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Tuesday, July 4th, 2000

A Page From Luke's Travel Journal

Dear Diary, I had so dearly hoped that the holiness of my biblical surroundings coupled with the purity of my fellow Jewish pilgrims would help wash the foul stench of pornography off of me. Instead the opposite seems to have occurred. The filthy decadence of my illicit occupation seems to have contaminated my Jewish singles group with wanton lust. Last night I stumbled into the women's Talmudic study group by accident and this is what I found. I nearly turned into a pillar of salt! After that I dared not venture into the men's Bible discussion group and so I went to bed early.

ps I still have not scored with any of these fine Jewesses. I resolve to give it one more week and then I shall start hitting on all the foxy Palestinian maids.

Dear Diary, I find myself 10,000 miles away from the Porn Valley and yet still I am haunted by my morally wretched profession. Even in the peaceful serenity and spiritual solitude of the Israeli desert where Moses once walked I find myself continually reminded of the vulgarity and filth that comprises my pornographic world. When will this torture cease? God, I wish I had my gun.

I Know Why You Boys Are Unhappy

BigSassyWoman@hotmail.com writes: It's because you have been brainwashed by the media, by Hollywood and Madison Avenue and most of all, by porn into thinking that what you most desire is what you are least likely to attain - waifs with large breasts. Luke, they do not exist. Women with big boobs have big everything else, too. Now I, on the other hand, am the sort of woman you might actually get to take home to mama. I am delightfully full-figured mature 40-something woman, with an allure that no silicone sally can ever hope to match. You might think that you want to spend you time in the sack with some peroxide waif, but once you have spent an evening locked in the grip of my meaty thighs, my secretions flowing all over your skin and matting your hair, you will never again think of the 20 year old waif as a woman, but as a mere boy. You will think of me often in the days to come, as my intoxicatingly sour vinegar scent remains with you, as you dream of when next I bless you with my flesh.

There are a lot of us real women out there Luke, who you and your readers could get to bed in real life, and who you would find make terrific lovers. In fact, we often are far more sexual than the women you see in porn, for we are multi-orgasmic. I, for example, can have an orgasm every 90 seconds that I have sex. Wouldn't you rather hear, up close, the true bellow of a woman at her moment of satisfaction, than endure the endless false moanings of the fake women of porn? So come on boys, step up to the plate if you are man enough, and stop worrying about what your friends will say. You know you want it.

Luke F-rd Consumed By Biblical Serpent In Israel

Attention herpetologists! Porn journalist Luke F-rd is believed to have been consumed by a giant South American boa constrictor while visiting the Holy Land. Freak accident? Biblical prophecy? La Cosa Nostra? Bizarre suicide? Autopsy results are still pending concerning positive identification. See photo.

Yesterday we erroneously reported that Luke F-rd was consumed by an enormous boa constrictor while in Israel. He was in fact eaten alive by a large alligator. We apologize for any confusion this may have caused.

Sindee Plenum writes: Jesus I am sorry to hear that you were killed by the very same snake that killed by friend Tibor. What I can't figure out is how that snake killed you when the German police killed it weeks ago, or how you can continue to write stuff for your web site when your dead. Thought you could pull a fast one on us, eh Luke? Cindy Plenum is plenty smart enough to see you coming a mile away.

By the way, I have since learned that the most common snake in the mideast is Herpetus Semenus Masterbatus. This snake is very small (about three to four inches in length), and neither true herbivore nor carnivore. Instead, it subsists on semen. (I know all this because Tibor and I were working our way up from microlivestock to minilivestock) It has been known to crawl into bed with certain kinds of men and eat their droppings. And yes, when aroused, it can inflict a very nasty bite. It is repelled by the scent of any mamallian female, though. Not that this knowledge will be of any help to you, T-He!

Goodbye Luke, Hello Curious

Curious writes: Hmmmm. Since Luke will not be returning from the Holy Land I guess his plum job is up for grabs. I guess I'll fill out the first application...

Name: Curious Address: Modesto, CA
Position Seeking: Smut Tattler / Amateur Theologian
Guns Owned: None, but will purchase immediately upon first death threat.
Journalism Experience: None, but Luke didn't have any either until he started.
Gay Sex Experience: None, but Luke didn't have any either until he started.
Porn Industry Contacts: Lynne L-patin hates me. Does that count?
Mental Illnesses: All of Luke's and then some. Yes, that's possible.
Is your penis 5.5 inches erect like Luke's?: No, but I am willing to trim off my extra 3.5 inches to make it 5.5 inches. Egomaniac: No, but I am willing to learn. You moron!
Jewish: No, but I am willing to learn. I can give up pork.
Vegetarian: Hey, I already gave up pork!
Willing to publish your most mundane thoughts in a forum scattered with sex, nudity, bestiality, and Jewish theology?: I do that already!

Additional comments by applicant: While I do not possess any true experience in the pornography industry I feel that I can be just as effective in uncovering porn gossip and scandals as Luke F-rd has been in the past. How? By cutting and pasting from www.geneross.com just like Luke F-rd did. Thank you for your consideration. I look forward to an interview where we can further discuss my unique qualifications. Photo attached.

Lynne writes: Dear Curious: Once you take over Luke's site, I will no longer hate you, but become your best friend. You know I only love Luke for the publicity he gives me. I will share all my porn contacts with you, show you how to load your gun and buy you new underwear. I will write you two love letters each day which you must post verbatim no matter how embarrasing they are, but we will NEVER have sex. And I'm sure Chaim will help me write enough free copy to supplement what you steal from Gene Ross, while you grow fat on smoothies and "protein" bars.


Chaim Amalek writes: Luke, Rumdar is correct in noting the eugenic possibilities in matings between negro and jew. However, far from being off my John Rocker, I have, in the past, written at length about the creation of the "Je-groe" as the next step in human evolution, an attempt to create a hybrid hominid capable threatening the goyim both with their fists as well as with lawsuits. (Of course, in such a program, at least 50% of the offspring would be failures that we would have to ship to Puerto Rico, but that is for another day.)

The problem is that the jewess's pride prevents her, by and large, from having the black man's child - the Jegroe. While she may hunger for big black dick, she still also dreams of marrying a plastic surgeon and settling down in Great Neck or Greater Neck, and living that Fay Resnick sort of life amongst Ladies Who Lunch. The problem is that by the time she has had enough of her big black dick, she is in her mid thirties and a walking disaster area. She feels that she should be sought after by jewish men and comports herself thusly, when such men as even minimally meet her standards are looking right past her to much better looking, much younger white Christian women. Once again, race mixing is seen to have very harmful effects on the demographic practices of the jews. It is only among the Chassidim, who keep their daughters ignorant of visions of Mr. Marcus - type men, that high birth rates are to be found.

PS to Lynne. Have you considered going to the local animal shelter and adopting six or so kittens? They would really benefit from your love, Lynne. I know you have a dog, but if there is any hope for multicultural America with its open immigration, then you should be able to keep one big dog and six cats. And if this diversity does not work out, you could just gas the ones you do not like.

Lynne: Dear Chaim: I have already promised the Labrador that I will get her a kitten in September. Meanwhile, I have signed up with dating.com. I am already disappointed. Too many men my age claim that they earn 65K annually but their jobs are "just a living." I can just see what they want....someone to listen to their complaints about work. If a guy hasn't learned to s--- or get off the pot by the age of 45, he's bound to be a miserable son of a bitch (oops, sorry, dog). How can I compare that to Luke, whose job is so important to him that he gives up all opportunity to have a good life with a Professional Jewess?

Rumdar: Chaim: Think of the benefits of this "transgenetic" crossbreeding! No more Bell Curves sloping to oblivion on the left, sub-par side, no more embarrassing moments at the local Holiday Inn Lounge not knowing whether your partner might dance like Lurch and speaking of Plastic Surgeons - think of the boon to rhinoplasty!!!

Amused: The genetic development of Jegroes would have many benefits to be sure:

1) The Jews could finally claim an NBA starter as their own.

2) American Nazis could save valuable time by hating two races at one time.

3) The proliferation of Jegroes would certainly lead to Louis Farakhan's early demise by heart attack.

4) New urban youth street style: Dread Locks with Hassidic Side Locks.

5) Recruitment of impressionable teenagers to convert to Judaism via Jegroe Gangsta Rap. MC Prager is in da house!

Jewesses across America go forth and cross pollinate! Bring the black and Jewish ghettos together! Sammy Davis Junior's loving spirit is with you!

Fred writes: L--

1. Regarding Pat Riley, what in the world is "VVWA&E"?

[Vivid, VCA, Wicked Pictures and AVN?]

2. Regarding Lynne, what in the world is "SDA"? [Seventh Day Adventist]

3. Question: Do you actually correspond with Dr. Pierce? Or do you just check what's on his web site and re-post?

[Just repost from his email list]

4. Finally, Peter Christian OBE's description of the Jerusalem syndrome is not quite right. There were interesting articles on this in the Wall Street Journal and the Jerusalem post a few years back. What happens is that various and sundry pilgrims to Jerusalem start suffering from the delusion that they are biblical characters. Some think they're Christ, the devil, Moses, etc. They wander around the old city until they're picked up by the authorities and dropped off at a psychiatric hospital.

There's a psychiatric unit that specializes in these folks. Treatment tends to consist of a) figuring out who the heck these guys really are; and b) shipping them home. Upon return, they usually snap out of it, but are generally embarrassed. Interestingly, this problem is most likely to occur in Protestants, and almost never in Moslems. (Although I wonder whether there is a corresponding "Mecca Syndrome".)

5. Regarding Lynne, I don't think she is the first 40 yr old person to discover that the person she had her eyes on was under age. Even if the kid was 18, I don't think the father's reaction would have been any different. Query: If you had a 17 year old daughter, and you were picking her up from school, and some 40 year old male colleague were asking here to come over for a "tutorial", what would your reaction be? Would it be any different if your daughter were 18 years old? Moral of the story: stay away from parents. Bonus question: If it were Luke F-rd seeking out your 18 year old daughter for a "math tutorial", would you be any more at ease? Answer: Sure. Because I know that the only other thing Luke F-rd would have on his mind is trading tips on ethical monotheism. Yup--it's as safe as leaving your offspring in the care of the convent. Now where's that chastity belt?

Be Happy

Kaspargomez@hotmail.com writes: Halo! Luke, you seem to be the kind of man who gets to take a great many expensive vacations every year. sly dog you, you must make a lot more dow in porn than you let on! Maybe there really is a "Casa Ford" with a gate, and not the garden apartment people think. Luke, this is the fourth of july for me same as you.

For the record, I do not drive a gas-guzzling chevy, but have a late model Explorer. Ill bet its nicer than what most of your friends drive. And I am just as interested in politics here as I am in my homeland. Infact I am a US citizen, so what is anybody thinking in congratualting me for what happens in Mexico? How owuld you feel if people started to curse you or congratualte you about what goes on in israel or New york? And how would that gringa feel if I congratulated her whenever her favorite man won elections in Canada or France? Plese do not patronize us. You must learn to deal with us as equals, not just as the poepl who take care of your gardens or your kids. We are people same as you too. Kaspar

Lynne L-patin

Lynne (BDWLCL@worldnet.att.net) writes: Glad to see that you are giving some column inches to my old buddy Mr. Marcus, the star of two of my videos. In VCA's "Little WHITE Lies," Mr. Marcus plays the hero. Amidst the corrruption of the white politicians, mayoral candidate (try getting a pornlet to say that five times!), Calvin Carlyle (Mr. Marcus) and his baseball hero buddy, Lightning Biggs (Mark Anthony), set out to make the world a better place for the black man, one dinner party at a time. AVN paid this movie such cursory attention that they didn't even get the title pun....putting the kibbosh on an interracial series I'd hoped to starring the underrated Mark Anthony as Lightning Biggs, black sports hero by day, and black super hero by night. Nope -- ain't no market for no afferkin umerikin vidyos that ain't "buck up da booty," lessin dey be released by dat comp'nee wid the christ'in mann. Only one white boy 'llowed to own darkies in dis town!

Lynne escribe: Hola, Kaspar! Quiero decirte sobre me carro nuevo, porque es un carro muy famoso porque de su nombre en espanol -- un Chevy "No Va." Ahora yo necesito apprender mas palabras de carros, como "hood," como "se tiene mi carro bastante espacio debajo de el "hood" por una familia de ocho personas para vivir." Vamos a comprar un "engine" 350 V-8 cuando los precios de gasolina estan mejor. Y tambien, mis congratulaciones a mis amigos Mexicanos en su presidente nuevo. Espero que Senor Fox no es un "No Va," y que he va a traer su pais al "Mundo Primero." Esta casi tiempo, no?

Lynne writes Luke: Every so often, out of the blue, I am struck with an orgasmic twinge which is so intense I need to sit down and catch my breath.

The first time I noticed a correlation between this aberration and you was when you returned from Australia. The moment you stepped foot on American soil, I felt it. Sometimes it happens when you receive my e-mail, judging by the times on the return messages. This is very strange IMO, because we have never had sex in the flesh, or even on the phone. Not that I am complaining.... anyone can have sex, but this tantric response is indicative of a BOND between us that transcends time and space. Call it insanity, call it obsession, call it love. It is one of the many delightful aspects of our relationship that I treasure.

Beware The Siren Call Of Gerontaphilia

Frank Simms writes on RAME: Just why the hell can't you guys who hate the comebacks just not watch them. Why do you have to gripe and complain so much? I can understand Riley,because he seems to have a moral agenda or something to watch every porno evermade so that he can review them, but what the hell do Torris, Jim, and the rest ofyou care? Nobody is forcing you to sit down and watch Ginger, Amber, Erica, and all the rest of the names in my sig making comebacks. Anybody notice that I keep asking this question, and they never answer? Is it because they prefer to complain?

Pat Riley: Maybe an immoral agenda in my case and it's not every movie, only those I think might be OK and those which I need to watch to keep abreast of the new chickies (has everyone noted the new cutie pie Violet (not Vylet Luv, nor Violet/Lolita) in MDD #141 and a couple of the Dane Prod movies?) and the screeners.

But I'll attempt to answer the other part of your post.

Think of porn as a large ocean liner heading to a destination, say the port of My Orgasm, with the passengers doing the navigation. Some of them want to take the ancient route, the one on the maps from the time of Columbus, and others want to follow the one determined by the up-to-the-minute computer generated plotting system. They'll probably both get there in the long run, but one will be longer, cost more, be more dangerous, etc.

True, the oldie passengers are not going to have total control but they can cause the ship to follow some compromise route which will still impact on the time of arrival etc. So why wouldn't the modern-route passengers fight against that deviation? It's in their interest to have it all their way and especially when they have difficulty understanding why on earth the oldie group would ever want to follow the old route.

You say that there are plenty of movies to satisfy both tastes (like splitting the liner in two) but that's not really correct unless you relegate the oldies to the fetish group movies such as those of Filmco, Heatwave, and Totally Tasteless, which is where they should be. If that were the case they could be treated like the gay movies (for most of the consumers) and relegated to a separate section of the video store with no impact on the mainstream porn.

But that's not what's happening. Instead a mainstream company (VCA) is pushing these as part of normal porn and even integrating young female performers that we might like to see. We lose one release, or multiple if you count all of Ginger's and Marilyn's, and possibly have to sit through a lot of ugliness to see one maybe cute girl. Since the probably paid hefty sums for the oldies concerned, that's money that's not being spent on one of Jim Holliday's fluff movies, so you personally lose too.

While I might not be totally convinced by Jim's argument about the corruption of the new viewer--the "scarred for life" argument--there is an industry wide perception question involved. Since the industry has to all intents and purposes abandoned acting and story as characteristics of its movies, the major (only?) thing left is the best of female pulchritude. The industry should hang its head in shame when it can't even make mediocre level and when it deliberately chooses oldies it guarantees mediocrity.

Integrity In Pornography

Pat Riley writes on RAME: The problem I have with AVN and any similar list is that it simply doesn't correspond to any of the video stores I frequent, nor to any composite or average of those stores. I am also very suspicious about any methodology that might be used to determine rental numbers given the not-too-efficient nature of these type of stores, the lack of self interest in accurate reporting by the stores, and the difficulty of establishing any reasonable sampling given the wide swings in type ofstore. All my stores are rental places, some with minor sales activities on the side but if I examine their inventory balance and talk to the owners as I do frequently I see totally different patterns.

Examples: Store #1 in lower class area. Customers are bus drivers, utility workers etc in mostly the 30+ age group. Lots of blacks. Very high turnover. Best renting = Ed, Randy, Dane, Barely Legal, amateur (HomeGrown, etc); then = black porn (Cheerleaders Search, Street Hookers, Jake Steed's movies), Orientals; next group = Evil Angel, Anabolic, raincoater porn; follows = transsexual (weird, eh!), B&D, compilations, classic, oldies, plumpers. What doesn't rent = gay (has about a dozen), VVWA&E, gang bang, Private, other foreign movies.

Store #2 in Jewish orthodox area (don't try renting on a Friday afternoon). Customers cover the range from upscale yuppies to the guys on the construction sites. Few blacks. Large stock but not much turnover, lots of eighties and early nineties movies. Best renting = non VVWA&E plotted movies like Sin City and Coast to Coast; then = Ed, Randy, etc., compilations, gay (medium sized section); next = old and current VVWA&E. Very little real amateur, few transsexual, few B&D, not much raincoater stuff.

Store #3 in yuppie area with lots of gay and lesbians. About 50% of the store is gay so I suppose they do pretty well. For the rest: current VVWA&E, Private; Ed and Randy but not much "young" porn; black porn; tiny quantity of raincoater stuff. No transsexual, no B&D, few compilations.

Store #4 on fringes of yuppie area. Very high turnover. Medium sized gay section. What rents: Ed, Randy, "young" porn; next = upscale raincoater stuff (Evil, Anabolic); then = VVWA&E plus other plotted porn, Private; black porn, low grade raincoater stuff like Max Hardcore; compilations, classics. Few amateur, few transsexual, fewB&D. You get the idea. They're all over the place and I imagine this is repeated across the country and therefore nearly impossible to make anything out of it especially as I doubt any of them would be willing to share their unit numbers. Basically I guess AVN rely on Fishbein's father's stores and maybe the stores of David Sturman for some idea but even if they have accurate numbers for them it's highly unlikely to be representative of the rest of the country.

We don't know what the numbers (sales) are but from some comments like Patrick Collins, his movies are only running 4000 copies. Some of the lesser mfgs are sub-1000. Stagliano talks about a lucky one of his doing 8,000. These are small enough numbers to represent the "let's buy one of each" video store or a concerted marketing push rather than any consumer demand. I think this is more true for the VVWA&E crowd though. The store #1 owner says he gets one copy of most VVWA&E movies even though they don't rent well because he doesn't want to lose the mainstream (non-porn) renter who might take his business elsewhere. Also the "try to convince the wife to watch a porno" crowd. There's little or no "core" audience for the plotted or romance movies which was my original point. They're a diffuse lot who will only rent the occasional movie.

Torris: >Example: Why would Diabolic put out a Gang Bang Audition or Lewd >Conduct if they thought that only a small slice of the potential >audience would be interested in this.

PR: That small slice is a solid slice and the cost/benefit ratio is such that they're almost guaranteed a profit, albeit small. In a totally free market (which we don't have) eventually the profit will be so razor thin that the raincoater producers will go in and out of business frequently.

Torris: > And by your same example if that >is the case, why aren't the tables turned on the charts and 4 out of 5 >top lists from Vivid, Wicked, VCA or Sin City. I don't think the charts are accurate for the reasons I gave before. >It's like the boy band phenomenon, no one would disagree that N Sync >and Britney Spears are the most marketed, disposable fluff but the >sales that they have achieved make them the top sellers at the moment >and have thus spawned a plethora of imitators. In porn it seems that >at the very least the 90s, the decade of the Raincoater, seems not to >be waning in the least, in spite of a tremendous level of >oversaturation and cheap imitations. If anyting the more "refined" >porn will probably slip further behind and will be surpassed by true >amatuer porn via Internet devotees ala Danni Ash, Wifey etc

PR: Unfortunately you're probably right. It's the race for the bottom phenomenon.

"Pat Riley writes: Jaded Jewish Girl sounds more like Testosterone Enraged Redneck: quick to resort to violence to compensate for her/his own inadequacies."

To Pat Riley: Oh no, my dear, you misunderstand! I'm just curious as to how you'd survive in the world with a real woman who does not appreciate your attitude towards women in general. I am a dominatrix, of course - but perhaps I was wrong. Perhaps the floggers, etc. would not frighten you as much as actual debate! So you tell me...what is wrong with a normal body type? "Extra" flesh, you say? Extra than WHAT?!! - Jaded Jewish Girl

Just Between Us - Food For Thought

Chaim Amalek writes: One of your correspondents asks: "Do you actually correspond with Dr. Pierce?" to which you answered that you merely repost from his email list.

Given that this is the internet, can you be sure that you have not been corresponding with Dr. Pierce? Can you be certain? (And NO, I am not he.) Upon your return from the Zionist-Settler state, I propose that a thorough investigation be made of the growing links between your web site and the National Alliance.

PS Please do not take offense at this question, but do you also write under the pen name "Yggdrasil"?

Shockingly, the following article comes to us via the Jewish World Review! All the more reason to get that Jegroe Project back on track! Luke - I wish to use your web site to put out the call to reproductively viable females to do their duty in the war against white racism. Perhaps if we have enough volunteers, we will not need to institute a draft.

Pardon my paleness - Don Feder http://www.jewishworldreview.com -- I WISH TO PUBLICLY APOLOGIZE for my whiteness. I realize my pigmentation is a serious transgression, and I am profoundly sorry for it.

This confession is prompted by a story in The Boston Globe (multiculturalism's in-house newsletter) concerning a conference on "whiteness" that took place at Simmons College a week ago. The gathering of "100 liberal activists, religious leaders and academics" explored ways of "dismantling racism by focusing on white culture and the privileges that come with it."

For the left , racism is always unicultural, the exclusive province of Caucasians. The idea seems to be that if whites can be shown how privileged their pigmentation has made them, they will repent and get behind racial quotas, multicultural brainwashing and reparations for slavery.

The problem, says conference organizer Paul Marcus, is that many whites don't see themselves primarily as such. He's right.

Days, even weeks will go by when I don't think about my whiteness, which really should be foremost in my consciousness. Still, all that I've accomplished I owe to my racial identity. I coasted through high school, college and law school. Teachers took one look at my pale face and said this man deserves a B-plus average -- forget homework, tests and final exams.

And when it came time for my wife and I to buy our first house, we didn't have to scrimp and save for a down payment. I didn't have to pay bills on time to establish a good credit rating. The mortgage loan officer based his decision exclusively on our coloration.

Truth be told, that's how I got a job in journalism. I can still recall the words of the editor who hired me: "Fellow white man, welcome aboard. Would you like your own column?"

Chaim Amalek writes Luke about the Shimon Peres speech: What did you ask? What did the jewesses ask? And how many outfits has the average jewess brought with her to the holy land? And have you yet been given a full body search by any of those 20 year old sabra women in the army?

Luke: I asked nothing. Shimon was mobbed. Everyone wanted to shake his hand and take his picture. He gave some drivel about a new world of science and technology, without borders. The Jewish Federation is left of center.