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Friday, August 11th, 2000

Luke, Lieberman On Lovebytes

I will talk about Joe Lieberman, Loretta Sanchez and the general intersection of sex and politics tonight at 6PM PST on the Lovebytes program on Eyada.com.

From today's Wall Street Journal: ...the dilemma that observant Jews, from merchants to lawyers, still face in secular societies today. Something has to be sacrificed -- the question is whether it will be one's career or one's religious observance. With most American Jews choosing to sacrifice the latter, the question has largely receded from public view.

That is, until Joseph Lieberman, a Sabbath-observant Jew, was asked to serve as Al Gore's running mate. Mr. Lieberman's candidacy is providing many Americans with their first exposure to the practices of Orthodox Judaism, and some are concerned that those practices could conflict with Mr. Lieberman's public duties.

Especially in our fast-moving economy, it makes profound good sense to set aside one day on which work, cell phones and Palm Pilots give way to family and home. Indeed, by sacrificing work for family and religious observance, Joseph Lieberman would not be shirking his duties as vice president; he would be fulfilling them -- by making it seem acceptable, even fitting, to observe the Sabbath.

Frank writes Luke: To what degree do you want your readers to call in and rag on japs (Jewish American Princesses)? And are you not sinning by helping the jew Berkowitz desecrate the sabbath?

American Renewal Vice President Richard Lessner today issued the following statement (which Luke found on GeneRoss.com): "It is entirely understandable why, from the point of view of public perception, Al Gore does not welcome the spectacle of prominent Democrats frolicking next week at the Playboy mansion during his party's convention in Los Angeles.

"While we applaud the vice president's efforts to sanction Rep. Loretta Sanchez, whose political action committee is sponsoring the Democratic fundraiser, we must point out that Mr. Gore's sensitivities are a recent development.

"Now that the Gore campaign has had an epiphany and discovered God, and is striving to seize the moral high ground and highlight pro-family issues, the vice president is desperate to distance himself from the purveyors of pornography.

"Yet the problem here is one of substance, not image. In recent years, Mr. Gore has accepted at least $8,500 in campaign contributions from Hugh Hefner and his daughter, Playboy CEO Christie Hefner. And it should be recalled that Mr. Gore and his wife, Tipper, were prominent critics of the music industry in the 1980s. The Gores led a national campaign against porn-rock groups and their producers whose music glamorizes the most vile forms of sex and violence. Following a meeting with top industry executives, however, during his run for the 1988 Democratic presidential nomination, Mr. Gore and his wife dropped their criticism of porn-rock.

"This week Mr. Gore's speeches have been bursting with rhetoric about God, faith, family and moral values; yet only last month Mr. Gore was pandering to the militant homosexual lobby by praising a gay and lesbian pride parade staged in Rome during Christian Grand Jubilee Year. Pope John Paul II condemned the parade and decried it as an 'insult.'

"We would also point out that in 1993, Congress rebuked the Clinton-Gore Justice Department on a 425-3 vote of the House for its lax enforcement of federal anti-child pornography statutes. The Clinton-Gore administration, which was actually praised by the porn industry for its lack of vigorous prosecution, did not change its enforcement policy until after the 1994 election.

"Mr. Gore is right to denounce the Playboy fundraiser as inappropriate. Everything the Hefners and the Playboy empire stands for is demeaning to women, marriage, families and decency.

"Yet posturing over the Sanchez affair is little more than empty expediency if it is not supported by meaningful actions, such as returning the Playboy money. Paying lip service to morals and family values, while accepting campaign contributions from executives and celebrities who purvey sex and violence, is plainly hypocritical and smacks of self-serving sanctimony. The old saying applies: if you lie down with dogs, you get up with fleas. Mr. Gore is trying to brush off the fleas."

[American Renewal, a non-profit lobbying organization, was founded in 1992 to educate the general public and cultural leaders about traditional American values and to promote the philosophy of America's founding fathers concerning the nature of ordered liberty.] (GeneRoss.com)

Loretta Sanchez Fundraiser

XXX: Loretta Sanchez, OC Democratic Congresswoman, has a fund raiser set at the Playboy Mansion next week. The Gore campaign has threatened to cancel her speaking engagement and pull her convention credentials unless she moves the event.

From the Washington Times: "Gee, isn't this a coincidence that Lieberman was just appointed as his running mate and all of a sudden there's this extreme fundamentalism," said Playboy Vice President Cindy Rakowitz.

"Anybody that has any insight on politics wouldn't be surprised, particularly people in Hollywood who know Lieberman's history," she added. "Lieberman has always been very, very outspoken about cracking down on sex and violence in the entertainment industry."

From the NYTimes.com: Aghast at the image that the fund-raiser at Hugh Hefner's house would project, no matter how stodgy the actual party, Mr. Gore's campaign and Democratic leaders have tried for weeks to persuade Ms. Sanchez to move the event.

Republicans pointed out on Thursday that Democrats have accepted more than $104,000 in contributions since 1992 from the Hefners. "Al Gore's campaign team suggests they're embarrassed by the idea of having a Democrat fund-raising event held at the Playboy mansion," said Jim Nicholson, the chairman of the Republican National Committee. "They may not like talking about it, but they sure do enjoy that Playboy money."

Luke: Pornographers (such as Toshi Gold of Astral Ocean, Steve Hirsch of Vivid Video) are huge donors to the Democratic Party. Porners know that the Democrats are much better for them than the Republicans.

Torn Between Two Lovers, Feeling Like A Fool

I'm torn between two lovers, feeling like a fool. Loving both of them (Netpond and Netsurprise, two leading webmaster resource centers) is breaking all the rules.

At 12:05 PM, I got a phone call from Sykk Boy and Anthony at Netpond.

Anthony, Netpond's Chief Operating Officer (COO): "Luke, we saw on Adultnetsurprise.com that you're going to be doing a radio show Tuesday nights with Dokk. You can't do a show for both of us. You'll have to choose.

"You'll notice that they don't spam or promote on our boards because we told them that we don't want it on our boards."

Anthony: "Luke, this goes way back. Don't you remember getting an email from me about Kaiser and all that bulls---?"

Luke: "I never got it."

Anthony: "Well, I sent you one detailed how we got f---ed over. Do you know the full story about Netsurprise and Netpond?"

Luke: "No."

Anthony: "FM came to Nick@Ilynx and said he wanted 49% of Netpond for f--- all. For a war chest to play against YNOT, because SexTracker just took YNOT over."

Luke: I wasn't aware of the intensity of the feelings between Netpond and Netsurprise. That I had agreed to do a show for Netsurprise on Tuesday nights came across as a supreme act of disloyalty to my friends at Netpond, who'd taken a chance on me two months ago and given me my first internet radio show. Though my dealings with the people at Netpond have always been positive and cordial, when forced to choose between the two sides, I had to go with Ron Levi and Netsurprise as I have a 30-month relationship with him. But What Would Jesus Do?

Jesus writes on Netpond: Luke, You're a bigger whore than the porn chicks your loins ache for. You can't have a show on every webbastard radio station. Netpond was first to give you a shot. Alll these webbastard places are compettors. Dance with the girl who brung ya Luke. But if somebody offers you money or a box of Slim Jims go there. Which would make you a whore all over again.

Luke, I am glad that you have sought my counsel after so many years even though I see the smirky face when you utter my name. Why Luke have you forsaken me for the Jews? A summer home in the Hamptons perhaps is your ultimate goal? Tickets to Streisand's Farewell Concert? Free Laser K surgery? Tori Spelling? Winon Ryder? Shoshana Lonstein? The need to be universally reviled to reinforce your feelings of superiority? WHAT IS IT LUKE? YOU OWE ME THAT.

Luke replies on Netpond: Dear Jesus: I'm sorry if I have come across insensitively or disrespectfully.

I want to thank the good people at Netpond who gave me a chance (especially when so many of their peers would not give me the time of day).

I'm just home from my 90-minute therapy session and I feel like I am making a lot of progress with my Narcissistic Personality Disorder. The problem is I have no sense of self, and I totally rely on getting feedback (narcissistic supply) from others to tell me who I am. This leads me to do rather bizarre things, like post about "Torn between two lovers..."

I want to thank Nick, Sykk and Anthony and others at Netpond who gave me a chance. Thank you guys for putting up with my outrageous posts with such good humor. Thank you for your many corrections and additional insights.

If forced to choose, I have to go with a guy I've had a 30-month relationship with. I know FM [Ron Levi] can come across as short and self-sufficient but there really is a tender warm heart beneath the Jewish shell.

I converted to Judaism in 1992 because I wanted to take part in the Jews world transforming mission to bring the world to ethical monotheism - one God, one moral standard for all humanity.

My dad is a Christian evangelist with 2 PhDs in religion. I am the typically rebellious preachers kid.

I've been thrown out of places all my life - from synagogues to churches to schools to jobs...so please know that you are in good company. Shalom.

KB writes to Jesus: Y ou forgot the real reasons: Bagels and Lox on Sunday mornings at Jerry's Deli, circumscision (porn stars love clipped cocks), Jewish guilt ( the best thing for a person who's already neurotic, and most of all the number one reason.....Jewish girls give greta head. Jesus, Forgive Luke F-rd for his sins....he's just another brother looking to get some.....

Amy from Amylinks.com writes on Netpond: Luke F-rd: If you have to choose which webmaster resource page to do a radio show for, please choose Netsurprise since I don't really visit them very often. I would like your hypocritical bigoted cowardly biased poop as far away from me as possible. I hope that makes your decision easier.

Jesus: Luke's loins may ache for those tired used up porn stars, but the reason he's so frustrated is that even THEY have standards, and he's about a mile below them!

Luv ya gang! (except you Luke F-rd, you are a squashed bug on the windshield of life)

Luke: I emailed Amy to see if I could interview her. She replied: "No. I don't like you, I don't want to contribute to anything that benefits you, and I'd rather just not have anything to do with you. You were the one that showed bigoted intolerance in making disparaging remarks about me and my ancestory for no other reason than to show what a spiteful hate filled asshole you can be. That combined with your obvious biases against the very industry that you are reporting on, and the fact that you think its okey to publish anonymous rantings from vengeful wierdos without doing the least bit of fact checking or requiring one shred of evidence is enough to say NO NO NO! It scares me that I'm even in the same area code as you. I knew LA was going to get too small one of these days."

Luke: What bigoted remarks did I make?

Amy: "I don't remember the exact words, only that in a chatroom some time ago you made some comments about Asian women that I found to be extremely disturbing, hateful and intolerant. Of course, that was but one incident, the fact that I find many of your comments, contradictions, and hypocritical statements to make you go lower and lower everytime I hear from you makes me want to have nothing to do with you. You seem to make yourself part of whatever group or whoever you have pissed off most recently as if that is supposed to make your comments acceptable. Anyway, I still don't like you, so my answer is still no no no. Amy P.S. A lot of people seem to feel totally f---ed over by you anyway, seems like you may have a habit of doing that."

XXX (a source close to Netpond): "Nick refused FM's [Ron Levi] offer because it would've taken a majority vote away from him. So then FM opened up Netsurprise and took with him Kaiser, who at the time was the Chief Operating Officer of Netpond. Kaiser started talking to the other employees at Netpond about moving to Netsurprise. The day that Kaiser and company (Kheh, John Hilton) left to go to Netsurprise, the whole staff was supposed to go with Kaiser to Ron Levi's operation. But Anthony had quit Kaiser because he couldn't get along with him.

"Everybody, including Rowdy and Jack, were supposed to leave Netpond high and dry. It was a power play. Ron Levi made an approach to everyone at Netpond, offering to double their salary, but only two of them left. John Hilton was a blow. He does beautiful art work. Kaiser did not collect invoices for advertising for six months at Netpond. We had to infuse money every month from the parent company Whitaker.

"When Anthony took over a COO, Netpond was in arrears over $250,000. Because no one got invoiced.

"Netpond is the number one resource center. Netsurprise is not even a close 12th."

Luke: "I read Netpond regularly and that's about it."

XXX: "Nobody reads Netsurprise. It is the same ten people, all Netsurprise employees, who talk to each other. Netpond has the webmaster traffic. It allows free expression. But it can't do anything that coincides with Netsurprise and Albumside etc... There's very bad blood between the two... Though on the last auction to raise money to help kids, the Netponders put the bad blood aside to go on Albumside and raise money for a good cause. Netpond gave away a $60,000 package.

"Luke, you can't attack Netpond's business and the way Netponders feed their families, then there's a big problem.

"When Ron Levi first opened up Netsurprise, it was a carbon copy of Netpond, down to the third level domain names. Then he slowly changed it around so it doesn't look anything like Netpond."

Luke: "Does Ron Levi own it in conjunction with Joe Elkind?"

XXX: "Yeah, in exchange for some undisclosed sum."

Luke: "Didn't Joe stiff Netpond for advertising?"

XXX: "Yeah, but Netpond got around it and Joe is once again advertising on Netpond."

Commando writes on Netpond: l-keford you really need to get a life or a real job... the internet is a big forum, you havent a clue to the reputations that your toying with or slandering Just some freindly advice watch your back mate...

YYY webmaster: "Go with Ron Levi, Luke. You'll get a bigger webmaster audience. You will get the power players. They have a much better technical operation. It is high end. And DOKK is the best person with this stuff. He's the best techie and a sharp nice guy. He has all the webmasters attention. Him and Ron together are a great team.

"This is the time for you to step up and get in front of the audience you've always wanted to get in front of... You'll have a ball with the radio show and stop covering the video porn business altogether you'll become so enthralled with the internet. It's fascinating. The more you get into it. As you get to know all the personalities. When you go to the next trade show, and you meet many of your sources, you will say wow. This 21-year old kid makes $10 million a year? If DOKK offers you a show, you have to take that.

"Netpond technology sucks. And their webmaster base is mainly newbies who don't know what's up. Whereas Dokk and Ron are successful and attract successful people...

"The problem is that Netpond and Ron Levi and JoeE hate each other so you'll have to choose... They're direct competitors."

Shawn, a source close to Netpond: "There is no rivalry between Netsurprise and Netpond. Netsurprise does not compete... If there is a rivalry, it is Netpond against itself, trying to make Netpond2 (Anthony) better than Netpond1, when Kaiser ran it.

"If you go to Netsurprise, you'll immediately lose half your audience. FM (Ron Levi) now has a board that he has to pump garbage traffic into to get his figures up. Their sponsors will tell you that they get no clicks from AdultNetsurprise.com. Go read their board. Every person posting there is a member of the staff. They're paid to post. There's nobody there. It's a ghosttown.

"If you get Fantasy Man stoned enough and get him off the record, he'll say, f---, I wish I hadn't started it. Nick, Netpond owner, has pissed off fewer people than FM has.

"You [Luke] want to have one leg in each camp, with your dick dangling in the water. It won't work."

Nick@Ilynx (Johnathan Albert Allaby) owns Netpond.

Nick: "There is no such thing as the Australian Mafia."

Luke: "Who is this Prophet8 guy?"

Nick: "Hang on..."

Prophet8: "Hey man, how are you doing?"

Luke: "Were you a member of the Australian Porn Mafia?"

Nick: "There's no such thing."

XXX: "There is no such thing as the Australian Porn Mafia. That s--- came from a write up in the Brisbane Courier Mail newspaper. Phillips and Lasrado are just businessmen who might have dinner with each other a couple of times a year. They're not up to anything, they're just doing business. Prophet8 used to work for Scott Phillips years ago."

Luke: "Prophet8, do you have respect for the way Phillips and Lasrado operate?"

Prophet8: "I'm not aware of the way they do their operation. I don't work with them or for them."

XXX: "The Australian guys [Phillips and Lasrado...] are friends of mine. I've seen lots of s--- posted. That article of yours is s---. They do honest business."

Luke: "They seem unpopular with some of the content providers. Many of them, at least in the past, viewed Lasrado and Phillips as thieves."

XXX: "For God's sake, everybody is unpopular with somebody. I saw Greg Lasrado at last year's IA2000, walking around with his badge turned the wrong way around, buying content from every single CD provider. He had to go down to Circuit City and buy a 40-pack CD holder thing, because he couldn't carry around all the CDs [of content he honestly bought], in his suitcase.

"You're talking about guys who've made lots of money in a very competitive business. Trust me, they're going to piss somebody off. And it's a gutless of way of doing it. They come tell you stuff anonymously and you will publish it. Let's get religious here. That's not right."

YYY: "People are just pissed because Australia is a small country and a large proportion of the people making money on the adult web are in Australia. If FM and JoeE lived in Uruguay, folks would talk about the Uruguay Mafia. Scott Phillips has never harmed anybody. He buys content, he puts up a site and he buys traffic."

Luke: "Thirty months ago, I used to send traffic to PinkBits. They paid me honestly and on time."

YYY: "Just because they're in Australia and not around on US business hours..."

XXX: "Luke, you've written stories saying that JoeE is this and that, and then two weeks later, you say JoeE's a wonderful person. You've done the same with FM. Go to a webmaster's conference and throw a stick and you're either going to get somebody who loves FM or hates him. And it is the same with everybody. We're in a competitive business."

Nick: "I've dealt with the Aussies for three years and I have found them totally and unequivocably 100% above board in their business dealings."

Luke: "It was only after all this stuff hit the boards and embarrassed Lasrado, that content providers like Sweet Entertainment got paid for content that had been stolen by Lasrado and co, say my sources."

Nick: "I don't know anything about that."

Prophet8: "I've worked for Phillips. He would not steal content because it is not in his business interest. He makes enough money to pay for content and not risk lawsuits from a guy he supposedly stole it off. It's not logical."

XXX: "In Las Vegas, I saw Scott Phillips, with his badge turned the other way, while he's licensing content..."

Luke: "Why would he turn his badge the other way unless it's because he has a bad reputation?"

XXX: "If I turned my badge around, so that people could see it, I'd have every newbie and his brother bothering me."

YYY: "These Aussies are not American. They're not into swinging their big dick around. They're not thinking they're so cool because they're picture is on top of PCDataonline.com. They just do business. They don't need to run $200,000 parties to get business. They're not Americans. They're not interested in the American way of throwing around money. You should understand that. You're an Australian."

Luke: "What about that webjacking stuff from 18 months ago? Lasrado owned those sites that did that. That webjacking seems heinous."

YYY: "The US government looked into it and cleared him. If he had any involvement in that at all, he would've had his head cut off."

Luke: "I don't think they cleared him. They chose not to press charges because there aren't laws to deal with this."

Nickatilynx writes on Netpond 1/22/00: Have had calls with FM today and previously. He wanted 49% of Netpond in return for him bringing his webmasterarea,ideas and potential warchest.(No cash)

After discussions and council with Kaiser (unable to reach meat) I decided that although he brings lots of good things,he brings just as many bad things.For every door he would open,one would close.

todays call in part over Dokk I expressed to him that 49% is a lot. He accepted my decision but informed me that he would be pulling alladvertising and no longer buying clicks from the click program. I already have a customer to replace him on the click program....me.:)

The board is upsetting some people...a lot of people... however if we change it we become no different to YNOT,TN etc etc. We stay as we are. If anyone thinks my judgement is wrong,you must consider your ownposition. Things are not going to be easy for a while of that there is nodoubt. Nickatilynx

Ron Levi aka FM responds: Sat Jan 22 19:38:20 2000 - - message #1624

Wanted to post a reply to this because I don't think Nick stated the deal quite how I explained it to him. So here goes......

I spoke to Nick about Netpond. I inquired as to who actually owns Netpond so I could potentially make a deal with them. He went on to tell me that in the final outcome Nick, Meatman and Kaiser would own 100% initially. Then of that 100% the three folks involved would dilute to owning 70% and that the other 30% would distributed to the other Netpond officials. Thatall sounded fine to me.

I then asked him what 'hot ideas' Netpond had for the next two months that he felt would be 'earth shattering'. He replied that he honestly didn't have any. I then told him that I have tons of fresh ideas that I'm about to implement with our new Webmaster Communityhttp://netsurprise.comand further that I would be interested in having Netpond and Netsurprise merge, thus Netpond would benefit from our fresh ideas and that I would also supply and inexhaustable 'WarChest' [$$CASH] to implement all of these money making ideas.

To do this I suggested that Netpond and Netsurprise could merge. Netpond would represent 51% and Netsurprise would represent 49%, we would be taking the minority interest and give Netpond the control by having 51%. It would also recieve whatever cash it needed to fund money making promotions.

Nick viewed this as having no value because I wasn't offering him a direct payment or large chunk of money. In doing my due diligence I found that in fact Meatman has not recieved any of the monies due him from Nick for over 6 months. I further found that no ownership had been conveyed to Kaiser and he had only been paid for his monthly salary. For this reason I tried to structure the deal so all involved would be sure to recieve their value.

Upon discussing this further with Nick he just said he was not interested. My personal feeling is that Nick is taking all revenues from Netpond at this point, paying the monthly salaries to all involved and keeping the rest. This does not bode well for the future of Netpond.

Also, I have been underwriting Netpond Clicks since December 6th when I found out that Nick was about to close the program. The traffic generated fron this program converts at 1:2801, it was 602,328 raw hits generating only 215 sign ups in our follow me program. Since I had to guarantee $.05 per hit the program has cost me $140.05 per sign up since day one. I could have terminated this immediately but I had an idea on how to improve this.

When I spoke about this to Nick he said he really didn't care if I kept Netpond Clicks in my program or not, that he had other folks interested in buying this traffic.

After listening to his cavalier attitude I then told him I would stop paying for this traffic at the end of the month. Also, with watching what is happening on the boards lately I see very little business being conducted and a bunch of pissing going on. So I also told him that I was going to pull my advertising at the same time because I felt that all the folks who work hard at Netpond aren't getting their true value and that it is only a matter of time before Nick causes the demise of Netpond.

I have been a staunch supportedrof Netpond for quite a while now and feel that Nick is a runaway freight train and that in the end all involved will be ripped off by him. I hope this answers some of the questions I keep getting in emails from some of the Netpond Officials.

Luke: I understand that Meatman, a partner with Nickatilynx in Netpond according to Ron Levi, has filed suit against Nick and Netpond.

I talked to Ron Levi Friday afternoon.

Ron: "We've always taken the high ground with these people. We've never done any sour grapes against them. Anthony [the new COO of Netpond] has done a character assasination over and over again against Kaiser who's never rebutted him.

"Did I tell you Luke to make a choice between the two? No, it was fine with me for you to do both. They do that with everybody. Everybody at Netpond understands that if they come over to Netsurprise, they're done with Netpond."

Plot vs Slot

Zwergim writes on RAME: I enjoyed the gonzo vs. plot debate but it mostly seemed to miss the obvious "the medium is the message" point. The plotted films started at a time when most porn was seen in theaters. It made sense to have lots of plot when people had to sit through the whole film to see the sex scenes. Now that most people watch porn on videos, they can watch as much as they need and then go do something else.

A porn video as a whole doesn't need a plot, but each scene needs to have a plot to be really hot. John Stagliano, the master of the video era understands this. Look at the opening scenes of_Buttman's Inferno_ for the ultimate in gonzo plot development. I have never seen a porn plot that is up to tv movie of the week standards. Without the sex, who but a few vocal posters and Jim Holliday would watch any of these films. Well maybe as camp with a group at a party that feels superior to the material, but that hardly adds up to a commercial market. Those few films like _Cafe Flesh_ where the plot is better than the sex are usually not that hot.

Looking back at the films of the "golden age" I feel that the sex scenes are often too short and that even if there is an elegant and beautiful actress, the director doesn't show her in a wide enough range of acts and positions. The poster who cited Marilyn Chambers' classic pool table scene made me think that the social details he cites came out in the course of the scene. Even though I saw it in _ Insatiable 2_ where it was presumably cut from the original _Insatiable_, I don't think I missed anything by not having the surrounding non sex scenes.

Delaney Daniels Moves To Search Extreme

Search Extreme (http://www.searchextreme.com) is pleased to announce the addition of Delaney Daniels as the site's new Vice President of Marketing and Public Relations. A veteran of the adult film industry, both in front of and behind the camera, Ms. Daniels has extensive experience in Internet-based and traditional adult marketing, and will be at the helm of Search Extreme's aggressive marketing and promotional campaigns.

Luke: Delaney Daniels, a regular on PornStarTrading.com who lives in Hawaii, is no longer with my sponsor, XXXIsle.com.

Talking Blue Talks To Julia Ann

Luke: About two months ago, I reported on Julia Ann's retirement from hardcore. Here's an interview from Talking Blue:

While covering her dance performance at the new Spearmint Rhino club in downtown Los Angeles, Julia leans over to whisper into our ears and give Talking Blue the scoop:

Julia Ann: Have I got a scoop for you guys.
Talking Blue: What are you talking about?
JA: I have quit adult.
TB: What’s that? I think I heard what you said but it’s kinda loud in here.
JA: I HAVE QUIT ADULT! Everything, no more.
TB: You're kidding?
JA: No, I can’t do it anymore. I can’t keep lying to everyone and to myself.
TB: (We) thought you "quit" like two times before and then made comebacks.
JA: Isn’t that a hint! I have to stop doing this stuff. I won’t be doing any more "comebacks". Not this time. I really can’t keep having sex with people I don’t love. I really do believe in one love and having sex with just that one person. You don’t know how much I hated what I was doing. My Catholic upbringing has finally taken control of me, and I’m glad.
TB: What are you going to do now?
JA: I’m still going to dance and meet my fans, and I am working full time on my website, which by the way, in July, it will become a soft-core site, no more hard-core at all! (www.julia-ann.com) It will be like all of the Playboy-type girls sites, with sexy photos and dance footage that I’m going to stream with footage I shot with my girlfriends like Juli Ashton.
TB: How about Adult Expo in July. Will we see you there at least signing for the last time?
JA: No, I’m not going. Just have to see me at the clubs dancing. I’ll still be on TV though, doing Playboy’s Naughty Amateur Home Videos.
TB: We're gonna miss you. Take care.
JA: You too.

Naughtia Childs Not In Jail

Porn star Naughtia Childs phoned: "The other day I was talking to Jim Lane and he said, I thought you were in jail for a couple of years. He thought I was a big drug dealer. But it is not true. I've just been working...Not in jail.

"I've got an office in Hollywood and I am building an entertainment information website. You can email me Naughty_media@yahoo.com.

"It will be a site with a calendar of events, club information..."

Luke Gets Mail

Rumdar writes: Luke, I fear for your well being should you continue writing about the Australian Porn Mafia. No threat from them mind you, but from loyal bored readers. When I think Mafia, my mind conjures up Al Capone, Don Corleone or John Gotti, not Crocodile Dundee. Mafia! Aussies! ........

Come on Luke, Australia to Americans is kangaroos, deserts, tennis and drunken rugby players. No Mafia. No Porno......

You have been in a slump since Miss Peppy worked you over. Get busy goddamnit! Find a new girlfriend or at the very least get off your ass, get out there and find some smut to report on. Flying Crocodile, Cybererotica, and this guy Ron Levi whose ass you are always kissing in print are putting us to sleep. We either want details of your dating life or some juicy filth. The column is so boring I for one am considering a switch to Dr. Laura. Get busy buddy.

A good friend of mine Peter Stolz who runs the 900 psychic lines with his cousin Steve had dinner with Ron Levi. Said he liked him and Ron appeared to be a straight shooter. I think they were considering doing some business together..

Behind The Scenes

Jamie writes on RAME: Why aren't there MORE behind the scenes videos out there. Why don't distributors package up all the behind the scenes stuff and make a bunch of tapes! I know I would buy them if I saw them. The reason why Luke F-rd and Gene Ross are even still around is because regular Joes want to know what the pornstars are like in real life! Why aren't porn makers cashing in on this stuff! Anyways, according to that survey thing, there were like 12,000 tapes released this year, what's a couple more!

Oz: And you'd think with all the behind-the-scene-stuff the mainstream studios are packing on their DVD's the porn studios could follow suit...gotta jump in on this thread as I am also an aspiring filmmaker studying up in NY, and the latest (My 6th, FYI) script is on the porn industry...semi-fictional, with a LOT of creative embelishment, I like to consider it a "Boogie Nights" for the 90's era of porn...I was just going to start out and make it about the industry based on what I found, positive OR negative, and sadly, a LOT of it is negative...I got onto this mailing list and watched the blooper tapes and started going to sites like Luke's to try and get and idea of what the industry is like and have indeed found a truly fascinating and complex part of our society....however, the defining moments always do seem to be tragic ones...a lot of the key moments in my script are based on major events in porn of the last decade, ie-Savannah's death, Marc Wallice, etc....it's still very much a work in progress, mainly because there are SO many people in the porn world and I can only fit so many in a two-three hour film...anyway, just wanted to toss out a post to Ricardo and wish him luck on his research!

Steve Neece writes: Re. Leslie Glass.By all accounts a kind ,caring and extremely courageous person.I will have to imagine she touched countless people(and animals)in ways they will forever cherish.From those at PETA to those who saw her on video.Luke,you speak of porn destroying relationships.Did it destroy her relationship with her husband and onscreen lover?Do you doubt that those vids enriched the love lives of countless couples?It will be interesting to see the range of people at her funeral.Publishers,sports celebs,adult industry,animal rights activists and perhaps just plain fans.I hope some of her wealthier friends will see fit to take care of her staggering medical bills.If there is a lesson to be learned from this it is NEVER BE WITHOUT MEDICAL INSURANCE!!!!NO matter how young & healthy you think you are. As to Larry's post:he may be right.If true,itdoesn't say much for the industry.I get the feeling that Larry begrudges any sympathy shown to the memory of Leslie Glass.If this is true I say this to you,Larry:I hope nobody wastes sympathy or tears at your demise.Truly nothing would become your life more than the leaving of it.

Re. Kendra Jade;I have watched you grow as a person on this website.The questions you asked deserve an answer and I hope you find it.That you still get crushes and do other silly things just proves that your spirit is still intact.Be thankful.I wish i had the answers to all your questions but unfortunately...I will say this tho;You have more going for you than you think and ditch the idea that you can only attract losers.Yes,there would be people who loved you if you weighed 200 pounds & drove a wreck & lived in a shack.Point is,would you let them.Would you reject them as dishonest because you felt noone would be capable of loving you?You have become a thoughtful ,caring person and never settle for anyone who is not.You definitely need to keep contact with NJG and Lynne L-patin. Ogman,you are a pathetic wart on the asshole of humanity.

P.S.Kendra Jade;if you wish to have a family,seek the advice of those in the industry that have done so successfully such as Veronica Hart/Jane Hamilton. Re.Keri Windsor:go for it if you wish.You seem to have strong marriage.Most lifestylers do.Brooke is being ridiculous.Don't know if you have offspring but if you do as long as you practice what you preach to them everything should be o.k.If you tell your children that sex should be a loving ,positive joyous thing make sure that what you do onscreen DOES NOT contradict this!You can't expect to have them believe a positive sex message from you if you are Max Hardcore's favorite 'cocksocket'."Right on!!" to Michael Raven.

As for Mario:why do you bother to exist? Heather Barron may be one of the most brilliant thinkers to ever enter the industry.Plus she has a delightful take on life and a great sense of humor.She may be the Annie Sprinkle of the 21st century. Lynne,keep on growing.Love to have you send a pic to luke of your new,ripped and ready physique.Keep on and you will soon be able to bury Gene Ross in a workout.

To Jenna.Never doubt your intelligence and self worth.You've had a great career so far and it should only get better.And yes,you can act when given the chance.Those in doubt should check out "Flashpoint". Luke,are you going to be at the car wash or at Rayne's curveball event this weekend?I guess you don't want to report anything positive?Do you consider yourself to be morally superior to Rayne or the late Leslie Glass?I dare you to answer and if your anwer is "yes" to give reasons why.

Witrack writes: Dear Lukey, When the heckedy heck are ya gonna add a Cheyenne Silver bio to your list of porn stars on yer website? How in the heck do ya make moolah off this site anyway? I don't see how you can do it. We'd all like to know I'm sure. And keep up with the Naughtia Childs info dude! She is fast becoming one of my fave rave porn stars. Check out the Lewinsky she gives Lex Steele while blindfolded in Anabolic's 'Initiations #1'! It's a laff riot! And why the heck is such a blatant liberal democrat like yer buddy Chaim such a dyed in the blue bigot? This guy wants Hillary (Billary) Clinton to be his senator? I figured he'd behind Lazio. Doesn't Chaim realize the great Rudy Guliani (or however the f ya spell it) a fiscal conservative and pro-choice REPUBLICAN save the bloody city of Manhattan in just EIGHT SHORT YEARS?! This hard assed GOP'er cleaned up a city (the so called most liberal city in the world) in less than a decade that the liberals couldn't clean up forty lifetimes! ! !

The Socialist Left is truly dead. The future belongs to fiscal, tough on crime conservatives and social liberals and/or moderates. Even dopes like Rosie '300 Pound Lesbian' O'Donnell and Rudy G. hater admitted once in one of her on air tirades against Rudy that she had to admit he did 'clean up New York and make it better.' Take that you commie libs!

Evilstein: Hey Witrack if the "great Rudy Guliani" had his way and shut down the strip clubs and other porn type shops you wouldn't be able to get your Cheyenne Silver stuff that you like to jack off to I bet.How would you like that dude?No more porno!Sounds like you support commie Stalinist tactics in "cleaning things up" you silly fool.Why don't you leave the country and go visit Fidel Castro on a permenent basis??

Witrack: Hey Evilstein, Cool yer jets buddy. Rudy G. (the GREAT mayor of the newly cleaned up New York City) closed down the porno joints in Times Square and enforced regulations that porn shops and strip clubs can't be near residences and schools, churches, etc. Which is a good thing! Times Square is much better now than it was a few years ago when it was nothing but crack dealers and prostitues. I like a strip joint as much as the next cat but not near a school, church or residential neighborhood buddy! I do feel bad for Howard Stern and his buddies though since they had to redesign the great 'Scores' strip club so they could stay open. They had to make it only half a strip club or somethin'! But even Howard still thinks Rudy is a great mayor. And buddy about yer comments about me liking to jack off to Cheyenne Silver porno...remember what the great jewish filmmaker Woody Allen once said in 'Annie Hall'..."Hey, don't knock masturbation! It's sex with someone I love!" Bye bye Miss American Pie!

Monkeying Around

Johnathan Silverstein, the Cybererotica president, writes: I gotta say, this "Monkey" is actually pretty friggin' funny! It's amazing to me that my career over the past 3 ½ years has impacted the life of this jack-off in such a manner -- that he has to write YOU about it! Validity of his charges, huh? I must categorically deny any allegations of ball licking!!! ABSOLUTELY FALSE.I lick NO balls!!! However, it is POSITIVELY TRUE that I am one bald muther-F'er!!! BTW - I thought that it was impossible for me to get caught up in some 3rd grade name calling BS at this stage of my life - but thanks to Daimond Jim's post, I can't help myself on this one.. Monkey - Ya momma!!! ROTFLMAO JonathanCE aka J$tyles aka Bald Ball Licker???

Joe Elkind writes about the Monkey charges: Not worth answering Luke.

XXX webmaster: "I don't know who this Monkey guy is but he is brilliant. He hit the f---ing nail on the head. It has to be somebody who knows what they're talking about.

"I loved the Johnathan Silverstein part. That was so funny. Johnathan has always pimped... He pimps people and he pimps himself. He's always been in other people's shadow. He was Seth Warshavsky's shadow at IEG and now he's Ron Levi's shadow at VMI (Voice Media Inc). Johnathan lives his life in the shadows, that's why they call him a ball licker. He's not his own guy. He doesn't have his own product. He's always had to be somebody else's spokesperson.

"And that JoeE thing about the True Celeb stuff is all true. Whoever that Monkey guy is a guy who knows what is going on, and has a barbed tongue, saying stuff that we think but would never say.

"I know that a lot of industry people looked at that and laughed their asses off.

"Silverstein got the nickname J$Styles because he is a fashion plate. He's always matching with his Adidas and earrings. He's a NY guy."

Brandy Alexandre: Why are all the hyper-feminist bitches called Gloria? Gloria Leonard, Gloria Allred and Gloria Steinem.

MrMarcus.com Highlights

Globetrotter writes: The best place in Brasil for brothas is the big city of Sao Paulo. Also, try Porto Alegre, Belo Horizonte, Porto Seguro and Fortaleza. By the way...in Belo Horizonte the ratio of women to men is about 10 to 1--I'm not bulls---tin'!

Mr Marcus: I'd take the Casting Couch there and shoot a whole movie if I get the right connections. Any info on that? for me I'd neva come back. If the ratio is 10-1 then why would I? Email me direct and let me know.

Jake's Brazil Trip...in number 19 he goes to Brazil. He gives me great reason's to make the trip. I need to import those women over here.

Jenna Jameson writes: Your not my dad! But thanx for defending me....

On 8/10/100 06:23 Jenna's Dad wrote: > This site is not for slamming Jenna Jameson! It is for praising the man, Mr. Marcus! If you feel the need to rag on a porn starlet then go ahead and thrash on Bianca Trump. That sow deserves it <

Porner: Hello there, buddy! How have you been? Haven't heard from you in a coon's age.
Porner: I've been catching up with your site lately and you seem to have taken a new direction since your trip overseas.
Porner: Guess companionship whoas have taken their toll on you, eh?
Luzdedos1: cool what is the new direction that you detect in my site?
Porner: Your site seems like it is all over the place these days. Not as focused as it once was.
Luzdedos1: yes, it's been an emotionally turbulent time for me
Porner: I think John Bone had some very good points, I regret to say.
Luzdedos1: thing is, adult webmasters are not as interesting, but they have more money...
Porner: Even at the cost of your readership and following, though?
Luzdedos1: my hits are about as high as ever though

Porner: I mean all the rest of us, we really are a dime a dozen: us, Gene, Meni, Stunning Curves, etc.
Porner: You have stood out as this odd personality/celebrity. With break out potential.
Porner: Your site reflected that part of your personality that really set you apart.
Porner: The fact that you almost embraced your "asshole-ness" and didn't make excuses for it.
Luzdedos1: i hope i still have that breakout potential, i am physically and overall in the best shape i've been in, so i will be coming back strong, but i have lost many porn sources
Porner: Even I find myself repelled and fascinated by that part of you. Sometimes at the same time.
Luzdedos1: i feel similarly about myself, i am very troubled by some things i've written and done
Porner: That is good, but I think that you could be even bigger than that and beyond just the Internet.
Porner: Like I said before, you are an oddly compelling character with some real potential beyond being a porn reporter. Porner: As much as I would seethe with professional jealousy, I would love to one day watch some mainstream Luke F-rd show where you did your Don Quixote act on some mainstream figures. Piss off the rest of the world like you do the porn world.
Porner: Just don't get too mired down in the mud of this industry. It could be the one thing that holds you back. Well, that and your self-destructive attitudes.
Luzdedos1: yes, it sucks the life out of me at times etc

Luzdedos1: if I don't move to israel, i will really try to breakthrough to mainstream
Porner: Move to Israel? You can't really be serious.
Porner: Too many high strung people in the Middle East. You would end up being a bullet catcher in no time at all.
Porner: And not necessarily by some pissed off Arab, either. Eventually you would piss off one of The Tribe and bring down their holy wrath, too!
Porner: As much as you decry porners and their hiding behind the First Ammendment, someone like you needs that same sort of protection of free speach.
Porner: Hell, as limitless as the 1st Ammendment seems to stretch, I sometimes see you as the guy that would have to push the button and yell "fire" in a crowded movie theater.
Porner: You are definitely a product of the "Free World", whether you like it or not.
Porner: Someplace as stifling as the Middle East would just push you to cause even more trouble than you already do, my friend.
Luzdedos1: yes, most of the demons i battle with are not in porn, but in my own soul with awning gaping chasms, my haunting sense of insecurity, my lashing out at others because i feel so unworthy, the huge need for attention
Porner: I know that personal demons are not something others can usually grasp, but I don't really see why you still are that way, you know.
Porner: I am familiar with your past and your family history and so on, but I am kind of surprised that you haven't put more of that behind you.
Luzdedos1: childhood stuff, which is as strong with me now as in 2nd grade
Porner: I think the fact that you have had such success and a tremendous impact with something as frivolous as a porn news site, speaks volumes about the fact that you are one of those people that can succeed, no matter what.
Porner: Yeah, but we all deal with that. But you can't go through life looking backwards all the time. Eventually you have to turn around and face the future. Unless you really are insistent on being a martyr all the time.
Luzdedos1: i don't look backwards, i think very little about my childhood, but when i get in very emotional or insecure states, i find myself reacting with the same tendencies that i had at age seven
Luzdedos1: the point is that emotionally i am still the four year old who's shopped around different homes and highly insecure and afraid of rejectin but needy for attention
Luzdedos1: i am still in that paradigm, whether i look back at my childhood or not, i don't care about that past stuff now, but it still shapes my instincts
Porner: Unfortunately, to get over that sort of thing takes many, constant Leaps of Faith.
Luzdedos1: yes, and years of therapy
Porner: Not to mention, realizing that you have these tendencies to try and break things down too much.
Luzdedos1: yes, analysis paralysis
Porner: You have a lot more going for you than most guys when it comes to meeting someone. You have your appearance, your personality, your convictions, etc. It should be rather simple for you. And yet, you seem to want to find someone then "torture" them with what you do, your extreme views and absolute ways. All of this by the second date.

Luzdedos1: i come across as very intense
Porner: Now come on, even you can see that that sort of thing ain't gonna fly.
Porner: But other times, not so.
Porner: I think that was why I learned to like and respect you.
Porner: Because you aren't always that intense as one would expect.
Porner: You completely caught me off guard when I met you at that AVN Awards show.
Porner: I expected this intense, confrontational guy with a major attitude/ego and you weren't.
Porner: You were very polite and friendly and completely defused the situation by being charming and conversational. Luzdedos1: i can go either way with my personality
Porner: As you will recall, at first I wouldn't shake your hand when you extended it.
Porner: And when I didn't, you didn't seem to let it bother you. I thought that was a nice touch. Anyone else in the biz would have been very hostile towards me after that. Just that way about you made it very difficult for me to keep hating you.
Luzdedos1: i'm somewhat used to people not willing to shake my hand

Porner: And when people ask me about you, I have to tell them that I am frequently split on Luke F-rd the person and Luke F-rd the columnist. To me, they are two different people.
Luzdedos1: i publish many things that i would not say
Porner: I could easily be friends and hang out with Luke F-rd the person. Without any fear that LF the person would rip me apart later. Porner: LF the publisher, on the other hand, well, I don't know if I feel as secure around him.
Luzdedos1: i rarely rip people apart but let others do it on my site
Porner: To me, allowing it is being party to it.
Porner: Because you know that you are putting it out there to get a strong reaction and possibly escalate it.
Porner: And that intent is often much worse than someone making some dumb opinion and sending it in to you. We all know you. We know that you have the sense to know better. The person writing in, we don't know that person. They could be a functioning retard with access to a computer. In many cases, I think they are.
Porner: But you are smart enough to know what it is that they are sending you and you will use it to "stoke the fires", as it were. Luzdedos1: i find that it often elicits truths and insights
Porner: I mean, racist manifestos are nothing new. The net is rife with it. And yes, shining a light on it can often have positive effects. But very often it seems that that is not your intent when you run such things.
Porner: Truths and insights? You are starting to sound like the people that defend porn, claiming that it is absolutely a good thing and enhances sexual relations for consenting couples.
Luzdedos1: yes, but it is as funny as hell.