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Thursday, February 17, 2000

Email Luke

Jim and Rob Show

I woke up to a call from Jim DiGiorgio and Rob Spallone at 9:30 AM.

Jim: "You sleep late. I've been to the gym already."

Rob: "Were you hanging out with Bo partying all night?"

Luke: "I was sticking Xtacy up my ass. You feel it quicker that way."

Rob: "He's denying that we have the tape. Didn't you hear the tape?"

Luke: "Yes, I heard the tape of Bo telling Kendra to stick her contract up her ass, etc... I've also heard from several sources about Bo threatening Rob and Jim with outlandish language."

Bo told Gene Ross: "I'm sitting here, reading it now. [Luke F-rd's site.] They've been threatening this for about a week. The bottom line is that Rob Spallone wants to take Kendra Jade's contract. He wants to take it even though we've abided by all terms of it. He's just threatening me with this s--- on a daily basis. Tuesday, when we wouldn't give him the movie or her release from the contract, he told my wife just wait until tomorrow, 'I'm going to put it all over Gene Ross; I'm going to put it all over Luke F-rd. I'm going to get you.' Last night on PST, Luke F-rd came on and said the same thing."

G. Ross: "Where do you stand with Kendra as of this moment?"

Bo: "Basically, Kendra's under contract to us and the last known address we have for is **** which was a shoot house that Rob Spallone ran. The last money she received from us, she was on the road at Christmas time. We cashed her paycheck and sent it to her. We've issued all her paychecks that come back when they've been sent to that address, certified mail. Our position is that no matter what kind of lies Rob Spallone makes up, she's under contract to LGI for videos and the website. They're two separate contracts. Unfortunately, I can't stop this type of stuff being written on Luke F-rd. I have no control over it. When he puts out these stories what am I going to say? I can't defend myself against them anyway. I've got people saying I'm trying to f--- Kendra Jade. I say no and they say you must have. If I wanted to f--- her, I'd just go to a whorehouse and f--- her." (Gene Ross)

Jim to Luke Thursday morning: "Bo is a convicted felon. Sue me for that cocksucker because that is the f---ing truth. How's that?"

Rob: "That's where he got the idea to take things up his ass. Because he's a cunt. If someone in jail said 'Hey you, fatso, I want to f--- you in the ass,' he'd run over because he's a cunt."

Luke: "What was he in prison for?"

Rob: "For taking it in the ass."

Jim: "He was discovering his f---ing homosexual side."

Rob: "He probably got arrested in a f---ing whorehouse because that's where he told us he hangs out all the time."

Jim: "That would be hearsay."

Rob: "Don't you remember when he was talking about the Chinese whorehouse where they massage you and the girl sticks the Xtacy up your ass for you... They put out a whole bunch of cocaine for you. They massage you. And the more you pay, the more you get."

Luke: "This is certainly shocking behavior for a pornographer."

Rob: "Bo goes around stealing people's names for the internet and then sells it back to them when they don't want a website with him.

"I think next month I am going to shoot a Kendra Jade movie and distribute it myself so he can sue me."

Jim: "He wants me to change the titles on the movie? Take Bo off and put LGI on. That's a $500 fix. He would now owe me $4000. He's going to get to the point where the post production on the movie is going to cost more than the production."

Jim: "I don't care what he told Gene Ross but my partner did not say give him the movie... My partner is not as sensible as Bo portrays... My partner says we ain't giving Bo the f---ing movie until we get paid, and we ain't taking a check.

"Do you know what is going on now at Blue Light Pictures with that John Kenney movie? It's like you're in a taxicab and the meter is running."

Rob and Jim's PA Josh confirms that Kenney asked him to tell Kendra that he would pay her $2000 to meet him at the Beverly Hilton hotel.

Rob: "Josh, were you here when Bo told us about the Chinese prostitution house he goes to?"

Josh: "Ohh, the massage parlor."

Rob: "What do they put out there for you?"

Josh: "Cocaine."

Jim: "Luke, have you tried calling Bo?"

Luke: "Yeah and he don't return phone calls."

Rob: "He don't return phone calls. He just bulls---s a lot.

"If he called you today, you would print everything he said?"

Luke: "I would print everything he said."

Jim: "John Kenney might go down as one of the great fiction writers of the 21st century."

Rob: "I think I need to apologize to Bo. Maybe I am the junkie and I make up all the stories. Maybe I need to go to the doctor and have a drug test done.

"His wife is probably reading you and he's probably getting slapped by her, so he's trying to make it look like 'Honey, you be stupid and believe me.'

"Where was his wife when he was in Vegas and in the hotel room partying and trying to get chicks? Where was his wife when he was banging Cassidy at the Beverly Hills Hotel? That was the day he tells me, I'll meet you in two hours. I call him four hours later... The girl was in his hotel room. He was going to make her a contract girl. The guy has never shot a movie in his life. He don't know the first thing about anything... He might take the tapes and stick them up his ass. You see them quicker that way."

Jim: "He told me that he has a lot of guns in his cabin in Virginia. I don't know if an ex-con is supposed to have guns. He said he had automatic weapons."

Rob: "Yeah, he said, 'I bought a cabin and I go up there and shoot. You've got to come up there sometime.' Because he's a big time mobster with mob lawyers."

Chargebacks.com writes: Fed up with Visa, and its banks? Please read carefully! If you're a credit card merchant who's been treated unfairly by VISA, it's affiliate banks, or its designated processing centers, we'd like to talk to you. We're in the process of filing a multi-billion dollar class action suit on behalf of credit card merchants, both swipe and electronic. We have reason to believe that violations of the Card Merchant Agreement are rampant. We're specifically interested in cases where:

a) Chargebacks were issued without a Notice of Retreival

b) A chargeback was issued before the ten day Notice of Retrieval period had elapsed

c) Chargebacks were issued outside of the expiration period for the chrge

d) Difficulties were experienced in reclaiming reserve funds

e) Chargebacks and/or fines were issued after the charge had been credited

f) A processing center held funds that the card issuing bank had validated

g) Your reserve deposit was raised with no prior notice.

One of the suit complaints is VISA's reluctance to implement the safeguards, such as they are, which SET offers. In as much as Congress has already sanctioned VISA due to its lack of haste, this is felt to be an winable action. If you're interested in becoming a class participant, please let us know. There is no charge to be a party to the suit. One of the nation's largest and most respected legal firms is pressing the suit on contingency. Our email address is on our website at http://www.chargebacks.com. All corespondence will be kept absolutely confidential. You must be able to document alleged violations.

Katie June Debate

Mike South writes: This is a RAME post from Randy West's lap dog DJX (Shane Tylers hubby) DJX writes: Our so-called "relaible source" writes: >Kati June is either in SC or TN house dancing depending on what day of >the week it is.

MS: She's in Tenessee, and can leave the state only upon authorization of her probation officer. (She was caught transporting drugs, pills, in Texas) Wrong DJX....she was arrested in Georgia not Texas and it wasn't for transporting drugs or pills it was for possesion of a small amount of marijuana. and she is NOT on probation.

>According to her she dumped Randy, according to Randy >he dumped her.

Randy was kind enough to bail her drug-addicted ass out of jail, and then she disappeared. Ya wanna tell us why Randy bailed her "drug addicted" ass out of jail DJX...Maybe because she got the pot she was arrested with from Randy...while in South Florida...hmmm who does Randy know in South Florida...hey DJX aren't YOU from that area? Katie is alive and well and living in TN, she is engaged to be married. All of this is verified, thats why it took me a while to respond. If I had a VP like DJX I'd put his BS on the street personally. I wonder if Randy actually knows what DJX says on his behalf?

Luke: I saw raw videotape of Katie June in Jim South's World Modeling office from a documentary on porn. And I made these notes:

Katie June from Tennessee: "My cousin and my girlfriend and of eight years, who is pregnant by my cousin, arrived in California last night. And if it wasn't for my wonderful mother beside me, I wouldn't be here to do erotic videos. I came down with tonsilitis at the beginning of the week and I'm starting to feel better."

Katie's mom: "I hope to support her and be beside her in whatever she decides to do. We watch her talk on the phone to do Pickup Lines 37."

Jim South tells Katie's mom: "For her getting twelve ($1200) for two boy-girls and a box is pretty good. Maybe I should adopt that girl. All I need is a rocking chair, a chaw of tobacco…."

Dr Fellatio 21 - Terrible

Ridley99 writes on RAME: "How the f--- does such an obvious piece of s--- get sent to the distubutors and then onto the video stores who will sell it to people like me for 24 dollars of hard earned cash. Why is Elegant Angel skimping on the talent. If you don't want to pay the talent then don't make the f---in movie. What Elegant Angel did was irresponcible as well as a f---in con job. Do not buy this piece of crap, rent it if you don't believe me, but you will be as sorry and as dissapointed as i was."

Pat Riley: "Oh, I don't know. I thought #21was actually a little better than #1 thru #20, and I've seen them all. Even Cumisha, ugly though she is, livened things up a little when she licked the guy's asshole. Up to that point somnolence was winning but nausea has the effect of waking one up. And there was another item of interest: the g/g towards the end with Shaena Steel and Vivian Valentine which became an all-oral three way. As to the looks of the women, Nature Blossom looked a little better than in Cumback Pussy #22...almost screwable...and Lita Chase had a nice smile and OK body (what you can see of it). At least most of them were better than the bfuglies in the black version, Just Don't Bite It #6, and the paunches on the guys were less obvious."

Bo Fires Back

Bo aka John Kenney, owner of LGI, tells Gene Ross: "Rob Spallone has been around a short period of time and Luke F-rd a shorter period of time, I stand on my reputation in the adult industry over the last 25 years. Before I met Rob Spallone and Kendra Jade, my name wasn't on none of this s---. But since I've come in contact with them, it's been constant assassination on the Internet. At least on your site you print both sides to it. What they do on that side, what are you going to do?"

Luke: Bo is always free to return my calls and emails. I am happy to put his side on my site. He has chosen to not respond to Rob's charges to me. That's his privilege. But what he's infering in his comment to Gene is baloney. I will print the views of anyone in the porn industry including those of Bo, or of AVN or of Vivid. Certain porners choose to not deal with me. That is their privilege. As there are numerous sources of information on porn and the rest of the world, I do not feel morally obligated to print both sides if I can't get one of the sides. I go with what I get.

Gene Ross is far more balanced than I am. Check him out.

Am I compromised on this story and others involving Rob Spallone, James DiGiorgio and Kendra Jade because they are my friends? You bet I am.

Radio Free Luke

I hosted Rob Spallone and James DiGiorgio on my radio show Wednesday morning.

James DiGiorgio: "Radio Free Luke, alright! Are we live, going out to millions of people?"

Luke: "Yes."

Rob Spallone: "We've got a phone call. Is that James DiGiorgio on line one?"

James: "James DiGiorgio here."

Rob: "How are you James?"

James: "I'm very good. How are you Mr Spallone?"

Rob: "Very good. How's Bo [John Kenney, owner of LGIDistributors.com]?"

James: "Hmmm...f---ed up."

Rob: "How many times has he screwed you around?"

James: "This is the second time in two editing jobs."

Rob: "How many people has he screwed around?"

James: "Because I don't think he is a man of his word."

Rob: "Do you think he belongs in rehab?"

James: "That's possible...probably."

Rob: "Where did he tell you he takes the Xtacy?"

James: "Up his ass."


James: "It's quicker."

Rob: "Did he tell you about the massage parlor he goes to out here where the girl puts out the white stuff?"

James: "No, he didn't tell me that. But he did tell me that he sometimes has girls in the business like Cassidy come to his room at the Beverly Hills Hotel and f--- him. Then he tells me that he's going to shoot scenes with her and that I am going to shoot them. Of course, that never materialized because she probably got f---ed and then SHE GOT f---ED!"

Rob: "What's that white stuff he always talks about?"

James: "That would be cocaine. Blow.

"This is a great radio show. Am I going out to millions of people?"

Rob: "When you have a contract girl going to a show, do you get her a room or do you tell her that she's got to stay in your room?"

Jim: "You get her a room... Here's what you don't do. You don't have a limo meet her at the airport and take her to a private party where she's supposed to be a party girl. And then when she doesn't really respond to that and doesn't look too happy, you don't take her to a hotel where she thinks she has a room and then suddenly tell her, 'Oh by the way, my secretary screwed up. You're staying in my room.' Fortunately, that person [Kendra Jade] called me on her f---ing cell phone and I told her things like 'Don't drink anything.'"

Rob: "Why? What would he do to her drink?"

Jim: "This is only hearsay. But the drinks might be spiked."

Rob: "How many movies have you and Rob Spallone produced for him?"

Jim: "One."

Rob: "How do you and Spallone work? Do you guys get a check in advance or do you guys let that person write the checks?"

Jim: "We get the check in advance."

Rob: "Bo said that I had shot for him two other times and that he wrote the checks."

Jim: "When was that?"

Rob: "That must've been when he was stoned out of his mind."

Jim: "Wait a minute. I thought you and I had a deal. Are you shooting movies without telling me about it?"

Rob: "I wouldn't do that to you Jim. Another question. Didn't we make a deal that he sends the money a week before?"

Jim: "Yes but he didn't. We ended up shooting the movie with our own money."

Rob: "Then he had the balls to say, 'How are you guys shooting my contract girl without me?'"

Jim: "He was going to meet you here and there. He was going to meet you for breakfast and give you a check... A checkbook is an easy thing to forget when you're supposed to give somebody ten grand."

Rob: "Especially when you have that white s--- all over your nose. And the Xtacy stuffed up your ass.

"Were you here when he threatened me, that he was coming up to kick my ass?"

Jim: "Yeah."

Rob: "And he never showed up. He asked some of his friends to come with him but they laughed at him."

Jim: "They said, 'We'll go with you but we're not there to beat up Rob."

Rob: "And he said, 'Oh, nevermind, I am not going by myself. Cunt.'"

Jim: "When I edited for him last time, I had a hard time collecting my money. He kept calling me and saying it was in the mail, it was in the overnight..."

Rob: "He wanted to cum in your mouth.

"Didn't he make three deals 'please get me off l-keford?"

Jim: "Absolutely he made a deal with you and you abided by the deal and then he called you up minutes later and said 'f--- you, there's no f---ing deal.'"

Rob: "Did he leave Kendra a nice message on her phone?"

Jim: "Yes he did. Kendra saved it... Something about her sucking his dick to get paid... And that she could stick her contract up her ass."

Luke: "I heard it too."

Jim: "It was a conversation that he repeated at another time, that I overheard. She put my ear to the phone... If you want a check, you can come suck my dick for it.

"I've got to tell you something and I hope this doesn't screw up your deals with Bo. But I've kept this movie on my harddrive for a long time. I've got to charge him harddrive storage. So now, if he wants his f---ing movie, it's $3500 dollars, not $3000. And starting next week, every week I don't get a f---ing check for that movie, and I have to keep it here, it's a $100 extra for storage space on my harddrive.

"And if he doesn't like that, he can go get a f---ing lawyer, and sue my f---ing ass because that's usual everywhere in this f---ing town.

"He said he was coming over here one night, the same day he threatened you. And he never showed up. He even called and left a message on our service saying that he would be here at 7PM. We worked late that night. We were waiting for him..."

Rob: "Who did he first offer the movie to to distribute?"

Jim: "Gigi Appleton."

Rob: "And then?"

Jim: "And then David Sturman. All within the first two days... Gigi thought she was getting it, David thought he was getting it."

Rob: "Didn't David Sturman have a long conversation with you, telling you what kind of scenes should be in the movie?"

Jim: "Of course. David Sturman was in the IRC chatroom asking me about the movie."

Rob: "Didn't Bo say that Kevin Beech was going to distribute it?"

Jim: "Yes. So I called Bo and said, 'David still thinks he is going to get the movie.'"

Rob: "What did Bo say when you said that?"

Jim: "He said that David could go f--- himself. David's got enough money, he doesn't need my movie."

Rob: "Bo told me that he was selling this movie to Larry Fields."

Jim: "Maybe he's got three movies. He's going to give on to Kevin Beech, one to Larry Fields and one to David Sturman."

Rob: "That must be it."

Jim: "He must be confused. He must think he has more movies than one."

Rob: "I told Kevin that I was going to bring the movie by if he was interested. He said bring it by. Then that night Bo called me, settled the whole thing. I said Kevin is going to buy it. Bo said, Kevin doesn't want the movie. I told Kevin that Larry Fields had called, and that Bo had offered him the movie. And Kevin said, 'What the f--- is wrong with this guy [Bo]?'

"I don't care if he bulls---s me, because I am not his friend. But he bulls---s his own friends."

Jim: "What kind of guy is that?"

Rob: "It's called a junkie who can't make up his mind.

"If Bo goes for a drug test today, I will go for a lie detector test today. Anything I'm telling you is a fact."

Jim: "When he signed Kendra initially, I made the movie Plaid with Kendra. Since he was putting her website up, and didn't have anything to sell of Kendra's, he ordered 50 copies of Plaid from Gigi Appleton, who was distributing the movie. He says send it COD. A week later, the movies come back refused."

Rob: "Because he was too stoned to remember that he ordered them."

Jim: "I guess. So Gigi got stuck with the UPS. So Gigi got on the phone to Bo and asked what's the deal. You told me to send them UPS. He said, oh, we have a new UPS guy. He screwed up. Send them again. She sends the movies again and they got refused again. So Gigi is out two UPS shippings both ways."

Rob: "He's a bulls--- artist scumbag motherf---er.

"Do you know what Bo did to Mike Esposito? He said, 'give me all the chromes you got and I'll build you a website. You'll make a ton of money.' Mike sent him a ton of chromes and Bo never sent him nothing. Never built him nothing. Never returns his phone calls."

Jim: "You don't think he might've sold those chromes to others?"

Rob: "Either that or he gave them to a drug dealer. Bo is one bulls--- artist."

Jim: "Bo called my partner yesterday and my partner [Kenny] was willing to send him a VHS screener of the movie. I don't know why. Because Bo wants to see if any changes are necessary on the movie. I've got news for him. Every one of those changes is going to cost money."

Rob: "If I was you, I'd take cash only because you never know what is going to happen with his checks."

Jim: "I won't take a check from him.

"What happened to his other contract girl Ashley Heart? She disappeared on him too. I heard the same thing. This is hearsay. I heard that he wanted her to suck his dick and stuff. And that she didn't want to do that."

Rob: "I would interview that Kendra Jade girl. We haven't heard from her because she's away dancing.

"Bo told Josh, a PA for us....'Hey, do me a favor. Call Kendra. Tell her I'm staying at the Beverly Hills Hotel. And I'll give her two grand to come over tonight for some sex.' That's how you treat your contract girls?

"Bo is a thief and a bulls--- artist. Not once was he a man of his word... He says 'I've got a big Mafia lawyer [Paul Cambria and Herald Price Fahringer] that will sue yous...' Ok."

Jim: "Sue me. I did work for you and you haven't paid me."

Luke then talked to Kendra Jade by phone.

Luke: "Baby, how did you get hooked up with this Bo fellow?"

Kendra: "I met Bo on a set [6/99]. He was shooting at Rob's house. It was the one that's in dispute with Bridgett Kerkove. She said he was on drugs and stuff. And he was. I told him what I wanted. He came back with an offer and we signed a contract."

Luke: "And was part of this contract that you would sleep with him and his friends?"

Kendra: "No. I don't do that. That was one of the first things I told him. That I would not sleep with him. That had to be known upfront. He said that was fine. He wasn't interested. He doesn't sleep around with the porno girls. Which I found out to be very untrue. He lied to me about many many things and that was just one of them."

Luke: "When did you start having problems with Bo and LGI?"

Kendra: "From the beginning I knew something was wrong because I would call him and it would take him a week to call me back. We were trying to finish the movie... We started talking about it in June but didn't start shooting until November. We'd talk about what he wanted and he'd say this, this and that but the budget [$10-$13k] wasn't there for this, this and that. He'd want anal and girl-girl and multiple guys doing me...

"And I told him at the beginning that I didn't do girl-girl. He tried to talk me into doing it after I signed the contract.... We [Rob Spallone, Jim DiGiorgio and Kendra] tried to get the movie set up and he was not returning phone calls. He wasn't coming up with the cash to do it... And that said, 'Ok, Kendra, there's a problem.'

"He did pay me on time, up through CES."

Luke: "What happened at CES?"

Kendra: "I flew in and he had a limo pick me up at the airport. I was tired and sick. The limo took me straight over to where he and his friends were partying. And I had explained to him, before I even signed a contract with him, that I am not a party girl. I don't do parties, I don't do drugs... But he expected me to f--- him and his friends... He kept handing me Xtacy and telling me to put it up my ass like he does."

Kendra told Gene Ross: "When you don't do drugs, you don't want to be in a room full of people doing them. So I go back to the room and Bo comes back with all his friends. They're snorting coke; they're all on extasy. I'm going this is ridiculous. I go into the room that I have and lock the door. Well, duh, it's their room and they have keys. I went to sleep. They left me alone. I could hear them partying or whatever. I was really, really sick with the flu. The next morning I got up to go to CES. Bo knew I was really sick. He came into the room and handed me a whole bunch of pills. I told him a million time I don't take pills. I don't even take a Tylenol. I can't swallow them. He tells me, 'well we don't swallow them, either.' He told me they stick them in their ass. I guess it gets them high quicker."


James Fortune Update

XWomen writes: Ok, Luke, here is the deal, just so you know what the hell happened with this Fortune guy (who U obviously know nothing about) and R emails to you last week. James was a great friend and wanted to get out of the industry - he wanted 2 eliminate his adult character because he felt it had taken over his life and was sucking him up....he was really depressed, said "f--- it all" and threw all his production materials and $10,000 worth of his videos into his apartment's garbage chute. Wagner, his business partner, freaked at the news, and has been trying to find all his stuff,rummaging in garbage bins, closets, etc....There R some real journals of his life and times in the porno world, and someone will release it eventually, since you all love real gossip.

We didn't just want to have him retire quietly, so we thought it would be funny to "kill" him /"torture" him / "kidnap" him / essentially "roast" him as a goodbye present and send it to Gene as a joke...then when we made the video, everyone realized what a great video this would be to raise money for AIM (they have a 45,000 budget they need to raise), so we are hoping to getta lot of stars involved in the torture...just so U know this.... we don't want the police really winding up at anybody's doorstep, ok? Well, it kind of got out of hand, now everyone thinks something really happened to him, and his production company is getting a lot of calls from worried people, and fans are reporting "Fortune sightings" and spreading a lot of funny gossip. We will try to scan some great paparazzi pictures of him and a lot of adult stars for your site, ok - U can publish this, if U want, so his fans don't worry too much.

Aspen Brock

Ridley99 writes on RAME: The first time i heard the name Aspen Brock was on this newsgroup, it was a thread that was commenting on the prevalence of suicide in the world of porn. In reading the thread i learned that a girl named Aspen Brock had been in a dirty Deb with Ed Powers and had given one of the most pathetic interviews ever, she basically states that her life is so f---ed up she might as well do porn as it can't get worse.

Since I stopped buying Ed Powers stuff a long time a go i never saw this scene so i can't comment.. The thread of the post grew very big and the whole suicidal porn star debate came up with the usuall names thrown around, but the gist of the thread was that Aspen was a prime candidate for suicide.

The Next Time i heard the name Aspen Brock was when she cried while being analed by Lexington Steele in gangbang auditions , once again there was an outcry. The consensus of the thread was that Aspen didn't seem emotional ready for what she was put through. I saw this video and finally got a good look at Aspen. First off, i didn't think Aspen was treated too bad, in fact the guys are kind of nice too her. And as for Aspen herself, she is a major hottie, a very pretty girl with a college girl look. Aspen immediately became one of my "A "girls.

The next time i saw Aspen ,she was once again being Analed by Lexington Steele in one of the up your Ass video's. The next time i saw her was in a Rodney Moore public popshot video, she seemed to be kind of loopy in this. The next time i saw her was in the vid: " Aspen, is a white trash whore 14," Aspen performance is low key. and the gangbang itself sucks , as Aspen spends 90% flat on her back, like a human love doll with no personality.

Now comes word from l-keford as told to him by Aspen's husband ( she has a restraining order ) Buck Adams who says and i quote: " My wife Aspen is a heroin addict. Runs off for months on end, constantly coming home with needle marks all over her body, and one night I'm really sorry, i couldn't take it anymore and i got drunk and i got high and i screamed and yelled at her and she left the house."

Its hard to take Buck Adams at his word, after all this is a man who has put enough drugs and booze into his body to kill about 4 brains worth of neural transmitters but others have stepped forward to confirm that Aspen is indeed a drug addict. This is very sad. Its almost as if the free fall that is Aspens life is being played out in front of our eyes. Once Heroin has you in its insane embrace there is nothing to do but await the inevitable crash The sad thought that more girls in porn have contracted AIDS through tainted needles rather than tainted dicks scares me.

To see a beautiful girl like Aspen self destruct is a terrible tradgedy. This is why female porn stars should have thier own unions and one of the first things they should demand is drug counciling as well as drug treatment centers. Girls in porn should have orientations, they should be told in a straight forward manner what to expect from the porn bizness Someone like Nina Hartley would be perfect to run this.. I am not blaming porn for Aspens Drug problem, I have seen enough Heroin addicts to know, that a drug Addict can not be easily explained, Rich and poor it hits them all. However the odds are that Aspen entered the word of porn for one reason and that was to get money to buy drugs or to come in contact with a culture in which drug use is prevalent. Either way, porn will be reponcible for what happens to Aspen. Accountability.

Axle writes: Ridley99's missive on Aspen Brock's drug problem is all over the place. First he says "female porn stars should have their own unions and one of the first things they should demand is drug counciling(sic) as well as drug treatment centers." Then he goes on to write "I am not blaming porn for Aspens(sic) drug problem" and finally contradicts himself again by stating "Either way, porn will be reponcible(sp) for what happens to Aspen. Accountability." More like entitlement. Is this guy even listening to himself? How is it the porno industry's responsibility to get Aspen Brock drug treatment?

Emmett replies: Perhaps porn should help her out. Why not? Porn stars, porn producers, etc; should help one another. After all she is selling her spectaclular body to the industry. Why should they not help her? Perhaps if they had done it to Savannah maybe she would be alive today. Pornstar should take care of their own. No one else will Axel.

Axle: You said it yourself, Emmett. "She is selling her spectacular body to the industry." SELLING. She's being PAID. That's where the industry's obligation ends. If you're referring to their moral obligation, that might be a different matter(though we know that porno actors, the great civil libertarians that they are, oppose morality of any kind foisted upon anyone), but there's no way the industry should be forced to come to the rescue when it's talent chooses to abuse drugs. Though it seems they often act like it, these are not children.

ridley99@aol.com (Ridley99) wrote: > This is why female porn stars should have thier own unions

Jim Gunn: I think it was Mark Kernes (and others I imagine) who once referred to the idea of talent unioning in porn as "as difficult as herding cats". I'm quite sure he would be right. I wouldn't hold my breath on this.

> and one of the >first things they should demand is drug counciling as well as drug treatment >centers. Demand?

JG: Are you kidding? How about a better idea. Don't be an idiot and willfuly put poisonous hard drugs into your body. Duh...

> Girls in porn should have orientations, they should be told in a >straight forward manner what to expect from the porn bizness.

JG: s---, if they had internet access, just reading rame and the two gossip sites alone would be enough to educate, intrigue people and/or scare people away from this crazy business.

> Someone like Nina >Hartley would be perfect to run this.

JG: Nina is a nice lady, but the idea of any one mouthpiece guiding people's porn careers is futile and foolish.

> I am not blaming porn for Aspens Drug problem,

JG: Yes you are, see down below. It's a disgrace on your part that you are willing to let people off the hook for their own personal responsibility like you did in that other huge debate.

>I have seen enough Heroin >addicts to know, that a drug Addict can not be easily explained, Rich and poor >it hits them all.

JG: Yes, there are lots of reckless people in the world from all walks of life who inject pure poison into their body and suffer the consequences.

> However the odds are that Aspen entered the word of porn for one reason and >that was to get money to buy drugs

JG: Not necesarily. Maybe she's just a slut or likes to make good money in the sex business.

> or to come in contact with a culture in >which drug use is prevalent. Assumption that drug use in more prevalent in the porn biz vs. some other industries is incorrect at worst, arguable at best. > Either way, porn will be reponcible for what >happens to Aspen.

JG: No it wont. She will ultimately be reponsible for what happens to herself. Her life is in her own hands just like your life is in yours and mine is in mine.

> Accountability.

JG: "Personal Accountability"- a concept that you obviously are not familiar with.

Edew: There was an article in Salon (Feb 7, I think, try their archives) about a school in Florida for strippers. In addition to learning how to use a brass pole, and what clothes to wear, the school also have a financial planning course, a career options course (feature dancer vs house dancer), first amendment rights questions and problems, IRAs, how to talk to customers, etc. Sounds like a great school. (Actually, I think a similar school for all people would be nice. I have yet to see a high school in the US which discusses financial planning and retirement planning with any useful level of detail.)

Porn Webmasters Targeted For Murder

From ontheropes.com: Jon of www.4jon.com writes: "Silly me...I only THOUGHT I was stressed. That was before I got a call 30 minutes ago that the FBI was at my Studio. After speaking to the Inspectors, I come to learn that there is a group....a "ring" if you will, out of Texas that is Targeting top adult webmasters for Robbery and Murder. My name is On that list with my Personal info. They also inform me that there have already been FOUR webmaster related homocides linked to this group. I believe its safe to say that NOW I AM stressed, and to think I picked yesterday to quit smoking! These are the names of the people arrested and this is where is gets really strange. These people are also suspected in the disappearence of Madelyn Murray O'Hare, the woman that was the driving force behind the Ban on School prayer."

The names of the suspects are: David Roland Waters, Gary Paul Karr, Gerald Lee Osborn

Email Alias they use: hotpatti@yahoo.com hotpatti@rocketmail.com sirroland@rocketmail.com kjear@aol.com

JonBoy writes Wednesday AM: Talked with the FBI again this morning and here is what I know and its beginning to make sense. "The List" was uncovered in the home of David Roland Waters 8 months ago at the time of his arrest on Weapons charges. Waters, Karr, and Osborne are NOT fanatic right wing religious zealots. They only want there crimes to appear to be the work of such. This is why they are the leading suspects in the disappearence (assumed murdered) of Mrs.Ohair and family. (head of atheists group). They kidnapping/murder invovles some $500,000 in gold and all sorts of wierd plots and twists even leading to headless handless corpeses in river bank. BUT the GIST of all this IS that after 8 MONTHS of investigation the FBI concluded that they were going through the "List" and establishing a repoire with those on the list then rob, burgalerize (sp), and in 4 instances MURDER those on "The List". He said these people are professional criminals and pick Atheists, Adult Porno people, and such for two reasons. 1) much the same as serial killers go after prostitutes. This group doesn't feel the authorities will expend alot of time or effort on a case involving porn people or atheists. 2)They want people to make the obvious conclusions that they are right wing religious nutballs. When in fact the are merely very calculating murderers and thieves. Also, note that the FBI says they are presumed to be OUT ON BAIL. These guys also believe they are pretty immune to the authorities and the headless corpse of Danny Fields was simpley a gesture to show their arrogance and beligerence.

NOTE: The Websites on the LIST are ALL "REAL PEOPLE" Type sites where real people own and operate them. Corporate sites are not on the list. The "Target" list released from FBI: lissa.com petit-girl.com dgbweb.com myclit.com denise-lester.com lovelysplace.com sexychyck.com jplace.com persiankitty.com sexkitten.com mystri.com bustydusty.com cyber dreammaker.inc ann1.com monicamonica.com largelovin.com jamb.com ambermodel.com tommys.com gingerhill.com asiacarrera.com katelyn.com legsworld.com dianaofdallus.com loriesroom.com blackmini.com jamesandvictoria.com sweetspot.com trina-off.com allisonpaige.com pantymime.com trina-look.com photophast.com moonmistique.com princessolivia.com cybermuffin.com JDL Computers Plus terrysplace.com privatctymos.com Systems Solutions Inc lynnsite.com webhoneys.com misslaurie.com kimspage.com brandi.net barbados.janey.com lissa.com sexymicah.com jordanlee.com jensplace.com myzteenite.com mystery.com risqueronee.com rosemary.com slickchick.com angiegirl.com (moonmist) augustlive.com dennis.com jwylde.com janesjungle.com illusionsworld.com shellyrowe.com rushmistress.net thewetlands.com (4jon.com) teasingterry.com microwave.com dreamnet.com pantygirl.com carolcox and danny cox 2sugar.com tammys.com tatiana.com

FBI Contact: Special Agent Rodney C. Andress and the phone is 410 749-5249, or contact Special Agent Timothy C. Sponagle at same nbr.

The controversial Bo (John Kenney) owner of LGIDistributors.com was in PornStarTrading.com Tuesday night. We had a huge fight going that I started. Porners in chat included Sin City's Matt Taylor, Craig Vasiloff, Gig Appleton, Jim Gunn and others.

l-keford1 Bo, what's the scoop?

bo-lgi just that i signed you to do a gay gang bang [the ultimate type of insult in hetero porno world]

bo-lgi no luke you get them first cause you make them up as you go

DirtyBob: If you are still talking to Rob, tell him that Tawni Lyons just called here and said to tell him hi. She is in Vegas shooting tonight.

OTTAWA, Feb 15 (Reuters) - The Canadian government on Tuesday defended an art exhibit it has put on in Paris in which actresses pose as prostitutes and engage in erotic conversations with visitors.

Swedish Porn Debate

STOCKHOLM, Feb 15 (Reuters) - A documentary analysing pornographic films which are broadcast in Sweden nightly has triggered a heated debate about airing explicit sex in the wake of the gang-rape of a 14-year-old girl. The documentary, 'The Shocking Truth', first aired on Sunday and to be shown to the nation's parliament on Wednesday, has put the spotlight on Swedes' traditionally liberal approach to sex. 'The Shocking Truth' revealed that some of the porn films broadcast nationwide by two cable channels after midnight contain scenes of violent sex and gangbangs.

Sven writes from Sweden: I just watched the "The Shocking Truth" film as it was aired on TV4 here in Sweden. The documentary was named after the films Shocking Truth that was aired on one of the cable channels. The film they were showing and talking about was Shocking Truth part 2. And they showed parts where Mila has sex with several men. The female parliament women claimed that Mila was raped, in fact she was gang raped. And there was no question about it. And a woman in the film that watched Mila have sex said she was on drugs and "that all women in the porn industry has been abused as children, cause that is something we all know." So she says..

The film was very much in the angle of "poor women being abused and raped by older men that wants to dominate women and treat them like animals." As the were showing these "interviews" with the girls prior to each scene where they would say things like: "I'm not very smart, but I know how to suck cock" All things pointing to how we men want to dominate women.

Then they moved on to show a young man that was abused as a child and how he moved on to be a prostitute. I assume they blame the porn industry for that as well. They continued by saying that women that got raped the next day would start to prostitute themselves cause "there's no point in trying to have a real life after the rape" Again this (in the film The Shocking Truth) was blamed on the porn industry. The woman in the documentary that was walking around talking to people in the industry and politicians herself have been in several porn films. I guess she's one in the long line of ex porn actors that distance themselves from the industry AFTER they left it.

At the end we get to see that the girl in the documentary "Lisa" is writing her final essay on a crappy university. Her professor tried to tell her that she has to be objective about her essay, but she doesn't want to be that. She thinks the porn industry is horrible. And we get to see her break down and cry hysterically when she watches Mila having sex. I don't know about you, but I don't think Mila is the one having sexual problems of the two. In all a very bad documentary about someone who got burned by the industry OR that can't deal with her past.

Daniel writes: Also watched The Shocking Truth. It definately was about the rougher parts of the porn business. What the documentary was trying to prove was that this kind of porn was unsuitable for pay channels, e.g. rougher porn where girls supposedly look drugged or as if they weren't consenting. Sweden does have laws to prevent real violence from being apart of a porn movie. Movies such as the Rough Sex series would probably not be allowed to be shown, or at least be border-line.

No-one really seems to object, at least that does not seem to be the main issue with this documentary, about the more mainstream porn movies. Relatives of mine seemed to get the idea that the general porn movies were of this kind, that women never consented in porn movies, and that they always had been abused, as said in this documentary. The documentary was made to show that this kind of 'rougher' porn should be illegal on TV, and it was well done. That is - to show politicians that they should do something about it.

I can't say I understand the point of porn movies where the girls are being slapped in the face, or tell their viewers about how they are good for nothing but hard anal sex or cocksucking. I can understand if a very limited group of girls do like this, but I dont know why they'd want to show that particular part to the world.

As a comment to what Sven said, if someone decides to take distance from the porn industry, they most likely leave it at the same time. His comment about that sounded somewhat ridicilous. The documentary was bad, it portrayed the porn industry as if it was all about rough sex, violence and unconsenting sex. But that was also the whole purpose of it, from the makers point of view.

The politicians on the other hand that were interviewed didn't seem like they were going to try to do much about it. What MIGHT get done, if anything, is a change in the law which defines what is to be considered violent sex. To me, it doesn't matter too much if it becomes illegal to show girls off as if they aren't consenting in a movie.

ABC writes: If the Swedes were trying to show a druged-out, American performer, they couldn't have picked a better example than Mila. Having been on the set with her numerous times, I can say that while starving herself, Xanax and wine coolers were her basic diet. It's sad that producers continue to hire girls like this(opposed to recommending counseling) just because they're willing to stick ANYTHING up their asses when it's obvious that they have serious problems that stem WAY deeper than the usual porn personnel. As always, this documentary didn't show the lyons share of performers who DON'T have drug or mental problems. And unfortunately, and so it goes...... Since this was a Swedish documentary, why didn't they focus on euro porn where they DO shoot rape and abuse, legally?

Tony writes: i saw the rough sex #1 video a few days ago out of curiosity and was the reason anabolic pulled it was because people felt it was too degrading to the women or because it was so damn boring to sit through? that tape wasn't nearly as rough as rocco siffredi's "animal trainer" vid or "never say never to rocco" from a few years back. some spanking and mild tit and face slapping donest make for "rough sex" sorry. if khan tushion had say fisting and or golden showers that would be sonething, but anyways it wasnt all that and it didnt help that mickey g , john dough , and mr marcus, three guys in need of charisma was the male talent. i like anabolic but they should stick to panochitas and the gang bang and anal videos (and get rid of vince vouyer and shawn michaels for christs sake!) and leave the harder stuff to guys like rocco and christoph clark and max hardcore without the speculums

Noah writes: Greg Dark has directed two music videos in the last several months. One was for Britney Spears, which many people know about, and now a Mandy Moore video. Mandy is only 15 years old and obviously had no clue to Dark's background. MTV did a Making of the Video show for the Moore video. Luke, try to catch a repeat and see Dark try to direct legit work. Besides you can his AD does all the work for him. He's clueless and so dull.

Brandy Alexandre writes: I received evidence today that Bianca Trump is still psychotic and has not found a life, an opinion echoed by the person who gave it to me. I got a call from the unemployment office saying they received a call on their hotline alleging that I was earning $70 an hour building a website at http://www.kamikaze.org and therefore engaged in benefits fraud. Bianca Trump has all along been upset that I was still getting money even though she was one in the party that wanted me to lose my job. She's upset that I get anything at all. It bothers her terribly that my having a real life in the legitimate world protects me. Bianca cried fraud in your column a number of times, and was even babbling about it in PsT, as seen in your posting of the chat log on February 1 and 2. So that leaves no doubt in anyone's mind that the report was Bianca Trump's doing. Anyway, I had alerted the unemployment department long ago that I had a stalker and this sort of thing could happen. Nice to see Bianca Trump is so predictable. They asked about the web site and I told them it was my personal web site--I certainly can't afford to pay myself that much to build it! They asked if it was a pay site, and I told them it was not and they could certainly visit it to see. She called me back 5 minutes later laughing; I guess I should have warned her. ;) We had a good laugh together and a discussion about the kind of loser who would commit such a crime. They gave me the information to give to police, which I have done.


Goddess writes: Although I miss my 16 'lil pups, I'm starting to get used to being in the doghouse with Mike South. We've even give each other affectionate nicknames. I call him "General Beauregard" or "The General" and he calls me "Troll Doll." It was a little lonely at first, but yesterday we had our first visitor. Amber something or other. She sat down and we shared a bowl of porn--I mean, corn flakes, but for some reason she really seemed to choke the General's chain, so I had to send her on her way. I'll bet ya $25 we never see HER again.

OH! and great news, Tragically Hip one! Guess who one of our next door neighbors is? Snoopy!! You remember him--he's the dog that got tossed from that Charlie Brown gig. Anyway, he was all depressed about losing his job, and I said, "Hey, Snoopy, get off the cross! Somebody else could probably use the wood! You put those typing skills to good use, and start hacking out porno scripts." Pssst!~ I would have suggested he act in some bestiality flicks, Gene, but he's really let himself go! He's gained a ton of weight, AND I don't want to spread nasty rumors, but I think he has fleas. Besides, Snoopy was never very attractive to begin with. I know, 'cause I checked him out several times. Gotta go, The General's a barkin'.

Gene writes on http://www.condomproject.com/msgboard/

Serge -- I am a man of ideas, you are a man of strategy and action. You seem to know all there is to know about the internet in its intimate technology, and how to cash in.

Here's an interesting niche. I have a couple of other ones if you are interested: Niche #1 - capitalize on the growth of internet investing and message boards like RB, Yahoo, etc. - but the focus is investor control of management role through facilitation of proxy voting -- directorships, company propositions, mergers, changes in top executives etc...

There is a lot of pent up emotion in terms of investor frustration that can be channeled so that they can "vote" with their shares in terms of the directions which management should take. This can be done by facilitation of the discussions regarding how they can make their vote count during proxy and voting.

A well-constructed website to coordinate this type of activity can be of benefit. On the other side, companies have need to be able to contact owners of their shares for critical votes, even delivery of proxy statements, retrieval of proxy votes. This can be facilitated on-line.

Critical also is the need for investor education regarding what can be done by the individual investor in terms of changing the mind set of management. I managed to strike a nerve, just testing this proposition at the RB IDC site. And it seems that there is much "anger" and willingness to do something to make management a little bit more concerned about investor sentiments. I refer you to some of the steps which can be addressed through a website of this sort. This is just preliminary, but there is a large area which can be addressed.


The kind of response it has engendered speaks for itself, on the RB board, as well as the "IDC Club". It is amazing what people will do for some semblance of authority. A primary need for a website such as this is the focus on synthesis -- all of the other websites produce independent posts which are a pain to wade through and cannot be synthesized by minor headings or cannot be tabulated without much pain. Just think, if you have an email address list, plus the actual names and addresses, of individual investors for each major trading corporation, you would be in fat city... I suppose that, as in all, perceived credibility is important.


Tuesday night:

<l-keford1> what's bo been saying?

<bo-lgi> just that i signed you to do a gay gang bang

<bo-lgi> no luke you get them first cause you make them up as you go

<l-keford1> Bo, please don't sue me, my sources gaves me bad information

<l-keford1> Bo, Craig mislead me

<CraigV> Excuse me?

<l-keford1> It's all Vasiloff's fault

<CraigV> hehe - I get too much of a bad rap from that association

<l-keford1> Bo, don't be the strong silent type, you can share your feelings here.

<l-keford1> You're among friends

* BobBlec notes the success of subliminal messages

<CraigV> I have to admit I am as shocked as anyone else when I read his site - and more so when the legal bills come in

<l-keford1> lol

<CraigV> That part is not funny

<BobBlec> Luke: if you give him a comfirting hug, I think he's gonna smack you

<l-keford1> Rob Spallone is on the phone

<l-keford1> And he says he a story on Bo for tomorrow that is going to rock the porn world

<l-keford1> Rob says Bo is a cunt

<BobBlec> Luke: remember, it's ok to pull the trigger

<l-keford1> Rob says Bo's own friend says he's a cunt

<CraigV> Luke - you are pushing it

<faldowritingbriefs> I am not sure I understand why Luke does what he does. I have no opinion,,just unsure of his motivation.

<l-keford1> Rob says tomorrow Bo is finished, drug stories

<adam> no offense luke, but if your'e going to start fights can you do it on your site, not here

<l-keford1> five other porners are gonna call me

<l-keford1> with the scoop on Bo

<l-keford1> Rob says Bo is a cunt and bulls--- artist

<CraigV> maybe I should put the target back Luke

<l-keford1> Rob says Bo likes to stick ecstasy up his ass

<CraigV> k - later guys - this is messy

<bo-lgi> yea i do drugs,f--- chicks,give them money ,and im a pimp

<l-keford1> Rob says Bo is a junkie

<l-keford1> His friends are laughing at him

<bo-lgi> me too

<l-keford1> Rob says he is gonna make Bo's head spin

<l-keford1> Bo has not returned Rob's calls

<bo-lgi> yours either

<l-keford1> Rob says Bo's friends laughed at him when he asked them to come beat up Rob

<l-keford1> Rob says Bo is a phoney f--- who screwed John Bone, Mike Esposito, Jim Gunn

<l-keford1> Rob says Bo should take a drug test

<l-keford1> and check yourself in

<faldowritingbriefs> I worry about you Luke. What is it inside you that makes you want to be an ass?

<l-keford1> I heard a tape recording of Bo telling Kendra to suck his dick

<l-keford1> and telling Kendra to shove her contract up his ass

<l-keford1> Rob is really fired up!

<GIGI> Hey Bo is it true you are opening an office near me in CA? ,;)

<l-keford1> jesus, rob is out for blood, bo

<faldowritingbriefs> why do you care Luke? I am a PST reg for almost three years. You? Just someone who likes to stir up trouble.

<l-keford1> rob claims he's gonna have about five guys call me tomorrow about bo

<BobBlec> Luke: just call?

<faldo> I dont have time for l-keford,,,,I stopped reading his site a while ago. It stopped being informative and started being just abrasive.

<l-keford1> i feel like i am being used

<Lakme> do you like that feeling Luke?

<Lakme> would you like more of it for 3.99 a minute? ;-)

<l-keford1> I just don't want to see anyone's reputation get hurt

<BobBlec> Luke: givee it a little time, and it'll cross over into "used and abused"

<l-keford1> What did Bo do to Rob to piss him off?

<l-keford1> I thought it was all settled?

<l-keford1> i try to create peace and brotherhood...

<Darth_Whack> *cough*

<bo-lgi> lol

<BobBlec> Luke: maybe it was... until someone instigated it all over again

<faldo> I dont think your role in PST is of a greater benefit than your detriment.

<adam> luke did you instigate fights on school playgrounds as a child?

<l-keford1> Matt, talk to me, I am your friend

<DirtyBob> run, matt, run!

<l-keford1> Matt, what do you think of Bo from LGI?

<MattTaylor> bo is alright, i like him personally

<l-keford1> Rob Spallone says he's a cunt

<MattTaylor> well, consider the source

<l-keford1> whaddya think of vasiloff

<MattTaylor> actually, i like rob personally also

<GIGI> Luke, quit being aN ASSHOLE AND PLAY NICE

<l-keford1> I wonder sometimes if the internet exacerbates tensions within the porn industry?

<l-keford1> Bo, Matt, Gigi, ur among friends, feel free to express yourselves

<MattTaylor> luke, all the tensions are in your head

<GIGI> I think it is silly and instigation, plain and simple. Luke you are a jerk!!!!!

<MattTaylor> luke knows all the people in the biz i do not like

<MattTaylor> and they are the ones that have f---ed me one way or another

<MattTaylor> luke, if i had all the money that is owed me, i could retire today

<CraigV> Luke is leaving the country soon - he figures he will be safe

<GIGI> He will think kangaroos make snuff films and are in the mafia

<MattTaylor> yes, that's right craig, luke will be safe in a country full of criminals

<MattTaylor> as a matter of fact, luke, that is almost far enough away, on the other side of the world

<bo-lgi> all most

<l-keford1> Matt, what is the nature of your domestic partnership with Buck?

<MattTaylor> does any austrailain airlines use md-80's

<Meni> bye

<Lakme> he'll find videos of XXX-supposedly- getting it on with a koala

<bo-lgi> lets buy one

<BobBlec> Matt: we'll find one that does

<bo-lgi> we'll pay for the ticket

<Lakme> Hey Luke: does the Buck Stop Here? ;-)

<MattTaylor> buck asked me to represent his new products internationally and on satillite

<l-keford1> You seem to be a father figure to him, or is it more older brother?

<MattTaylor> it is only a business relationship

<l-keford1> not sexual?

<Lakme> Hey Luke? How big is your penis?

<l-keford1> 5 inches

<bo-lgi> you can count that high

<Lakme> my. I bet Christi would *prefer* the dog.

<MattTaylor> that is the only jewish thing about luke, his dick

<l-keford1> I detected a note of annoyance and derision in Bo's remark

<bo-lgi> know im happy

<l-keford1> Bo, when I talked to Rob a few minutes ago, I noticed an underlying sense of hostility in his feelings towards you?

<Lakme> luke, you sound like larry king. stop already

<l-keford1> Bo, whatever you do, don't sic Paul Cambria on me again. He already thrashed me once.

<l-keford1> Hey Bo, I have Rob on the line

<l-keford1> i want to mediate this dispute

<Lakme> we don't need to know about your phone sex Luke

<bo-lgi> ok is he doing it

<bo-lgi> the line

<bo-lgi> what dispute

<l-keford1> btwn u, rob

<bo-lgi> dont got one you drunk again?

<l-keford1> who was your other contract girl aside from Kendra?

<bo-lgi> your the reporter

<l-keford1> not really

<l-keford1> ashley heart, what happened to her Bo?

<bo-lgi> doing great

<l-keford1> is she still with you?

<bo-lgi> yea under my desk

<l-keford1> Rob says Ashley has derogatory things to say about you

<l-keford1> as does Jim Gunn, says Rob

<l-keford1> Hey Jim, speak up

<bo-lgi> so do you but free speech is a bitch

<JimGunn> Luke if I want to bad mouth soemone i can do it for myself.

<l-keford1> Hey, I've never said anything bad about Bo

<l-keford1> I've only quoted things people said, i gave Bo a four star ethics ranking