Wednesday, October 6th, 1999

Email Luke Oct 4 Oct 3 Oct 1 Sep 30 Sept 29 Gene Ross Hollywood Jews

Luke's site was down for a day. I suspected hacking but the techie says: "No, it is a hard drive failure of the primary drive (containing the operating system)."

Luke F-rd is Hustler magazine's Asshole of the Month in its holiday January 2000 issue.

XXX talks about porn's recent HIV cases: I hear that Marc Wallice was shooting movies for Russ Hampshire... I don't get it. I've seen the footage. I've seen Tricia Devereaux's footage at Impressive Productions, Kimberly Jade's footage with Alex deRenzy...with Brooke Ashley for Kevin Beecham... I saw Delphin in Jim Lane's shoot. I saw all the various scenes and it is crystal clear. He does the up and over and pops right into the hole. His sperm goes right into the ass. No face pop shot, no tits, no hair. Right into the hole. The ones he did in the vagina are ok. The ones he did in the ass and came on the back, they're ok. The ones he did in the ass and came in the ass are not ok. You can see the footage. Bingo, there it is. It's frightening. If someone went to Russ Hampshire and said, Russ let me show you a couple of tapes. What do you think of this? And what do you think of this? And what do you think of this? If he saw the footage of these girls do the exact same position and doing the pop in the ass, he might wonder. It's a little too much coincidence, like every guy is going to pop in a girl's tushy. It's awfully spooky.

East Coast Video Show Update

Johnny Toxic was evicted from the East Coast Video Show Tuesday.

Security were harassing Greg Blank, son of Mickey Blank, and Johnny Toxic came in on Greg's behalf. "Toxic was wearing a straight jacket," narrates Mike South. "Security people evicted his ass and told him not to come back in. I watched them drag him down the steps."

Kendra Jade phoned Luke Monday afternoon.

Kendra: "Jasmine St. Clair taped a show for Colin's Sleazy Friends. And out of the blue, she said, 'Kendra is not allowed within 100 yards of the studio.' She told him that she has a restraining order against me. I think it would be hilarious if it were true. That she's that scared of me, that she has to get a restraining order. When she's a big pro-wrestler like she told Howard Stern."

Ron Jeremy phoned Monday night at 11:30 PM from the East Coast Video Show.

Ron: "Luke, I just wish... I bust my balls to do all this straight stuff. I do Detroit Rock City. I get articles in Newsweek, Entertainment Weekly, Mad magazine, Village Voice...about my move to mainstream. And that never makes it to your web page. Then I hear this... Last time you said that I had attacked Sharon Mitchell until you did me the courtesy of getting rid of that... You heard it from Ron Filene who admitted that he was just sporting..."

Ron refers to an unsubstantiated email that I posted on my site Sunday, from a woman claiming to have had a seven month fling with Ron. The woman said she recently tested positive for two STDs and she suggested that Ron get tested.

Ron: "Christ Luke, you are all over the world. Would you want that out there? I am so incredibly careful in everything I do. My sex life is virtually nill. Half of what I do is just girls in the porn business doing still shots and movies... It could be some crackpot, could be a man saying he's a woman, wanting to insult me or embarrass me... Anybody with an attitude against me, who thinks I did his girlfriend a year ago, can put something on the web and you'll print it. Isn't that unfair?"

Chaim Amalek writes Luke: Luke, sorry to see your web site is down. I suspect some bitch, upset that you revealed she had sex with a human (quite an insult to most dogs) is to blame, but what do I know. Have you given thought to other money making endeavors? Here are a few:

1. A 900 number 1-900-catchy7letters. This will contain the juciest stuff that you plan on running with the NEXT day on the web. I suspect that your bitterest foes will not be able to help themselves - they will pay up to have an advance peek at what others will read for free the next day. Yes, you can make nervous titans of the industry PAY to find out what you are/are not going to be saying about them. Charge 5 dollars a minute, and space the information these people want to hear over at least 5 minutes. Change the message frequently, recycling the same stuff over and over again. If just twenty people call in every day for 5 minutes a day, you stand to earn $500/day or $156,000 per year from this alone (assuming a six day week)! (Downside - some asshole from the industry calls in and posts it all on the web so others can cheat you. I am not sure how to beat this, but given enough time, I will think of something.)

2. Animal Farm. Not sure what this one would be - something wholesome, no doubt. Just liked the name.

3. A game show, accessible on the web, in which a porn starlet is first interviewed by you, discusses her career, and then is subjected to exhaustive medical examination. The contestants try to guess which venereal diseases the starlet (or star) will be diagnosed as having. The loser has to have unprotected sex with the starlet.

4. Luke's Memory Hole. In this one, you announce that you will NOT think about someone in any way - personal life, career, money troubles - in exchange for a gift.

5. Sell pretzels from a cart on the street.

6. Day trade.

7. Start your own variant of judaism or other religion. Get famous people to join. Do not require circumcision.

8. Assume the name of a famous person with lots of money, then share their identity with them as a symbiot.

9. Sell chapperoned, sex-free dates with porn stars. Actually, this is NOT a bad idea! I will wager that lots of guys with money would pay decent money just to have dinner with their fantasy babe, even with the understanding that sex is not part of the bargain! You could be pimp for the operation.

10. Get yourself better known in the eyes of some young hip and edgy opinion makers. One in particular who I see as a good match for you, unfortunately, lives in New York. But she is Jewish, smart, and would be a good conduit for you into the mainstream media, I think. Actually, this may not be such a good idea. Well, there you have it - a whole bunch of ways to spend your time productively while your web site is down. Now get busy!

Later, Chaim writes:

Luke, I realize that there is some humor in some of the email I have sent you (albeit unintended). Nevertheless, as a jew, you really should consider the possibilites that some of these ideas offer. First, the practical. You want to make more money. The more you make now, the less need you will feel to make money off of the porn industry tomorrow, right? My idea for a 900 number that provides folks with a sneak preview of what will appear on your web site the next day deserves some consideration. If I were you, at the very least I would look into what getting a 900 number costs. After that, you are already past the main hurdles - publicity and content. Your existing web site provides both! And don't let your enemies fake you out with naysaying. There might be BIG MONEY in this idea for you!

Now let us reconsider my idea for a f---less escort service that you could set up, matching porn starlets ( a term I use very loosely here) with their fans. Who are these women, really? Under halacha, they are mere whores, trading sex for money. And don't tell me that aiming a video camera at them turns them all into actresses - it doesn't. Why do they do it? For money, of course, the same reason all of us whore ourselves. Wouldn't it be better if these women could be weaned off the easy but dangerous money of prostitution by going out on sex-free, fully chaperoned dates with their adoring fans? The women would gain in that they would dramatically reduce their risk of contracting VD per each dollar earned, and they would be able to master the social skills that they will require once their porn days end, as end they must. The men who pay gain the chance to have dinner and a conversation with someone they admire from afar. Rover is left alone. And you gain money, publicity for your unusual effort at social rehabilitation, and, most importantly, the MITZVAH of freeing these women from the prison of prostitution! EVERYONE gains, no one loses (I think economists call this the Parital solution, or something like that). Sure, it sounds funny when you first consider it, but why wouldn't it work? Don't lots of the pornets you know want to get out, and wouldn't they welcome the chance to earn some money in ways not requiring sex with strangers? And how better to strike at the producers of porn than to provide their talent pool with a way out?

Earn Credit For Watching Porn

Charles W. Colson, former aide to President Richard Nixon, writes in the July 1999 issue of the American Family Association ( bulletin:

Barbara has just started her first year at a prestigious college where she signed up for a film class. But when the lights dimmed, Barbara was shocked to find herself watching a graphic and explicit pornographic movie. The film was typical of what the class would be studying that semester, the professor anounced. So Barbara grabbed her backpack and walked out.

The name is made up, but the scenario is real. In a recent issue of the New Yorker, James Atlas notes that colleges across teh country are starting courses in so-called "porn studies." Classes on pornography are offered at NYU, Northwestern, Columbia, and several other schools. Porn stars are popular lecturers on college campuses. For example, Larry Flynt, of all people, just gave a lecture at Georgetown University, a Catholic school. Tenured professors lecture on what Atlas calls the "porn-scholar circuit."

How did undergraduates go from reading The Iliad to watching Debbie Does Dallas? The answer lies with the postmodernist assumption that the purpose of art is to subvert social and moral norms.

Postmodernism is the logical conclusion of the Enlightenment rejection of Christianity. For if we live in a universe without God, then nature is all there is, and morality is reduced to whatever culture constructs it to be. To get to the core of who we really are, we must strip away everything socially constructed and reconnect with the natural - with our impulses and instincts.

Like sexuality.

In the words of film professor Linda Williams, "Sex is now seen as the motive force of our beings" - as our ultimate identity. For in the sexual act we immerse ourselves in the instinctual, the uncontrollable. As Williams writes, sex is "ultimate BECAUSE [it is] uncontrollable." Liberation lies in unmasking all social and moral controls on sexuality, and immersing ourselves in sheer biological impulses.

Liberation ideologies of all sorts have found American college campuses wonderful breeding grounds, from neo-Marxism to radical feminism. And pornography is merely the latest fad, not as simple titillation but as a means to cast off the forces of repression and to reform society. As porn professor Laura Kipnis explains, "On the cultural left, there's been a loss of faith in traditional ideologies as a potential agent of social change," so the left has turned to "inner change" - defined primarily as discovering the true nature of one's sexuality.

In short, sexual liberation is nothing less than a substitute salvation. It aims at freeing the inner self from teh evils of repressiona nd returning to its original wholeness - and then renewing the rest of society.

If we want to stand against the sexualizing of American culture, we must realize that its cause is not merely the erosion of moral rules and norms. Instead, it is rooted in a worldview - beginning with the idea that nature is all there is, and ending with a message of salvation through sex. As a result, we must fight hte battle on the level of worldwide versus worldview, arguing against naturalism and all its works and all its ways. We must show that the Christian worldview offers a much fuller vision of human nature and a higher view of human dignity, and a more transforming vision of redemption.

Moral outrage is not enough. We must counter false salvations with the true salvation, and show people that true liberation is found only in the Gospel.

Church Must Overcome Adultery-phobia

By Donald E. Wildmon • AFA President - Satire

It is time for the church to end it’s adultery-phobia.

How narrow-minded the church has been in denying respect and acceptance for those who live an adulterous lifestyle. The church has shut its doors to an entire group of people, told them they weren’t wanted, that God has no place for them. It is time for the church to end their adultery-phobia.

These adulterers are God’s children also. But the church has closed the door on them, not allowing them to serve as ordained ministers, unwilling to give them the full rights given to others. There is a small group of ignorant bigots who hold the opinion that they have the lock and key on God’s acceptance. These people aren’t willing to practice the love of Christ while denying that love to those whose lifestyle is different.

When will the church learn that people who are adulterers have no control over how God made them. And He did make them. They are God’s children also. But a small group of radical right-wing bigots have blocked the acceptance of adulterers from becoming full members in God’s church. Adulterers are born that way. Or their environment in early childhood created this nature in them. Either way they have no control over their sexuality and the church has to end its adultery-phobia. The church doesn’t need to be kicking adulterers out, but opening their doors to all of God’s children.

It is time for all adulterers to come out of the closet and end their silence. Many leaders in the church are ready to stand with them. These are our sons and daughters. They are good people, loving people who have much to offer. The church is so much poorer because of its adultery-phobia. After all, this is 2050, not the dark ages of the 1990s!

Bishop Lavation of the Council of Churches was right when he said that the old worn out rules of sexuality practiced by the churches, developed twenty centuries ago in an entirely different time period, need to be restudied in light of today’s enlightened values and science. We can no longer allow the past or a handful of bigots to dictate the moral standards for today.

Social science studies show that nearly 75% of our society are practicing adulterers. Scientific studies show that adulterers suffer long-term problems from the church’s refusal to accept them as full members.

At a time when corporations are ending their discrimination against adulterers; when Disney World is celebrating Adultery Pride Day; when intelligent people with the Public Broadcasting System and the commercial networks are pushing to right this wrong; when needed hate crime legislation against those who hate adulterers is being passed; it is time for the church to end their adultery-phobia as it ended its homophobia 50 years ago. Perhaps, just perhaps, the church will change its attitude and rid itself of adultery-phobia. No one should be told he cannot have all the rights and privileges of the church simply because God created him to be an adulterer.

On 9/27, Rev. Wildman wrote: I have to admit that I’ve been astounded at the response to the satire I wrote for my October AFA Journal column. This is proof that hindsight is always better than foresight — we should have labeled it "Satire" so readers would know what to expect. It seems that some readers took it literally, as if I were endorsing adultery. I sincerely apologize for the misunderstanding. We usually are very plain-spoken and to the point, so I guess we should have anticipated this response.

Homosexuality and Faith

On Monday, October 11, in San Francisco, Christians will protest homosexuality. The program, "Reaching Out, Taking A Stand, Homosexuality and Faith," will feature Reverend Jerry Falwell, Pastor Eugene Lumpkin of the Ebenezer Baptist Church, a former member of the San Francisco Human Rights Commission, Yvette Cantu, of the Family Research Council and former homosexual and lesbian rights activist, Michael Johnston, Kerusso Ministry, a former homosexual with AIDS, and his mom Frances Johnston, at the County Fair Building, Lincoln Way and Ninth St.

According to Citizens for Community Values: "Greater Cincinnati still has the highest community standards in the nation. Of the 2,800 stores that sell magazines in Greater Cincinnati, 90% do not sell any form of pornography. 95% of all video stores in the Greater Cincinnati area do not pander X-rated videos, and there are no strip bars, massage parlors, peep booths, or X-rated theaters in Hamilton County. Greater Cincinnati is the 23rd largest metropolitan area in the United States with 2 million residents and we have the 8th lowest crime rate of the 39 major metropolitan areas with 1.5 million or more people."

Christy Lake

Luke's finally seen the complete animal tape he wrote about last week. And it sure looks like XXX. And the tall skinny small breasted blonde in the tape sounds like Christi too. She speaks with that adorable Southern accent. Is bestiality, like incest, a more accepted form of sexual expression in the Southern United States?

While Luke F-rd takes a dim view of bestiality, along with other sexual sins like pornography, incest, homosexuality, adultery and fornication, Luke can't help but admire the stretching of boundaries that this animal movie represents. Perhaps one day this untitled wonder will be studied as one of the pioneers of the cinematic genre, along with Gone With The Wind.

No word yet on if VCA plans to include this doggie scene in the next edition of XXX's Fan Fuxx. Perhaps the adventurism displayed in this video will move the old fogeys at the Free Speech Coalition to lighten up a bit on child pornography and other so-called deviant forms of sexual expression. Could snuff films be far behind?

So far, presidential candidates are taking a cautious approach. While George Bush opposed inter-species sex, and Bill Bradley offered a mild endorsement, Al Gore said he needed to further study the issue.

Addressing a gay rights organization in Beverly Hills, President Clinton said that America's biggest enemy was "hate," such as that displayed towards gay martyr Mathew Shepherd. Implicit in the President's talk was opposition to the growing judgemental view against bestiality.

Luke has so far sat through about six different scenes of women doing animals (two of women doing horses) but I am having a hard time identifying all the participants.

While Judaism does not ask that non-Jews observe Jewish Law and become Jewish, the religion of Israel does expect certain minimal standards of decency from non-Jews - the Seven Laws of the Sons of Noah. These laws prohibit eating the limb of a living animal, kidnapping, murder, idolatry, and certain sexual sins (adultery, homosexuality), perhaps including bestiality. Is there a rabbi in the house who can provide the definitive ruling on Judaism's view of bestiality?

Josh writes: Don't you go to temple for Yom Kippur? Did you fall asleep during the reading of the Torah? The portion for Yom Kippur includes all the prohibitions against lying with beasts of the field, or however it's phrased.

Chad: Hi Luke: I just visited your site again, and saw the pictures that you assumed to be Christy Lake in a scene with a dog. I was thinking, "Wow!! This can't be", untill I saw the pictures. Its an odd deal indeed. But, just for the fun of it, could I have the name of the video, and where to get a copy, i'd like to see if it is Christy or not, first hand. My curiosity is indeed peeked. Thanks for your time, and thanks again for a great (not to mention informative) site.

Luke: I dunno the name of the video and I do not know where you can get it. Try VCA at 818-718-0202.

Rodger Jacobs writes: "Luke: The girl in the JPEG images from the bestiality vid you currently have posted on your site looks as much like XXX as you would if I dressed you up in a lime green teddy and sent Rover's raging hard-on up your ass. I don't quite see the point in this defamatory exercise of yours other than to invite litigation that you would be sure to lose."

Vivid Video vs Luke F-rd

BrandyAlx1: Doesn't anyone understand that statements headed by something as inane as being from the "Luke F-rd Wire Service" means they're satire? That they're coming out of your head with no basis in reality? I'm not saying you're any good at satire, or that I find anything funny, but you'd think people would have figured out you're supposed to be taken with a grain of salt by now and have either a better sense of humor or enough personal control to roll their eyes and move on.
Luzdedos1: anything in particular spur these thoughts?
BrandyAlx1: Just reading the lawsuit. Perhaps Stevie is just disgusted with the implication that he wears chiffon. I hear organdy is more his style.
BrandyAlx1: I guess with all these lawyers on retainer they have to do some kind of legal exercise to stay in litigious shape. I, of course, had cause for my letters to BT and attorney, and each time I print the commercial and prostitution pages bearing my name I get giddy with the idea she will be crushed under attorneys fees alone after I build a good case, but it's pretty obvious Stevie is chest beating. He knew you'd put the letter on your site. You sucker.

My Struggle

Luke picked up Adolf Hitler's autobiography Mein Kampf (My Struggle) Tuesday and found disturbing parallels between himself and Adolf. For instance, there is this analysis of Hitler's writing style, by translator Konrad Heiden, which resembles criticisms of Luke's style: "Hitler has been called a paranoiac; at all events, his view of the world is highly personal. Even where he is discussing theoretical matters like 'the state,' 'race,' etc, he seldom pursues any logic inherent in the subject matter. He makes the most extraordinary allegations without so much as an attempt to prove them. Often there is no visible connection between one paragraph and the next. The logic is purely psychological: Hitler is fighting his persecutors, magnifying his person, creating a dream-world in which he can be an important figure... Mein Kampf was written in white-hot hatred."

Nick Adams, of, describe's Luke's book: "Your style seems almost allegorical. You seem to leave out leaps of logic that you made and when the reader takes a different leap, they get frustrated.

"But much like the Bible and the Qabala, when I open my mind to read your work, I discover connections I'd missed. It's difficult to explain, but ... The garden of Eden story is an example. Literally, God created man from a lump of clay, breathed on him and he became the first man. In esoteric mysticism, the story means man was created from gross matter ... from the purely material elements of earth, the God "breathed" life into the material form and it became human. The Hebrew word Rauch can mean life, breath or soul ... and is used in all three ways throughout the Bible.

"The Sefer Yezirah is deliberately cloudy. It was written for initiates and Qabala students. People were supposed to understand whatever they were ready to understand. Your work ... or so it seems to me ... is in a similar vein. At face value, some things you've written don't make sense to me. The words just don't go together to form a coherent meaning. But when I back up and look at them in context of your body of work I get a glimpse of something that *does* make sense. I know, that sounds like complete gibberish, but then Mark Twain probably really believed he was writing about two kids on a river."

I've jotted down other disturbing parallels:

From page five of Hitler's book: "All my playing about in the open, the long walk to school, and particularly my association with extremely 'husky' boys, which sometimes caused my mother bitter anguish, made me the very opposite of a stay-at-home."

Like Adolf, I once considered entering the clergy. I engaged in loud and violent arguments with my schoolmates. Then I tried to become an artist. Like Adolf, I failed.

The following sentence (p. 56) resembles an experience Luke had at UCLA: "Once, as I was strolling through the Inner City, I suddenly encountered an apparition in a black caftan and black hair locks. Is this a Jew? was my first thought... Whereever I went, I began to see Jews, and the more I saw, the more sharply they became distinguished in my eyes from the rest of humanity."

As I grew in my knowledge of Judaism, I learned that religious Jews do not bathe on Holy Days, which can sometimes run three days at a stretch. Hitler anticipated me on page 57: "The cleanliness of this people, moral and otherwise, I must say, is a point in itself. By their very exterior you could tell that these were no lovers of water, and, to your distress, you often knew it with your eyes closed. Later I often grew sick to my stomach from the smell of these caftan-wearers...

"...It became positively repulsive discovered the moral stains on this 'chosen people.'

"Was there any form of filth or profligacy, particularly in cultural life, without at least one Jew involved in it?

"If you cut even cautiously into such an abscess, you found, like a maggot in a rotting obdy, often dazled by the sudden light - a kike!

"What had to be reckoned heavily against the Jews in my eyes was when I became acquainted with their activity in the press, art, literature, and the theater. All the unctuous reassurances helped little... It sufficed to look at a billboard, to study the names of the men behind the horrible trash they advertised, to make you ahrd for a long time to come. This was pestilence, spiritual pestilence, worse than the Black Death of olden times... It goes without saying that the lower the intellectual level of one of these art manufacturers [pornographers], the more unlimited his fertility will be, and the scoudnrel ends up like a garbage separator, splashing his filth in the face of humanity.

"The fact that nine tenths of all literary filth, artistic trash, and theatrical idiocy can be set to the account of a people, constituting hardly one hundredth of all the country's inhabitants, could simply not be talked away; it was plain truth.

"The relation of the Jews to prostitution and, even more, to the white-slave traffic, could be studied in Vienna... When...I recognized the Jew as the cold-hearted, shameless, and calculating director of this revolting vice traffic in the scum of the big city, a cold shudder ran down my back...

"Our whole public life today is like a hothouse for sexual ideas and stimulations. Just look at the bill of fare served up in our movies, vaudeville and theaters, and you will hardly be able to deny that this is not the right kind of food, particularly for the youth... Theater, art, literature, cinema, press, posters, and window displays must be cleansed of all manifestations of our rotting world and placed in the service of a moral, political and cultural idea. Public life must be freed from the stifling perfume of our modern eroticism...

"With satanic joy in his face, the black-haired Jewish youth lurks in wait for the unsuspecting girl whom he defiles with his blood, thus stealing her from her people. With every means he tries to destroy the racial foundations of the people he has set out to subjugate. Just as he systematically ruins women and girls, he does not shrink back from pulling down the blood barriers for others... Jews...bring the Negroes into the Rhineland, always with the...clear aim of ruining the hated white race...

Alicia Rio will host a $40 VIP party at Club Savannah on October 13 in West Los Angeles at 11901 Olympic Blvd. 310-479-1500.