
AND Cindy is dating and supporting Ryan Knox says Sophia

UPDATE- Psycho Cunt aka Butterfly aka Jade aka Sophia Mounds will be called Sophia from now on


This first paragraph is taken from my story on CindisNakedTruth.com , and has been changed for the worse (keep reading, its gets better)

I am known, as a nice writer who’s been doing porn for a long time. I am nice, sometimes! Some say I am TOO nice. I will  show you how evil, I can be when I write. No, Luke Ford doesn’t write on Luke is back anymore, I do.  If you want controversial stories, with really good flaming wars, check it out! If it’s too scary, you can always come back here to Cindynakedtruth, my nice side, lol.

This is going to get a little confusing, but bear with me. The above paragraph, along with the below story are from a blog written by someone with an e-mail address that starts with Lost Butterfly Hottie. Since this person says I called her a crazy-chick, it is the same person who sent me an e-mail with a myspace page where she named herself Psycho Cunt. The e-mail’s Subject is Sophie Mounds although it comes from someone named Jade. I didn’t publish the e-mails she sent me because she basically said lots of crazy shit about  Jeremy Steele, Ryan Knox, Mike, and Justin ( no last names on the last two because I don’t know if they are their real names or if they are in porn and it’s their porn names.) ANYWAY, Sophie Butterfly Jade Psycho Cunt didn’t like that I didn’t print her whole e-mails ( which I will now send to the above guys so they can see what she is spreading) because they were so full of statements that could get her ( and me ?) sued. I told her she could leave her e-mails as a comment on LIB, but I guess that wasn’t good enough, SO she started her own blog and is writing about ME now. THere are four "stories".    I am one story,  and the other three have been rewritten ( VERY BADLY) from information on LIB  Here’s ME- story number one.

Hi this is the Creator of, the wonderful world of porn.  I have a huge problem with Luke is back. Why? Because it is run by a bitch, named Cindy. Who didn’t run my-side of the story in the post I sent her , because she is having sex and living with my x-Ryan Knox. Cindy called me a crazy-chick, that I could not write or spell and that I must have been drunk when I wrote the post, to have written what I sent her! How do I know Ryan is seeing Cindy? Because I checked his comment’s area months ago on my space. Cindy a.k.a, Luke is back, left a comment for Ryan telling him she missed him.  So I sent her a message on my space telling her, that Ryan is fucking nut’s!  You think that, that would of been enough for the stupid bitch.  Guess not! So she fucked up my post and now is financially supporting Ryan Knox, he left a message on (xxx porn talk) saying; “ that he’s a fucking looser, who can-not take care of himself, who needs to be taken care of”. So (Cindy not Luke) supports Ryan Knox.  Ryan Knox drives, by my work in a very expensive car, that she is paying for! She fucked up my post, because she is a jealous, evil, bitch, who’s just mad, because Ryan sent me a letter, telling me to move in with my dad and how very, very, much he loved me. She’s just as nut’s as Ryan is! Don’t write this bitch anything! She’s a hater! Who uses (And) to start sentences, that’s retarded. Don’t waste your time. She can’t write. Compare the two posts ! The only thing that’s better in the two posts, is that mine is just better and makes sense.

Butterfly hottie

19 thoughts on “AND Cindy is dating and supporting Ryan Knox says Sophia

  1. Of all people Ryan Knox? Bring in the popcorn.

  2. jeremiahsteele says:


    Jade is “Sophia Mounds”, my psycho and insane ex roommate who got drunk on two bottles of wine and attacked me because she said I killed her cat (I told her if she moved in she couldn’t have her cat because it pissed all over her previous apartment. Instead of corresponding with my cat rescuer friend Leni, she decided to bring it to pound and it was put to sleep). Like I said you can hear on the 9-1-1- call I made her screaming “I’m gonna fucking kill you” over and over and over. I called 9-1-1 three times. After I called the second time she saw I called and decided to call 9-1-1- in retaliation. When the cops arrived the first things she started saying was I was a douchebag and killed her cat. When the cops were about to leave as I agreed not to press charges if she behaved she walked into her room came out and said, in a ‘by the way’ fashion, “He hit me”. The case was dropped by the DA as a DA reject before it ever went to a judge but because upon very close exaination the cop could see some kind of mark on her lip which from my site I could not see, I was arrested, and because it happened late one Thursday nite under lightning filled skies I didn’t get out until Monday afternoon.

    Prophetically, as I warned Mike Hash to watch out with her, that she’ll attack him next, call him a ‘back-staper’ (as she spells it) and take vengeance in her “in war there are no rules” (as she said it) style for her dillusions of persecution. Now she’s attacking Justin Syder, as well as me, Hash, Knox and now Cindi.

    Jade is now saying Mike Hash and Ryan Knox are gay lovers. She also started shittalking LIB and saying all sorts of stupid, insane and self-incriminating shit on Mike Hash’s myspace. See Mike Hash’s myspace at http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewprofile&friendid=4159476&MyToken=58e11b1b-e5be-4ac9-b219-30d3f5e161b8

    We had mutual correspondence there as it was the only way for me to contact her (her myspace settings do not allow non-friends emails). But she’s been bugging Hash to take the comments down and he won’t.

    I just lost a really cool roommate I had for less than a month after Sophia because she got word of through a mutual friend (who coincidentally asked her to be his roommate as well) regarding the accusations made by Jade as well as Nick East, another ex roommate, who said I or one of my friends broke into his van window which was parked on the street and stole his video camera.

    I just talked to Nick Last night who said he’s out of the business now and moving with a 19 y.o g.f. to Hawaii and that he was gonna come over and kick my ass, but of course, as usual he didn’t come by. I wasn’t even trying to instigate anything just
    calmly asked for him to explain to me for the record what is the evidence he has that I broke his window and stole his video camera and he said because when I went to check out the damage I didn’t offer to help him clean it up and that I was smiling about it (which I never was).

    I just people would simply examine the facts in these matters. This shit is really evil and fucked up.

  3. jeremiahsteele says:

    her email by the way was lostbutterflyhottie
    and her myspace name is “the real psycho cunt”
    i’m not making this up

  4. “I wasn’t even trying to instigate anything just
    calmly asked for him to explain to me for the record what is the evidence he has that I broke his window and stole his video camera and he said because when I went to check out the damage I didn’t offer to help him clean it up and that I was smiling about it (which I never was). ”

    Jeremiah, how many videocameras have you been accused of stealing?

  5. The Colonel says:

    I wonder why every controversy, fiasco and pshycopathic misadventure in the adult industry eventually leads to Germy Steal. Probably when Kimberly (last name removed) goes to her trail on October 14, she too will stand in front of the judge and say: Germy Steal made me do it.

  6. jeremiahsteele says:

    I’m a mental magnet Colonel, but I threw it away. I’ve had enough excitement. Unfortunately mouths are still running and the earth is still flat to certain people who keep hearing that as well.

    To answer your question, rics: one

    1. Nick East accused me based on no evidence.

    2. The other matter wasn’t an accusation based on no evidence it was a lie bold face lie from “Deep Throat” aka Luke Ford off XPT who said that the offices of JM productions caught me on video surveillance. Someone ask JM to show them what video surveillence they have, or please ask Jim Powers, Tony Malice or Jeff Steward if it’s true, and if so why I have I never been called by them or arrested. Also ask Johnny Thrust who is or was Jim’s PM who have since booked me for work.

    The reason Deep Throat Luke wrote that was in retaliation for me having given him shit for various slanders he has posted against other people in the industry. Also, when I originally wrote about my problems with Nick back in ’05, he refused to name Nick’s name. It turns out Luke Ford isn’t frightened by threats of lawsuits since he’s broke (that why he says he doesn’t care what he says and to go ahead and sue him because he’s got nothing) but when Nick threatened him with violence he removed the story. So knowing that I was accused by Nick back then of stealing a video camera based on no evidence whatsoever, as a good laugh and revenge tactic he thought he was clever and came up with that lie on xxxporntalk.com, then as he does quoted himself as the source on lukeisback.com

    Please let stick to facts, not any “oh I heard this over and over so it must be true” form of severe retardation. As I’ve said before, all it takes is one asshole to create and spread a lot of shit… unfortunately there is more than one malicious asshole in the biz, and there are definitely more at least a few that are just plain loco.

  7. jeremiahsteele says:

    Btw, I must have missed something, what does “SBJPC” stand for?

    This thing Jade wrote proves her mental illness, as do all her posts. Check it out at Mike Hash’s myspace. Again, she keeps taking things that are said to or about her and saying the same thing about others. IN PARTICULAR, read the very bottom of what she wrote and you’ll see that on Hash’s myspace that’s exactely one of the last thing I commented about her; her broken up sentances. As shown over and over and over again, she’s unable to aknowledge what she says or does and turns around and tries to pin the accusation on someone else, instead. The following missive is her best and most impressive attempt so far to write in literate english but she still fails. A lot of us may make grammatical errors sometimes if we’re thinking and typing too fast, but she makes the same exact errors repeatedly.

    “Hi this is the Creator of, the wonderful world of porn. I have a huge problem with Luke is back. Why? Because it is run by a bitch, named Cindy. Who didn’t run my-side of the story in the post I sent her , because she is having sex and living with my x-Ryan Knox. Cindy called me a crazy-chick, that I could not write or spell and that I must have been drunk when I wrote the post, to have written what I sent her! How do I know Ryan is seeing Cindy? Because I checked his comment’s area months ago on my space. Cindy a.k.a, Luke is back, left a comment for Ryan telling him she missed him. So I sent her a message on my space telling her, that Ryan is fucking nut’s! You think that, that would of been enough for the stupid bitch. Guess not! So she fucked up my post and now is financially supporting Ryan Knox, he left a message on (xxx porn talk) saying; “ that he’s a fucking looser, who can-not take care of himself, who needs to be taken care of”. So (Cindy not Luke) supports Ryan Knox. Ryan Knox drives, by my work in a very expensive car, that she is paying for! She fucked up my post, because she is a jealous, evil, bitch, who’s just mad, because Ryan sent me a letter, telling me to move in with my dad and how very, very, much he loved me. She’s just as nut’s as Ryan is! Don’t write this bitch anything! She’s a hater! Who uses (And) to start sentences, that’s retarded. Don’t waste your time. She can’t write. Compare the two posts ! The only thing that’s better in the two posts, is that mine is just better and makes sense.

    Butterfly hottie”

  8. jeremiahsteele says:

    There’s literally just too many I could pick but here just some of Jade’s quotes from Mike Hash’s site. According to Jade is Ryan Knox’s gay lover LOL http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewprofile&friendid=4159476&MyToken=58e11b1b-e5be-4ac9-b219-30d3f5e161b8

    Aug 23, 2008 3:34 PM
    =@life=gone {!thank god!}


    Aug 28, 2008 12:47 AM
    Peaches are golden delishious. Made by a man and come in a can. I love that song! But i cant remeber the name ??? Im c-r-a-z-y!! Thats why men love me! Cus im-insane-just; frikin, nuts b-a-b-y! Whats, love got ta do with it? Loves, a secound f-ing hand emotion! Im more fun-then a joint or any drug. But just like with, any drug i could give ya a bad trip! I admit im insane! I do not have a problem; with my future nut check! Ha-ha-he-he; there coming to take me away; ha-ha-he-he! But late ive been keepin chil; sorta. My momy told me to never ever lie! I dont know if that was one of the 18 difrent vioces in my head? Malisa! Shut up! I can’t hear sandra. Sandra! What day is it? Anyway the voices are tellin me to go to bed.

    Aug 30, 2008 8:33 AM
    Ya me an ryan are best friends now! He just loves the fact that you went to jail! He gota a real good laugh out of it.

    Sep 1, 2008 12:03 PM
    1. Your insane. 2. Ryans insane. 3. You are a drama king. 4. Ryan left 40 messages in 30 mimutes. Then told me i was herrassing him. 5. The only mental prob i had was dealing witg the both of you. Im glad your both gone! And are not wanted back.

    Sep 8, 2008 8:51 AM
    Everythings fair in war.

    Sep 8, 2008 9:58 AM
    Choas ive lived an intire live time with choas. I never think about the things i do! I just do them. Theres no plan! No secret schemes. The situation just worked in my favor. I had the chance and took it! I never look back cus i believe in letting the bodies hit the floor.I do not posses a conscious.

    Sep 15, 2008 5:30 PM
    I have quit drinking. Doing drugs

    Sep 15, 2008 5:30 PM (same post)
    I never posted anything about you on a gossip sight.

    Sep 21, 2008 12:24 AM

    What do your f-d up posts say to people? Nothing. They proof I cant spell. But spelling is all your able to do. I told (luke, f-head, ford). To f-off. Why? Because hes got somthing in comon with you. You wana know what that is? Your both retards! Did I spell that right for you? A-hole! Is my gramer right? Jack-off! Your a D*CK plain and simple. You know what guys call you, in the wonderful world of porn? D-bag! They call you, (jeremy lies, steels) notice the word, “lies”. The only retard, whos been on the attack, is you! Heres somthing you should know, (I DONT GIVE 1 MUCH LESS 2 F*CKS WHAT YOU OR SOMEONE LIKE YOU THINKS!) Plese-please-please-please, post this message. Because in your warped, clouded, way of thinking. You think my messages and posts make you look innocent! They dont! They just make you look insane. I told luke his f-d up future. Your future is so f-d, that to even mention it, seems cruel! So im not. But, I do know! Ive known! Thats why, I dont want to talk to you anymore, your like the tytanic. Your a (ship-wreck!) You will take me and anyone else down with the, (S.S-JERIMIAH). Dont be a d*ck for the rest of your life! Change! How much longer, do you think you can do porn? Are you a human tampon? Your telling me and the world. That the only, f-ing thing you can do. Is make porn? Maybe if you spent as much time doin somthing positive. Instead of causing drama and trying to do bad things! You could change & get outa porn! You could do somthing good for someone else. Besides helping only your-self. Your a pack rat. Most of your stuff is worthless. You think that people are just f-ing you over for no reason. Alot of people hate you for really good reasons. Stop, calm-down and think. How can I make my life beter? What would make my life worse? How can I get people to like me? Please do all of us a favor and change. Focus on positive people. We dont hang out. Im outa your life. For chrirts sake or any other religious figure. Move on. Im not the same. Everyone can change

  9. HashBlast says:

    [Joker (aka Jermey Steel) hands Two-Face (aka Sophia Mounds) a gun and points it at himself]

    “Introduce a little anarchy. Upset the established order, and everything becomes chaos. I’m an agent of chaos. Oh, and you know the thing about chaos? It’s fair.”

    take the comments down Sophia? your just too much fun, I want to watch you play…

  10. Larry Horse says:

    Steele, this is funny shit, only you could get involved in this…though she is right about you, except for the human tampon part, that’s Johnny Thrust. Can she stalk the trannyfucker so he can run his trannyfucked ass back to Texas?

  11. The Colonel says:

    This is quality fucking comedy. I couldn’t pay for something like this: the clash of middle age, manic depressive, broke, homeless prostitutes. I laughed so hard I spew beer all over my fucking keyboard. Germy, the next time if you see this whore, don’t just beat her, break her spine, bash her skull, kill her just for the fuck of it.

  12. jeremiahsteele says:

    Why can’t I live a nice, boring life?

    I crave boredom, but have no idea what it is.

  13. “If you want controversial stories, with really good flaming wars, check it out!”

    gimme a break, you expose some ex porner turned christian, but you won’t print kayden kross aka Kimberly (last name removed name cause you’re desperate to get her to blog for you

  14. “who said I or one of my friends broke into his van window which was parked on the street and stole his video camera.”

    ffs steele what is it with you and stolen video camera accusations? btw if you’re actually knocking them off kudos to you because there’s no overheads and you’re almost immediately in profit, steal some lights + a still camera and jeremy steele productions is ready to start shooting.

  15. I miss BigDickDaddy, Jeremy is so try-hard it’s painful to read.

  16. jeremiahsteele says:

    I understand kyanit3, it seems difficult for you to write, as well.

    lostbutterflyhottie Jade aka “The Real Psycho C*nt” on myspace, as I’ve told her has this amazing ability to assume misinterpret things that are not true and then react with threats of violence.

    She used to tell everyone we were boy and girlfriend when we never were. One time she made came over and there was a girl over and she freaked out, walked off, kept calling and screaming threats of violence. The phone malfunctioned and I couldn’t shut it off she was literally calling so many times back to back.

    I once responded noticed a myspace bulletin that Ryan Knox wrote which read “Simple as a Pimple”. I left a myspace comment said that’s pretty dumb. He writes back and says “Pimple has the word ‘pimp’ in it”, so I responded with the comment “Now that you’ve explained it to me, it’s even worse”. Jade apparently reads it and FREAKS out, leaving me voice mail after voice mail while I’m working “WHAT DID YOU SAY TO HIM ABOUT ME? YOU BETTER FUCKING EXPLAIN YOURSELF AND CALL ME BACK RIGHT AWAY OR ELSE!!!”, etc. She’s a major fucking psycho retard. And now she says Cindi is Ryan’s sugar momma? Uhh, for one, with all these advertising revenues this site is generating I doubt it. And what is this accusation based on? The claim that Cindi allegedly left a “I miss you message” on his space which if actually happened could simply mean “I miss talking to you”. Or maybe they hang out or know each other. Who knows? Who cares?

  17. Larry Horse says:

    Steele, if you had a normal life you wouldnt be in porn. Since the world is short at least one mortgage broker, find yourself some ex-Vivid girl and rip off some veterans. I saw the back cover of a recent Will Ryder DVD and I didnt see your name on it.

  18. jeremiahsteele says:

    Larry The Horse wrote:

    “Steele, if you had a normal life you wouldnt be in porn.” – Excellent insight, Larry. I think you’re onto something…

    “Since the world is short at least one mortgage broker, find yourself some ex-Vivid girl and rip off some veterans.” – No, Larry, even if I had the evil inclination I could never come close to competing with the gov’t, so why bother?

    “I saw the back cover of a recent Will Ryder DVD and I didnt see your name on it.” Golly gee, Larry, I never suggested I was in every Will Ryder flick.

    If I ever shoot a flick with a hard up chick willing to fuck a horse on video, I’ll sure to name the horse ‘Larry’ and then I’ll dub in some stupid talking horse comments such as are made on Lukeisback.

  19. jeremiahsteele says:

    Ok, now I understand “SBJPC” to stand for Jade/Sophia Mounds, in other words SophiaButterflyJadePsychoCunt.

    Why not just call her by her stage name?

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