NL- Thank you Kelli. I feel much better about this now. I am SURE that when the owner sees what is on that site he will pull the affiliate account.
Kelli Says:
I just spoke with the owner of Mallcom and I can assure you that he had no idea whatsoever who this person was, nor what kind of site they were running. He doesn’t keep up with those kind of things.
And he doesn’t personally sit around and check out every site that applies for an affiliate account. However he said he will look into the affiliate manager that approved this account in the first place. “Clearly they need a talking to.”
After my discussion with him he said it appears that the PWL site is in violation of their established terms of service he will look into having the affiliate account cancelled.
In addition he wanted me to remind you guys that anyone who knows how to type and fill out a form online can request an affiliate account with them, as they’ve been running an affiliate program since 1996, so anyone can request an account. This does not however mean they as a company endorses the site that their banners appear on …. to say that they do is just asinine.
It’s like saying every person in he world who has ever promoted a Monica Foster movie, she personally endorses because they promoted her movie.
Anyway, while any person can request an affiliate account, when situations like this arise, the terms of service are upheld and if a company is doing anything illegal or shady, those accounts are simply cancelled.
For someone like Monica Foster to say what she has about Mallcom could be considered libel and slanderous and her comments and posts have been submitted for review to their legal department.
To be clear they are aware of the drama that Monica Foster likes to dig up and they will not respond to her publicly. If in the future she wishes to continue her behavior they will just let legal handle it.
Had PWL bothered to read the terms when they signed up they would have seen this little nifty bit in the terms …
4) Responsibility for Your Site.
…. You shall also be responsible for ensuring that materials posted on your site(s) do not violate or infringe upon any laws including, but not limited to the rights of any third party (including, for example, copyrights, trademarks, privacy, or other personal or proprietary rights), and ensuring that materials posted on your site(s) are not libelous or otherwise illegal (including depictions of actual, implied or simulated bestiality, rape, incest, child pornography, or any other content deemed inappropriate or illegal).
They have taken it down!! You can’t expect hateful people to read the fine print unfortunately. Good Work Kelli!!
OK lets be honest here…Kelli thats bullshit
Mallcom was notified of pwl 3 weeks ago in sponsorchat and mallcom said then publicly that they were terminating the affiliate account…they didnt.
so to say you just found out is simply NOT TRUE.
OK so you finally did the right thing….good… now do the right thing and make public who the affiliate checks went to….or send the info to me and I will make it public without involving you.
now you can put your money where your mouth is for real.
PWL was looking for affiliates that would pay be paypal on the webmaster forum so they could remain anonymous. Highly doubt there’s any check
@Mike — If what you write is true (and I have no reason to doubt it), then kudos to you on this.
Mallcom in the middle.
Mar 12th 2011 7:14 am
#1 Porn Wiki Leaks
Join Date:Mar 2011Posts:12Porn Wiki Leaks is looking to do Pay Per Click Advertising
Hello Digitalpointers,
If you have not heard of us yet we are and run a very controversial website with over 15000 porn stars real names on wiki pages, a forum, tube, and much more. We are only 2 months old and seeing some big traffic and not sure how to make money of it or even just pay our bills yet and here is why.
Because of the type of site we run we are under constant attack in every way you can think of, so we want to remain 100% anonymous and be paid through paypal and wondering if anyone here can steer us in the right direction?
Black label ads contacted “US” and lied to us saying they wanted to do this and do business with us, later we found out they only wanted to find out who was behind our website when they changed there story saying they wouldnt pay paypal and would only do a bank wire. We kind of knew what was up as soon as we got the strange email from them out of the blue asking for us to promote them and join the program.
Anyways any thoughts from you guys?
Mike South is correct. See
@Mark – “Howard Johnson is right!”
Blazing Saddles!!
Mike I did just find out. I don’t work for them so I don’t know every little detail about what goes on there. I found out when Cindi posted about it on this site. Although I do consulting with them and well many other clients from time to time, I don’t babysit every one of them. I don’t know every single thing, every single client of mine does at all time. So please don’t state as a matter of fact that I knew, because in fact I didn’t.
Anywho Mike you have an email. ^^
Kelli I didnt say you knew or didnt BUT when you say that the owner didnt know….thats bullshit he knew
so dont take it personal
now what i want to know is who the checks went to, even if its a paypal account I want to know. If you really want to help make that info available. If mallcom just wants to pay lip service then dont start talking lawsuits and copping a holier than thou attitude. You may not like how Monica said it but she had it right, now do the right thing…..or dont, either way your true colors (mallcoms) will show.
One other thing I noticed about PWL is one of their ad sponsors is Dirty D. Dirty D has an arrest record that includes public indecency of the homosexual nature. One of those “caught in a public restroom” type of incidents. So is he included in their list of “fags”? Plus, isn’t he awaiting trial still for filming an underage chick?
Like people think people in adult really give a shit who their affiliates are. And then when called out there is the excuse we didnt know, its a rouge affiliate or some bullshit. I had a friend who worked for a big program all they did was look at the numbers and where their traffic was coming from all day long. So this we didnt know is bullshit.If one actually had balls and came out and said yep we know and we dont give a fuck. I could almost respect that.
I was under the impression that Dirty D posts on PWL as well. If anyone knows for sure though feel free to correct me. PWL is not really about gays anyway. It’s about every group that’s easy to attack, be it “homos,” blacks, or whores. There are no real solutions to the problem of STD’s in porn etc, and no “leaks.” Mostly slander, cheap name calling, shit talking and dumb lies. The fact that the PWL assholes won’t reveal their own identities pretty much says it all.
I would doubt Dirty D is anything more than a sponsor, his sites probably appeal to the base of PWL…maybe. He could have also got it cheap, if he goes wanna bet Brazzers tries to get those banners. That’s if PWL doesnt accidently drop a major dime on Manwin. If the Pirate Hunters were smart and spent some of the money they’re spending on the guppies they could bag the shark, or get some real lawyers to f**k Thylmann up. Though I am still confused about the legitimacy of going after tube sites that get their material via Canadian managed sites or of course Panama.
Tigger, yer’ right about the criteria it requires to be a target of PWL. One shining example of this is their crusade against ADT moderator BonoOne. There’s really no reason to be so hateful of Bono, other than the fact that he’s a lulzy fanboi. I mean, he’s fun to ridicule because he puts himself out there for it, big time with all of the retarded twitter messages he has between him and perfomers, but there’s absolutely no justification for harrassing the man’s family, person, or home.
Also, remember, PWL started out (under the old name, which I won’t post to save Cindi some trouble) with a pretty solid focus on two industry people that consisted of a crossover performer and his agent. The random attacks on whoever was most fun and illicited the funniest reaction didn’t start until they changed their name and started recruiting full time psychopaths (notice that XPT went from slow to almost completely dead when PWL came out with it’s new name and format).
I don’t think Keli knew, but Mallcom and its management dropped the ball on this one.
@ Shneerson, WRONG. PWL went out of its way to avoid using paypal in order dodge accountability. They were soliciting donations and ads via PM. Probably how they wound up in bed with a pee-wee herman wannabe like Dirty D.
@ Fartz: Why is anyone puzzled over the fact that Donny is in bed with Danza? The same Donny who keeps a Gay/Tranny section on that broke-ass “jobs” site of his? The same Donny who was best pals with both Seth Dickens and Kurt “My sexuality is very advanced” Lockwood?
Assuming that Mallcom is finally living up to it’s word and severing it’s last ties to PWL, the focus ought to shift to those who are still in bed with them. Danza’s taking a beating on sponsorchat himself, and has had run-ins with the US Attorney in Florida I’m sure he doesn’t want to re-live.
Although, as of right now, the Mallcom banner is STILL up.
Turns out their account was terminated about a week before this story broke on this site. However Mallcom doesn’t own PWL so they can’t control when they take the banners down.
I was given a copy of the letter sent to them. So them sending traffic to Mallcom is pointless for them because they aren’t being paid for it. Their account was cancelled. The head affiliate manager guy there, this guy named Ric apparently was on the ball and took care of this account for us already.
I’m waiting on a response from the owner of Mallcom, getting permission to share the letter with you. I don’t know if I am allowed to do that so when I hear back from them I will share the letter if I can.
Thank you, Kelli. I should think it would be in their interest to make the letter public.
I was talking about Dirty D (M**e S***m) the Crackwhore Confession Tampa guy, not Dirty Danza. I knew Danza was an ad sponsor, but I don’t know anything else about the guy other than he likes to shoot porn with chicks puking on his junk. I can see where it’s easy to get the two confused, name-wise.
Thanks for your efforts in this matter.
I, too, think it would be in their interest to make the letter public.
Pigler, is it true you were escorted off a Hustler shoot because you had dog shit on your shoes and tracked it all over the place
Cindy – nice job censoring my comments
Wow, what a damning story Schneer, why don’t you fucking kill yourself or at least disappear. You serve no worthy purpose.
Uh, I saw a report that this happened today. Fatso couldn’t even tell he had dog shit all over his shoes and smelled like poo because he’s used to it, but everyone noticed right away.
I’d respond to you and have some more to say to baldy Whitacrestein, but Cindy would censor again
Jeremy that story was actually Donny Long. Really quite funny.
Menachem Schneerson,
Once again you are repeating RUMORS you read on PWL. Big mistake. Also, again, YOU FAIL!!!
Actually it was your pal Donny Long with dog shit on his shoes! lol
Want proof? Click here: or read below:
By Scott Fayner / April 1, 2008
Some stories are a joy to write. This is one of them.
My spy over at Hustler tells me that Donny Long, the guy everyone wishes was Dave Pounder, showed up unannounced yesterday to a Hustler set in Malibu with dog shit on the bottom of his shoes. He tracked it all over the house before realizing it.
The funny thing was that he had the dog shit on his shoes all day as there was no dog at the location to leave shit for Donny to step on and track all over the beautiful home.
What kind of person has dog shit on their shoes and doesn’t notice it?
Donny Long.
The owner of the house personally escorted Mr. Long off the property telling him to never return.
My spy estimated the damage to be around $500. “There was a lot of dog shit tracked up and down the carpeted stairs! What a dipshit!”
Donny probably didn’t notice the dog shit because of all the shit that was already leaking out of his ass.
Pigler, you would have to be the main suspect. With your 12,000+ calorie daily diet, you must take some massive elephant dumps
That Donkey’s a real jackass! Hee Haw. He’s got shit under his shoes, on his ass and in his head!
Not surprised that Jackass Donny is the real dog shit story patient zero. Maybe he will now attempt payback by openning a wiki on his PWL page about the owner of the house.
That Donkey’s truly full of shit, from top to bottom, inside and out… on his ass and even under his shoes. He must be hiding out in Osama’s former cave.
So, Kelli, what’s the deal with the letter? Mallcom’s silence is puzzling.
Either he’s trying not to piss off PWL so they don’t go after him, or he’s playing both sides of the fence – funding PWL while telling the porn industry that he’s not. I smell a rat, but it could just be all the vermin swarming around waiting for the porn industry to die.