
consternation in my opinion.
How far are
you people really willing to take this? I am well aware that some
of you have taken to sending her hate mail regularly, with or without
your name attached, and some of you bash her behind her back while
others roast her in effigy with every breath you draw to discuss testing
policies and to assign blame and guilt so liberally.
While I am aware
that Sharon can be a polarizing figure as someone I respect aptly
put it recently, she is also a human being, and in case you forgot,
working to help this industry. Sharon has given a great deal of herself
with not much in return to help to create a safer working environment
for the talent. She has sought to educate them about their bodies
and their choices and what lies ahead even after sex work and has
held their hand and listened to them cry when those choices came back
to haunt them. She has worked diligently to prevent the wide spread
transmission of HIV in porn and has been wildly successful, even by
LA County Health Departments accounts.
Her efforts
have been noble, her intentions pure and true, and her course steady,
even in the face of adversity and debilitating character attacks and
threats to her personal safety and every sort of affront that a person
can stand. She has done nothing to incur the kind of scorn that some
have shown her, and it is despicable that she should have to taste
the bitter vitriol of a few malcontents as her reward for her valiant
Who among you
would take her place? Who among you is qualified to take her place?
Think hard before you answer. One day Sharon will leave this business,
when the voices of a few ingrates have finally taken their final toll
and broken her will to help and console us, and move on to something
else, something better for her. I fear for the business when that
day comes, because she will be sorely missed by those with the capacity
to she what she has truly given here.
In the meantime
here is an official thank you to her, from HCG, for the work that
she has done, and continues to do. The world, and this industry, would
be a far better place if there were more like her.
And finally
as to all the talk going on and the finger pointing and the guessing
games about how to prevent another HIV outbreak from occurring in
porn. I would like to suggest that most of you are headed in the wrong
direction right now, in my humble opinion.
Without pointing
fingers at Darren or TT Boy I would like to again suggest that the
common belief is that Darren contracted the virus outside of the United
States, in a foreign country, where testing standard were not centralized
and the PCR DNA test was not the common testing method. This happened
in Brazil, by all accounts, but could just as likely have occurred
in Eastern Europe or Russia or the U.K., all of which most commonly
use the Elisa test.
Might I suggest
then that performers who leave the United States to shoot in foreign
countries use condoms in their scenes for their own health and safety?
Might I also suggest that whether or not they do use condoms when
they shoot in foreign countries that they submit to a 30 day Quarantine
upon arriving home, that starts with the 5 tests currently being used
on the Q list contacts and concludes with another battery of the same
tests 30 days later? It seems pretty obvious to me where the hole
in the system is, after seven years, and that this should be the first
place to go looking to plug up.
Not a lot of
talk about it on the Internet though. Maybe that is what these talent
meetings are all about that the press is not supposed to attend but
the mainstream media keeps quoting from.
As always, feel
free to shoot your comments and ideas and suggestions, yes even the
nasty ones, to me directly @
Have a good weekend and everyone try to play nicely now.
Vicky Vette talks about DP's, bugs in her food and
breaking into porn at 38
by Cindi Loftus Courtesy of Xcitement magazine
Vicky Vette is one hot tamale! She has an insatiable sexual appetite
and has been know to have DP’s for breakfast, lunch and dinner! Then
there is the sex in moving vehicles for dessert! Although Vicky started
her porn career late in life, at 38, age is not an issue with her. She
looks every bit as good as any twenty-something babe breaking into the
porn meat market. Lets take a look and a listen to the very likeable,
lick-able Viking Vixen, Vicky Vette. Yummy!….
Xcitement:Hi Vicky! What are you and Frank, (her husband of 16 years),
up to?
Vicky:I just finished a shoot and we were going to go home but another
company called and they had a girl that didn’t show up. They asked me
to fill in. So I am off to another shoot. It’s crazy.
X:What scene were you shooting when I called before and couldn’t get
V:I was shooting for Sin City
X:What were ya doing?
V:It was a boy/girl anal.
X:So what were ya doing?
V:You want me to give you all the gory details? It went well. It was
a pretty easy shoot.
X:So were are you going next?
V:I’m going to shoot for Bobby Rinaldi. He’s great. It’s another boy/girl
anal with Nick Manning. I can get it up a second time for Nick Manning.
X:Oh, he’s hot.
V:Didn’t he cut off his long hair? I love long hair it turns me on.
I love pony tails.
X:Well if it is anal, you won’t be able to see his hair will you?
V:Depends on which position you are in.
X:So true, I automatically think of anal being doggy from behind. I
guess because whenever I have had it… Just kidding. I don’t have a whole
lotta experience with anal, so I wouldn’t really know…
V:You are missing out on a lot.
X:I know when you first started doing scenes you had some problems because
you jumped right into doing anal.
V:I jumped right into the whole thing. My first day I did two DP’s.
X:What were you thinking?
V:I don’t know. I was crazy.
X:Had you done DP’s in real life?
V:Yeah, but it’s different doing it at home with your husbanc and a
friend. It’s entirely different. And after five minutes everybody cums
and it’s all over. You are not doing it for three hours like in front
of the camera.
X:Oh My God! Three hours? (Vicky is talking to her husband in the background
and I can hear her say “I don’t want to walk down the hall. I’ll be
there in a few minutes.”) You mean you don’t want to walk down the public
hallway talking about your anal sex career? Come on what’s wrong with
V:I forget sometimes. I’ll be sitting in a restaurant or walking through
Ralph’s (grocery store) talking away on the phone, “yeah, I’m getting
ready for an anal scene..”
X:You do forget that everyone in the world doesn’t talk about the same
things that we do everyday. When I was out in Vegas I went to lunch
(to the same restaurant everyday) with porn people and I would realize
that we should be talking quieter because there were people around us
who probably didn’t want to hear about who was doing a blowjob scene
V:I met you at that restaurant in Vegas. I got a salad there and I had
taken a couple of bites. I thought I saw something moving. I thought
my eyes were playing tricks on me. Next thing ya know I am chasing a
bug all over trying to kill it. There were bugs in my salad.
X:Oh yuck! My friend found a piece of wood in her bread at that restaurant
too! This is some high-end restaurant we are eating in!
V:That night I went to a shoot and the makeup artist had eaten tuna
there that day and she was sick as a dog and she had to leave the shoot
and they had to get another makeup artist to take over.
X:That’s so awful, and funny. I ate there at least six times!
V:You just got lucky I guess.
X:I guess I did. How many movies have you done so far?
V:Probably close to sixty, in seven months.
X:Wow, you are rocking and rolling.
V:Especially since I live in Atlanta and I only come out to L.A. once
in a while.
X:Yeah, I guess so! What are the most scenes you’ve ever done in one
V:I think three. But I have a pretty high sex drive to start with.
X:And pain tolerance too!
V:Pain tolerance? There’s no pain.
X:All that anal and there is no pain?
V:No. No. If it hurts you are doing something wrong. Did you ever hear
that old expression, “If sex is a pain in the ass, you are doing it
X:That’s perfect! I guess I am showing my anal sex aversion. (laughs)
There was a little bit of controversy when you started your porn career
at 38.
X:You certainly don’t have any trouble getting work.
V:I do good energetic scenes and I take really good care of the guys.
A lot of guys request me. I really treat them special.
X:And you also look ten years younger then you are. Is that good genetics?
V:I guess so. Cause I don’t do a single thing. I don’t even wash my
X:So you live in a nudist colony. Nudist colonies aren’t necessarily
swinger oriented. Is the one you live in a swinger’s nudist colony?
X:That’s very cool. So when you are going to visit the neighbors, you
are really going to visit the neighbors.
V:A lot of time, yeah!
X: What’s your favorite scene that you have ever done?
V:I have a lot of them. I really like Peter North. I really like the
way he f-cks. I guess because I like older men. Or more my age. But
recently this whole MILF ( Mothers I’d Like to f-ck) thing is taking
off and it’s fun to be with the young guys too. You can really take
charge. I guess I like to be on top, I like to control it and then I
can make sure I get to really cum. One of my favorite scenes was with
DVSX. The movie is called Double Parked 6. Alex, the director, was f-cking
me with a double-ended dildo. Because the scene was outside, and that
is my favorite thing in the world is to be outside naked in the sun.
It makes me horny. It was a hot summer day and I was by the pool. So
I was really horny before the scene even started. So Alex was doing
me and I was getting off so much that we broke the dildo right in half.
He was just standing there with this funny look on his face holding
the two pieces. The really funny thing was everyone was going on and
on about how this was the best scene we’ve ever done, and then they
realize that the camera was not turned on the whole time.
X:Oh My God.
V:So then they said, can you do it again? I said, well, after already
having a thunderous orgasm, I’ll try! So now he has to use the two pieces
because they are not attached anymore. I did have another orgasm, but
it wasn’t as good as the first one.
X:Have you signed with a toy company yet?
V:No. X:They need to find toys that are Vicky Vette proof and give you
your own line.
V:That’s a really good idea. We can call them the Vett-sters.
X:Do you have an unfulfilled fantasy?
V:Oh man. I have fulfilled so many fantasies. I think I am the luckiest
woman in the world because I have experienced so much. I’ve lived a
really interesting life. I’ve traveled all over Europe. I’ve lived in
Canada, in the US, Florida, now Atlanta. I’ve been up and down the Eastern
seaboard countless times. And I have been from Seattle to Key West.
I’ve been to Mexico, Costa Rico. I just feel like I am so lucky. We
are the kind of people that almost anything we decide that we want to
do, we do. We are big risktakers. I don’t know how many times I have
sold every single thing I owned on the planet at a garage sale and just
picked up and took off and did something crazy. It always turns out
X:So you are a house builder now. What does a house builder do? I mean
I know you build houses…
V:When I am in Atlanta I am on the phone all day talking to contractors,
arranging plumbers, HVAC people, electricians. My husband is out on
the job inspecting their work, making sure everything is cool. He makes
sure all the work is good before I cut the checks. I do all the bookkeeping.
We used to build custom houses for people but that was so stressful.
You would be between the customer, the bank and the subcontractor. It
was like a rock and a hard place. But now we just build for ourselves.
We buy land. Do everything at our own pace. We use our own money, you
make good money in porn. And then when we get one done. We sell it.
X:Good retirement plan! Let’s go back, do you have an unfulfilled fantasy?
V:Oh, Sorry. Well I want to climb Mount Everest. I want to go on a safari
in Africa. But if you mean sexual fantasies, I’ve had sex with 4 guys
on top of a garbage dumpster, I’ve had sex in a car with my ass sticking
out the window at one hundred miles an hour. I’ve had sex on a motorcycle
while it was driving.
X:How did you do that?
V:Well on the motorcycle it was just a hand job. But it was really interesting
how the cum flew through the air and landed on this other guy’s windshield
and the guy had to put on the wipers and it smeared all over the place.
X:Yuck! What were the people doing that were driving next to you?
V:Gawking! Some were laughing. Car sex is great. We love car sex. We
do it in the car all the time. I love flashing people. I am a flasher.
X:You say you are the luckiest person but I disagree. I think your husband
is the luckiest person in the world!
V:Yay! He has a hard time keeping clothes on me. My friends dare me
and bet me all the time to flash people. I’m always doing that. He gets
mad at me. He doesn’t want to get arrested.
X:Have you been arrested yet Vicky?
V:Uhhh, no. Not anything that counts anyway. I was arrested countless
times before I turned 18, but all that has been wiped clean. So there
is nothing on my record.
X:Have you ever gotten caught having sex in the car?
V:No. But one time the cops came and told us that we couldn’t have sex
on the beach.
X:While you were having sex? Yeah, but under a blanket! So we went off
and finished in the water.
X:The cop is not going to follow you there! Who would you like to have
sex with that you haven’t?
V:Rod Stewart. I used to fantasy about him when I was younger while
I was masturbating.
X:He’s not bad for an old guy.
V:I like everybody. A lot of girls in the business say the guy has to
be on her list. I’m pretty easy. There is always something good about
someone that you can focus on.
X:Do you have any fetishes?
V:I like thigh high boots. I love stockings, spike heels. Not anything
too outrageous. Nipple rings, I’ve got fake nipple rings. I think they
look really cool. My nipples are very sensitive so I couldn’t get mine
pierced. I like tongue piercings on the girls. Some girls have really
gotten me off so good with that little ball on their tongue.
X:I remember when people first started getting them. I’m like, what
good is jewelry in your mouth, nobody can see it. Duh!
V: (Cracks up) When you are really turned on and your clit is really
sticking out and they lick you with that it puts you right over the
X:What would your perfect sex session be?
V:The most important thing to me would be lots and lots of foreplay.
I know lots of girls say that. But it is important. Especially in porn
they just expect you to jump right into it. You have one kiss and the
next thing you are ass f-cking. That’s just not enough foreplay! I like
lots of touching, running your fingers through each other’s hair, putting
your fingers in each other’s mouths, kissing on your neck and down your
legs, toe sucking, tongue kissing. It’s weird in this business that
people don’t want to kiss. But if I am going to do it, I’m going to
do it right.
X:Well there is the thought that if you are kissing and f-cking there
is intimacy, but if you are just f-cking that is different.
V:But kissing and heavy petting changes the whole scene to me.
X:Do you have a lot of heavy petting on
V:I have photo galleries showing girl/girl, DP, anal. I have videos.
Once a week I do a live cam show. Sometimes I have a mystery dick on
where I’ll give a blow job and have someone come all over my boobs.
Or I’ll bring a girlfriend in and have a guest pussy, I’ll lick her
pussy. I have a lot of friends that like to swing and they are really
into all this stuff but they can’t do what I do because they have regular
jobs. So they can’t have their faces on my website, but they can have
their pussies or dicks on there! What’s really neat is I got hooked
up to a network that has fifteen other porn stars doing cam shows also.
Plus there are also about a hundred amateur girls. So basically if you
join my site, (right now it’s $20 bucks a month) you can have 24 hour
live cam action. So I think that is a really good value for your money.
X:Do you have a message for your fans? Do what you want to do. Don’t
be afraid to take a chance and go after your dreams, because you could
be dead tomorrow. Don’t wait. Do what you always wanted to do, and do
it now!
Lara Roxx Suit Will Get Big TV Ratings
Outsider writes on KSEX:
The Outsider is back, on a better board, with some very relevant
The Lara Roxx lawsuit, when it comes to trial, is going to get big,
big television ratings, folks. It's also going to put a televised
face on the entire HIV outbreak. This is a case that Miss Roxx, and
her attorney...soon to be 'attorneys'...will probably win.
Will television audiences tune in to hear about porn, DP's, and abuses
in the adult entertainment industry? You can count on it.
The Outsider knows of one particular media outlet who is already
looking into where the trial might take place... ...just so they can
book their satellite uplink and truck in ADVANCE.
As always, The Outsider plans on keeping his sources secret. But
you can bet on this... This trial is going to become a full-on media
spectacle, ladies and gentlemen. Hold on to your hats.
The Return Of Henri Pachard
Henri Pachard On Jessica
Darlin's Wake-Up Call
(The following article was set for a former site that I used to
write for. And since it appears that this site doesn’t intend to pay
me for my final week’s work, I’m offering this to Duke’s new site
– free.)
A "wake" is when people hang around and talk to each other in the
same room where somebody is dead. It's an old word; and one of its
several definitions is: "To guard or keep watch over; especially a
Another use for the word "wake," is to describe something that was
sudden and a lot, or an abundance of; for example: As a result of
the recent wake of articles, stories, rumors and gossip about the
latest industry H.I.V. incidents, I'm getting more and more curious
as to how many porn performers are reacting to the situation as if
it's their final wake-up call.
Some wake-up calls are a lot louder, or more profound, or more provocative
than others. And Jessica Darlin's recent piece from her journal on
the situation might be the kind of wake-up call that more of porn's
performers can relate to; and for some, more than they might want
to admit. There are all kinds of sexual things that I've sensed about
dozens and dozens of performers over the years; but I've just been
attributing this to being a lot older than most of the shooters.
Jessica's journal mentions what I'm pretty sure that many of us in
the game are also thinking and wondering; she thinks Darren James
turned up H.I.V. positive as a result of some off-camera recreational
and-or experimental sex play with either another guy or a transsexual
– which of course is another guy. Now, she's not judging Darren about
that part – she could care less about anyone's sexual proclivities
any more than I do. The older I get, the less I care about what anybody
wants to do to get their rocks off.
But what I think she's pissed off about is that if Darren does, indeed,
explore those kinds of sexual acts without protection; he owes it
to the rest of us to be up front about it.
Jessica tells us that she's worked in straight sex scenes with guys
who have also done gay and "tranny" stuff; which she admits to being
very concerned about. And then she rips open the next page with some
serious reality when she continues with: "Then we get to you so-called
straight performers. You f-ckers who are distancing yourselves because
you're not POS (positive) now; don't forget what you whisper in my
ear. Don't think for a second when I'm between your legs eating your
ass that I don't see what you do away from the camera."
In other words, our own industry's hypocrisy toward human sexuality
increases our risks all the more. Darren James, or any other male
performer in porn, will never come "out of the closet" and reveal
– or confess, if you prefer – to enjoying those kinds of sexual acts
that he's been taught to believe are wrong; ever since he was able
to walk himself to grade school.
The truth is that very few guys will ever admit to their peers that
they're into getting f-cked in the ass; regardless of whatever wardrobe
is worn to coat the thrills. And to this day, I still applaud director
John Staglianno's courage when he informed our industry how he happened
to become H.I.V. positive. Maybe some day, his example will inspire
others in the game to be up front about these things.
Pornography is the business I've chosen; and by that default alone
I am neither entitled to pass judgment, nor should I even care about
who in the game is into this or that sex act. Furthermore, if I wasn't
– at least – curious about these many sexual things that so many of
my friends and performers have been known or rumored to be into, I
would think that I'm in the wrong line of work.
Jessica Darlin has more than once told me that she's into sex with
whatever's hot; including bi-sexual guys and transsexuals. I've recently
shot Jessica in a gang-bang video, along with three guys and "Magnolia",
a new transsexual performer in the business. I've also shot her doing
some extremely nasty and terrific interracial anal sex scenes; and
I've shot her in some scenes where she wears a strap on dildo; and
does two other guys – as well as the trans-gendered "Magnolia". When
it comes to pushing the on-screen sexual envelope, you might say that
she definitely knows what she's talking about.
Jessica's been a performer in porn a relatively long time now –
since 1998 or so; and six or more years is a long time for a woman
among today's average length in the game being less than six months
for the girls. But between the days she's performed those kinds of
sexually ravaging and often extremely intense sex scenes that she's
become known for; Jessica's must have been doing a lot of thinking
about her life - and the lives of others. Her journal is one hell
of a read.
What I've read from Jessica's journal, it's clear that she owns both
her life and every single word she writes. She pulls no punches; and
it's the kind of stuff that gives the reader a sense that she's writing
more for herself than anyone else. And it's this kind of truth which
makes her stuff so profound; and yet so real. What Jessica has written,
I've sensed about many performers; and so have most of us – it's in
our nature.
We are what we are; and we all need to wake up to those kinds of
sexual realities that none of us want to talk about, or label others
among us that are into. But in the wake of what's been happening,
perhaps we might cut down on the odds of having to show up too soon
at some guy's wake; or to sit shiva with some kid's parents
who had no idea what their child was exploring.
Not all things sexual require a label, or an assigned genre, or even
need defining. But we all need to know enough about who and what we
are and what we're capable of doing; so we can all first be aware
and then if we choose - be compassionate.
Chat With Gary Kremen About His $20 Million Settlement With Network
This interview is from three weeks ago.
Gary: "Good for AVN for doing the work and getting the story first.
"They [Network Solutions] were starting to lose. Their lawyers
were hiding documents, not telling the court where documents were. Remember
the forged letter [that Stephen
Michael Cohen purportedly used to steal through Network
Solutions]? The case had nothing to do with that.
"The earliest letter they were able to show was December 5th [1995].
The domain was stolen on October 15. They transferred the domain name
[] over the phone. They had a woman [Sherry
Proehl] who was with one of the big bosses [manager of Network Solutions,
David Grades] at Network Solutions. She transferred it over the phone.
[Stephen Cohen] sweet talks a woman over the phone and she transfers
it over."
Duke: "But she wasn't sleeping with Cohen?"
Gary: "We don't know. We didn't get that far before they started...
We know that she was an alcoholic. We found records of a bunch of DUIs."
Duke: "Do we have evidence that Sherry and David had connections
with Stephen Michael Cohen?"
Gary: "Yes, we do. We have the phone records from Stephen Michael
Cohen from the day we got that domain name [] and he had all
his assets frozen. The first people to know about the freeze were Network
"During the asset freeze [in November 2000], Cohen calls up his
woman, Sherry Proehl, and says, 'I want you to transfer all these domain
names to different registers. Get them out of Mr. Kremen's hands. Transfer
my domain names offshore to other registers.' We have proof.
"For some reason, Sherry and David decided to throw in with Cohen,
even though he was on a do-not-work-with list because he tried to steal
other names. I complained within two weeks. complained
that day.
"After the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals ruling [favorable to
Kremen], they fired Sherry Proehl within days.
"They [NW] signed a declaration saying Network Solutions was the
only company having to do with anything. It turns out that was a lie.
A company named owned them. Everyone there [at Network Solutions]
was an employee of that other company. When Network Solutions went public,
they were a spinoff of
"The first time around, they [NS] produced 43 documents. The second
time around, they produced about 70,000 documents."
Where Is Luke?
Cathy writes: "I realized the other day that I hadn't seen Luke
in a couple of weeks. That's because he's been busy. Usually his bad
behavior is confined to raiding dessert tables at various functions
around town, being pointlessly rude to the Jewish Journal, and drooling
on his blog about girls he wants to sleep with...or (more accurately)
girls he wants me to think he wants to sleep with. Lately, though, he's
been working overtime: committing felonies; working himself into a self-righteous
lather when people point out that he's committed felonies; imagining
nasty, tasteless "satires" about pederasty; asking fans to write endless
epilogues to his memoir (I believe he's collected 37 so far); accusing
his betters of being "fat assholes" in blog comments sections; fiddling
with the lithium dosage; and guest blogging on a group site run by a
bunch of frum Jews, most of whom probably don't know what hit them."
Players Ball San Diego
posts on GFY:
For all of those attending the San Diego Cybernet Expo, we have a
nice party for you to attend. On June 10th, Thursday night, we'll
have a slamming party by the beach in one of SD's coolest venues. stepped it up this year as the main sponsor and
hopes to earn your hosting while providing this summers hottest webmaster
I used to live in San Diego, so when I heard about the Cybernet Expo
in SD, I jumped on the opportunity to hip webmasters to THE best SD
vibe by providing the perfect beach party. Here's the line up.
We have 3 local bands, pretty big names in that area opening up the
night. We're mixing in about 300 or so locals so our webmasters will
have a chance to pick up some local hotties. The venue holds 1200
people. It's a free party if you're attending the convention and passes
will be issued with your registration. Our main act is a reggae legend
that my brother and I used to manage, Eek-A-Mouse. He's awesome live,
gets the crowd reallly into it and everyone will be dancing and having
a blast.
I'm sure for those who aren't sure who Mouse is, they'll recognize
a few tunes including Wa Do Dem and Peenie Walli. Mouse has a very
recognizable style, using melodic singing with words like, "Biddi
biddi bong bong". They coined the term, "Sing J" since he uses his
voice as an instrument. Once you hear it, you'll love it if you don't
Mouse was friends with Bob Marley back in the day. He used to sing
to Marley's kids, they loved him, he's the clown of reggae music because
of that biddi bong bong style that's fun to sing to. It's cool to
talk to Mouse about the old days with Marley, not too many people
you meet knew Marley personally. We selected Eek-A-Mouse because he's
the most popular amongst the San Diego scene, always selling out where
ever he performs. It's the vibe of SD. We want webmasters to have
the full Eeksperience on the beach.
Here's the venue, As you can see, it's
perfectly positioned in the cool area of Mission Beach near the roller
coaster on the boardwalk. Big thanks to Splitinfinity's Chris Jester
for really stepping it up with his Players contribution. We're looking
for additional sponsors, very cheap if anyone's interested. Now it's
time to hire the Go Go dancers and make it a Players Ball. If anyone's
interested hit me up in my email, darren at theplayersball .com. We'll
have more Players Ball announcements in the coming weeks. Florida's
Ball is around the corner. Then January, the biggest Players Ball
of the year will go big budget again.
Seymore Butts Goes Condom Only
DCypher writes on
Seymore Butts has let his show go to his head if you ask me. In this
press release he sounds like he thinks that he is the voice of the
industry, instead of the aging male talent that he is. He also sounds
like he has been practicing these quotes in the mirror. If his morbid
sense of humor doesn’t turn you off, suggesting that people who shoot
without condoms play Russian Roulette for his amusement, his prosaic
bravado definitely will. Seymore, in the world of reality television
you are no Ozzy. You aren’t even a fat Anna Nicole.
Aside from that, good luck with the condoms and the analingus. Might
get you a shot on Oprah from what I hear, but then we’d have to hear
about that as well. Oh, and one more thing, as I have said before,
no amount of self-regulation or sacrificing is going to deter the
threat of government interference and political ambition. I love how
all of you people actually believe that the government is going to
listen to a bunch of pornographers who claim to be cleaning it up
for them. The politicians don’t care about our overtures and wouldn’t
trust them anyway. You make it seem like we were all doing something
wrong when you make statements like that, as if we are guilty. Stop
Speculating On Future Of Hustler Editor Bruce David
Mike Albo writes on
We love stories about Hustler Editorial Director Bruce David. He's
a wacky individual, and, from what we hear, he's getting wackier by
the minute.
Among the latest rumors to be circulating about Bruce is that, in
addition to only spending about 15 hours at his desk conducting personal
business this week, Bruce has retroactively invoiced LFP for thousands
of dollars for his "publisher's statements." To that we say, "Shoot
for the moon, Bruce! You deserve every penny!"
Also being speculated upon is whether or not Bruce is not-so secretly
plotting a scheme whereby he and next-best-thing-to-a-personal-butt-boy
Mark Cromer will become the next video kings of Porn Valley. Hey,
they did hatch the "Jail Babes" series, so the sky's the limit with
these two geniuses.
Iraq scandal is 'Perfect Storm' of American culture
Robert Knight
We have arrived at the "Perfect Storm" of American cultural depravity.
Along with photos of Iraqi prisoners being abused in an American prison,
we now apparently have photos of American soldiers having sex and
committing homosexual acts on prisoners.
None of this happened by accident. It is directly due to cultural
depravity advanced in the name of progress and amplified by a sensation-hungry
* We were told putting women into combat areas is progressive and
* We were told pornography is liberating, and that anyone who objects
is a narrow-minded Puritan who needs therapy. We have been flooded
with porn imagery on mainstream television and in magazine ads. Where
did those soldiers get the idea to engage in sadomasochistic activity
and to videotape it in voyeuristic fashion? Easy. It's found on thousands
of Internet porn sites and in the pages of "gay" publications, where
S&M events are advertised alongside ads for Subarus, liquor and drugs
to treat HIV and hepatitis.
* We were told homosexuality is harmless and normal, and the military
should live with a "don't ask, don't tell" policy that allows homosexuals
to stay in the barracks. We were told that men "marrying" men and
women "marrying" women is inevitable – not only for America, but for
the world. Imagine how those images of men kissing men outside San
Francisco City Hall after being "married" play in the Muslim world.
We couldn't offer the mullahs a more perfect picture of American decadence.
This puts Americans at risk all over the world, especially Christian
missionaries who are trying to bring the Gospel to people trapped
in darkness for millennia.
Hart Williams
Run For Office
I've known Hart Williams since 1997. He's always struck me as upright,
honest, and decent. I believe the man has integrity. He has been a great
help to me over the years on many different levels, but principally
with advice about writing, journalism and ethics.
He operates the website
I believe he's long been a booster of John Kerry for president. He's
now running for the lower house of the Oregon legislature.
Hart writes: "I'm ONLY in this race because the Union Thug in
this election is being pushed using 93% outside funding, and by looting
union dues to steal my House District for the Unions (of which his union,
the Carpenters' pulled OUT of the AFLCIO in a hissy-fit, but gave him
over $26,000 for his run, etc. etc. etc.) It's dirty, and I'm running
against that."
The election is Tuesday.
Checking GOOGLE, this
listing from "Friday, July 27th, 2001 ... Hart Williams
Update. Hart Williams worked for all of Los Angeles's porn oriented
magazine from 1977-87 when he moved to Oregon..."
Has moved from page 38 to page 2 on GOOGLE. What does this mean? It
might mean that Hart's opponent (whose campaign is run by a Michael
Grossman of Seattle, reputedly one of the dirtiest campaigners on the
West Coast) is planning a "hit" on Hart, perhaps as soon as today.
Are all porn web sites run by morons?
Patrick Riley writes on RAME:
Or maybe the morons are the customers...
Like I'm sure lots of you I download free photos from the binary
groups the vast majority of which are spam. That's not bad as long
as the advertising part of the image isn't too blatant with the text
preferably just on the posting itself and not the jpg. One of the
problems with premium news servers is that they filter spam leaving
nothing, or next-to-nothing to download. It also helps that as with
porno movies I only want a few photos of any one girl and in some
cases (particularly attractive) I don't even mind if she doesn't take
all her clothes off. I certainly have no desire to see her analed,
DP-ed, facialed, or otherwise abused.
Yep, I recognize that I'm sponging off the advertisers (the spammers)
as the chance of me actually joining a website is somewhere between
zero and none but I can see the business rationale of posting a few
free images to a NG and having the weak-minded rush off and plonk
their money down to have access to and see more
of the sex object they've fallen in love with. order to attract
someone to buy your product you have to appeal to what he wants and
frame your advertising appropriately.
How then do we have on a NG entitled "a.b.p.e.small-tits" we have
series of photos with a subject "Busty Slut Aria Bares All 468.jpg"?
How many guys who like small tits would want to watch a huge-hootered
aged whore? Same goes with a.b.p.e.brunettes. What's with "Blondie951.jpg"?
Or a.b.p.e.teens wherein you'll find Kitty Foxxx? Do they really think
even one lurker in those groups could be convinced?
Then we have the question of honesty. Porn people are inherently
dishonest but there are degrees. Would you want to join a site that
promises in the subject "Brittney Spears Nude" and delivers some 20
year old scan. One spammer along these lines actually gives you decent
photos but basically in the printing says "Got ya". No you haven't.
If you fool me here (once or twice) as a consumer I'm never going
near you. You're probably going to rape me (financially) on the website.
Then there's the question of quality. Some blurry little screen shot
makes me think that there's more of the same on your website. Nope,
even if I was in the market, I'm not paying for something that's so
bad. Better not to have anything but best to do what Hollywood movies
do and just give the lurker a few excellent photos with a promise
of more of the same. At least then you'd get the guy in the door.
And then there's the constant repetition of the same photo day after
day, week after week. That might work for TV (I'm not even so sure
there) but certainly doesn't work on NG's. All that happens is that
the downloader curses the spammer without noting the name and presses
And then one I really don't understand: Spammers who change their
name daily or weekly but post essentially the same photos. Do they
really think we don't know they're spammers when the text says "Visit to see more"? Do they think that getting us to
download the same photos every week is going to make us more likely
to buy their crap? Maybe they change their name (and sometimes the
subject randomly) to avoid cross-posting elimination. But this is
silly. Making me download the same photo with slightly different subjects
in two different groups is not likely the make me feel nicer towards
the spammer. The above is just a puzzle: are they really stupid...?
My hatred is reserved for webmasters, virus constructors, adware and
malware cumsuckers, ... and Microsoft.
Rolls Out Info On The Homegrown vs Voice Media (Ron Levi) Lawsuit
What's going on here?
Access Rolls Through Atlanta
The LA show got a big crowd. Then had big success at the
AVN Expo in Vegas in January.
Lensman, owner of and one of Internet porn's biggest players,
reports: "We had over 200 webmasters, I don't have then final count.
We're still working on the final Montreal dates, we're running into
Elkind Is Back?
Was he ever out of the money?
He seems to be spending freely these days. A couple of weeks ago, he
tossed $10,000 in cash on the floor in front of a bunch of strippers
at a club.
A few weeks ago, he spent about $300,000 on a new F1 Ferrari. He walked
in the dealership in jeans and a tank top, looking disheveled. The salesmen
ignored him. Joe went right up to the manager and asked, "What
is the most expensive car you have in here?" Joe bought that car
on the condition that the sales reps didn't get any commission on the
On April 21, JoeE wrote me about his settlement with his former partner
John Bennett and former attorney Steve Workman: "Collected about
$18Mills so far but I ain't done, he still owes payments and I still
have litigation. Should collect in total about 100Million dollares Luke
babay. That is waht happens when one man steals from his partner of
20 years, plus he has "other" problems. Greed kills and once you sell
yoiur soul, you never get it back:-)."
I've Been
Raped By - What's This About?
I guess it is humor at Ron Jeremy's expense?
HardcoreGossip Praises LA
City Beat Article As Mostly Accurate
DCypher writes on
This was a pretty good article, and somewhat accurate, that included
a diverse patchwork of quotes from real porn people with divergent
takes on the industry. It was, thus far, one of the better articles
I have seen, although it is still riddled with flaws in my opinion,
and slightly slanted. Despite all of that, I liked it, and give props
to Dennis for putting it together with obvious care, even if he didn’t
get the whole scoop. So, since I have an opinion about everything,
let’s begin, shall we?
My first opinion, in a long list pertaining specifically to this
piece, is that Joey Serio needs to shut the f-ck up. Seriously, how
many media people did you give quotes to? Try practicing the following
phrase, since you love to spout off your mouth so much to anyone in
the press. “ THANK YOU NO COMMENT.” That is all you need to learn.
Also, Joey, since you run a talent agency, I want to make sure that
you are better informed on industry protocol so that you can hopefully
inform the girls that you represent. Testing exists for performers,
not companies. It is there so that talent can assess for themselves
the risks inherent in working with one another and make appropriate
choices. It is not, nor should it be, the companies’ decision to enforce
testing procedures. It just turned out that way, since many of the
performers are so irresponsible and unconcerned with their own safety
that they forget to bring their own test or ask for their on screen
partners’. You yourself admit to being remiss in this category from
time to time. So why do you have to bring up some fringe company in
San Diego that the media can use as an example of common practice
when it is the exception? I guess that we should be happy that at
least this article listed him as “sometime performer” unlike the last
that had him as another Rocco. It’s not personal Joey, it’s just that
I don’t see you as the voice of the industry.
I guess Jimmy D was right when he taunted Bill Margold on his site
recently. In times of crisis, ANYONE they can find who has anything
to do with porn or will give them the most ridiculous quote, becomes
“The Official Spokesperson” for it. The next issue up for discussion
in this article is the assertion that companies pay for talent to
NOT USE condoms. Could anything be more absurd? This is the fastest
growing urban legend I have ever seen.
Let me break it down for you. I have worked, in the last seven years,
in production, for Hustler, Vivid, Wicked, Sin City, VCA, Pleasure,
Kick Ass, Madness, Rosebud, Dane, Zane, Coast to Coast, Video Team,
CDI, and a slew of other companies I am probably forgetting due to
a lack of coffee. Not once I have seen anyone get offered more money
to go “bareback” in straight porn. I am pretty sure I would remember.
I am trying to picture how the conversation would go. “ Hey, you know
that $800 we are giving you to do the scene? We’ll pay you $1200 if
you do it without the rubber.” Not likely.
In the porn world, as those of you who make their living here and
wonder why they don’t have a piece of the billions of dollars being
made well know, things don’t operate like that. Girls are generally
plentiful, and most of them work without condoms. They also call you
and beg for the job. Most companies tell girls in advanced, or their
agent does, whether or not the scene would require a condom. In porn,
if a girl wouldn’t work without one or wanted more money, she would
be fired and sent home, not bribed.
Despite my affinity for the affable Hedge Hog of porn, I thought
it was a cheap shot for Ronnie to assert that Darren might be a tranny
f-cker. I know that it is common for people to stick to their preconceived
notions and stereotypes about HIV and the groups who get them most,
but it is possible to contract the virus from having sex with a woman.
I would ask that those who need more on the subject check out my AIM
COB interview, rather than making me spell it all out again. Ron,
the American icon of a male porn star, is simply echoing the sentiments
of many in porn, which reflects a denial more than anything in my
opinion, that it could or might happen to them or someone they know.
Statistically it may not be probable, but there is always a chance.
I thought it was a cop out too to bring up the Black angle. Saying
that Black performers are more likely to participate in dangerous
sex stunts to get work seems ludicrous to me. I have seen plenty of
white guys do DP’s and Double Anything’s. While being black might
increase your risk of HIV infection in the general population, there
is no such link in porn world. Here what increases your risk of infection
is being a woman who does anal cream pies.
And last, but not least, I think it is remiss to suggest that Scott
Ross broke several stories during this crisis. While I do not have
the grudge against him and AVN that Gene or Mike Ross have, I also
don’t believe in giving him credit for my, or anybody else’s work.
Truth be told, although AVN is the official news source for the adult
industry, and although they got the Drudge links to their stories,
much of the up to the minute coverage originated on this here site,
as well as on ADULT FYI. HCG fans know that there was no better in
depth, honest, factually correct information than what they were reading
here. Sorry Scott, but if I don’t stick up for myself, who the hell
In conclusion, the article wasn’t horrid, and it wasn’t magnificent,
but it was far better put together than most I have seen so far, and
it did make for a good read. I am willing to bet it will be well received
by their readers as a fascinating piece offering insight into a world
they like to imagine they keep at arm’s length.
Whatever Happened To...
Green Lantern writes: "July 2004 Hustler magazine (on newsstands
now) has a WEHT article focusing on 70's & 80's legends like Seka, Kay
Parker, Vanessa Del Rio & Samantha Fox (not the pop star)."
When Porn Was Hot
Milne writes on
“I can’t watch porn anymore,” said my fellow conversationalist. “It
just does nothing for me.”
I nodded in agreement. “Me either – reviewing at AVN ruined me for
it. I get wrapped up in plot inconsistencies, editing botches and
lighting issues, and those aren’t exactly things that get you hot.”
“Do you actually remember a time when porn got you hot?” asked an
“Sure,” I said, but didn’t elaborate at the time to avoid alienating
anyone at the table who might not have any particular need to know
what once effortlessly turned my crank (yet here in a far more public
forum it seems to be okay … go figure.) I still remember a time when
just the sight of two barely dressed people on screen and knowing
they were about to f-ck could have me rub one out and fall asleep
within 30 seconds of turning on Pay-Per-View (God bless illegal cable
boxes.) I remember how – if a scene was particularly good – I could
get off to it about a billion times before the pop shot. I can vaguely
recall being able to file away some hotter couplings in my mental
VCR for use in the shower/Jacuzzi/ riding the washing machine on the
spin cycle at the Laundromat in a completely unassuming way so that
people didn’t actually know what I was doing. Not that I’ve done that.
Much, anyway.
Fleshbot Is A
Fleshbot is owned by Nick Denton, publisher of and,
known for their catty coverage of New York and Los Angeles. Why then
is Fleshbot such a fluffy blog about porn? Why doesn't it have the bite
of its sister sites?
Tim Kenneally Removed As Hustler's Managing Editor
You got the feeling this was inevitable with the friendly way Mike
Albo was writing up his meetings with his old friend from LFP.
writes on
Hustler Managing Editor Tim Editor Tim Kenneally has been removed
from his post... I had the pleasure of working with Tim for a number
of years when I was with the company, and, without doubt, he was one
of the hardest-working, most capable members on staff. The company
will feel his loss, even it doesn't realize it now. Tim has been replaced
by N. Morgen Hagen, formerly of the Hustler publication Busty Beauties.
Nobody likes Lara Roxx reports: "Ms
Roxxx intends to sue the following people: T.T. Boy, Darren James, Mark
Anthony, Sharon Mitchell, AIM and TT's company."
writes on GFY: "I guess I'm not the only one who thinks she's
ugly,not even one person of my last ~2000 visitors did click on any
Lara Roxx thumb."
CSPDinc writes: "adult FYI reports she got a lawyer and is looking
for deep pockets in the 1,000,000 dollar range. (I dont think they'll
find one though on paper) to blame and take to court."
HotToddy writes: "Besides her grim looks, she was out buttf-cking
bareback with all those nasty open sores ... it's not really surprising
that she would be a prime candidate for HIV."
James writes on
I would like to know how she plans to win anything by suing them,
this is the sex industry The first time I ever went to AIM to get
my first test to do a scene they took me back to the back, sat me
down and counseled me. They asked me would you be doing non-condom
work and I said yes this is what they said...Are you aware of the
risks you are taking and explained to me that there is a risk of catching
a STD or even HIV, but I still agreed. It means I am taking the chance
just as she did, we all know the risk yeah it may be more than other
people but this is our job I dont expect to catch the virus during
my career but I dont walk around thinking I will never catch it. This
would be like being a police officer and saying you will never get
shot doing your duty. I feel bad for them all but again its the risk
we take we have all taken the risk...cant blame patient zero and they
cant blame the company it was the risk she took when she stuck two
dicks inside her ass...Oh yeah and excuse me I love it in my ass but
I havent done double anal and I know this I would never do it just
because a company said I had to for the shoot ....I hope noone takes
this the wrong way because that is not what I meant to do. I meant
to open peoples eyes, this is our job we take a chance of getting
this deadly virus everyday we walk onto a set..OK I do agree with
her reasons if they all knew Darren had HIV or forged the tests I
would be agreeing with her and how she is going about it but he didnt
know so her reasons are useless. Yeah I think that people shouldnt
be going out of the country to shoot but thats not my call to make
Jewess Ariana Jollee
Gene Ross reports
Ariana Jollee announced on national radio that [Gil] David, who does
the morning stint at WHLI in Long Island, is her father.
Jollee, who appears in the recently released Meat Pushin' 2 from
Evolution Erotica,, was on the Howard Stern
show to play BANGO.
Stern noted that Jollee had sex with one of her teachers when she
was 14. Jollee said it was "pretty damn good" sex and that she first
had sex at 13. Stern asked the KKK guy, Daniel Carver, his opinion
of a Jewish porn star. Carver said it wouldn't matter what she was,
that he didn't care for porn stars.
Jewess Ariana Jollee On Howard Stern Show
writes on GFY: "Nasty cum slut Ariana Jollee revealed on the
Howard Stern Show this morning that she attended the same Long Island
synagogue as Stern's family. She's the daughter of a New York City radio
host who she said is very proud of her. She's one of the nastiest of
the new breed porn chicks."
Mike AI writes: "She is a wild chick, and very down to earth....
She told me a story about f-cking 4-5 fireman at a firehouse before
she turned 18."
Fight The Acacia
Shalton at writes on GFY:
[Acacia attorney] Berman was on an Acacia panel at the Streaming
Media Conference yesterday.
(bottom right hand corner: Acacia Research Patents: What You Need
to Know)
Berman did a good job in making Acacia sound like they were the victim
in all of this of people stealing their property. Many inaccuracies
in his story. The one that stands out the most is how he said they
have their engineers research every potential licensee to fully understand
through public means if they are infringing. Sounds good on paper,
but in reality, there were many hahahahahahahahaable cases of people
receiving the "infringement letter", and NEVER HAD AUDIO OR VIDEO
Acacia seems to have gotten ahold of a webmaster list and used it
to blanket out mass email (spam). No research or verification was
done, especially when some of these receipients called in to say why
they were infringing, and they didn't even have what website that
had the "infringement" in their database.
Another time, an attorney called in onbehalf of someone that had
received a letter and talked to Berman directly. Berman asked for
the person's name, and the attorney gave it to him and he looked them
up in the database. He then asked what their website was, and the
attorney responded, you're supposed to be able to tell me that. "How
is my client infringing?" the lawyer said. Berman could not answer
and was blaming that the database had a problem or something.
Seems like there are alot of "database" problems. The turn out to
the panel was pathetic, maybe about 20 or so at the midpoint and down
to like 10 at the end. People are not taking Acacia seriously, which
is a bad thing, not because the patent has teeth, but because the
baby is teething on businesses using very questionable "marketing"
RicardoB: "Does this mean we have you back on our side again
keepingus informed on a regular basis?"
You must not be reading
If you look at the article and message time stamps, you'll see I
have never stopped tracking this most absurd case. What stopped was
my full time effort to help find prior art and to get companies actively
aware and involved in this patent abuse case. While my full time effort
is now with my new venture (launching it officially at Cybernet Expo
with articles and posts following it), i have not given up the fight.
The posters at the yahoo ACTG board would certainly wish that i go
away.. that don't seem to like to read anything that doesn't appear
in an Acacia PR. The next thread that I will be posting is a list
of defendants and their programs so that people who want to help in
the fight can do so. It costs alot of money to be active in court
litigation, and each one of the defendants is burning a hole in their
profit stash to stand up for everyone.
While it is great that so many are supportive of the defendants in
spirit, it would really help if that spirit was directed in the form
of traffic, that generates you revenue, as well as generating revenue
for the defendants. While Paul Markham has been saying that paying
licenses to Acacia and buying their stock funds Acacia's warchest
against webmasters, I also feel that supporting the defendants and
their programs helps to fund ther war chest AGAINST Acacia.
Every day I get spam for this program. More spam for it than any other
porn program.
star fears death
A YOUNG female actress who contracted HIV in the California porn
industry crisis has told how she is now living in fear of a premature
Lara Roxx was infected with the disease that causes the killer AIDS
virus after shooting scenes of unprotected sex with actor Darren James
last month. She is 21. In an interview on US television, Ms Roxx gave
an emotional account of the nightmare she lives with every day. "Dying
too early, dying too soon, dying too young," she said.
"I now understand how dangerous (the industry) really is, but $2000
($2867) a day was kind of attractive. Was it worth it? No. I now have
a disease because of it."
James contracted HIV in early March soon after a trip to Brazil,
but he continued working when a routine test failed to pick up the
fact he was positive.
Angeles Valley Beat On Porn's HIV Crisis
By Dennis Romero
Higher risk means higher profits for porn. But “underground” production
– and a distaste for condoms – may be killing the industry
You’ve never seen so many big musclemen, all standing around in a
sweltering Northridge parking lot, nervous, chatting, waiting for
the satchel-toting nerd from the county health department to arrive
so the meeting at “Str8-Up Studios” can begin. They’re porn stars,
men of worldwide envy and unnatural girth. And they’re about to hold
a private session about the industry’s second HIV outbreak. They brush
past a reporter who asks, Isn’t it risky to shoot films in strange
lands with women outside of the industry’s network of HIV-tested performers?
“Mmmm,” one of them answers, nodding his head affirmatively. They’ve
made a vow not to talk to the press. They’re scared sh-tless.
Maybe things had gone too far.
It seems each HIV outbreak in the industry correlates to a nihilistic
new frontier in porn performance. During the 1998 scandal that had
eight performers eventually testing positive for the virus that causes
AIDS, “D.P.” – double penetration, one in the backdoor, one in front
– was the rage. Critics blamed this risky business for the resulting
infections, but instead of pulling out, producers continued to push
the envelope. The latest outbreak, now mostly contained, is believed
to have spread HIV to four performers so far via an even riskier new
stunt, the “D.A.” – double anal, two large men, one over-stretched
orifice. Grabbing new dollars requires new thrills – but contemporary
porn is taking bigger risks than just pushing the body to its (seemingly
unreachable) limits. If you consider the origins of the latest HIV
outbreak, you might be asking if porn has suicidal tendences.
Saw Sharon Mitchell On CNN
writes on "She had this huge smile on her
face through the entire interview from beginning to end, like she was
loving every minute of it. I can't help but get the impression she's
really enjoying this whole sad state of affairs and the publicity she's
getting from it, it was creepy. The interviewer kept calling her "Doctor
Mitchell", and she was so loving the fact that these people think she's
an actual doctor. She said that the outbreak is contained and that they
don't expect any more cases of HIV. Aren't there still tests pending
on a few girls that had anal/cream pie scenes with Darren James (Kayla
Marie [twice] and another girl). AIM needs to get their house in order
and find a real medical doctor to run things over there."
From the
AIM website 4/22/04:
"Adult Industry Medical Healthcare Foundation, a non-profit, client-supported
clinic providing state-of-the-art H.I.V./S.T.D. testing and monitoring,
medical services, counseling and safer-sex education to the adult-entertainment
industry, continues to investigate the still-unfolding cases of two
recently confirmed H.I.V.-positive adult-video performers. With the
voluntary participation of these performers, all fourteen of their
direct sexual contacts since their last negative H.I.V. tests, and
all thirty-nine of those individuals secondary contacts, were effectively
quarantined from further video work within seventy-two hours of initial
notification. Thanks to the cooperation of all the affected parties,
we feel confident that this outbreak has been contained.
"No additional transmissions of H.I.V. from these cases are expected,
either in the adult-performer talent pool or in the community at large.
The immune status of the other performers under quarantine will be
determined during two thirty-day waiting periods between PCR/DNA testing.
As of now, four of the individuals who were directly exposed in the
initial contacts have tested negative."
Renee writes on
The caption for the [AP 4/23/04 story and] photo is: Former porn
star Sharon Mitchell is now a clinical sexologist and director of
the Adult Industry Medical Healthcare Foundation.
There's also a quote from Mitchell on the CNN article, very interesting:
"Nobody knows me as the ex-porn star. I'm a doctor. I wear a doctor's
coat. I run a clinic. I'm very well-respected," she said."
I have to wonder, what does she mean when she says she's a doctor?
The state of California has not licensed her in any capacity to treat
patients in any manner. She does have her Ph.D. from that Institute
for the Study of Human Sexuality in San Francisco, but this is not
a license to treat or advise patients.
I wouldn't have a problem seeing her in photos sitting in her office
at AIM, because she is the director of the place. But for her to be
in a white lab coat, and posing in an examining room is really not
appropriate given the seriousness of this HIV situation and given
her actual background.
I suppose she can't help but relish being in the limelight; her first
career goal way back when was to be a Broadway actress.
Onion reports on porn and HIV prevention.
Lara Roxx Radio Interview Highlights
Gemini writes on RAME: "Yesterday (Tuesday May 11) Lara Roxx was
on ET (Entertainment Tonight). This Canadian hottie is so cute, that
I would be honored to screw and get HIV from her. She is currently living
with her mother in Montreal, and she wants to become a fashion / clothing
designer. When asked if it was worth it becoming a porn star, she said
"No. But when you are getting $2000 dollars a day thrown at you, it's
hard to say no. They paid me a lot more than stripping did.""
Rock writes: "Did you and I see the same "ET" interview? This
was the first time I had a chance to see what the infamous Lara Roxx
looked like, and quite frankly I thought she was a skank -- not the
least bit attractive -- the kind of chick a producer would use in a
porn flick not because she's hot, but simply because she'd take whatever
was dished out for a grand or two."
writes on GFY:
She just gave a radio interview in french on here
are the highlights of the stupidity she said:
- Top girls make 1 million dollars a day
- Nobodies make 350$- 2000$ a day
- She started stripping at 17 years old because her parents divorced
when she was 16.
- Because she was smart and did not pay "the gang member she admired"
for finding her a club to dance in while underage, she let them rob
her father of his most precious belonging!
- I did not finish High-School because it's a generation thing like
everybody else my age.
That sums it up. I tried to get a line and be put on the air, but
the show was over by the time is was done.
Lady Mischief writes: "She's alienating the people who probably
had the most sympathy and would have helped her. She's got dollarsigns
in her eyes and fluff in her brain, and NOTHING good will come of it."
Sherie writes:
She did
a segment on ET last night. Let me say that if any good comes
from this it will be the fact that some young in the head girls will
think twice before they get into the business. She was/is young and
delusion and quite frankly probably has the attitude and mentality
of more than half of the girls that either want to or have started
in this industry. Make fun of her if you will she said that she had
dollar signs in her eyes she is not the brightest girl out there,
she is dying try and cut her some slack. I know it's difficult for
some of you, but the moral of the story is she is not that intelligent,
she had thoughts and ideas of riches and fame and in the end she is
just a young afraid girl with nobody in her life. So what if she wants
to make a few dollars and exploit the business that exploited her.
She is going to die. Yes, she chose not to use condoms but if you
listen to the girl it's sad that she is so easily influenced.
Babel writes: "I wanted to ask her on the Air who her Manager
was, because she keep reffering to him. Who are the Gang members she
was talking about that she still see? She said she dont see much anybody
nowadays And can't get even the AIDS clinic to help her wiht the support
she needs, thats why she wants to make her own Ronald McDonald Center
for HIV people but nobody is taking her seriously."
Mutt writes: "Gang members are the Hell's Angels biker gang who
control Montreal's XXX industry."
Fiction writes on GFY: "How long will it be before this girl
is working for the right wing anti-porn groups? Will she be the Linda
Tripp of the adult industry, testifying against the evils of porn before
congress and showing up on TV telling everyone that porn is murder?"
Dugmor writes: "She has already begun. From what I understand
she is going to sue the whole industry as a class action suit! She is
going to lobby to make laws agianst the industry! She is going to help
the government regulate the industry! You do not know the lawyer she
has! She [ha]s one of the best lawyers in Canada ! He never lost a case
ever and he has worked on some of the biggest cases in Canada !"
Cluck writes: "Druggie at 14, stripper for a few years, they're
all the same. She's a survival girl, that's why she put herself in jeopardy
to begin with. She'll take any opportunity to make life a bit better
for herself even if it means f-cking over alot of other people."
KennyB! writes:
Well she sure is getting press, props to boneprone for picking up
that url! As for a lawsuit I can’t imagine how many lawyers approached
her to “help” her for their 40% plus disbursements, this all about
getting publicity & cash for their firm. Win or lose they will have
their firms name plastered everywhere. I feel for this Laura girl
but she got into stripping for easy money, she started doing films
for easy money, she’s not a fighter she’s a lazy girl who wants easy
money! Now she’s a lazy girl with a lawyer who promises her easy money!
Her fight for getting laws passed will last as long as this media
circus, then you’ll never hear from her again … The people you will
hear from are the people who are still shooting her and will make
some coin off of that content.
Adult-film law mulled before HIV outbreak
From LA Daily News via
SACRAMENTO -- Some 16 months ago, Los Angeles County health officials
were so concerned about a possible HIV epidemic in the Valley's adult-film
industry that they talked about safe-sex laws -- but failed to take
action in time.
County officials say they were on track to propose legislation by
next January to require condoms in adult films and mandatory testing
for the virus that causes AIDS, but events overtook them.
Since last month, at least five adult-film performers have tested
positive for HIV, halting most production in the San Fernando Valley-based
adult-film industry. "Obviously in retrospect, had we known the future,
we would've perhaps done things differently," said Dr. Peter Kerndt,
director of the county's sexually transmitted disease program. "But
there hadn't been an outbreak in this industry since 1998 or so."
The pace was a result of resistance by the industry and the complexity
of the issue, Kerndt said. For instance, some officials said they
couldn't mandate HIV tests for adult-film employees because of state
discrimination law. Others feared that attempts to regulate the industry
could drive filming underground or out of state, meaning the productions
would continue with even less oversight.
The county's effort was launched in January 2003, when the Board
of Supervisors passed a motion by chairwoman Yvonne Brathwaite Burke
to begin looking at the issue after a newspaper report detailing health
concerns in the industry.
Gene Ross vs Scott Ross About Mike Ross
Gene Ross writes on
For a reporter who cites e-mails attributed to third world greaseballs
swearing so-far unsubstantiated claims about actress Bianca Biaggi
being HIV positive, Scott Ross, who's obviously scratching at the
urinal of Mike Ross with this public outburst,
can hardly use words like"defamatory" and "libel" in the same letter
with a straight face.
And, lest we forget, wasn't it Scott Ross' deft handling of wordplay
and syntax several weeks ago that also prompted his red-faced employer
to retract similar statements that hung an HIV positive anchor around
the neck of performer Dynasty? Dynasty has since hit the road, I'm
told, probably out of mortal embarrassment and shame.
And in a fit of Hearstian pique, wasn't it the same Scott Ross who
betrayed an "off the record" confidence last year that nearly resulted
in an ugly lawsuit between Dennis Hof and Steve Seidman?
And wasn't it the same Scott Ross who attempted to turn what was
an obvious squawk box conversation with Rob Spallone into a felony
Journalism's loss will certainly be ambulance chasing's gain if Scott
Ross ever leaves his 9 to 5 job. Then, on an obvious roll, reporter
Ross continued toward his date with Pulitzer destiny this week with
successively brilliant stories about AB 2798, one titled "Adult Industry
STD Bill Dead, but not Forgotten"; the other headlined, "Bill Seeking
to Regulate Adult Industry Granted Hearing".
What you probably missed, which should be brought to attention, is
the fact that reporter Ross simply screwed up the first story, according
to lobbyist Mike Ross. But what really made it look obvious is when
reporter Ross took aerosol to his humiliating public fart with a cover
your ass, bill-rising-from-the-dead-follow up story, which accomplished
nothing except if you were looking for a good Easter Sunday parable.
That Scott Ross appears to use the words "substitute teacher" and
"law school student" in almost derisive context would support Mike
Ross' claim that there was an adversarial nature to their interview
right from the get-go. Lobbyist Ross says as much, quoting his comments
to reporter Ross, thusly: "Look you're not going to back me into a
corner and you're not going to try to make me look bad and I'm not
going to answer your questions. I'm not going to deal with it. I don't
need to talk to you; you need to talk to me."
And the fact that Mike Ross also suggests that Scott Ross remove
his head out of Mark Kernes' ass [Kernes has always voiced a distate
for lobbyist Ross], basically sounds like it was reporter Ross with
a tomahawk packed in his agenda. Obviously coveting Mike Ross' beaver
pelt on his totem pole, Scott Ross vies for the last word with rapier,
debate-class precision: "He [Mike Ross] has attributed statements
to myself that I did not make."
Unless I missed something, I couldn't find statement-one that Mike
Ross actually attributes to Scott Ross. With game, set and match on
the line, reporter Ross goes on to say that lobbyist Ross' conversation
was, psssst, recorded which sounds basically like a waste of time
and tape to me because in neither story is Mike Ross actually quoted
or referred to.
But with reporter Ross' compelling need to summon an aggressive reply
to lobbyist Ross, I would suspect that Mike, as a "substitute teacher"
made more of an impact than vice-versa. But to that I would only hazard
a guess since Mike Ross, during the course of our interview, kept
referring to Scott Ross as "Steve". Scott Ross writes
I’d like to clarify a few things regarding my coverage of AB 2789
on I understand lobbyist / substitute teacher / law school
student Mike Ross objected to my use of the word “dead,” when describing
the status of said bill, and suggested that AVN was attempting to
hide something from those within the adult industry by described the
status of the bill as dead.
Mike Ross seized upon the use of the word “dead” to suggest that
there was a cover-up in the works, and went on to say a number of
defamatory things about myself, and my employer, in the process.
All of this despite that fact the second paragraph of the story Mike
Ross found so objectionable clearly indicated that the bill would
be returning next year: Brian O’Neel, the press secretary for Assemblyman
Leslie, told that Assembly Bill 2798 will resurface next year
one way or another.
I wonder if anyone had even read the story before publishing his
wild accusations. Mike Ross would do well to remember that his conversation
was recorded, and unlike Duc Floored, I sought permission to record
and it was granted. Perhaps they have not covered libel at his law
school yet, or perhaps he was on vacation when that topic was covered,
but he has attributed statements to myself that I did not make.
Mike Ross does have a history of taking vacations at the wrong time…..
I would like to call your attention to the latest story I wrote for regarding AB 2789.
If you note in the fifth paragraph of the article “Bill Seeking to
Regulate Adult Industry Granted Hearing,” Assemblyman Tim Leslie,
sponsor of the bill, refers to said bill as being dead. “I applaud
Assemblyman Koretz for calling this hearing,” Leslie told
“Even though my bill is dead for the time being, this issue deserves
to be kept on the front burner. Hopefully, the hearing will help us
produce a solution that protects the health of performers and the
general public."
Perhaps Leslie is trying to obfuscate the facts regarding the status
of the bill as well.